Stomat_1 - Івано-Франківський національний медичний

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України
ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»
Кафедра мовознавства
База тестових завдань
з навчальної дисципліни
«Англійська мова»
Модуль 1
Стоматологічний факультет
Спеціальність «Стоматологія»
Виберіть правильний варіант написання слова:
A) sholders;
B) shoulders;
C) sholeders;
D) shouldes.
A) nerse;
B) nerce;
C) nurce;
D) nurse.
A) muscule;
B) muskule;
C) muscle;
D) musculus.
A) blidnes;
B) blindness;
C) blidness;
D) blindnes.
A) preshure;
B) presure;
C) pressure;
D) pressyre.
A) pathology;
B) patology;
C) patologie;
D) pethology.
практичний досвід
A) practical experience;
B) praktical experience;
C) proctical experience;
D) practical experiince.
A) medicine;
B) medicin;
C) medcine;
D) medicina.
A) patient;
B) petient;
C) patyent;
D) patent.
A) subctance;
B) substance;
C) substanse;
D) substence.
A) nitwork;
B) network;
C) netwok;
D) nutwork.
A) fet;
B) fat;
C) feat;
D) fut.
A) alkohol;
B) elkohol;
C) alcohol;
D) alkogol.
A) institutone;
B) institution;
C) institation;
D) instituton.
A) wond;
B) wund;
C) wound;
D) wuond.
A) hormone;
B) gormone;
C) hormon;
D) gormon.
A) nuclus;
B) nucleus;
C) nucles;
D) nukleus.
A) cevity;
B) cowiti;
C) cavity;
D) cawity.
A) meleria;
B) melaria;
C) malaria;
D) malarie.
A) upper;
B) apper;
C) uper;
D) uppe.
медичне обслуговування
A) health service;
B) helth service;
C) health servise;
D) health sevice.
сечовий міхур
A) blader;
B) bllader;
C) bladder;
D) bledder.
виписувати (з лікарні)
A) distcharge;
B) discharge;
C) discharg;
D) distcharg.
A) brane;
B) brian;
C) brain;
D) braine.
верхня щелепа
A) meksila;
B) maxilla;
C) maxila;
D) maksila.
A) alveoler;
B) alviolar;
D) elveolar.
A) to privent;
B) to pruvent;
C) to pryvent;
D) to prevent.
A) hep;
B) hip;
C) hap;
D) hipp.
A) influense;
B) influence;
C) influens;
D) influenc.
A) experience;
B) eksperience;
C) ecxperiens;
D) experiense.
A) forhead;
B) foreheade;
C) forehead;
D) forhaed.
знеболювальний засіб
A) anestetic;
B) anesthetic;
C) enestetic;
D) anesthetyc.
A) nucleoles;
B) nucliolus;
C) nukliolus;
D) nucleolus.
A) hialing;
B) healing;
C) heeling;
D) hieling.
A) wound;
B) wund;
C) wond;
D) waund.
прорізування зубів
A) erupshion;
B) eruption;
C) erruption;
D) iraption.
A) nuse;
B) nerse;
C) nurse;
D) nurce.
A) to inklude;
B) to include;
C) to includ;
D) to inklud.
A) tangue;
B) tongue;
C) tonge;
D) tange.
A) sabstance;
B) substanse;
C) substancia;
D) substance.
A) gene;
B) gen;
C) genn;
D) gane.
A) confidence;
B) konfidense;
C) konfedence;
D) confedense.
A) ulcer;
B) ulser;
C) alcer;
D) alcer.
A) gygiene;
B) hygiene;
C) hygien;
D) hygine.
A) priscription;
B) preascription;
C) prescreption;
D) prescription.
амбулаторний хворий
A) out-patient;
B) aut-patient;
C) out-patiint;
D) out-patien.
A) inciser;
B) intsisor;
C) incisor;
D) insisor.
A) policlinic;
B) polyklinic;
C) polyclinic;
D) polyclinik.
A) haradity;
B) heredity;
C) heredety;
D) heredyty.
A) tritment;
B) treetment;
C) treatment;
D) triatment.
A) transffusion;
B) transfusion;
C) transfussion;
D) trensfusion.
A) stejn;
B) staine;
C) stein;
D) stain.
A) surgen;
B) sergene;
C) surgeon;
D) sergeon.
A) posonous;
B) poisonos;
C) poisonous;
D) poisonoses.
A) futere;
B) future;
C) fjuture;
D) futur.
A) docter;
B) doctor;
C) doktor;
D) docte.
A) pariodontium;
B) periodontum;
C) periodontium;
D) periodontem.
A) hirediti;
B) heredity;
C) hiredety;
D) heredety.
A) rapture;
B) repture;
C) rupture;
D) ruptur.
неправильний прикус
A) melloclusion;
B) meloclusion;
C) malocclusion;
D) maloclusion.
A) sepport;
B) support;
C) suport;
D) seport.
A) treatment;
B) tretment;
C) treatmen;
D) treatman.
A) abillity;
B) ebillity;
C) ebility;
D) ability.
A) disease;
B) desease;
C) dizeaze;
D) disise.
A) pulpit
B) palpitis;
C) pulpitus
D) pulpitis.
A) prescription;
B) preskription;
C) preskriptione;
D) prescripshin.
A) sabject;
B) sudject;
C) subject;
D) subgect.
A) masage;
B) massage;
C) message;
D) mesage.
A) internshipe;
B) intership;
C) internship;
D) internchip.
A) diagnosis;
B) deagnosis;
C) diahnoses;
D) diagnosess.
A) profession;
B) proffession;
C) proffesion;
D) profesion.
A) tritment;
B) treatmeant;
C) treetment;
D) treatment.
офіційно визнаний
A) acredited;
B) akredited;
C) accredited;
D) ackredited.
A) surgeri;
B) sergery;
C) sergeri;
D) surgery.
A) society;
B) cosiety;
C) suciety;
D) sosiety.
нервова система
A) nerves system;
B) nervous sistem;
C) nervous system;
D) nerves sistem.
A) word;
B) ward;
C) wod;
D) woord.
A) temperature;
B) tamperature;
C) temparatura;
D) temporature.
A) colege;
B) college;
C) coledge;
D) colledge.
A) confidence;
B) konfidense;
C) konfedence;
D) confedense.
A) ulcer;
B) ulser;
C) alcer;
D) alcer.
A) gygiene;
B) hygiene;
C) hygien;
D) hygine.
A) sabstance;
B) substanse;
C) substancia;
D) substance.
амбулаторний хворий
A) out-patient;
B) aut-patient;
C) out-patiint;
D) out-patien.
A) inciser;
B) intsisor;
C) incisor;
D) insisor.
A) gene;
B) gen;
C) genn;
D) gane.
A) priscription;
B) preascription;
C) prescreption;
D) prescription.
A) transffusion;
B) transfusion;
C) transfussion;
D) trensfusion.
A) surgen;
B) sergene;
C) surgeon;
D) sergeon.
A) posonous;
B) poisonos;
C) poisonous;
D) poisonoses.
A) futere;
B) future;
C) fjuture;
D) futur.
A) stejn;
B) staine;
C) stein;
D) stain.
A) policlinic;
B) polyklinic;
C) polyclinic;
D) polyclinik.
A) haradity;
B) heredity;
C) heredety;
D) heredyty.
A) tritment;
B) treetment;
C) treatment;
D) triatment.
A) hed;
B) heade;
C) head;
D) heat.
A) skull;
B) skul;
C) scull;
D) scal.
A) pharmacist;
B) farmacist;
C) pharmasist;
D) pharmarcist.
A) tishue;
B) tessue;
C) teshue;
D) tissue.
A) frecture;
B) frakture;
C) fracture;
D) frecture.
великий палець руки
A) sumb;
B) samb;
C) thumb;
D) thamb.
A) genecology;
B) gynaecology;
C) gynacology;
D) ginaecology.
A) observetione;
B) observation;
C) aubservation;
D) obcervation.
A) scientist;
B) skientist;
C) scaentist;
D) scientict.
A) termometer;
B) thermometra;
C) termometr;
D) thermometer.
A) diagnosis;
B) deagnosis;
C) diagnozis;
D) deagnosys.
A) opperation;
B) opereition;
C) operation;
D) oppereition.
A) science;
B) sience;
C) seince;
D) sciense.
A) cavity;
B) cavety;
C) cevity;
D) cevety.
A) obsatrtian;
B) obstetrician;
C) obstatritian;
D) obstetritian.
A) trank;
B) trunk;
C) trunc;
D) treanc.
A) preskription;
B) presckription;
C) prescription;
D) prescreption.
A) pacient;
B) patient;
C) petient;
D) patiant.
A) examination;
B) exammination;
C) exemination;
D) eksamination.
A) lims;
B) lips;
C) libs;
D) limbs.
A) kemist’s;
B) chemist’s;
C) chamist’s;
D) chemest’s.
A) aquipment;
B) equipment;
C) ekwipment;
D) aquepment.
A) complain;
B) komplaint;
C) complaint;
D) komplain.
A) nowledge;
B) knowledge;
C) knowlege;
D) knawlege.
A) pedatrician;
B) pediatricin;
C) pediatrician;
D) pediathrician.
випускник вузу
A) graduat;
B) graduate;
C) hraduate;
D) greduate.
ранковий обхід
A) moning round;
B) morning raund;
C) morning round;
D) morning rount.
A) to ettend;
B) to atend;
C) to ettent;
D) to attend.
A) ofthalmologist;
B) ophthalmologist;
C) opthalmologist;
D) ophtalmologist.
A) chemistry;
B) kemistry;
C) xhemistry;
D) cemistry.
розлад травлення
A) indigestion;
B) indigastion;
C) indegestion;
D) indagestion.
A) disease;
B) desease;
C) dasease;
D) disiase.
A) sholders;
B) shoulders;
C) sholeders;
D) shouldes.
A) nerse;
B) nerce;
C) nurce;
D) nurse.
A) muscule;
B) muskule;
C) muscle;
D) musculus.
A) blidnes;
B) blindness;
C) blidness;
D) blindnes.
A) rist;
B) rast;
C) wrist;
D) wrast.
A) preshure;
B) presure;
C) pressure;
D) pressyre.
A) pathology;
B) patology;
C) patologie;
D) pethology.
практичний досвід
A) practical experience;
B) praktical experience;
C) proctical experience;
D) practical experiince.
A) medicine;
B) medicin;
C) medcine;
D) medicina.
A) patient;
B) petient;
C) patyent;
D) patent.
A) subctance;
B) substance;
C) substanse;
D) substence.
A) eonic;
B) ionik;
C) ionic;
D) aonic.
A) yranium;
B) uranium;
C) uraniem;
D) uraniym.
A) combustion;
B) combastion;
C) kombustion;
D) combuction.
A) desiase;
B) disise;
C) disease;
D) disize.
A) sinthesis;
B) senthesis;
C) synthesis;
D) synthecis.
дезинфікуючий засіб
A) desinfectant;
B) disinfectant;
C) dizinfectant;
D) disinfektant.
A) ners;
B) nurce;
C) nurse;
D) nurs.
A) hed;
B) heade;
C) head;
D) heat.
A) mud;
B) mood;
C) moud;
D) myd.
A) diagnosis;
B) deagnosis;
C) diagnozis;
D) deagnosys.
A) opperation;
B) opereition;
C) operation;
D) oppereition.
A) science;
B) sience;
C) seince;
D) sciense.
A) cavity;
B) cavety;
C) cevity;
D) cevety.
A) krown
B) crown;
C) crawn
D) crovn.
A) disease;
B) desease;
C) dasease;
D) disiase.
A) sholder;
B) sholde;
C) shoulder;
D) sholdeur.
лікар загальної практики
A) general praktitioner;
B) general practitioner;
C) general praectitioner;
D) general practitiner.
A) institutone;
B) institution;
C) institation;
D) instituton.
лікуючий лікар
A) dostor in charge;
B) doctor in chart;
C) doctor in charge;
D) docter in chage.
A) hormone;
B) gormone;
C) hormon;
D) gormon.
A) nuclus;
B) nucleus;
C) nucles;
D) nukleus.
A) cevity;
B) cowiti;
C) cavity;
D) cawity.
A) meleria;
B) melaria;
C) malaria;
D) malarie.
A) upper;
B) apper;
C) uper;
D) uppe.
медичне обслуговування
A) health service;
B) helth service;
C) health servise;
D) health sevice.
A) relationsheep;
B) relationship;
C) relatenship;
D) relateonship.
A) available;
B) avoiabl;
C) avouilable;
D) availoble.
A) brane;
B) brian;
C) brain;
D) braine.
A) chromocoma;
B) ckromosome;
C) chromosome;
D) chromesome.
A) trank;
B) trunk;
C) trunc;
D) treanc.
A) preskription;
B) presckription;
C) prescription;
D) prescreption.
A) pacient;
B) patient;
C) petient;
D) patiant.
A) examination;
B) exammination;
C) exemination;
D) eksamination.
A) to ettend;
B) to atend;
C) to ettent;
D) to attend.
A) enemal;
B) enamel;
C) enammel;
D) anamel.
A) chemistry;
B) kemistry;
C) xhemistry;
D) cemistry.
прорізання зубів
A) eruption;
B) erruption;
C) aruption;
D) iraption.
A) newcleus;
B) neucleus;
C) nukleus;
D) nucleus.
A) to privent;
B) to pruvent;
C) to pryvent;
D) to prevent.
A) hep;
B) hip;
C) hap;
D) hipp.
A) antreatable;
B) untreatable;
C) untretable;
D) untreateble.
A) experience;
B) eksperience;
C) ecxperiens;
D) experiense.
A) forhead;
B) foreheade;
C) forehead;
D) forhaed.
A) anestetic;
B) anesthetic;
C) enestetic;
D) anesthetyc.
A) nucleoles;
B) nucliolus;
C) nukliolus;
D) nucleolus.
A) hialing;
B) healing;
C) heeling;
D) hieling.
A) wound;
B) wund;
C) wond;
D) waund.
A) girdle;
B) gidle;
C) jirdle;
D) girdler.
A) nuse;
B) nerse;
C) nurse;
D) nurce.
A) to inklude;
B) to include;
C) to includ;
D) to inklud.
A) tangue;
B) tongue;
C) tonge;
D) tange.
A) sabstance;
B) substanse;
C) substancia;
D) substance.
A) gene;
B) gen;
C) genn;
D) gane.
A) confidence;
B) konfidense;
C) konfedence;
D) confedense.
A) ulcer;
B) ulser;
C) alcer;
D) alcer.
A) hap;
B) hip;
C) hipp;
D) hep.
A) priscription;
B) preascription;
C) prescreption;
D) prescription.
амбулаторний хворий
A) out-patient;
B) aut-patient;
C) out-patiint;
D) out-patien.
A) сhick;
B) cheeck;
C) cheek;
D) chik.
A) policlinic;
B) polyklinic;
C) polyclinic;
D) polyclinik.
A) haradity;
B) heredity;
C) heredety;
D) heredyty.
A) tritment;
B) treetment;
C) treatment;
D) triatment.
A) transffusion;
B) transfusion;
C) transfussion;
D) trensfusion.
A) sholder;
B) choulder;
C) chaulder;
D) shoulder.
A) surgen;
B) sergene;
C) surgeon;
D) sergeon.
лікарняний листок
A) sick-leave;
B) sik-leave;
C) cick-leave;
D) sick-leeve.
A) futere;
B) future;
C) fjuture;
D) futur.
A) docter;
B) doctor;
C) doktor;
D) docte.
A) mytosys;
B) mythosys;
C) mitosis;
D) mytosis.
A) higiene;
B) hygiene;
C) hygyene;
D) higyene.
A) rapture;
B) repture;
C) rupture;
D) ruptur.
A) psichiatrist;
B) psycheatrist;
C) psechiatrist;
D) psychiatrist.
A) ginekologist;
B) ginecologist;
C) gynaecologist;
D) gynekologist.
A) treatment;
B) tretment;
C) treatmen;
D) treatman.
A) abillity;
B) ebillity;
C) ebility;
D) ability.
A) disease;
B) desease;
C) dizeaze;
D) disise.
A) prothopalazma;
B) phrotoplasma;
C) protoplasme;
D) protoplasm.
A) prescription;
B) preskription;
C) preskriptione;
D) prescripshin.
A) sabject;
B) sudject;
C) subject;
D) subgect.
A) anethetist;
B) anasetist;
C) anaesthetist;
D) anesthetist.
A) internshipe;
B) intership;
C) internship;
D) internchip.
A) diagnosis;
B) deagnosis;
C) diahnoses;
D) diagnosess.
