Course Content: Welcome to Biology class! The purpose of this course is to provide exploratory experiences, laboratory and real-life applications in the biological sciences.
The content includes, but is not limited to, the nature of science (matter, energy, and chemical processes of life), cells (biology, reproduction, and communication), genetics , levels of organization (classification, and taxonomy), structure, function, and reproduction of plants, animals, and microorganisms, behavior of organisms, biological selection, adaptations, and changes through time. Basic high school competency skills (e.g., SI units and conversions) will also be reinforced. Laboratory investigations on selected material are an integral component of this course and include the use of scientific research, measurement, laboratory technologies, and safety procedures.
Biology is a mandatory EOC course. This school year, passing the Biology EOC state exam is a requirement.
Continuous effort amongst students, teachers and parents is imperative to student success.
Students will receive a grade in Biology based on the following grading scale:
A = 90-100% Superior
B = 80-89% Above Average
C = 70-79% Average
D = 60-69% Below Average
F = Below 60% Failing
*No grades will be curved in this course
Grades given will based on quizzes, tests, lab reports, projects, classwork and home learning using the following percentages:
40% Tests
30% Labs/Projects
20% Quizzes
10% Classwork/ Home learning This is the science department policy.
Class Assignments/Homework
Work will be assigned on a daily basis. This work may include worksheets, science article responses, lab writeups, study time and/or other selected activities. Work is expected to be completed and turned in on or before the due date. NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED!! Work that is turned in without a name or is not legible will not be graded and marked as a zero. Any work assigned for home learning, needs to be typed unless stated otherwise. Any work that is not typed as requested will not be accepted. ALL WORK MUST BE PRINTED IN A
HARD COPY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED BY TEACHER. Assignments may not be emailed or turned in digitally without prior teacher approval.
Students will be researching others work, whether it be for a lab, project, or research paper. Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Plagiarism also includes copying another student’s work. If a student is caught plagiarizing, they will receive an F for that assignment and an F in conduct for the nine weeks. They will receive a failure notice and immediate parent contact for the F in conduct that will reflect as their conduct grade for that 9-week period. This is a science department policy
Supplies for Class: On the A or B day when we have class, each student should have 2 composition notebooks. One for note taking/Labs, And 1 for Vocabulary/warm-ups. Loose leaf paper in a notebook (college rule preferably) for additional out of notebook assignments. In addition, students should have a blue or black pen, and sharpened #2 pencils. Also, a metric ruler, yellow highlighter, and graph paper will be needed.
Make-Up Work
Only students that have an excused absence will be permitted to make-up work. All unexcused absences will result in a zero for the missed assignment.
The student’s name must appear on the excused absences report within two days of absence.
Tests and quizzes must be made up before or after school, per approval by teacher.
It’s the student’s responsibility to check the school’s website for any missed work, get notes from a classmate, and to get any handouts from the teacher.
Make-up work is due no later than two class period days after returning to school. For extended excused absences and/or illnesses, you will be given time equal to the time you were absent to turn the work in. As unexpected events occur in everyone’s life, it is understandable that there may be a time in which a student is unable to complete an assignment due to reasons beyond their control.
In this event, a student may arrange with the teacher times before and/or after school to review missed material.
A test should be expected at the end of each unit. They may include multiple choice, short answer, matching, identification, critical thinking, and essay questions. Students that are absent for a test will be required to take a make-up test which may be different than the original test given within one week of a missed test. All tests must be made-up before or after school.
Quizzes may be given at any time. They may be announced in advance, which will be posted on the school’s website or they may be a “pop” quiz. There will be no make ups for “pop” quizzes.
Lab Reports/Special Projects
When appropriate, labs will be conducted in class. Due to the large amount of time required for set-up, it is essential that students are always present on lab days. These are learning opportunities, not social meetings.
Horseplay is NEVER permitted and will be dealt with accordingly. Students that are not able to work in a group or stay focused will be removed from the lab setting and required to complete the make-up for the lab.
Horseplay and poor lab conduct may result in an “F” in conduct and/or administrative referral. Students that are consistent problems during the labs will lose their privileges to participate in labs for the year. Any class that is disruptive during class time will not be allowed to participate in labs. Students that miss a lab with an excused absence will receive a written assignment as make-up.
