
 1.
x = -3 2. x = 11/15 3. x = -1.3 4. x =
3.8 5. x ≤ 7 6. x > -3 7. x ≥ 3/2 8. x ≤ 13 9. 57 hours or more 10. x = 32 11. x =
27/20 12. x = -16 13. x = 5.1 14. 18 feet
 15. (9,0)&(0,6) 16. (-3,0)&(0,5) 17.
(12,0)&(0,3) 18. (-3.5,0)&(0,-3.5) 19. y =
3x+1 20. y = -2x+4 21. y = 3/5x-2 22. y =
-3x+15 23. y = 5x-3 24. y = 3/4x-9 25. y =
3/2x+11 26. y = 2/5x+1 27. y ≤ 6 28. y>2/5x+2 29. y<-1/2x-3 30. y>-1 31. 2.5L +
 Horizontal
shift – moving a graph right or left
 F(x) -> f(x-h) moves it h units right.
 F(x) -> f(x+h) moves it h units left.
 Example: y = 3x+7 move two units left.
 Answer: y = 3(x+2) + 7 = 3x + 13
 Check by graphing! Use calculator OR make
input/output table to graph. Look at x –
intercept – easiest way to see horizontal shift
 Vertical
shift – moving a graph up or down
 F(x) -> f(x) +h moves it h units up
 F(x) -> f(x) – h moves it h units down
 Example: y = 3x + 2 move down 3 units
 Answer: y = 3x + 2 – 3 = 3x – 1
 Check by graphing: Use calculator OR make
input/output table to graph. Look at yintercept – easiest way to see vertical shift
 Reflection
across y-axis – flips graph over y-
 F(x) -> f(-x) flips across y-axis
 Example: Reflect y = 3x + 7 over y-axis
 Answer: y = 3(-x) + 7 = -3x + 7
 Check by graphing – when both graphed on
same axes, image should be mirrored on
either side of y-axis.
 Reflection
across x-axis – flips graph over x-
 F(x) -> -f(x) flips (reflects) over x-axis
 Example: y = 3x+2 reflect over x-axis.
 Answer: y = -(3x + 2) = -3x-2
 Check by graphing – when both graphed on
same axes, image should be mirrored on
either side of x-axis.
 Mean
(average) --- sum all numbers, divide
by how many numbers there are.
 Median --- order numbers from least to
greatest, find middle number. If middle is
between two numbers, average those two.
 Mode --- number that occurs most often.
Can be no mode or more than one mode.
 Range --- subtract lowest number from
highest number
 2-6