A) profession;
B) proffession;
C) proffesion;
D) profesion.
A) tritment;
B) treatmeant;
C) treetment;
D) treatment.
A) surrounding;
B) serrounding;
C) suroundin;
D) currounding.
A) surgeri;
B) sergery;
C) sergeri;
D) surgery.
A) society;
B) cosiety;
C) suciety;
D) sosiety.
нервова система
A) nerves system;
B) nerveas system;
C) nervous system;
D) nerveus system.
A) word;
B) ward;
C) wod;
D) woord.
A) temperature;
B) tamperature;
C) temparatura;
D) temporature.
A) colege;
B) college;
C) coledge;
D) colledge.
A) diagnosis;
B) diagnoses;
C) dyagnosis;
D) diagnose.
A) instetution;
B) institution;
C) institjution;
D) institusion.
A) lims;
B) lips;
C) libs;
D) limbs.
A) kemist’s;
B) chemist’s;
C) chamist’s;
D) chemest’s.
A) aquipment;
B) equipment;
C) ekwipment;
D) aquepment.
A) likwid;
B) liquid;
C) likvid;
D) liqid.
A) intermetalic;
B) intermetallik;
C) intermetalik;
D) intermetallic.
A) chage;
B) chadge;
C) charge;
D) charg.
A) kancerous;
B) canceros;
C) canserous;
D) cancerous.
A) greduate;
B) graduate;
C) graduat;
D) gradyate.
A) experienced;
B) experineed;
C) eksperienced;
D) experiensed.
A) complain;
B) komplaint;
C) complaint;
D) komplain.
A) nowledge;
B) knowledge;
C) knowlege;
D) knawlege.
A) pedatrician;
B) pediatricin;
C) pediatrician;
D) pediathrician.
D) muces.
A) intravenos;
B) intravenus;
C) intravenous;
D) intrevenous.
A) surgen;
B) sergen;
C) surgeon;
D) sergeon.
A) recearch;
B) research;
C) reseach;
D) reseash.
жовчний міхур
A) gollbladder;
B) gallbledder;
C) goldbladder;
D) gallbladder.
A) pacient;
B) patient;
C) peitient;
D) pecient.
A) ecsperience;
B) experience;
C) experinse;
D) ecsperence.
A) vesell;
B) vecell;
C) vessel;
D) vessell.
A) dystrybution;
B) distribution;
C) distrubution;
D) dustribution.
A) prescription;
B) preskription;
C) priscription;
D) praskription.
A) edukation;
B) edycation;
C) education;
D) educeition.
A) skull;
B) skul;
C) scull;
D) scal.
A) dantist;
B) dentist;
C) dentyst;
D) dentict.
A) tishue;
B) tessue;
C) teshue;
D) tissue.
A) frecture;
B) frakture;
C) fracture;
D) frecture.
A) hygiena;
B) gygiena;
C) hygiene
A) observetione;
B) observation;
C) aubservation;
D) obcervation.
A) scientist;
B) skientist;
C) scaentist;
D) scientict.
навчальний план
A) cirriculum;
B) cirricullum;
C) ciriculum;
D) curriculum.
A) risponse;
B) responce;
C) response;
D) recponse.
A) oportunity;
B) opportynity;
C) oppotunity;
D) opportunity.
A) speshialist;
B) specialist;
C) spechialist;
D) specilist.
A) additional;
B) aditional;
C) edditional;
D) additionall.
A) technology;
B) tachnology;
C) teknology;
D) tichnology.
Виберіть англійський еквівалент українського терміну:
A) trunk;
B) skull;
C) neck;
D) vertebra.
A) ethics;
B) label;
C) indication;
D) paper.
A) definition;
B) dependence;
C) determination;
D) defense.
A) extraction;
B) necrotomy;
C) swelling;
D) bleeding.
кабінет лікаря
A) nurses’ room;
B) doctor’s consulting room;
C) dressing room;
D) physiotherapeutic room.
A) upper;
B) lower;
C) middle;
D) inner.
A) pediatrics;
B) therapy;
C) dentistry;
D) surgery.
A) present;
B) future;
C) past;
D) previous.
лікування хвороби
A) prescription of treatment;
B) therapeutic treatment;
C) treatment of disease;
D) diagnosing of disease.
для внутрішнього вживання
A) for external use;
B) for somebody’s use;
C) for internal use;
D) for the patient’s use.
A) powder;
B) ointment;
C) herbs;
D) cups.
A) palate;
B) bedroom;
C) ward;
D) palace.
міряти температуру
A) to have a temperature;
B) to run a temperature;
C) to take a temperature;
D) patient’s temperature.
A) fauces;
B) frenulum;
C) uvula;
D) vestibule.
A) pharynx;
B) esophagus;
C) intestines;
D) rectum.
A) heart;
B) head;
C) hand;
D) brain.
A) gland;
B) nerve;
C) lobe;
D) part.
переплутати ліки
A) to check drugs;
B) to confuse remedies;
C) to sell medicines;
D) to use remedies.
A) nutrition;
B) function;
C) regeneration;
D) material.
A) branch;
B) field;
C) science;
D) study.
головний біль
A) backache;
B) headache;
C) stomachache;
D) toothache.
хвороби органів черевної порожнини
A) severe diseases;
B) abdominal diseases;
C) common diseases;
D) surgical diseases.
A) break out;
B) outbreak;
C) breakdown;
D) break through.
полегшувати біль
A) to produce pain;
B) to relieve pain;
C) to control pain;
D) to prevent pain.
призначення ліків
A) taking drugs;
B) drug manufacturing;
C) administration of drugs;
D) dosage of drugs.
A) physician;
B) practitioner;
C) surgeon;
D) stomatologist.
A) valve;
B) cavity;
C) canal;
D) duct.
A) measles;
B) malaria;
C) mastitis;
D) mumps.
A) plate;
B) palate;
C) uvula;
D) tongue.
A) lecture;
B) scientist;
C) professor;
D) researcher.
A) neck;
B) cheek;
C) gum;
D) head.
A) fundamentals;
B) founders;
C) foundation;
D) findings.
A) selfishly;
B) selflessly;
C) self-willingly;
D) self-denialy.
загальні захворювання
A) infectious diseases;
B) widespread diseases;
C) common diseases;
D) virulent diseases.
психологічна підтримка
A) physiological support;
B) psychological support;
C) mutual support;
D) financial support.
небезпечна хвороба
A) grave disease;
B) mild disease;
C) preventable disease;
D) curable disease.
A) duct;
B) tube;
C) process;
D) tonsil.
історія хвороби
A) case history;
B) treatment;
C) leather case;
D) cause.
A) palatine ;
B) frontal;
C) zygomatic;
D) medial.
A) tissue;
B) membrane;
C) cell;
D) bone.
тривалість життя
A) long surgery;
B) longevity;
C) long-term study;
D) long life.
A) lung;
B) liver;
C) spleen;
D) heart.
A) bladder;
B) intestine;
C) brain;
D) stomach.
A) injection;
B) transfusion;
C) examination;
D) treatment.
A) course;
B) subject;
C) procedure;
D) operation.
приймальні години
A) reception ward;
B) reception hours;
C) work and rest hours;
D) reception room.
A) ability;
B) experience;
C) curriculum;
D) behaviour.
амбулаторний пацієнт
A) in-patient;
B) out-patient;
C) ambulance patient;
D) hospital patient.
soft layer
A) м’який шар;
B) твердий шар;
C) м’яка тканина;
D) тверда тканина.
A) malaria;
B) smallpox;
C) polio;
D) rupture.
A) to change;
B) to find;
C) to acquire;
D) to discharge.
A) to hear;
B) to listen;
C) to notice;
D) to feel.
розкриття рани
A) wound dehiscence;
B) wound pain;
C) wound infection;
D) wound healing.
звичайне ремесло
A) common profession;
B) ordinary trade;
C) rare trade;
D) noble profession.
A) forehead;
B) tongue;
C) palate;
D) cheek.
A) question;
B) complaint;
C) request;
D) advice.
A) to defend;
B) to survive;
C) to save;
D) to defeat.
A) supervision;
B) prevention;
C) control;
D) observation.
зуби мудрості
A) permanent teeth;
B) wisdom teeth;
C) deciduous teeth;
D) clever teeth .
A) to come in;
B) to go out;
C) to enter;
D) to graduate from.
A) theme;
B) report;
C) thesis;
D) exercise.
досвідчений лікар
A) experienced physician;
B) good doctor;
C) experienced nurse;
D) good surgeon.
A) to consist;
B) to compose;
C) to connect;
D) to compare.
A) flexible;
B) rigid;
C) tough;
D) soft.
видалення ( зуба)
A) cleansing;
B) transfusion;
C) extraction;
D) insertion.
A) psychologist;
B) physiologist;
C) physician;
D) psychiatrist.
діагностична операція
A) difficult operation;
B) planned operation;
C) diagnostic operation;
D) major operation.
A) institute;
B) institution;
C) office;
D) chemist’s shop.
офіційно визнаний
A) accepted;
B) required;
C) accredited;
D) integrated.
глибокі знання
A) little knowledge;
B) knowledge base;
C) profound knowledge;
D) poor knowledge.
A) head;
B) mandible;
C) palate;
D) forehead.
A) examination;
B) treatment;
C) prescription;
D) consultation.
A) health care;
B) health resort;
C) hospital;
D) clinic.
A) sickness;
B) mortality;
C) occurrence;
D) incidence.
важка операція
A) urgent operation;
B) difficult operation;
C) minor operation;
D) emergency operation.
відвідувати (лекції)
A) to attend;
B) to be present;
C) to miss;
D) to come.
A) to develop;
B) to improve;
C) to impeach;
D) to rise.
сприятлива можливість
A) opportunity;
B) security;
C) morbidity;
D) invalidity.
A) experience;
B) education;
C) knowledge;
D) development.
A) lung;
B) liver;
C) spleen;
D) heart.
A) bladder;
B) intestine;
C) brain;
D) stomach.
A) injection;
B) transfusion;
C) examination;
D) treatment.
A) course;
B) subject;
C) procedure;
D) operation.
приймальні години
A) reception ward;
B) reception hours;
C) work and rest hours;
D) reception room.
A) ability;
B) experience;
C) curriculum;
D) behaviour.
A) tissue;
B) membrane;
C) cell;
D) bone.
тривалість життя
A) long surgery;
B) longevity;
C) long-term study;
D) long life.
A) to change;
B) to find;
C) to acquire;
D) to discharge.
A) to hear;
B) to listen;
C) to notice;
D) to feel.
soft layer
A) м’який шар;
B) твердий шар;
C) м’яка тканина;
D) тверда тканина.
розкриття рани
A) wound dehiscence;
B) wound pain;
C) wound infection;
D) wound healing.
звичайне ремесло
A) common profession;
B) ordinary trade;
C) rare trade;
D) noble profession.
A) forehead;
B) tongue;
C) palate;
D) cheek.
амбулаторний пацієнт
A) in-patient;
B) out-patient;
C) ambulance patient;
D) hospital patient.
A) malaria;
B) smallpox;
C) polio;
D) rupture.
A) part;
B) cavity;
C) vessel;
D) bone.
A) pure;
B) bad;
C) poisonous;
D) fertilized.
A) apparatus;
B) machinery;
C) equipment;
D) gear.
головний мозок
A) spinal cord;
B) spine;
C) gland;
D) brain.
A) palm;
B) lung;
C) eye;
D) ear.
A) examination;
B) experiment;
C) experience;
D) existence.
A) nurse;
B) doctor;
C) doctor’s assistant;
D) assistant professor.
A) medicine;
B) ulcer;
C) cough;
D) angina pectoris.
A) sternum;
B) esophagus;
C) rib;
D) pelvis.
A) to make;
B) to operate;
C) to surround;
D) to protect.
A) tissue;
B) cell;
C) epithelium;
D) cartilage.
присвятити себе
A) to be going to;
B) to devote oneself to;
C) to prepare oneself to;
D) to dress oneself.
знищити захворювання
A) to prevent a disease;
B) to treat the disease;
C) to eradicate the disease;
D) to diagnose the disease.
наполегливо працювати
A) to work hard;
B) to work quickly;
C) to work slowly;
D) to work regularly.
A) part;
B) blood;
C) vessel;
D) bone.
A) to release;
B) to reduce;
C) to restore;
D) to receive.
A) health care;
B) health practitioner;
C) health worker;
D) health resort.
головний мозок
A) spinal cord;
B) spine;
C) gland;
D) brain.
A) palm;
B) lung;
C) eye;
D) ear.
A) examination;
B) experiment;
C) experience;
D) existence.
A) jaws
B) roots;
C) tissues;
D) gums.
A) medicine;
B) ulcer;
C) cough;
D) angina pectoris.
отримати диплом
A) to receive a diploma;
B) to defend a diploma;
C) to show a diploma;
D) to need a diploma.
A) limb;
B) ulcer;
C) neck;
D) spleen.
грудна клітка
A) chest;
B) stomach;
C) liver;
D) bladder.
A) cough;
B) sneeze;
C) catarrh;
D) medicine.
A) bone;
B) cavity;
C) blood;
D) cell.
A) free-of-charge;
B) expensive;
C) qualified;
D) experienced.
інфекційне захворювання
A) life-threatening disease;
B) infectious disease;
C) dangerous disease;
D) severe disease.
A) hip;
B) chest;
C) limb;
D) knee.
A) researcher;
B) scientist;
C) lecturer;
D) teacher.
A) development;
B) experience;
C) contest;
D) prescription.
A) pancreas;
B) kidney;
C) intestine;
D) spleen.
медичні банки
A) cups;
B) glasses;
C) mugs;
D) sippers.
A) equipment;
B) substance;
C) thing;
D) component.
A) to confirm;
B) to influence;
C) to treat;
D) to assist.
тиск крові
A) blood pressure;
B) blood transfusion;
C) blood platelets;
D) blood circulation.
A) trunk;
B) body;
C) leg;
D) head.
A) physiology;
B) psychiatry;
C) psychiatrist;
D) psychology.
A) to devote;
B) to discharge;
C) to detect;
D) to develop.
A) trunk;
B) skull;
C) neck;
D) vertebra.
A) ethics;
B) label;
C) indication;
D) paper.
A) definition;
B) dependence;
C) determination;
D) defense.
A) to find;
B) to cure;
C) to constitute;
D) to divide.
кабінет лікаря
A) nurses’ room;
B) doctor’s consulting room;
C) dressing room;
D) physiotherapeutic room.
A) poison;
B) poisonous;
C) solid;
D) compressed.
призначення лікарського засобу
A) invention;
B) installation;
C) examination;
D) administration.
A) multivolume;
B) multiple;
C) multicellular;
D) multiresistant.
дуже важливий
A) dangerous;
B) vital;
C) prominent;
D) protective.
A) anatomic;
B) atomic;
C) atopic;
D) atoxic.
A) halogen;
B) oxygen;
C) hydrogen;
D) chalcogen.
A) equilibration;
B) aggregation;
C) composition;
D) equation.
A) to require;
B) to restore;
C) to release;
D) to remove.
A) upper;
B) lower;
C) middle;
D) inner.
A) sternum;
B) esophagus;
C) rib;
D) pelvis.
A) to make;
B) to operate;
C) to surround;
D) to protect.
A) tissue;
B) cell;
C) epithelium;
D) cartilage.
присвятити себе
A) to be going to;
B) to devote oneself to;
C) to prepare oneself to;
D) to dress oneself.
знищити захворювання
A) to prevent a disease;
B) to treat the disease;
C) to eradicate the disease;
D) to diagnose the disease.
наполегливо працювати
A) to work hard;
B) to work quickly;
C) to work slowly;
D) to work regularly.
отримати диплом
A) to receive a diploma;
B) to defend a diploma;
C) to show a diploma;
D) to need a diploma.
A) limb;
B) ulcer;
C) neck;
D) spleen.
A) pediatrics;
B) therapy;
C) dentistry;
D) surgery.
A) present;
B) future;
C) past;
D) previous.
лікування хвороби
A) prescription of treatment;
B) therapeutic treatment;
C) treatment of disease;
D) diagnosing of disease.
для внутрішнього вживання
A) for external use;
B) for somebody’s use;
C) for internal use;
D) for the patient’s use.
A) stratum;
B) substance;
C) tissue;
D) surface.
A) palate;
B) bedroom;
C) ward;
D) palace.
міряти температуру
A) to have a temperature;
B) to run a temperature;
C) to take a temperature;
D) patient’s temperature.
A) forehead;
B) shoulder;
C) arm;
D) forearm.
складати екзамен
A) to take examination;
B) to perform the duties;
C) to examine a patient;
D) to take a course.