As a lab course, Biology will have a lab fee of $20. The lab fee should be turned in as soon as
possible. Students who don’t turn in the lab fee by November 1st will not be permitted to participate in the labs and will be given alternative assignments until they bring in the lab fee.
Special projects may also be assigned during the school year. Sufficient time will be provided for students to complete these projects. They will involve research beyond the school day and may be turned in before or on the due date. No project will be accepted after the due date, whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
It is the responsibility of the student to maintain their textbook in good condition. Do not write or highlight in your text. All textbooks must be covered. No textbook should be left in class; the classroom is not a locker.
Students who lose their textbook or return it damaged will be responsible for payment. Students that have lost a textbook should let the teacher know immediately so that arrangements can be made to reissue another textbook.
All students should plan restroom breaks before or after class. It is rare that a student will be permitted to leave class, except in the case of an emergency. When a student leaves the class they are required to obtain a yellow pass from the teacher. Students with medical issues should take documentation to the guidance department and make sure that the teacher receives notification.
Classroom Code of Conduct
All students are expected to adhere to the rules set forth in the Doral Academy Charter High School Student
Handbook. In addition, the following policies apply in the classroom:
Have all appropriate materials and supplies at your desk and be seated when the bell rings. a.
Students shall remain in their seats at all times, unless otherwise noted. b.
Do NOT sit on top of the desks or lab tables. c.
Keep all bags and textbooks under the seat and clear from aisles. d.
Students are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
Respect everyone and everything in the classroom. a.
Use appropriate language with everyone. b.
Vandalism will not be tolerated. c.
Writing on desks, or seats, as well as disposing of gum or candy under the tables or seats will be an immediate referral
Cell phones are to be turned off prior to entering the class and are not to be visible during class. Cell phones are NOT to be used as a calculator. They will be confiscated by the teacher if visible and turned into administration.
IPods and other mp3 devices are not permitted in the classroom and will be confiscated by the teacher if visible and turned into administration.
Discipline Plan:
Those students that are not present to do classwork on a consistent basis will receive an “F” in academics if they do not make up the work in a timely manner. Students must be present in homeroom on a consistent basis.
Sustained Silent Reading implemented in homeroom is crucial to improvement in the student’s literacy.
Infractions of acceptable classroom behaviors will lead to:
Verbal warning
Repeated verbal warnings will lead to Parent Notification and/or detention
Classroom Exclusion
Referral to Administration
Teacher reserves the right to skip steps commensurate with severity of infraction: example – fighting will lead directly to referral to the Administration
EOC Test:
The state of Florida has mandated an end of course (EOC) exam in biology. This test is scheduled to be administered some time in mid-May. Passing this exam is a requirement for passing biology and for graduation.
Mandatory Saturday review sessions will be offered in order to foster student success on this examination.
Students will be required to attend 3 Saturday reviews. There will be a number of Saturdays to choose from. A parent letter will be sent out with more information later on in the school year.
Parent Conferences
All parent conferences should be scheduled through the guidance department. I am available for parent conferences immediately before or after school. I cannot guarantee attendance for parent conferences
scheduled on any other day. I will make every effort to attend if scheduled on a different day and/or time and will provide detailed documentation in the event that I will not be able to attend.
If you have questions or concerns, or simply want an update about your child, schedule a conference or leave a detailed message with the office. You may also contact me at
and I will be glad to provide you with information. Involvement on your part is imperative to the learning process.
I have read the class expectations for Biology Honors. I understand that it is my responsibility to ask questions for any policy that seems unclear.
As a student, I understand that my success in this class is based on my performance. I also understand that I am to check the on-line portal and/or website on a daily basis for important information and refer to any hand-outs that I may receive.
As a parent, I understand that I am also responsible for my child’s success in this class. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ask for progress reports, monitor homework, and check my child’s on-line portal regularly for information about their progress in the class.
Student Name______________________________
Student Signature___________________________ Date___________________
Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________________
Parent(s) contact phone number(s) -
Parent E-mail:
Any medical conditions I should be aware of?