Revised September 2014 Syllabus and Expectations 2014-2015 Grade 7 Spanish Introduction/Exploratory/Encore Time: Class meets 44 minutes daily for one semester 11:00 AM-11:44 AM Teacher: Señora Berg Email: Telephone: 701-323-6300* Best time to call: after 2:30PM; leave voice message anytime *Home School: Legacy High School-Hughes Educational Center Parents please consider this open invitation to share any special cultural tradition or language other than English with your child’s class during Spanish class time, but please call in advance. Although we are studying the Spanish language, it is very important for students to learn about and the value of cultures in addition to their own. It’s important to recognize that students will not become fluent in another language after twenty classes. It is my wish that students will 1) become interested in other cultures and 2) learn English better. Class content. Primary resources used for Simle Middle School are Invitation to Languages by Schmitt, Conrad. 2007. In addition to Spanish, the book includes exploratory content for Italian, French, German, Latin and Japanese languages. A set of books will be kept in the classroom. Students may check out a book upon request. “Students can do…” statements (reverse side) revised April 2013 Materials A one-subject notebook to leave in classroom file. Student planners. Write dialogues in planner and practice aloud at home. Writing tool and assignments. Class requirements and procedure Students must come to class prepared with a pencil. They will get their own notebook and folder from the file cabinet drawer, seat themselves and begin copying the cultural information into a designated section of their notebook. Classroom rules are posted; procedures were discussed the first day and will be reviewed as necessary. Cell phones, electronic devices Place your electronic devices in the designated area upon arriving and retrieve them at the end of class. Responsible use policy means if student has a valid reason, he/she/we may use them with direction and permission during class. Homework assignments Time will usually be allowed during class if after homework has been assigned so students can get assistance if necessary. Major assignments and dialogues are to be written in planners. Throughout the course, homework will almost always be oral practice, memorization and conversation practice for performance the next class period. Parents, your children won’t become fluent in Spanish in nine weeks. However, just as you encouraged your child to first start speaking, please encourage him/her to practice speaking their new words and phrases aloud! Homework return Usually, assignments will be graded in class. REMEMBER, NEVER GIVE UP! Earning some points is always better than earning no points, no matter what the letter grade might be! Most homework is verbal practice and memory work; check planners for the assigned task and practice, practice aloud! Class absences Please check with me to see if you need to make up any missing work. If you know ahead of time that you will be gone for a period of time, ask for work ahead of time and confirm a “study buddy” to get missed information from his or her planner. Tests and verbal assignments can be made up by arrangement as soon as you return. If enough advance notice is given, we may design alternative assignments relating to the special events and travel you’re involved in. Evaluation of language learning is important feedback for the student and teacher to check progress. Quizzes and tests may be performance-based, oral and/or written. North Dakota State Standards for Foreign/World Languages will be linked to assignments on PowerSchool for your information. Grades Categories: Classwork/ Practice & Participation, Homework, Tests, Quizzes, Special projects, Enrichment/Extra credit. See expanded definitions of each category in your student’s PowerSchool account. Total points will be calculated to reach percentage grade point average and letter grade as stated in Simle Middle School Student Handbook section of student planners. Tutoring I will only be at Simle for the class, so to get tutoring from me during or right after school will be difficult, although not impossible. There are a number of free web sites that offer great tutorials and interactive practice. AVISO (WARNING): Always be sure parents are involved and aware of ALL internet content! If you must register for a web site, get permission from parents/guardians. One of my favorite free student web sites are the flashcards and games on because it has an audio feature. Shared Activities> Spanish at is a fun little site that can enhance learning, but because it, like the first site mentioned, contains user-generated content, may not be completely accurate or reliable. Private tutoring for adults and students in Spanish and English can also be arranged-contact me. Food and drink is obviously essential for life. Studying world languages and cultures, therefore, may include occasions to experience foods and beverages influenced by Hispanic cultures. Students may bring approved* treats to share with their classmates. Please, no peanuts, tree nuts or by-products. *2006-2007, Bismarck Public Schools “Nutritional Guidelines” are provided at the district office. Con respeto, Señora Berg Exploratory/Encore/Introduction to Spanish “Student can….” Statements 1. Spanish alphabet Can spell words using the Spanish alphabet. 2. Greetings and good-byes Can appropriately greet and say good-bye in Spanish. 3. How are you? Can ask how someone is feeling. Can express how he/she is feeling. 4. Where are you from? Can ask where someone is from. Can state where he/she is from. Can identify Spanish-speaking countries. 5. “Do you like?” questions Can ask someone about his/her likes and dislikes. Can state his/her personal likes and dislikes. 6. Drinks / Foods Can order something to drink and eat in a Spanish-speaking country. Learn about cultural differences in foods. 7. Clothing / Colors Can identify items of clothing. Can identify basic colors. 8. Numbers Can use Spanish numbers. 9. Animals Can identify animals in Spanish. 10. Body Parts Can identify basic body parts. \\701-core-fsemp2\employee2\melinda_berg\Documents\All Spanish\Syllabus Spanish GR7 2014-2015.docx