A) heart;
B) head;
C) hand;
D) brain.
A) gland;
B) nerve;
C) lobe;
D) part.
переплутати ліки
A) to check drugs;
B) to confuse remedies;
C) to sell medicines;
D) to use remedies.
A) nutrition;
B) function;
C) regeneration;
D) material.
A) branch;
B) field;
C) science;
D) study.
головний біль
A) backache;
B) headache;
C) stomachache;
D) toothache.
A) index;
B) elbow;
C) ankle;
D) thigh.
інфекційні хвороби
A) infectionist;
B) infectious diseases;
C) previous illnesses;
D) affliction.
A) safety;
B) subject;
C) ability;
D) protection.
полегшувати біль
A) to produce pain;
B) to relieve pain;
C) to control pain;
D) to prevent pain.
призначення ліків
A) taking drugs;
B) drug manufacturing;
C) administration of drugs;
D) dosage of drugs.
A) physician;
B) practitioner;
C) surgeon;
D) stomatologist.
A) valve;
B) cavity;
C) canal;
D) duct.
A) measles;
B) malaria;
C) mastitis;
D) mumps.
палець стопи
A) finger;
B) wrist;
C) toe;
D) limb.
A) lecture;
B) scientist;
C) professor;
D) researcher.
A) neck;
B) cheek;
C) gum;
D) head.
заспокійливі препарати
A) hypnotics;
B) depressants;
C) stimulants;
D) sedatives.
A) interchange;
B) remedy;
C) personnel;
D) compatibility.
A) nature;
B) habit;
C) process;
D) reaction.
A) beginning;
B) starting;
C) development;
D) origin.
небезпечна хвороба
A) grave disease;
B) mild disease;
C) preventable disease;
D) curable disease.
великий палець руки
A) thumb;
B) thigh;
C) ankle;
D) foot.
історія хвороби
A) case history;
B) treatment;
C) leather case;
D) cause.
макроскопічна анатомія
A) gross anatomy;
B) pathological anatomy;
C) human anatomy;
D) microscopic anatomy.
A) tissue;
B) coat;
C) cell;
D) bone.
A) mitosis;
B) mitral;
C) mortal;
D) malignant.
A) lung;
B) liver;
C) spleen;
D) heart.
A) bladder;
B) intestine;
C) brain;
D) stomach.
A) injection;
B) transfusion;
C) examination;
D) treatment.
A) course;
B) subject;
C) procedure;
D) operation.
приймальні години
A) reception ward;
B) reception hours;
C) work and rest hours;
D) reception room.
A) ability;
B) experience;
C) curriculum;
D) behaviour.
амбулаторний пацієнт
A) in-patient;
B) out-patient;
C) ambulance patient;
D) hospital patient.
A) fish some;
B) ribosome;
C) riboflavin;
D) ribonucleic.
A) scientist;
B) psychologist;
C) researcher;
D) teacher.
A) to change;
B) to find;
C) to acquire;
D) to discharge.
A) to hear;
B) to listen;
C) to notice;
D) to feel.
навчальна програма
A) internship;
B) operation;
C) curriculum;
D) obstetrics.
приймати хворих
A) to work with patients;
B) to treat patients;
C) to see patients;
D) to take the patient’s temperature.
A) forehead;
B) tongue;
C) palate;
D) cheek.
A) question;
B) complaint;
C) request;
D) advice.
A) cystoma;
B) cytology;
C) cytoplasm;
D) cytopathology.
A) supervision;
B) prevention;
C) control;
D) observation.
пластична операція
A) cosmetic operation;
B) palliative operation;
C) plastic operation;
D) restorative operation.
A) to come in;
B) to go out;
C) to enter;
D) to behave.
A) theme;
B) report;
C) thesis;
D) exercise.
досвідчений лікар
A) experienced therapeutist;
B) good doctor;
C) experienced nurse;
D) good surgeon.
A) to consist;
B) to compose;
C) to connect;
D) to compare.
талон (до лікаря)
A) file;
B) certificate;
C) license;
D) slip.
Гольджі комплекс
A) Golgi body;
B) Golden complex;
C) Golf-bag;
D) Gonorrhea.
A) psychologist;
B) physiologist;
C) physician;
D) psychiatrist.
діагностична операція
A) difficult operation;
B) planned operation;
C) diagnostic operation;
D) major operation.
A) institute;
B) institution;
C) office;
D) chemist’s shop.
A) valuable;
B) free of charge;
C) rich;
D) cheep.
грудна клітка
A) chest;
B) stomach;
C) liver;
D) bladder.
зубний наліт
A) bacterium;
C) plaque;
A) bone;
B) cavity;
C) blood;
D) cell.
щоденний обхід
A) daily going;
B) daily round;
C) day round;
D) day going.
інфекційне захворювання
A) life-threatening disease;
B) infectious disease;
C) dangerous disease;
D) severe disease.
A) injury;
B) palate;
C) tongue;
D) bite.
амбулаторне лікування
A) in-patient treatment;
B) surgical treatment;
C) hospital treatment;
D) out-patient treatment.
A) development;
B) experience;
C) contest;
D) prescription.
глибокі знання
A) little knowledge;
B) knowledge base;
C) profound knowledge;
D) good knowledge.
A) head;
B) mandible;
C) palate;
D) forehead.
A) examination;
B) treatment;
C) prescription;
D) consultation.
A) physical;
B) physiological;
C) prophylactic;
D) pharmaceutical.
A) pupil;
B) group-mate;
C) tutor;
D) applicant.
A) requirement;
B) knowledge;
C) achievement;
D) measurement.
видача препаратів за рецептом
A) preparing;
B) dispensing;
C) confusing;
D) keeping.
ліки для ін’єкцій
A) drugs for cough;
B) drugs for headache;
C) drugs for injections;
D) drugs for cold.
A) to dissolve;
B) to compose;
C) to support;
D) to evaporate.
тверде тіло
A) solution;
B) solid;
C) oil;
D) emulsion.
A) trivial;
B) minute;
C) angular;
D) linear.
A) sanatorium;
B) resort;
C) hospital;
D) clinic.
A) sick;
B) sick leave;
C) ill;
D) sickness.
важка операція
A) urgent operation;
B) difficult operation;
C) minor operation;
D) emergency operation.
A) to attend;
B) to be present;
C) to miss;
D) to come.
A) to develop;
B) to improve;
C) to impeach;
D) to rise.
лікуючий лікар
A) midwife;
B) doctor in charge;
C) nurse;
D) laboratory assistant.
A) experience;
B) education;
C) knowledge;
D) development.
A) date;
B) information;
C) list;
D) data.
A) polyclinic;
B) clinic;
C) dispensary;
D) hospital.
A) condition;
B) complication;
C) inflammation;
D) difficulty.
A) bladder;
B) liver;
C) kidney;
D) heart.
A) education;
B) treatment;
C) practice;
D) training.
велике місто
A) town;
B) city;
C) village;
D) country.
виписати з лікарні
A) to discharge from the hospital;
B) to admit to the hospital;
C) to build the hospital;
D) to destroy the hospital.
A) limb;
B) trunk;
C) neck;
D) skull.
скляний посуд
A) glassware;
B) lens;
C) spectacles;
D) window.
A) radiator;
B) medicine dropper;
C) hot-water bottle;
D) thermometer.
A) valve;
B) ventricle;
C) vessel;
D) tube.
A) clinic;
B) hospital;
C) polyclinic;
D) rest-home.
A) to make;
B) to operate;
C) to surround;
D) to protect.
A) psychology;
B) physiology;
C) physics;
D) psychiatry.
зубний камінь
A)tartar ;
B) cementum;
C) dentin;
D) pulp.
медичні банки
A) cups;
B) glasses;
C) mugs;
D) sippers.
A) equipment;
B) substance;
C) thing;
D) component.
A) to confirm;
B) to promote;
C) to realize;
D) to decide.
тиск крові
A) blood pressure;
B) blood transfusion;
C) blood platelets;
D) blood circulation.
A) trunk;
B) body;
C) leg;
D) head.
A) physiology;
B) psychiatry;
C) psychiatrist;
D) psychology.
A) to devote;
B) to discharge;
C) to detect;
D) to develop.
A) famous;
B) genious;
C) nervous;
D) dangerous.
A) note-book;
B) text-book;
C) journal;
D) newspaper.
A) scientifically;
B) critically;
C) widely;
D) thoroughly.
A) coloured;
B) sharp;
C) pure;
D) mixed.
A) to eradicate;
B) to defend;
C) to render;
D) to compose.
A) valency;
B) height;
C) number;
D) weight.
засіб лікування
A) diet;
B) disorder;
C) cure;
D) massage.
Виберіть український еквівалент англійського терміну:
thoracic cavity
A) грудна порожнина;
B) черевна порожнина;
C) ротова порожнина;
D) кісткова порожнина.
chemist’s department
A) рецептурний відділ;
B) відділ готових ліків;
C) стіл замовлень;
D) відділ аналітики.
A) рідина;
B) речовина;
C) шар;
D) частка.
A) хірург;
B) хірургічний;
C) хірургія;
D) хірургічно.
reception ward
A) післяопераційна палата;
B) передопераційна палата;
C) приймальний покій;
D) перев’язувальна.
academic year
A) семестр;
B) навчальний рік;
C) навчання;
D) екзаменаційна сесія.
A) запалення;
B) пальпація;
C) виразка;
D) хірургія.
chemical substances
A) хімічні речовини;
B) хімічні елементи;
C) хімічні сполуки;
D) хімічні заводи.
A) шлункові коліти;
B) зубний біль;
C) головний біль;
D) біль у серці.
A) поріз;
B) пошкодження;
C) інфекція;
D) запалення.
A) язик;
B) піднебіння;
C) рот;
D) губа.
scrub-up room
A) приймальний покій;
B) передопераційна;
C) перев’язувальна;
D) операційна.
out-patient clinic
A) клініка;
B) поліклініка;
C) лікарня;
D) диспансер.
A) лікар;
B) фізик;
C) хірург;
D) стоматолог.
A) чищення міжзубних проміжків ниткою ;
B) кровоточивість;
C) пломбування;
D) чищення зубів щіткою.
A) жорсткий;
B) гнучкий;
C) м’який;
D) гладкий.
sterile dressings
A) стерильні рукавички;
B) стерильна вата;
C) стерильний халат і шапочка;
D) стерильний перев’язувальний матеріал.
A) кислота;
B) лікарський засіб;
C) сік;
D) залоза.
A) операція;
B) премедикація;
C) перев’язка;
D) накладання швів.
A) грудна клітка;
B) коліно;
C) щиколотка;
D) зап’ястя.
A) руйнування зубів;
B) зубний біль;
C) прорізування зубів;
D) видалення зуба.
A) профілактика;
B) лікування;
C) розвиток;
D) оцінювання.
A) визначення;
B) перевірка;
C) оволодіння;
D) усвідомлення.
A) крапельний;
B) здатний;
C) кабельний;
D) дійсний.
A) пошкодження;
B) загоювання;
C) засіб;
D) напій.
A) думка;
B) жування;
C) травлення;
D) розщеплення.
to prevent
A) лікувати;
B) призначати;
C) запобігати;
D) діагностувати.
A) кінцівка;
B) стопа;
C) коліно;
D) рука.
A) медсестра;
B) догляд;
C) допомога;
D) мета.
practical experience
A) практичний досвід;
B) практична робота;
C) практичний експеримент;
D) практикуючий експериментатор.
A) порошок;
B) таблетка;
C) мазь;
D) примочка.
A) спадковість;
B) старанність;
C) стриманість;
D) спорідненість.
A) гарячка;
B) переохолодження;
C) хвороба;
D) застуда.
A) повітря;
B) око;
C) вухо;
D) порожнина.
A) лікування;
B) діагноз;
C) дихання;
D) дифузія.
primary teeth
A) молочні зуби;
B) відбілені зуби;
C) зіпсовані зуби;
D) постійні зуби.
research institute
A) технічний інститут;
B) дослідницький інститут;
C) медичний інститут;
D) педагогічний інститут.
A) поширений;
B) видатний;
C) освічений;
D) кваліфікований.
A) кропивниця;
B) нежить;
C) гарячка;
D) кашель.
A) середина;
B) кінець;
C) край;
D) початок.
A) рецепт;
B) ізоляція;
C) обстеження;
D) процедура.
A) шлунок;
B) щитовидна залоза;
C) клапан;
D) підшлункова залоза.
A) сліпота;
B) слиз;
C) симптом;
D) слух.
A) череп;
B) шия;
C) тулуб;
D) стопа.
A) розчин;
B) сполука;
C) концентрат;
D) екстракт.
A) медсестринство;
B) терапія;
C) акушерство;
D) хірургія.
to come to rescue
A) прийти до хворого;
B) прийти на допомогу;
C) прийти вчасно;
D) прийти додому.
A) геній;
B) ген;
C) гній;
D) гіркий.
A) фермент;
B) жовч;
C) поживна речовина;
D) жир.
A) інфаркт;
B) ін’єкція;
C) інфекція;
D) інкубація.
A) фізик;
B) філософ;
C) лікар;
D) фізіолог.
health resort
A) ресурси здоров’я;
B) оздоровчий курорт;
C) медична допомога;
D) лікування грязями.
correct diagnosis
A) правильний діагноз;
B) нетрадиційна діагностика;
C) діагностика кору;
D) умовний діагноз.
A) клятва;
B) девіз;
C) обіцянка;
D) вказівка.
to undergo procedures
A) призначати процедури;
B) проходити процедури;
C) завершувати процедури;
D) обирати процедури.
A) реконструкція;
B) визнання;
C) викорінення;
D) революція.
A) нежить;
B) біль у горлі;
C) кашель;
D) хрипи.
beneficial influence
A) медикаментозний вплив;
B) шкідливий вплив;
C) цілющий вплив;
D) незначний вплив.
to be over
A) починатися;
B) закінчуватися;
C) продовжуватися;
D) перериватися.
pointy tooth
A) зіпсований зуб;
B) передній зуб;
C) втрачений зуб;
D) гострий зуб.
physical examination
A) екзамен з фізики;
B) фізичний екзамен;
C) об’єктивне обстеження;
D) фізкультурне обстеження.
A) зуб;
B) язик;
C) щелепа;
D) піднебіння.
A) лікар-терапевт;
B) фізик;
C) фізіолог;
D) фельдшер.
A) робота;
B) турбота;
C) мережа;
D) діяльність.
kidney disease
A) захворювання нирок;
B) запалення нирок;
C) біль у нирках;
D) камінь у нирках.
A) рана;
B) перелом;
C) розрив;
D) виразка.
to discourage
A) спонукати;
B) сприяти;
C) перешкоджати;
D) перевіряти.
A) бажання;
B) мета;
C) допомога;
D) сприяння.
A) первинний;
B) перший;
C) запобіжний;
D) започаткований.
A) стан роботи;
B) здібність;
C) поведінка;
D) досвід.
to be discharged from the hospital
A) поступити в лікарню;
B) відвідувати лікарню;
C) працювати в лікарні;
D) виписатися з лікарні.
A) медикамент;
B) ліки;
C) шприц;
D) фермент.
A) лікар-терапевт;
B) вчитель фізкультури;
C) фізик;
D) фізіолог.
A) перелом;
B) кров;
C) біль;
D) рана.
additional year
A) перший рік;
B) випускний рік;
C) додатковий рік;
D) високосний рік.
essential oils
A) тверді жири;
B) ефірна олія;
C) соняшникова олія;
D) ненасичені жири.
consulting room
A) кабінет лікаря;
B) консультуюча клініка;
C) кімната консультанта;
D) консультація юриста.
to restore
A) відпочивати;
B) відновлювати;
C) відкривати;
D) відправляти.
A) сліпота;
B) слиз;
C) симптом;
D) слух.
A) череп;
B) шия;
C) тулуб;
D) стопа.
A) середина;
B) кінець;
C) край;
D) початок.
A) рецепт;
B) ізоляція;
C) обстеження;
D) процедура.
A) розчин;
B) сполука;
C) концентрат;
D) екстракт.
A) кропивниця;
B) нежить;
C) гарячка;
D) кашель.
A) шлунок;
B) щитовидна залоза;
C) клапан;
D) підшлункова залоза.
A) інфаркт;
B) ін’єкція;
C) інфекція;
D) інкубація.
health resort
A) ресурси здоров’я;
B) оздоровчий курорт;
C) медична допомога;
D) лікування грязями.
correct diagnosis
A) правильний діагноз;
B) нетрадиційна діагностика;
C) діагностика кору;
D) умовний діагноз.
A) фізик;
B) філософ;
C) лікар;
D) фізіолог.
A) клятва;
B) девіз;
C) обіцянка;
D) вказівка.
to come to rescue
A) прийти до хворого;
B) прийти на допомогу;
C) прийти вчасно;
D) прийти додому.
A) геній;
B) ген;
C) гній;
D) гіркий.
A) фермент;
B) жовч;
C) поживна речовина;
D) жир.
human body
A) кінцівки людини;
B) тіло людини;
C) тулуб людини;
D) орган людини.
hot-water bottle
A) пляшка з гарячою водою;
B) піпетка;
C) електрочайник;
D) грілка.
medical assistance
A) медична сестра;
B) асистент лікаря;
C) медична допомога;
D) медичні асистенти.
to inject
A) призначати ліки;
B) робити ін’єкцію;
C) переливати кров;
D) перев’язувати.
scientific society
A) наукова робота;
B) науковий гурток;
C) науковий співробітник;
D) наукове дослідження.
the course of training
A) курс обстеження;
B) курс навчання;
C) дослідження;
D) клінічне спостереження.
to suffer from
A) хворіти;
B) лікуватися;
C) задихатися;
D) виздоровлювати.
principle part
A) основна частина;
B) верхня частина;
C) нижня частина;
D) задня частина.
drug cabinet
A) кабінет лікаря;
B) шафа для ліків;
C) наркологічний кабінет;
D) полиця для ліків.
A) кров;
B) клітина;
C) нерв;
D) тканина.
A) судини;
B) капіляри;
C) кістки;
D) нерви.
A) виразка;
B) розрив;
C) запалення;
D) рана.
A) гуртожиток;
B) зал;
C) кімната відпочинку;
D) госпіталь.
higher education
A) середня освіта;
B) середня спеціальна освіта;
C) вища освіта;
D) аспірантура.
angina pectoris
A) ангіна;
B) тахікардія;
C) стенокардія;
D) виразка.
spinal cord:
A) хребетний стовп;
B) грудина;
C) спинний мозок;
D) хребець.
medicine dropper
A) медична піпетка;
B) медичний одяг;
C) медичний шприц;
D) медична грілка.
A) внутрішньоклітинний;
B) внутрішньом’язевий;
C) міжклітинний;
D) міжреберний.
A) проміжний;
B) зовнішній;
C) зайвий;
D) внутрішній.
A) огляд;
B) переливання;
C) ін’єкція;
D) премедикація.
erect position
A) горизонтальне положення;
B) стійке положення;
C) правильне положення;
D) вертикальне положення.
to approve
A) розвивати;
B) збільшувати;
C) покращити;
D) доводити.
A) кімната;
B) палата;
C) будинок;
D) тумбочка.
A) плечі;
B) коліна;
C) ноги;
D) стегна.
prescription department
A) рецептурний відділ;
B) відділ готових ліків;
C) стіл замовлень;
D) відділ аналітики.
A) хрящ;
B) тканина;
C) зв’язка;
D) клітина.
to secure
A) забезпечити;
B) відповідати;
C) звільняти;
D) вилікувати.
A) спеціаліст;
B) хірург;
C) анестезист;
D) медсестра.
index finger
A) великий палець;
B) вказівний палець;
C) індекс якості;
D) середній палець.
state budget
A) каса;
B) казначейство;
C) державний бюджет;
D) державне страхування.
white gown
A) біла палата;
B) білий одяг;
C) білий халат;
D) біла шапочка.
thoracic cavity
A) грудна порожнина;
B) черевна порожнина;
C) ротова порожнина;
D) кісткова порожнина.
chemist’s department
A) рецептурний відділ;
B) відділ готових ліків;
C) стіл замовлень;
D) відділ аналітики.
A) рідина;
B) речовина;
C) шар;
D) частка.
A) хірург;
B) хірургічний;
C) хірургія;
D) хірургічно.
reception ward
A) післяопераційна палата;
B) передопераційна палата;
C) приймальний покій;
D) перев’язувальна.
A) щиколотка;
B) зап’ястя;
C) лікоть;
D) плече.
academic year
A) семестр;
B) навчальний рік;
C) навчання;
D) екзаменаційна сесія.
A) запалення;
B) пальпація;
C) виразка;
D) хірургія.
chemical substances
A) хімічні речовини;
B) хімічні елементи;
C) хімічні сполуки;
D) хімічні заводи.
A) шлункові коліти;
B) зубний біль;
C) головний біль;
D) біль у серці.
A) поріз;
B) пошкодження;
C) інфекція;
D) запалення.
A) язик;
B) піднебіння;
C) рот;
D) губа.
scrub-up room
приймальний покій;
B) передопераційна;
C) перев’язувальна;
D) операційна.
ring finger
A) середній палець;
B) великий палець;
C) безіменний палець;
D) великий палець ноги.
out-patient clinic
A) клініка;
B) поліклініка;
C) лікарня;
D) диспансер.
A) лікар;
B) фізик;
C) хірург;
D) стоматолог.
A) зап’ястя;
B) щиколотка;
C) коліно;
D) шия.
prescription department
A) хірургічний відділ;
B) терапевтичний відділ;
C) відділ готових ліків;
D) рецептурний відділ.
A) мікстура;
B) мазь;
C) пігулка;
D) настоянка.
A) голка;
B) тюбик;
C) шприц;
D) банка.
out-patient treatment
A) променеве лікування;
B) стаціонарне лікування;
C) амбулаторне лікування;
D) хірургічне лікування.
A) дослід;
B) досвід;
C) розтин;
D) оцінка.
A) рідина;
B) згинання;
C) фільтрація;
D) коливання.
A) сахароза;
B) фруктоза;
C) лактоза;
D) целюлоза.
medical journal
A) медична стаття;
B) медичний огляд;
C) медичний журнал;
D) медична довідка.
A) запліднений;
B) недорозвинений;
C) залізний;
D) ферментний.
sterile dressings
A) стерильні рукавички;
B) стерильна вата;
C) стерильний халат і шапочка;
D) стерильний перев’язувальний матеріал.
A) кислота;
B) лікарський засіб;
C) сік;
D) залоза.
A) операція;
B) премедикація;
C) перев’язка;
D) накладання швів.
A) грудна клітка;
B) коліно;
C) щиколотка;
D) зап’ястя.
A) історія;
B) гігієна;
C) анатомія;
D) гістологія.
A) профілактика;
B) лікування;
C) розвиток;
D) оцінювання.
natural sources
A) природні умови;
B) природні явища;
C) природні копалини;
D) природні джерела.
A) крапельний;
B) здатний;
C) кабельний;
D) дійсний.
A) пошкодження;
B) загоювання;
C) засіб;
D) напій.
A) думка;
B) жування;
C) травлення;
D) розщеплення.
to prevent
A) лікувати;
B) призначати;
C) запобігати;
D) діагностувати.
A) кінцівка;
B) стопа;
C) коліно;
D) рука.
A) медсестра;
B) догляд;
C) допомога;
D) мета.
practical experience
A) практичний досвід;
B) практична робота;
C) практичний експеримент;
D) практикуючий експериментатор.
A) сонливість;
B) розслаблення;
C) втрата свідомості;
D) бадьорість.
human body
A) кінцівки людини;
B) тіло людини;
C) тулуб людини;
D) орган людини.
A) засіб лікування;
B) діагностичний апарат;
C) лікувальна установа;
D) медичний заклад.
A) рана;
A) важкий;
B) легкий;
C) чутливий;
D) різноманітний.
to inject
A) призначати ліки;
B) робити ін’єкцію;
C) переливати кров;
D) перев’язувати.
scientific society
A) наукова робота;
B) науковий гурток;
C) науковий співробітник;
D) наукове дослідження.
the course of training
A) курс обстеження;
B) курс навчання;
C) дослідження;
D) клінічне спостереження.
to suffer from
A) хворіти;
B) лікуватися;
C) задихатися;
D) виздоровлювати.
A) збільшення;
B) зменшення;
C) подвоєння;
D) потроєння.
A) гарячка;
B) переохолодження;
C) хвороба;
D) застуда.
A) повітря;
B) око;
C) вухо;
D) порожнина.
A) лікування;
B) діагноз;
C) дихання;
D) дифузія.
A) стегно;
B) передпліччя;
C) лікоть;
D) щиколотка.
research institute
A) технічний інститут;
B) дослідницький інститут;
C) медичний інститут;
D) педагогічний інститут.
A) поширений;
B) видатний;
C) освічений;
D) кваліфікований.
A) кропивниця;
B) нежить;
C) гарячка;
D) кашель.
A) смугастий;
B) смуглий;
C) сумний;
D) гладкий.
A) рецепт;
B) ізоляція;
C) обстеження;
D) процедура.
A) шлунок;
B) щитовидна залоза;
C) клапан;
D) підшлункова залоза.
A) сліпота;
B) слиз;
C) симптом;
D) слух.
A) череп;
B) шия;
C) тулуб;
D) стопа.
A) талон до лікаря;
B) медична картка;
C) реєстрація;
D) огляд.
A) медсестринство;
B) терапія;
C) акушерство;
D) хірургія.
medical file
A) медичне обстеження;
B) медична освіта;
C) медична картка;
D) медична сестра.
A) геній;
B) ген;
C) гній;
D) гіркий.
A) хвороба;
B) звичка;
C) розлад;
D) пошкодження.
A) інфаркт;
B) ін’єкція;
C) інфекція;
D) інкубація.
A) фізик;
B) філософ;
C) лікар;
D) фізіолог.
health resort
A) ресурси здоров’я;
B) оздоровчий курорт;
C) медична допомога;
D) лікування грязями.
correct diagnosis
A) правильний діагноз;
B) нетрадиційна діагностика;
C) діагностика кору;
D) умовний діагноз.
A) клятва;
B) девіз;
C) обіцянка;
D) вказівка.
to undergo procedures
A) призначати процедури;
B) проходити процедури;
C) завершувати процедури;
D) обирати процедури.
A) реконструкція;
B) визнання;
C) викорінення;
D) революція.
A) слина;
B) мокротиння;
C) піт;
D) виділення.
A) лейкоцит;
B) лактоза;
C) лабораторія;
D) лапароскоп.
to be over
A) починатися;
B) закінчуватися;
C) продовжуватися;
D) перериватися.
A) макроскопічний;
B) мікробний;
C) мікроскопічний;
D) найменший.
physical examination
A) екзамен з фізики;
B) фізичний екзамен;
C) медичне обстеження;
D) фізкультурне обстеження.
Master’s degree
A) ступінь бакалавра;
B) ступінь доктора;
C) ступінь кандидата;
D) ступінь спеціаліста.
A) лікар-терапевт;
B) фізик;
C) фізіолог;
D) фельдшер.
A) робота;
B) турбота;
C) мережа;
D) діяльність.
A) кровотеча;
B) згортання крові;
C) кровопускання;
D) аналіз крові.
A) рана;
B) перелом;
C) розрив;
D) виразка.
A) курс;
B) період;
C) семестр;
D) сезон.
A) бажання;
B) мета;
C) допомога;
D) сприяння.
A) первинний;
B) перший;
C) запобіжний;
D) започаткований.
A) стан роботи;
B) здібність;
C) поведінка;
D) досвід.
to be discharged from the hospital
A) поступити в лікарню;
B) відвідувати лікарню;
C) працювати в лікарні;
D) виписатися з лікарні.
A) етикетка;
B) таблетка;
C) порошок;
D) піпетка.
A) носій;
B) кар’єра;
C) катетер;
D) картка.
A) усвідомлення;
B) розуміння;
C) наслідування;
D) оволодіння.
to replace
A) існувати;
B) замінювати;
C) складати;
D) розчиняти.
A) білок;
B) жир;
C) водень;
D) вуглевод.
chemical law
A) хімічний закон;
B) хімічна лабораторія;
C) хімічна реакція;
D) хімічне рівняння.
A) рівень;
B) зразок;
C) сталь;
D) вивчення.
soft tissue
A) тверда тканина;
B) пошкоджена тканина;
C) м’яка тканина;
D) сполучна тканина.
A) медикамент;
B) ліки;
C) шприц;
D) фермент.
A) лікар-терапевт;
B) вчитель фізкультури;
C) фізик;
D) фізіолог.
A) перелом;
B) кров;
C) біль;
D) рана.
practical training
A) практичний досвід;
B) практичний лікар;
C) практика;
D) тренування.
doctor’s assistant
A) лікар-психіатр;
B) фельдшер;
C) медсестра;
D) молодший медичний персонал.
consulting room
A) кабінет лікаря;
B) консультуюча клініка;
C) кімната консультанта;
D) консультація юриста.
to cure
A) призначати;
B) обстежувати;
C) лікувати;
D) виписувати.
course of treatment
A) невідкладне лікування;
B) курс лікування;
C) призначене лікування;
D) потреба в лікуванні.
medical service
A) медичний заклад;
B) медичне обслуговування;
C) медичне обладнання;
D) медичний персонал.
A) хворий;
B) виписаний;
C) оздоровчий;
D) схвильований.
A) хірург;
B) хворий;
C) медсестра;
D) фельдшер.
to deliver a lecture
A) читати лекцію;
B) писати лекцію;
C) слухати лекцію;
D) відвідувати лекцію.
senior student
A) студент-старшокурсник;
B) староста;
C) відмінник;
D) студент молодших курсів.
A) шлункові коліти;
B) зубний біль;
C) головний біль;
D) біль у серці.
to do harm
A) допомагати;
B) шкодити;
C) захищати;
D) запобігати.
A) холодильник;
B) жарознижувальний засіб;
C) освіжаюча речовина;
D) радіатор.
district hospital
A) районна лікарня;
B) міська клініка;
C) інфекційна лікарня;
D) обласна лікарня.
principle part
A) основна частина;
B) верхня частина;
C) нижня частина;
D) задня частина.
drug cabinet
A) кабінет лікаря;
B) шафа для ліків;
C) наркологічний кабінет;
D) полиця для ліків.
A) кров;
B) клітина;
C) нерв;
D) судина.
A) хрящі;
B) капіляри;
C) кістки;
D) нерви.
A) виразка;
B) розрив;
C) запалення;
D) рана.
A) гуртожиток;
B) зал;
C) кімната відпочинку;
D) госпіталь.
higher education
A) середня освіта;
B) середня спеціальна освіта;
C) вища освіта;
D) аспірантура.
B) зміщення
C) відмирання;
D) полоскання.
A) запалення;
B) розрив;
C) пухлина;
D) виразка.
A) палата;
B) операційна;
C) передопераційна;
D) перев’язувальна.
credit test
A) тестування;
B) аналізування;
C) екзамен;
D) залік.
to carry out
A) розробляти;
B) обстежувати;
C) досліджувати;
D) проводити.
A) рецепт;
B) лікування;
C) стіл замовлень;
D) виписка.
A) профілактика;
B) знання;
C) досвід;
D) поведінка.
A) сідниці;
B) плечі;
C) руки;
D) ноги.
medicine dropper
A) медична піпетка;
B) медичний одяг;
C) медичний шприц;
D) медична грілка.
B) очищення;
C) видалення;
D) лікування.
A) проміжний;
B) зовнішній;
C) зайвий;
D) внутрішній.
A) огляд;
B) переливання;
C) ін’єкція;
D) премедикація.
A) видалення зубного нальоту;
B) чищення зубів щіткою;
C) полоскання рота;
D) чищення ниткою міжзубних проміжків .
to approve
A) розвивати;
B) збільшувати;
C) покращити;
D) доводити.
A) кімната;
B) палата;
C) будинок;
D) тумбочка.
A) кістка;
prescription department
A) рецептурний відділ;
B) відділ готових ліків;
C) стіл замовлень;
D) відділ аналітики.
A) мікстура;
B) лікарський засіб;
C) токсин;
D) поживна речовина.
to ensure
A) забезпечувати;
B) відповідати;
C) звільняти;
D) вилікувати.
A) спеціаліст;
B) хірург;
C) анестезист;
D) медсестра.
state budget
A) каса;
B) казначейство;
C) державний бюджет;
D) державне страхування.
white gown
A) біла палата;
B) білий одяг;
C) білий халат;
D) біла шапочка.
A) сечовий міхур;
B) жовчний міхур;
C) шлунок;
D) печінка.
A) таблетка;
B) супозиторій;
C) капсула;
D) пігулка.
to discover
A) досліджувати;
B) розчиняти;
C) відкривати;
D) обговорювати.
A) суспензія;
B) зневоднення;
C) розчинення;
D) окислення.
A) підшлункова залоза;
B) сальна залоза;
C) щитоподібна залоза;
D) молочна залоза.
A) мідь;
B) залізо;
C) вуглець;
D) водень.
A) відношення;
B) реакція;
C) регуляція;
D) зменшення.
A) наука;
B) схема;
C) форма;
D) стадія.
Виключіть зайве слово з логічного ряду:
A) illness;
B) disease;
C) disorder;
D) blood pressure.
A) internal use;
B) external use;
C) intercellular;
D) injection.
A) scientist;
B) researcher;
C) driver;
D) investigator.
A) ear;
B) branch;
C) throat;
D) nose.
A) percussion;
B) translation;
C) auscultation;
D) palpation.
A) trunk;
B) leg;
C) arm;
D) spleen.
A) intestine;
B) spleen;
C) nose;
D) liver.
A) reproductive system;
B) lymphatic system;
C) operating system;
D) circulatory system.
A) head;
B) trunk;
C) limbs;
D) blood.
A) pharmacist;
B) chemist;
C) apothecary;
D) chemistry.
A) brain;
B) eye;
C) nose;
D) ear.
A) to treat;
B) to heal;
C) to cure;
D) to be.
A) gingivitis;
D)dental caries.
A) leg;
C) stomach;
D) trunk.
A) health resort;
B) maternity home;
C) psychological support;
D) outpatient clinic.
A) neck;
B) crown;
C) root;
D) dentin.
A) drugs;
B) medicines;
C) remedy;
D) spleen.
A) tooth;
B) physician;
C) surgeon;
D) dentist.
A) hematology;
B) surgery;
C) nephrology;
D) pulmonology.
A) to run a high temperature;
B) to have a high temperature;
C) to have fever;
D) to take the temperature.
A) drugs;
B) medicines;
C) remedy;
D) spleen.
A) reception ward;
B) dressing room;
C) sitting room;
D) surgical ward.
A) gown;
B) mask;
C) preserved blood;
D) rubber gloves.
A) trunk;
B) neck;
C) head;
D) limb.
A) bronchi;
B) pancreas;
C) esophagus;
D) lungs.
A) crown;
B) dentin;
C) enamel;
D) cementum.
A) sodium;
B) cure;
C) iron;
D) calcium.
A) moist râles;
B) accelerated pulse;
C) high temperature;
D) case history.
A) head;
B) face;
C) leg;
D) skull.
A) hematology;
B) nephrology;
C) dentistry;
D) pulmonology.
A) ulcer;
B) gastritis;
C) infarction;
D) indigestion.
A) registering clerk;
B) district doctor;
C) in-patient;
D) consulting ophthalmologist.
A) external;
B) internal;
C) superior;
D) chest.
A) protein;
B) dentist;
C) fat;
D) carbohydrate.
A) pain;
B) cell;
C) tissue;
D) muscle.
A) crown of the tooth;
B) enamel of the tooth;
C) root of the tooth;
D) neck of the tooth.
A) navel;
B) buttocks;
C) shoulders;
D) spine.
A) ulcer;
B) rupture;
C) ward;
D) fracture.
A) soft;
B) rigid;
C) painful;
D) flexible.
A) therapeutist;
B) physician;
C) physiology;
D) gastroenterologist.
A) root;
B) canine;
C) incisor;
D) molar.
A) ointment;
B) powder;
C) dropper;
D) drug.
A) experienced;
B) skilled;
C) know-nothing;
D) proficient.
A) stitch;
B) rubber gloves;
C) mask;
D) sterile gown.
A) curative;
B) palliative;
C) harmful;
D) beneficial.
A) rib;
B) heart;
C) liver;
D) brain.
A) pharynx;
B) fauces;
C) larynx;
D) nose.
A) balneotherapy;
B) aromatherapy;
C) massage;
D) surgery.
A) internal use;
B) external use;
C) injection;
D) inflammation.
A) trunk;
B) eyes;
C) nose;
D) ears.
A) medicine;
B) drug;
C) remedy;
D) nerve.
A) tooth;
B) discoloration;
C) chipping ;
D) cracking.
A) incisor;
B) molar;
C) crown;
D) cuspid.
A) arteries;
B) veins;
C) nodes;
D) capillaries.
A) histology;
B) cytology;
C) gastrectomy;
D) anatomy.
A) palm;
B) thumb;
C) elbow;
D) finger.
A) doctor;
B) physician;
C) physiologist;
D) therapeutist.
A) enamel;
B) cement;
C) dentin;
D) crown.
A) bronchi;
B) pancreas;
C) esophagus;
D) lungs.
A) crown;
B) dentin;
C) enamel;
D) cementum.
A) hematology;
B) surgery;
C) nephrology;
D) pulmonology.
A) to run a high temperature;
B) to have a high temperature;
C) to have fever;
D) to take the temperature.
A) gown;
B) mask;
C) preserved blood;
D) rubber gloves.
A) trunk;
B) neck;
C) head;
D) limb.
A) drugs;
B) medicines;
C) remedy;
D) spleen.
A) reception ward;
B) dressing room;
C) sitting room;
D) surgical ward.
A) external;
B) internal;
C) superior;
D) chest.
A) protein;
B) dentist;
C) fat;
D) carbohydrate.
A) sodium;
B) cure;
C) iron;
D) calcium.
A) hematology;
B) nephrology;
C) dentistry;
D) pulmonology.
A) ulcer;
B) gastritis;
C) infarction;
D) indigestion.
A) registering clerk;
B) district doctor;
C) in-patient;
D) consulting ophthalmologist.
A) moist râles;
B) accelerated pulse;
C) high temperature;
D) case history.
A) head;
B) face;
C) leg;
D) skull.
A) heart;
B) lung;
C) X-ray examination;
D) gallbladder.
A) muscle;
B) bone;
C) surgeon;
D) skin.
A) medicines;
B) remedies;
C) drugs;
D) drinks.
A) discipline;
B) study;
C) science;
D) apparatus.
A) smallpox;
B) blood pressure;
C) malaria;
D) polio.
A) palatine arch;
B) canine;
C) incisor;
D) molar.
A) discoloration;
B) chipping;
C) filling;
D) cracking.
A) to cure;
B) to treat;
C) to kill;
D) to heal.
A) ribs;
B) nose;
C) eyes;
D) mouth.
A) tissue;
B) remedy;
C) organ;
D) cell.
A) entrance examination;
B) physical examination;
C) competitive examination;
D) graduation examination.
A) sanitation;
B) prevention;
C) treatment;
D) body.
A) orthodontics;
B) periodontics;
C) necrotomy;
D) orthopedics.
A) enamel;
B) crown;
C) neck;
D) root.
A) therapeutic;
B) surgical;
C) historic;
D) obstetrical.
A) Pirogov;
B) Shevchenko;
C) Hippocrates;
D) Ibn Sina.
A) pancreas;
B) surgeon;
C) trachea;
D) esophagus.
A) stomach;
B) frenulum;
C) hyoid muscle;
D) tongue.
A) gown;
B) mask;
C) data;
D) rubber gloves.
A) anatomist;
B) surgeon;
C) hematologist;
D) laboratory.
A) medicine;
B) hospital;
C) remedy;
D) drug.
A) molar;
B) incisor;
C) canine;
D) palatine arch.
A) hot-water bottle;
B) medicine dropper;
C) cups;
D) computer.
A) pharmacist;
B) pediatrician;
C) ophthalmologist;
D) engineer.
A) anaesthetist;
B) cure;
C) dentist;
D) gastroenterologist.
A) dining-room;
B) post-operating room;
C) dressing room;
D) reception room.
A) Anatomy;
B) Biology;
C) Polyclinic;
D) Chemistry.
A) surgeon;
B) physician;
C) psychiatrist;
D) engineer.
A) ulcer;
B) tissue;
C) colitis;
D) gastritis.
A) disease;
B) agriculture;
C) illness;
D) sickness.
A) polyclinic;
B) hospital;
C) clinic;
D) academy.
A) doctor;
B) physician;
C) prescription;
D) therapeutist.
A) disease;
B) treatment;
C) injury;
D) damage.
A) general practitioner;
B) health visitor;
C) nurse;
D) operation.
A) palpation;
B) translation;
C) auscultation;
D) percussion.
A) post-operating room;
B) dressing-room;
C) reception room;
D) dining-room.
A) dermatologist;
B) otolaryngologist;
C) obstetrics;
D) neurologist.
A) ulcer;
B) gastritis;
C) colitis;
D) tissue.
A) advice;
B) blood test;
C) electrocardiogram;
D) urinary test.
A) drugs for cough;
B) cardiac medicines;
C) medicine droppers;
D) drugs for headache.
A) institution;
B) equipment;
C) clinic;
D) hospital.
A) brain;
B) spinal cord;
C) ventricle;
D) process.
A) splenectomy;
B) gastrectomy;
C) bronchitis;
D) appendectomy.
A) morning exercises;
B) grammar exercises;
C) written exercises;
D) oral exercises.
A) gastrology;
B) surgery;
C) therapy;
D) dermatologist.
A) to treat;
B) to cure;
C) to heal;
D) to wash.
A) ophthalmologist;
B) gynaecologist;
C) chemistry;
D) surgeon.
A) nurse;
B) hot-water bottle;
C) medicine dropper;
D) thermometer.
A) hospital;
B) tissue;
C) cell;
D) muscle.
A) liquid;
B) solution;
C) test;
D) fluid.
A) exercise;
B) hardness;
C) density;
D) solubility.
A) children’s hospital;
B) dispensary;
C) sanatorium;
D) analysis.
A) drug quality;
B) drug action;
C) drug cabinet;
D) drug testing.
A) article;
B) text-book;
C) reference-book;
D) society.
A) mercury;
B) example;
C) silver;
D) calcium.
A) nervous;
B) cardiac-vascular;
C) respiratory;
D) basic.
A) organ;
B) body;
C) action;
D) tissue.
A) department;
B) ward;
C) operating-room;
D) research.
A) scalpel;
B) nurse;
C) syringe;
D) pincette.
A) arm;
B) elbow;
C) eye;
D) forearm.
A) gastroenterology;
B) cardiology;
C) traumatology;
D) achievements.
A) to feel the pulse;
B) to palpate the abdomen;
C) to make a diagnoses;
D) to clean the ward.
A) palpation;
B) registry;
C) auscultation;
D) percussion.
A) cups;
B) doctor;
C) thermometer;
D) medicine dropper.
A) sweat;
B) urine;
C) gland;
D) sputum.
A) possible;
B) digestive;
C) pulmonary;
D) cardio-vascular.
A) tumour;
B) appendicitis;
C) scalpel;
D) ulcer.
A) chest;
B) shoulder;
C) sheep;
D) hand.
A) otolaryngologist;
B) scientist;
C) pediatrician;
D) obstetrician.
A) famous;
B) dangerous;
C) well-known;
D) outstanding.
A) illness;
B) disease;
C) disorder;
D) blood pressure.
A) internal use;
B) external use;
D) injection.
A) scientist;
B) researcher;
C) driver;
D) investigator.
A) ear;
B) branch;
C) throat;
D) nose.
A) percussion;
B) translation;
C) auscultation;
D) palpation.
A) limb;
B) extremity;
C) arm;
D) spleen.
A) school-leaver;
B) graduate;
C) post-graduate;
D) therapeutist.
A) heart;
B) gallbladder;
C) abdomen;
D) patient.
A) head;
B) trunk;
C) limbs;
D) blood.
A) pharmacist;
B) chemist;
C) apothecary;
D) head.
A) tear;
B) eye;
C) nose;
D) ear.
A) to treat;
B) to heel;
C) to cure;
D) to be.
A) malaria;
B) measles;
C) headquarters;
D) trachoma.
A) leg;
B) upper extremity;
C) stomach;
D) ankle.
A) institute;
B) training;
C) academy;
D) university.
A) college;
B) institute;
C) hospital;
D) university.
A) pancreas;
B) surgeon;
C) trachea;
D) esophagus.
A) acid;
B) plant;
C) animal;
D) human being.
A) gown;
B) mask;
C) data;
D) rubber gloves.
A) anatomist;
B) surgeon;
C) hematologist;
D) laboratory.
A) medicine;
B) hospital;
C) remedy;
D) drug.
A) finger;
B) thumb;
C) toe;
D) tea.
A) curriculum;
B) programme;
C) requirements;
D) assistant.
A) pharmacist;
B) pediatrician;
C) ophthalmologist;
D) engineer.
A) ribs;
B) nose;
C) eyes;
D) mouth.
A) tissue;
B) remedy;
C) organ;
D) cell.
A) beladonna;
B) opium;
C) mandragora;
D) water.
A) sanitation;
B) prevention;
C) treatment;
D) body.
A) mastotomy;
B) pneumonotomy;
C) appendectomy;
D) laparotomy.
A) intestine;
B) hip;
C) thigh;
D) calf.
A) senior student;
B) junior student;
C) student;
D) department.
A) Pirogov;
B) Shevchenko;
C) Hippocrates;
D) Pavlov.
A) heart;
B) lung;
C) X-ray examination;
D) gallbladder.
A) spectroscopy
B) nephroscopy;
C) laparoscopy;
D) property.
A) to prepare;
B) to dispense;
C) to laugh;
D) to store.
A) medicine;
B) remedy;
C) food;
D) drug.
A) examination;
B) investigation;
C) research;
D) separation.
A) mask;
B) gloves;
C) gown;
D) dosage.
A) cups;
B) ointments;
C) herbs;
D) heart.
A) cardiology;
B) surgery;
C) pharmacy;
D) theory.
A) market;
B) clinic;
C) dispensary;
D) hospital.
A) muscle;
B) bone;
C) surgeon;
D) skin.
A) medicines;
B) remedies;
C) drugs;
D) drinks.
A) discipline;
B) study;
C) science;
D) apparatus.
A) cholera;
B) blood pressure;
C) yellow fever;
D) plague.
A) arm;
B) segment;
C) girdle;
D) girl.
A) faculty;
B) pharmacy;
C) dentistry;
D) stomatology.
A) to cure;
B) to treat;
C) to kill;
D) to heal.
A) external;
B) internal;
C) superior;
D) sternum.
A) protein;
B) dentist;
C) fat;
D) carbohydrate.
A) gloves;
B) fracture;
C) wound;
D) cut.
A) disease;
B) ailment;
C) admission;
D) sickness.
A) hospital;
B) clinic;
C) dispensary;
D) school.
A) science;
B) research;
C) investigation;
D) things.
A) technical;
B) medical;
C) stomatological;
D) powerful.
A) head;
B) face;
C) leg;
D) skull.
A) roots;
B) leaves;
C) hormones;
D) fruit.
A) nucleus;
B) cytoplasm;
C) protoplasm;
D) amputation.
A) massage;
B) exercises;
C) nutrition;
D) gymnastics.
A) to do;
B) to understand;
C) to perform;
D) to fulfil.
A) gown;
B) mask;
C) preserved blood;
D) rubber glows.
A) trunk;
B) foreigner;
C) head;
D) limb.
A) drugs;
B) medicines;
C) remedy;
D) spleen.
A) hand;
B) teeth;
C) gums;
D) mouth.
A) medicine;
B) drug;
C) remedy;
D) nerve.
A) tooth;
B) chromosome;
C) nucleoli;
D) cytoplasm.
A) system;
B) sign;
C) symptom;
D) syndrome.
A) individual;
B) service;
C) person;
D) man.
A) suturing materials;
B) surgical instruments;
C) syndrome;
D) dressings.
A) histology;
B) biology;
C) anatomy;
D) nurse.
A) doctor;
B) physician;
C) prescription;
D) therapeutist.
A) skull;
B) liver;
C) brain;
D) head.
A) depressants;
B) tranquilizers;
C) rhinitis;
D) anesthetics.
A) mitochondria;
B) hospital;
C) lysosomes;
D) centrioles.
A) standard;
B) cure;
C) norm;
D) rule.
A) sickness;
B) invalidity;
C) competition;
D) disability.
A) credit test;
B) traveling;
C) examination;
D) session.
A) chemistry;
B) non-organic chemistry;
C) specialist;
D) organic chemistry.
A) internal use;
B) external use;
C) injection;
D) ulcer.
A) trunk;
B) eyes;
C) nose;
D) ears.
A) pain;
B) cell;
C) tissue;
D) muscle.
A) student;
B) endoplasmic reticulum;
C) Golgi bodies;
D) Mitochondria.
A) patient;
B) in-patient;
C) out-patient;
D) physician.
A) ulcer;
B) rupture;
C) ward;
D) fracture.
A) resort;
B) sanatorium;
C) rest home;
D) school.
A) therapeutist;
B) physician;
C) physiology;
D) gastroenterologist.
A) tissue;
B) remedy;
C) organ;
D) cell.
A) ecology;
B) gynaecology;
C) therapy;
D) surgery.
A) fear;
B) depression;
C) anger;
D) microorganism.
A) catabolism;
B) pharmacist;
C) anabolism;
D) metabolism.
A) gynaecology;
B) pediatrics;
C) surgery;
D) faculty.
A) surgeon;
B) nurse;
C) disease;
D) doctor.
A) ulcer;
B) colitis;
C) heart;
D) infarction.
A) surgeon;
B) anesthetist;
C) obstetrician;
D) pediatrics.
A) angina pectoris;
B) pericarditis;
C) infarction;
D) heart.
A) prominent;
B) famous;
C) outstanding;
D) young.
A) palpation;
B) registry;
C) auscultation;
D) percussion.
A) cups;
B) doctor;
C) thermometer;
D) medicine dropper.
A) inflammation;
B) bleeding;
C) extraction;
D)swelling .
A) bacterium;
B) caries;
C) fungus;
D)virus .
A) tumour;
B) appendicitis;
C) scalpel;
D) ulcer.
A) chest;
B) shoulder;
C) balneology;
D) hand.
A) stomach;
B) frenulum;
C) hyoid muscle;
A) suturing material;
B) rubber gloves;
C) wound dehiscence;
D) dressings.
A) polyclinic;
B) hospital;
C) clinic;
D) academy.
A) doctor;
B) physician;
C) prescription;
D) therapeutist.
A) disease;
B) treatment;
C) injury;
D) damage.
A) general practitioner;
B) doctor;
C) nurse;
D) operation.
A) incisors;
B) bite;
C) molars;
D) wisdom teeth.
A) post-operating room;
B) dressing-room;
C) reception room;
D) dining-room.
A) endodontics;
B) orthodontics;
C) periodontics;
D) pediatrics.
A) ulcer;
B) gastritis;
C) colitis;
D) tissue.
A) advice;
B) blood test;
C) X-ray examination;
D) urine analysis.
A) drugs for cough;
B) cardiac medicines;
C) medicine droppers;
D) drugs for headache.
A) institution;
B) equipment;
C) clinic;
D) hospital.
A) root;
B) tissue;
C) crown;
D) neck.
A) splenectomy;
B) gastrectomy;
C) bronchitis;
D) appendectomy.
A) powder;
B) ointment;
C) pill;
D) thermometer.
A) gastrology;
B) surgery;
C) therapy;
D) dermatologist.
A) to treat;
B) to cure;
C) to heal;
D) to wash.
A) ophthalmologist;
B) gynaecologist;
C) chemistry;
D) surgeon.
A) nurse;
B) hot-water bottle;
C) medicine dropper;
D) thermometer.
A) hospital;
B) tissue;
C) bone;
D) muscle.
A) department;
B) ward;
C) operating-room;
D) research.
A) scalpel;
B) nurse;
C) syringe;
D) pincette.
A) tooth;
B) tongue;
C) eye;
A) pulpitis;
B) gingivitis;
C) periodontitis;
D) gastritis.
A) to cleanse the cavity;
B) to fill the tooth;
C) to perform the pulp necroctomy;
D) to clean the ward.
A) lecture;
B) level;
C) seminar;
D) lesson.
A) to compose;
B) to create;
C) to divide;
D) to include.
A) positive;
B) poisonous;
C) toxic;
D) harmfull.
A) prescription;
B) experiment;
C) research;
D) investigation.
A) biochemistry;
B) physical chemistry;
C) pharmacology;
D) category.
A) cardiac;
B) lung;
C) analgetic;
D) sedative.
A) intravenous;
B) intramuscular;
C) topical;
D) diet.
Виберіть правильний варіант пояснення терміну:
A) a scientist that studies physiological processes;
B) a scientist that studies structures of cells;
C) a scientist that studies diseases of respiratory system;
D) a scientist that studies diseases and morphologic, physiologic
changes produced by them.
chemist’s shop
A) a specialized shop where medicines are sold;
B) a specialized room where Chemistry is taught;
C) a department at a supermarket where vegetables are sold;
D) a teacher of Chemistry at a higher educational establishment.
A) pertaining to the stomach;
B) inflammation of the stomach;
C) incision of the stomach;
D) diagnostic procedure visualizing the stomach.
A)the bony structure that serves as the general framework of the head;
B)the control center of the nervous system;
C)a sense organ that detects sounds;
D)the front part of the head from the forehead to the chin.
A) inflammation of the lungs;
B) incision of the lungs;
C) removal of the lungs;
D) a doctor qualified to treat lung diseases.
A) heart location;
B) failure of the heart;
C) heart inflammation;
D) left heart.
A) a part of head;
B) a part of hand;
C) a part of leg;
D) a part of foot.
A) an organ of cardio-vascular system;
B) an organ of endocrine system;
C) an organ of gastro-intestinal system;
D) an organ of digestive system.
district doctor
A) a doctor who lives in a definite district;
B) a doctor who is in charge of a definite district;
C) a doctor who specializes in a definite field of medicine;
D) a doctor who receives patients at home.
A) an instrument used for relieving pain;
B) an instrument used for measuring the blood pressure;
C) an instrument used for measuring the temperature;
D) an instrument used by surgeons during the operations.
A) liver cirrhosis;
B) liver echinocosis;
C) liver rupture;
D) liver inflammation.
A) a sense organ that detects sounds;
B) manipulates food for chewing and swallowing;
C) an organ of vision that detects light;
D) the control center of the nervous system.
A) study of bacteria;
B) study of viruses;
C)study of any abnormal condition ;
D) study of fungi.
A) one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot;
B) one of the four long parts that stick out from the hand;
C) one of the two organs in the body that produce urine;
D) one of the two organs in the chest that are used when breathing.
A) inflammation of the lungs;
B) inflammation of the periodontum;
C) inflammation of the pulp;
D) inflammation of the gums.
A) the science of the kidney;
B) pain in a kidney;
C) surgical incision into the kidney;
D) pertaining to the kidney.
A) an organ with the help of which we can taste;
B) an organ with the help of which we can hear;
C) an organ with the help of which we can see;
D) an organ with the help of which we can smell.
X-ray examination
A) recording the electrical activity of heart;
B) tapping the chest or other parts of the body;
C) painless test to take picture of the inside of the body;
D) feeling tumour, swelling, presence of tenderness.
A) treatment by clean mountain air;
B) treatment by mineral water;
C) treatment by healthy food;
D) treatment by physical exercises.
A) stomach inflammation;
B) stomach ache;
C) stomach resection;
D) stomach juice.
A) bandage for a wound;
B) one who dresses a person;
C) one who makes clothes;
D) outer clothing.
A) study of teeth diseases;
B) study of dental pulp;
C) study of malocclusion;
D) study of supporting structures of the teeth.
A) the control center of the nervous system;
B) a sense organ that detects sounds;
C) the bony structure serving as the general framework for the head;
D) houses nostrils, which admit and expel air for respiration.
A) a shelf of muscle extending across the bottom of the rib cage;
B) a bean-shaped hollow muscular organ involved in the second phase
of digestion;
C) a pear-shaped organ that stores bile;
D) the largest gland of the body producing bile.
A) a patient who undergoes a course of treatment at the hospital;
B) a patient who undergoes a course of treatment at the polyclinic;
C) a patient who has just left a polyclinic;
D) a patient who has become perfectly healthy.
A) the part that holds the lower teeth in place;
B) the first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food;
C) the conic projection from the posterior edge of the middle of the
soft palate;
D) the posterior part of the mouth.
A) gallbladder cancer;
B) gallbladder torsion;
C) gallbladder inflammation;
D) gallbladder dyskinesia.
A) houses nostrils, which admit and expel air for respiration;
B) serves as the general framework for the head;
C) manipulates food for chewing and swallowing;
D) serves as the general framework for the trunk.
A) surgical cutting of the stomach;
B) a doctor qualified to treat gastric diseases;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) removal of the stomach.
A) inflammation of the pulp;
B) inflammation of the oral cavity;
C) inflammation of the gums;
D) inflammation of the stomach.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) upper jaw;
B) upper arm;
C) lower jaw;
D) lower extremity.
doctor’s consulting room
A) a place where doctor receives his patients;
B) a registry;
C) a room for physiotherapeutic procedures;
D) a ward.
A) study of gums;
B) study of supporting structures of the teeth;
C) study of malocclusion;
D) study of dental pulp.
respiratory system
A) coordinates the activity of muscles;
B) regulates mood, growth and development;
C) facilitates oxygenation of blood;
D) provides physical support of the body.
A) the study of biological cells;
B) the study of the structure of living organisms;
C) the study of substances and their reaction;
D) the study of bodily functions.
A) inflammation of the kidney;
B) incision of the kidney;
C) removal of the kidney;
D) a doctor qualified to treat kidney diseases.
hyoid muscle
A) a part of the arm;
B) a part of the leg;
C) a part of the abdominal cavity;
D) a part of the oral cavity
district doctor
A) a doctor who deals with the patients of certain district;
B) a person trained to look after sick people;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) a specialist in psychiatric diseases;
B) a specialist in infectious diseases;
C) a specialist in internal diseases;
D) a specialist in dental diseases.
physical examination
A) questioning of the patient about the onset of the diseases and
previous illnesses;
B) laboratory findings and X-ray examination;
C) physiotherapeutic procedures;
D) examining the throat, listening to the heart and lungs, feeling the
pulse and palpating abdomen.
A) examination of teeth ;
B) professional cleansing of teeth;
C) teeth breaking through the gum line;
D) loss of teeth.
A) secretion of the sweat glands;
B) secretion of the salivary glands;
C) secretion of the labial glands ;
D) secretion of the adrenal glands.
A) pancreatic;
B) pancreas removal;
C) pancreas treatment;
D) pancreas inflammation.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) outer layer on the crown part of a tooth;
B) outer layer on the root part of a tooth;
C) soft tissue within the tooth canal;
D) a part of the tooth between crown and root.
A) in norm;
B) healthy;
C) diseased;
D) in good shape.
chemist’s shop:
A) a department store;
B) a drugstore;
C) a pharmaceutical plant;
D) a teacher of Chemistry.
A) stores bile until the body needs it for digestion;
B) marks the point of former attachment of the umbilical cord to the
C) lies between the chest and the pelvis;
D) a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the
A) connected with oral cavity;
B) study of oral cavity;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) study of teeth.
nervous tissue
A) contains fibers which aid it in contracting and relaxing;
B) contains large space for fat storage;
C) is square and flat to provide protection;
D) is long and has various fibrous extensions which aid it in its job of
carrying impulses.
A) science that studies microscopic structure and functions of tissue;
B) science that studies cell structure, cell composition, and the
interaction of cells;
C) science that studies functions of the human organs;
D) science that studies different parts which form the human body.
A) full of microorganisms;
B) free from microorganisms;
C) growth of microorganisms;
D) multiplication of microorganisms.
A) the digit of the foot;
B) the largest bone of the body;
C) the first digit of the hand;
D) the joint between the forearm and the hand.
A) a specialist qualified to perform surgical operations;
B) a specialist trained to care for sick people;
C) a doctor qualified to treat bladder diseases;
D) a doctor qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) a research institution;
B) an establishment where people are treated;
C) a secondary educational establishment;
D) a higher educational establishment.
A) central part of the human body;
B) large posterior area of the human body;
C) bony framework of the head;
D) joined appendage of the body.
root canal
A) the part that extends into the upper or lower jawbones;
B) the part of the tooth that is covered by enamel;
C) the visible part above the gum line;
D) the open space inside the root.
necessary knowledge
A) unlimited knowledge;
B) indefinite information;
C) valuable data;
D) needed knowledge.
A) pertaining to the heart;
B) severe disease of the heart;
C) pain in the heart;
D) science dealing with the diseases of the heart.
A) deals with treatment and prevention of emotional disorders;
B) deals with treatment and preventive care of athletes;
C) concerned with the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and
blood diseases;
D) studies tumours and seeks to understand their development.
A) feeling tumour, swelling, presence of tenderness;
B) recording the electrical activity of heart yielding important
diagnostic information;
C) ascertaining visible signs of the patient’s condition;
D) test using x-rays to take picture of the inside of the body.
A) a room for sleeping in;
B) a room where meals are prepared;
C) a room with beds for patients in a hospital;
D) a room for surgical operations.
A) either of the fleshy edges of the mouth-opening;
B) muscular organ in the mouth used in tasting and speaking;
C) each of the white bony structures in the jaws, used in biting and
D) roof of the mouth.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) administration of anesthesia before the operation;
D) a person who administeres anesthetics.
cranial part
A) a part of the back;
B) a part of the leg;
C) a part of the head;
D) a part of the chest.
to rinse
A) to wash with a sponge;
B) to wash lightly;
C) to rub hard with something bristly;
D) to cleanse with water or other liquid.
A) houses nostrils, which admit and expel air for respiration;
B) serves as the general framework for the head;
C) manipulates food for chewing and swallowing;
D) serves as the general framework for the trunk.
A) bronchi rupture;
B) bronchial tumour;
C) bronchi inflammation;
D) bronchial foreign body.
A) upper jaw;
B) upper arm;
C) lower jaw;
D) lower limb.
A) end of life;
B) unhealthy condition;
C) state of being well;
D) length of life.
A) incision of the stomach;
B) excision of the stomach;
C) pertaining to the stomach;
D) inflammation of the stomach.
A) first digit of the hand;
B) horn-like piece at the end of each finder;
C) under side of the foot;
D) terminal segment of the lower limb.
A) the science that deals with ear, nose and throat diseases;
B) the science that deals with eye diseases;
C) the science that deals with infectious diseases;
D) the science that deals with oncological diseases.
A) inflammation of the pulp;
B) inflammation of the gums;
C) inflammation of the throat;
D) inflammation of the oral cavity.
scrub-up room
A) a room where patients are operated on;
B) a room where glassware is washed;
C) a room where a surgeon and his assistant get ready for the
D) a room where a surgeon examines post-operative wound.
A) a viscous semisolid preparation used topically on a variety of body
B) a mixture of active substances usually in powder form;
C) a medicine to be taken orally;
D) an instrument for body temperature measurement.
A) a sense organ that detects sounds;
B) control center of the nervous system;
C) area of the face below eyes;
D) an organ of vision that detects light.
to prevent
A) to give medical treatment to;
B) to restore to health;
C) to keep from happening;
D) to become healthy after injury.
cranial cavity
A) a large cavity in the tooth;
B) a large cavity of the skull;
C) a large cavity of the mouth;
D) a large cavity of the abdomen.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) outer layer on the crown part of a tooth;
B) outer layer on the root part of a tooth;
C) soft tissue within the tooth canal;
D) a part of the tooth between crown and root.
A) in norm;
B) healthy;
C) diseased;
D) in good shape.
A) examination of teeth ;
B) professional cleansing of teeth;
C) teeth breaking through the gum line;
D) loss of teeth.
physical examination
A) questioning of the patient about the onset of the diseases and
previous illnesses;
B) laboratory findings and X-ray examination;
C) physiotherapeutic procedures;
D) examining the throat, listening to the heart and lungs, feeling the
pulse and palpating abdomen.
A) pancreatic;
B) pancreas removal;
C) pancreas treatment;
D) pancreas inflammation.
A) secretion of the sweat glands;
B) secretion of the salivary glands;
C) secretion of the labial glands ;
D) secretion of the adrenal glands.
chemist’s shop:
A) a department store;
B) a drugstore;
C) a pharmaceutical plant;
D) a teacher of Chemistry.
A) science that studies microscopic structure and functions of tissue;
B) science that studies cell structure, cell composition, and the
interaction of cells;
C) science that studies functions of the human organs;
D) science that studies different parts which form the human body.
A) the digit of the foot;
B) the largest bone of the body;
C) the first digit of the hand;
D) the joint between the forearm and the hand.
A) full of microorganisms;
B) free from microorganisms;
C) growth of microorganisms;
D) multiplication of microorganisms.
A) a specialist qualified to perform surgical operations;
B) a specialist trained to care for sick people;
C) a doctor qualified to treat bladder diseases;
D) a doctor qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) a research institution;
B) an establishment where people are treated;
C) a secondary educational establishment;
D) a higher educational establishment.
A) stores bile until the body needs it for digestion;
B) marks the point of former attachment of the umbilical cord to the
C) lies between the chest and the pelvis;
D) a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the
A) connected with oral cavity;
B) study of oral cavity;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) study of teeth.
nervous tissue
A) contains fibers which aid it in contracting and relaxing;
B) contains large space for fat storage;
C) is square and flat to provide protection;
D) is long and has various fibrous extensions which aid it in its job of
carrying impulses.
A) secretion from the glands of animals;
B) drugs synthesized in the laboratory;
C) food substance;
D) parts of plant.
A) a substance that kills bacteria;
B) medicines that relieve pain;
C) drugs used in treatment of cardio-vascular disorders;
D) a substance used in treatment of digestive disturbances.
A) definition;
B) prophylaxis;
C) composition;
D) ratification.
A) inflammation of the heart;
B) abnormal smallness of the heart;
C) insufficiency of the heart;
D) death of the heart muscle.
A) inflammation of the kidney;
B) incision of the kidney;
C) removal of the kidney;
D) a doctor qualified to treat kidney diseases.
the forearm
A) a part of the lower extremity;
B) a part of the upper extremity;
C) a part of the trunk;
D) a part of the foot.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to treat children;
C) a doctor qualified to treat teeth;
D) one who devotes himself to physiology.
A) inside the vein;
B) outside the vein;
C) between veins;
D) above the vein.
A) drugs which depress the nerves in the brain;
B) agents which act to relieve pain;
C) drugs which alter behavior;
D) drugs which block the action of histamine.
A) killing bacteria in something;
B) making operation on appendicitis;
C) studying at the medical university;
D) preparing homework in English.
A) study of very big organisms;
B) study of organisms visible to the naked eye;
C) study of organisms invisible to the naked eye;
D) study of all living organisms.
A) nerve cutting;
B) neurotic;
C) nervous;
D) nerve inflammation.
A) a room for sleeping in;
B) a room where meals are prepared;
C) a room with beds for patients in a hospital;
D) a room where surgical operations are performed.
A) the joint connecting the foot to the leg;
B) the joint connecting the hand to the arm;
C) the part of the body connecting the head to the trunk;
D) the layer of muscles between the lungs and the stomach.
A) study of organic tissues;
B) study of disease;
C) study of earth’s crust;
D) study of bodily structure.
therapeutic department
A) a department where surgical diseases are treated;
B) a department where internal diseases are treated;
C) a department where neurological diseases are treated;
D) a department where gynecological diseases are treated.
A) an element that causes allergic reaction;
B) chemical substance;
C) barbiturates;
D) mold.
A) the act of showing something;
B) a substance used when rubbing a surface to make it smooth;
C) an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of
medicine you should have;
D) the act of selling drugs and various things for medical care at the
chemist’s shop.
A) component of cavity;
B) connective tissue;
C) physiological element;
D) pertaining to or full of cells.
A) nerve cutting;
B) neurotrauma;
C) neurotonic;
D) nerve inflammation.
A) end of life;
B) unhealthy condition;
C) state of being well;
D) length of life.
the ring finger
A) the finger by which we show something;
B) the finger we wear the ring on;
C) the small finger;
D) the middle finger.
descriptive anatomy
A) anatomic study of tissues in respect of their functions;
B) the science which studies the structure of the body;
C) microscopic study of tissues;
D) the changes in the structure caused by a disease.
A) study of biological cells;
B) study of the structure of living things;
C) study of substances and their reactions;
D) study of the bodily functions.
A) drugs that affect the heart;
B) drugs that produce loss of sensation;
C) drugs that prevent blood clotting;
D) drugs that affect blood pressure.
A) a person whose job is to clean an operation room;
B) a person whose job is to teach students;
C) a person whose job is to treat infectious diseases;
D) a person whose job is to prepare medicines.
A) gallbladder cancer;
B) gallbladder torsion;
C) gallbladder inflammation;
D) gallbladder dyskinesia.
A) cell development;
B) cell growth;
C) cell death;
D) blood cell.
to prevent
A) keep from happening;
B) give medical treatment to;
C) restore to health;
D) become healthy after injury.
A) the joint between the hand and the arm;
B) the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm;
C) the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg;
D) the joint between the foot and the leg.
A) a part of the hand;
B) a part of the head;
C) a part of the foot;
D) a part of the neck.
A) liver transplantation;
B) heart transplantation;
C) cornea transplantation;
D) skin transplantation.
A) are used to prevent hair loss;
B) are used as hypnotics;
C) are used to mimic the action of sympathetic nerve;
D) are used to treat bacterial infections.
chemist’s shop
A) a specialized shop where medicines are sold;
B) a specialized room where Chemistry is taught;
C) a department at a supermarket where vegetables are sold;
D) a teacher of Chemistry at a higher educational establishment.
enormous development
A) small development;
B) important development;
C) approximate development;
D) huge development.
A) tiny cell;
B) very small cell;
C) enormous cell;
D) extremely tiny cell.
A) inflammation of the lungs;
B) incision of the lungs;
C) removal of the lungs;
D) a doctor qualified to treat lung diseases.
A) heart location;
B) failing heart;
C) heart inflammation;
D) left heart.
A) a part of head;
B) a part of hand;
C) a part of leg;
D) a part of foot.
A) an organ of cardio-vascular system;
B) an organ of endocrine system;
C) an organ of gastro-intestinal system;
D) an organ of digestive system.
district doctor
A) a doctor who lives in a definite district;
B) a doctor who is in charge of a definite district;
C) a doctor who specializes in some concrete field of medicine;
D) a doctor who receives patients at home.
A) an instrument used for relieving pain;
B) an instrument used for measuring the blood pressure;
C) an instrument used for measuring the temperature;
D) an instrument used by surgeons during the operations.
A) liver cirrhosis;
B) liver echinocosis;
C) liver rupture;
D) liver inflammation.
A) inside the arteries;
B) behind the arteries;
C) outside the arteries;
D) an the arteries.
A) medical treatment;
B) advise the use of a medicine;
C) performing an operation;
D) identification of a disease.
A) one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot;
B) one of the four long parts the stick out from the hand;
C) one of the two organs in the body that produce urine;
D) one of the two organs in the chest that are used when breathing.
A) blood cell;
B) blood gases;
C) blood plate throumbs;
D) bloodstream.
A) study of tissue;
B) study of teeth;
C) study of human body;
D) study of oral cavity.
A) a depression in the middle of the abdomen;
B) the part of the human body lying between the chest and the pelvis;
C) the largest gland of the body producing bile;
D) an organ located in the peritoneum.
A) definition;
B) prophylaxis;
C) composition;
D) ratification.
A) incision of the kidney;
B) pain in a kidney;
C) specialist trained to treat kidney disease;
D) excision of the kidney.
A) pertaining to the stomach;
B) diagnostic procedure visualizing the intestines;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) inflammation of the intestines.
A) a lower jaw;
B) a palatine process;
C) a soft palate;
D) an upper jaw.
A) secretion of the sweat glands;
B) secretion of the salivary glands;
C) secretion of the adrenal glands;
D) secretion of the labial glands.
A) inside the vein;
B) outside the vein;
C) between veins;
D) above the vein.
A) an organ with the help of which we can taste;
B) an organ with the help of which we can hear;
C) an organ with the help of which we can see;
D) an organ with the help of which we can smell.
previous illnesses
A) illnesses of the family members;
B) chronic illnesses;
C) illnesses a patient suffered from in the past;
D) illnesses that cannot be treated.
A) the treatment of a physical problem or an illness;
B) the science that deals with the relations between heat and other
forms of energy;
C) pressure or worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life;
D) the fundamental unit of all living matter capable of independent
A) liver transplantation;
B) heart transplantation;
C) cornea transplantation;
D) skin transplantation.
A) stomach inflammation;
B) stomach ache;
C) stomach resection;
D) stomach juice.
A) bandage for a wound;
B) one who dresses a person;
C) one who makes clothes;
D) outer clothing.
A) we wear a coat on it;
B) we wear a watch on it;
C) we wear a boot on it;
D) we wear a hat on it.
A) muscle tissue;
B) muscle disease;
C) healthy muscles;
D) facial muscles.
A) an upper jaw;
B) a lower jaw;
C) a soft palate;
D) a hard palate.
A) a patient who undergoes a course of treatment at the hospital;
B) a patient who undergoes a course of treatment at the polyclinic;
C) a patient who has just left a polyclinic;
D) a patient who has become perfectly healthy.
cell membrane
A) a thin covering that encloses the cell and separates it from its
B) a severe criticism of somebody’s behavior;
C) the control center that directs the activities of the cell;
D) the entire cell except the nucleus.
A) gallbladder cancer;
B) gallbladder torsion;
C) gallbladder inflammation;
D) gallbladder dyskinesia.
A) small heart;
B) heart beat;
C) heart sound;
D) too big heart.
A) surgical cutting of the stomach;
B) a doctor qualified to treat gastric diseases;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) removal of the stomach.
A) a part of the leg;
B) a part of the arm;
C) a part of the hand;
D) a part of the knee.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) the substance in skull-bones;
B) the substance in trunk-bones;
C) the substance in the mouth;
D) the substance in internal organs.
doctor’s consulting room
A) a place where doctor receives his patients;
B) a registry;
C) a room for physiotherapeutic procedures;
D) a ward.
A) a thin covering that encloses the cell and separates it from its
B) a severe criticism of somebody’s behavior;
C) the control center that directs the activities of the cell;
D) the entire cell except the nucleus.
A) corneal inflammation;
B) corneal injury;
C) corneal syndrome;
D) corneal irritation.
A) pathophysiology;
B) plant pathology;
C) pathopsychology;
D) pathomorphology.
A) inflammation of the kidney;
B) incision of the kidney;
C) removal of the kidney;
D) a doctor qualified to treat kidney diseases.
A) a part of the head;
B) a part of the heart;
C) a part of the hand;
D) a part of the foot.
district doctor
A) a doctor who deals with the patients of certain district;
B) a person trained to look after sick people;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) a specialist in psychological diseases;
B) a specialist in infectious diseases;
C) a specialist in internal diseases;
D) a specialist in dental diseases.
physical examination
A) questioning of the patient about the onset of the diseases and
previous illnesses;
B) laboratory findings and X-ray examination;
C) physiotherapeutic procedures;
D) examining the throat, listening to the heart and lungs, feeling the
pulse and palpating abdomen.
A) the control centers that direct the activities of the cell;
B) the entire cell except the nucleus;
C) 23 pairs of long, threadlike bodies;
D) thin covering that enclose the cell.
A) ancient;
B) interesting;
C) modern;
D) ideal.
A) pancreatic;
B) pancreas removal;
C) pancreas treatment;
D) pancreas inflammation.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) extremely small organ;
B) extremely small cell;
C) extremely small bone;
D) extremely small tissue.
A) in norm;
B) healthy;
C) diseased;
D) in good shape.
chemist’s shop
A) a department store;
B) a drugstore;
C) a pharmaceutical plant;
D) a teacher of Chemistry.
A) an abdominal cavity organ;
B) one of the main parts of the human body;
C) a disease;
D) doctor’s specialization.
A) a thin covering that encloses the cell and separates it from its
B) a severe criticism of somebody’s behavior;
C) the control center that direct the activities of the cell;
D) the entire cell except the nucleus.
A) nutrition;
B) obesity;
C) starvation;
D) information.
A) pancreas cyst;
B) pancreas inflammation;
C) pancreatic calculi;
D) pancreatic cancer.
A) full of microorganisms;
B) free from microorganisms;
C) growth of microorganisms;
D) multiplication of microorganisms.
A) extremely small organ;
B) extremely small cell;
C) extremely small bone;
D) extremely small tissue.
A) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
B) a person trained to care for sick people;
C) a doctor qualified to treat bladder diseases;
D) a doctor qualified to treat teeth diseases.
A) a research institution;
B) an establishment where people are treated;
C) a secondary educational establishment;
D) a higher educational establishment.
endocrine system
A) a control system of ductless glands that secrete hormones;
B) a system that provides physical support and allows people to move;
C) a system that produces and transport lymph from tissues to
circulatory system;
D) a system of blood circulation.
A) pertaining to the stomach;
B) inflammation of the stomach;
C) an instrument which is looked through to make stomach visible;
D) science dealing with the diseases of the stomach.
A) deals with disorders of endocrine system;
B) is concerned with the study of blood and its disorders;
C) a branch of medicine that studies tumours;
D) is devoted to the diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic disease.
B) swelling;
C) cleansing;
D) bleeding.
A) a room for sleeping in;
B) a room where meals are prepared;
C) a room with beds for patients in a hospital;
D) a room where surgical operations are performed.
A) study of dental pulp;
B) study of malocclusion;
C) study of supporting structures;
D) study of teeth diseases.
A) study of organic tissues;
B) study of disease;
C) study of earth’s crust;
D) study of bodily structure.
surgical department
A) a department where surgical diseases are treated;
B) a department where internal diseases are treated;
C) a department where neurological diseases are treated;
D) a department where gynecological diseases are treated.
chemical compound
A) the chemical substance with chemical formula H2O;
B) a pure substance consisting of two or more different chemical
C) the technique of separating and analysing the components of liquid
and gases mixture by selective absorption;
D) the science concerned with the composition, structure and
properties of matter and changes it undergoes during chemical
A) the scientific study of medicines and drugs for treating medical
B) treatment of disease through the use of drugs;
C) the study of medicines derived from natural sources;
D) someone who practice the science of pharmacy.
A) a method of measuring human body temperature;
B) a medicine to be taken orally;
C) the investigation by use of a microscope;
D) a method of putting liquid into the body with a hollow needle and a
A) the treatment by either clean mountain air or warm sunny climate;
B) the treatment by bathing or mineral waters drinking;
C) the use of essential oils and other aromatic compounds to affect
someone’s health;
D) the use of different physical exercises to treat specific health
pediatric hospital
A) a hospital which provides care to women during pregnancy;
B) an out-patient clinic where a wide range of health care services are
obtained without the need for an overnight stay;
C) a hospital which offers its services exclusively to children;
D) a medical institution that provides prevention, early detection of a
disease, prolonged care and follow-up observation.
A) a chemist controlling the prescriptions;
B) a doctor dealing with performing the operations to the patients;
C) a health practitioner who treats sick people;
D) a specialist who deals with the study of physiology.
A) a period when the school leavers are admitted to higher medical
B) the pre-clinical training when the students study Latin, foreign
language, histology, chemisrty and certain social science subjects;
C) the improvement of postgraduates’ qualification under the supervision of
experienced specialists;
D) practical work of students in clinics, hospitals and polyclinics.
drug cabinet
A) a room where all drugs are prepared;
B) a department in which one may buy different medicines;
C) a signature with written directions for administration of a drug;
D) a special cabinet where all drugs are kept under two big letters A or
A) a tissue;
B) a blood;
C) a bone;
D) a muscle.
A) structures which produce almost all the energy the cell needs to
live and to do its work;
B) thin covering that encloses the cell;
C) 23 pairs of long, threadlike bodies;
D) the control centers that direct the activity of the cell.
necessary knowledge
A) unlimited knowledge;
B) indefinite information;
C) valuable data;
D) needed knowledge.
A) rib resection;
B) hip resection;
C) total resection;
D) esophagus resection.
academic year
A) a period when the students have practical training;
B) a period when the students study;
C) a period when the students have holidays;
D) a period when the students work.
A) within the gallbladder;
B) inside the gallbladder;
C) within the gallbladder walls;
D) outside the gallbladder.
A) a room for sleeping in;
B) a room where meals are prepared;
C) a room with beds for patients in a hospital;
D) a room for surgical operations.
A) white plague;
B) white blood cell;
C) white thrombus;
D) white brain substance.
A) kidney tuberculosis;
B) kidney inflammation;
C) kidney cancer;
D) kidney abscess.
Pirogov amputation
A) a conservative-restorative operation on the extremities;
B) transplantation of the cornea;
C) emergency surgery and intensive therapy for infants under 12
months with congenital heart disease;
D) removal of the appendix.
scanty amount
A) flexible quantity;
B) necessary amount;
C) considerable number;
D) small number.
A) a preventable eye disease;
B) a severe disease of the lungs;
C) a mild disease of the ears;
D) a common disease of the nose.
A) bronchi rupture;
B) bronchial tumour;
C) bronchi inflammation;
D) bronchial foreign body.
A) study of very big organisms;
B) study of organisms visible to the naked eye;
C) study of organisms invisible to the naked eye;
D) study of all living organisms.
A) end of life;
B) unhealthy condition;
C) state of being well;
D) length of life.
A) the bones of the neck;
B) the bones of the lower limbs;
C) the bones of the upper limbs;
D) the skeleton of the head and face.
dorsal spine
A) a part of a leg;
B) an elastic pillar which supports the trunk and the skull;
C) an abdominal cavity organ;
D) a muscle tissue.
A) the science that deals with ear, nose and throat diseases;
B) the science that deals with eye diseases;
C) the science that deals with infectious diseases;
D) the science that deals with oncological diseases.
A) pulpocyte;
B) pulp;
C) pulpal;
D) pulp inflammation.
A) place from which an organization is controlled;
B) higher educational establishment;
C) medical establishment;
D) institution for educating children.
A) extremely small organism;
B) enormous organism;
C) very large organism;
D) organism visible to the naked eye.
A) between the cells;
B) outside the cells;
C) within the cells;
D) on the cells.
to prevent
A) to give medical treatment to;
B) to restore to health;
C) to keep from happening;
D) to become healthy after injury.
cranial cavity
A) a large cavity in the tooth;
B) a large cavity of the skull;
C) a large cavity of the mouth;
D) a large cavity of the abdomen.
A) a medicine used in treatment of cardio-vascular disorders;
B) a muscle tissue that separates thoracic cavity from abdomen;
C) a bony ring;
D) a cell of the connective tissue.
A) chemistry of halogens;
B) chemistry of capillaries;
C) chemistry of nuclei ;
D) chemistry of living organisms.
A) muscle;
B) heart;
C) muscle cut;
D) muscle inflammation.
A) the two opposable structures forming the entrance to the mouth;
B) the control center of the nervous system;
C) a sense organ that detects sounds;
D) an organ of vision that detects light.
A) the act of showing something;
B) a substance used when rubbing a surface to make it smooth;
C) an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of
medicine you should have;
D) the act of selling drugs and various things for medical care at the
chemist’s shop.
oral cavity
A) the first portion of the alimentary canal;
B) connective tissue;
C)the posterior part of the mouth;
D) bony plate.
A) nerve cutting;
B) neurotrauma;
C) neurotonic;
D) nerve inflammation.
A) end of life;
B) unhealthy condition;
C) state of being well;
D) length of life.
deciduous teeth
A)front teeth;
B) primary teeth;
C) sensitive teeth;
D) permanent teeth.
A)the hard outer shell that covers the root;
B) the bone-like substance that makes up the most of the tooth;
C) the substance covering the root;
D) the soft substance covering the tooth.
A) study of biological cells;
B) study of the structure of living things;
C) study of substances and their reactions;
D) study of the bodily functions.
A) a person trained to look after sick people;
B) a doctor qualified to perform surgical operations;
C) a person who administers anaesthetics;
D) a person qualified to treat teeth diseases.
credit test
A) control lesson after graduating from the institute;
B) control lesson at the end of the term;
C) session at the end of each course;
D) practical training at the hospital.
to graduate from
A) to improve;
B) to finish;
C) to increase;
D) to enter.
A) becoming healthy after injury;
B) keeping from happening;
C) becoming angry;
D) giving medical treatment.
A) study of organic tissues;
B) study of disease;
C) study of earth’s crust;
D) study of bodily structure.
medicinal plant
A) a factory which produces medicines;
B) a company which sells drugs;
C) a living thing that grows in the earth and is helpful in the process of
treatment of different diseases or infections;
D) a large machinery that is used in industrial processes especially in
producing various medicines.
medical equipment
A) medical assistance;
B) medical nurse;
C) medical apparatus;
D) medical school.
A) inside the brain;
B) near the brain;
C) by the brain;
D) above the brain.
A) surgical cutting of the stomach;
B) a doctor qualified to treat gastric diseases;
C) inflammation of the stomach;
D) removal of the stomach.
A) study of biological cells;
B) study of the structure of living things;
C) study of substances and their reactions;
D) study of the bodily functions.
maternity home
A) institution where women are treated;
B) out-patient department;
C) in-patient department;
D) hospital for women who are about to become mothers.
A) medical treatment;
B) advice concerning the use of a medicine;
C) performing an operation;
D) identification of a disease.
higher medical establishment
A) it is the establishment where people get secondary education;
B) it is the establishment where people get technical education;
C) it is the establishment where people get higher education;
D) it is the establishment where people get higher medical education.
A) pain in a nerve;
B) a doctor specializing in nerve disorders;
C) surgical incision into the nerve;
D) pertaining to the nerve.
A) a person whose job is to clean an operation room;
B) a person whose job is to teach students;
C) a person whose job is to treat infectious diseases;
D) a person whose job is to prepare medicines.
A) gallbladder cancer;
B) gallbladder torsion;
C) gallbladder inflammation;
D) gallbladder dyskinesia.
A) a science that studies microscopic structure of tissues;
B) the science that studies cell structure;
C) the science that studies the development of life;
D) the science that studies functions of the human body systems.
to prevent
A) keep from happening;
B) prescribed medical treatment;
C) restore to health;
D) become healthy after injury.
A)tooth breaking through the gum line
B)removing of the tooth by the dentist ;
C)loss of a tooth;
D)development of caries.
A) a part of the hand;
B) a part of the leg;
C) a part of the oral cavity;
D) a part of the abdomen.
mustard plasters
A) are used for measuring body temperature;
B) are used for vacuum therapy;
C) are applied to the chest or abdomen to stimulate heating;
D) are taken orally usually in powder form.
A) existing or occuring between or among atoms;
B) occuring within a molecule or molecules;
C) existing or occuring within an atom or atoms;
D) ocuring inside a cell or cells.
A) a vertical column in the periodic table;
B) a horizontal row in the periodic table;
C) a tabular display of the chemical elements;
D) a building block of ordinary matter.
A) containing two or more hydroxyl groups per molecule;
B) containing two hydroxyl groups per molecule;
C) containing more than two atoms;
D) an acid that contains acidic hydrogen atoms.
a herb
A) any plant with leaves, seeds or flowers used for flavoring, food,
B) extraction of pancreas glands of pigs, cattles and other farm
C) creation of transgenic mammals to produce biopharmaceuticals;
D) production and separation of medicine, chemicals.
A) food for weight loss;
B) drugs for toothache;
C) gastrointestinal disorders;
D) medicines prepared according to the formulas of Galen; standard
preparations containing one or several organic ingredients.
A) a highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a
cosmetic, emollient or medicament;
B) state of matter consisting of particles that have neither a definite
volume nor a definite shape;
C) a chemical comopund that donates protons or hydrogen ions;
D) red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells,
platelets, proteins and other elements.
strong-effective drugs
A) fast-acting drugs producing a strong impression or response, very
effective, hard and powerful;
B) medicines used for cardiac patients;
C) vitamins that the body needs to grow and develop normally;
D) tranquilizer that induces sedation by reducing irritability or
A) institution for the instruction of children under college age;
B) public building used for the confinement of people convicted of
serious crimes;
C) institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities,
a body of teachers and students;
D) preschool educational institution for children.
drugs for cough
A) make the bowels move;
B) soothe or relieve pain;
C) supplement deficiencies in the nutritional value of food;
D) suppress coughing by reducing the irritation of throat.
A) causing nausea, vomiting, allergic reaction;
B) action selectively on an organ, on body tissues or on disease
causing organism and the restoration of normal body function;
C) killing the bacteria inside or outside the body;
D) application to the skin or mucous membrane.
mortality rate
A) the number of death in the population;
B) the number of years an individual is expected to live;
C) the incidence of a particular disease in a population;
D) care delivered by physicians, hospitals, dentists.
drug store
A) a village shop which sell milk, bread and various household goods;
B) bookselling in the commercial trading of books;
C) a store where prescriptions are filled and drugs and other articles
are sold;
D) selling products, which include: jewellery, electronics, food.
medical journal
A) a dictionary with pronunciation;
B) a professional journal in which articles or papers deal with
C) a periodical containing TV program;
D) a newspaper containing current news, feature articles, advertising.
practical work
A) trained by theory;
B) trained by practice;
C) being such for all useless, inefficient, unskilled;
D) an imaginative creation that doesn’t represent actuality.
A) loss or deficiency of water in body tissues;
B) existing or occuring incide a cell or cells;
C) the absence of moisture;
D) deficiency of calcium in body tissues.
Вставте пропущене слово чи словосполучення:
To be seen by a doctor one must make an appointment in the … .
A) chemistry;
B) university;
C) hospital;
D) registry.
After receiving a course of hospital treatment and becoming perfectly healthy
the patients … from the hospital.
A) are taken;
B) are asked to come;
C) are discharged;
D) are brought.
The main parts of the … are the head, the trunk and the limbs.
A) human body;
B) gastro-intestinal tract;
C) cardio-vascular system;
D) digestive disturbances.
… is connected with the trunk by the neck.
A) head;
B) shoulders;
C) arms;
D) ribs.
The development of … begins while a fetus is in the womb.
A) primary teeth;
B) malocclusion;
C) permanent teeth;
D) caries.
The pulp contains … .
A) blood vessel, nerves and connective tissue;
B) blood vessels, dentin and fibers;
C) cementum;
D) mucus.
Each limb has a … which connects it to the trunk.
A) head;
B) girdle;
C) finger;
D) leg.
Junior students study the so-called … subjects.
A) pre-medical;
B) clinical;
C) medical;
D) special.
District doctors cater for … .
A) workers at some plants or factories;
B) drivers of cars and lorries;
C) patients living in a definite district;
D) nurses working at a policlinic or a hospital.
Professional hygiene consists of regular dental … and cleansing.
A) removing;
B) whitening;
C) filling;
D) examination.
After receiving a course of treatment a patient is … .
A) sent to the hospital;
B) discharged from the hospital;
C) asked to leave the hospital;
D) sent to the polyclinic.
In our country there are … providing qualified medical assistance.
A) one hospital;
B) two hospitals;
C) five hospitals;
D) many hospitals.
Hippocrates taught that healing comes through … of the human organism.
A) magic power;
B) the power of natural forces;
C) secretions;
D) gastric juice.
The principal organ of the human body is … .
A) the spleen;
B) the appendix;
C) the gallbladder;
D) the heart.
Plaque consists mostly of … .
A) fibres;
To make a diagnosis the physician performs … .
A) the physical examination;
B) the surgical operation;
C) the blood transfusion;
D) the injection of morphine.
Fauces is the … part of the mouth.
… and histologist deal with microscopic structure of the tissue.
A) biology;
B) histology;
C) anatomy;
D) physiology.
District doctors undertake regular … .
A) preventive measures;
B) surgical operations;
C) auscultation;
D) palpation.
In the mouth there are … .
A) the palate, the teeth, the forehead;
B) the tongue, the palate, the ears;
C) the tongue, the palate, the teeth;
D) the gums, the neck, the teeth.
Drugs are chemical substances used in … .
A) art;
B) music;
C) agriculture;
D) medicine.
When a person is ill he uses different drugs prescribed by a … .
A) nurse;
B) physician;
C) registering clerk;
D) pharmacist.
… deals with diseases of women.
A) pediatrics;
B) dermatology;
C) gynecology;
D) neurology.
Medicines are prescribed by … .
A) a pharmacist;
B) a nurse;
C) a doctor;
D) a manager.
The most prevalent disease of mankind is … .
A) stomatitis;
B) gingivitis;
C) dental caries;
D) pulpitis.
When the wounds are completely healed and the patients’ condition is
satisfactory, they are … .
A) taken to the operating room;
B) given a shower;
C) discharged from the hospital;
D) prepared for the operation.
Between the ages of about six and seven …start to shed.
A) the stained teeth;
B) the primary teeth;
C) the spoiled teeth;
D) the permanent teeth.
Most British students belong to medical … .
A) institutions;
B) societies;
C) libraries;
D) staff.
Careful examination helps the doctor to make a … .
A) report;
B) correct diagnosis;
C) question;
D) morning round.
Our skull is covered with … .
A) the skin;
B) the mucous membrane;
C) the teeth;
D) the gums.
The … separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.
A) fauces;
B) vestibule;
C) hard palate;
D) soft palate.
The function of the nervous system is to … .
A) digest the food;
B) bring oxygen to the tissues of the body;
C) coordinate activities of the body;
D) produce pepsin and acid.
An ophthalmologist … eye diseases.
A) practices;
B) causes;
C) hurts;
D) treats.
There are … at the chemist’s shop.
A) one department;
B) two departments;
C) three departments;
D) five departments.
M.Pirogov created a new medical science, …, and suggested new, rational
principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded.
A) field surgery;
B) microbiology;
C) bacteriology;
D) field urology.
In order to make the diagnosis, the physician must first learn about … .
A) the patient’s house;
B) the patient’s symptoms;
C) the patient’s hobby;
D) the patient’s education.
In the lower limb the terminal segment is the … .
A) hand;
B) head;
C) neck;
D) foot.
When the patient is …, he is discharged from the hospital.
A) operated on;
B) hospitalized;
C) fully cured;
D) administered treatment.
The therapeutic department is in the … .
A) shop;
B) chemist;
C) hospital;
D) academy.
The cranial cavity contains … .
A) the membranes and the spinal cord;
B) the brain and the spinal cord;
C) the spinal cord and the membranes;
D) the brain and the membranes.
When a person is ill he uses different … prescribed by a doctor.
A) prescriptions;
B) desinfectants;
C) drugs;
D) glassware.
There are … surfaces of the body of the maxilla.
A) one;
B) three;
C) seven;
D) four.
A specialist who treats children is … .
A) a hematologist;
B) an oculist;
C) a cardiologist;
D) a pediatrician.
The two departments of the chemist’s shop are called … .
A) medical care department and drug department;
B) working department and rest department;
C) chemist’s department and prescription department;
D) analytical department and dispensing department.
Pirogov’s work, …, became a reference book for field surgeons in all
A) “Fundamentals of Ophthalmology”;
B) “Fundamentals of Field Surgery”;
C) “Fundamentals of Urology”;
D) “Fundamentals of Microbiology”.
The doctor who examines the patients must have profound knowledge of … .
A) art;
B) medicine;
C) music;
D) sport.
The secretion of the … is called saliva.
A) salivary glands;
B) lingual glands;
C) buccal glands;
D) labial glands.
The tongue is the … .
A) paired organ;
B) vascular organ;
C) muscular organ;
D) bony organ.
At the surgical department we can see many … .
A) wards;
B) dining-rooms;
C) halls;
D) kitchens.
The skull is made of … .
A) thirty-two bones;
B) twenty-six bones;
C) twenty-six joints;
D) thirty-two joints.
Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve … .
A) allergy;
B) pain;
C) gastritis;
D) inflammation.
The nervous system is composed of … cells.
A) nerve;
B) connective;
C) muscular;
D) epithelium.
Tumours are … diseases.
A) therapeutic;
B) phylosophical;
C) technical;
D) surgical.
At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) according to the customer’s wish;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
On admission to the surgical department the patient is taken to … .
A) the kitchen;
B) the operating room;
C) the scrub-up room;
D) the dressing room.
… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.
A) during the examination;
B) during the surgical operation;
C) after the surgical operation;
D) while taking the temperature.
Each hand has four fingers and the … .
A) knee;
B) thumb;
C) toe;
D) elbow.
The clinical intern’s job is to improve his qualification in some … field of
A) narrow;
B) wide;
C) common;
D) unknown.
The maxilla consists of a body and four.
A) glands;
B) processes;
C) vestibules;
D) palates.
On the face we can see … .
A) the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the neck;
B) the forehead, the chin, the heart, the mouth;
C) the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the chin;
D) the chin, the legs, the eyes, the mouth.
… procedures are performed in the operating room.
A) diagnostic;
B) physiotherapeutic;
C) surgical;
D) office.
This patient suffering from … will go to Carpathians to receive climate-based
A) infectious disease;
B) lung disease;
C) kidney disease;
D) diabetus mellitus.
The … canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and
large intestine and rectum.
A) lymphatic;
B) alimentary;
C) nervous;
D) respiratory.
At the chemist’s department one may buy medicines … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) without visiting the chemist’s;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
The surgeon is trimming his nails and scrubbing his hands in … now.
A) the scrub-up room;
B) the reception ward;
C) the operating room;
D) the patient’s ward.
… usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative wound
A) the anaesthetist;
B) the oculist;
C) the gynaecologist;
D) the dermatologist.
Dentists advise reducing the consumption of … .
A) meat;
B) carbohydrates;
C) vegetables;
D) fruit.
Most establishments of higher education are financed from the state … .
A) pocket;
B) budget;
C) wallet;
D) purse.
Entering the ward, the doctor began … .
A) to dance;
B) to sing;
C) to clean;
D) his morning round.
Our head consists of … .
A) the heart and the liver;
B) the face and the skull;
C) the face and the abdominal cavity;
D) the skull and the feet.
The sence of touch is particularly fine in … .
A) ears;
B) nose;
C) fingertip;
D) knees.
Oral cavity is the first portion of … that receives food.
A) throat
B) hard palate;
C) alimentary canal;
D) nasal cavity.
…is a sense organ that detects taste.
A) The eyes;
B) The nose;
C) The tongue;
D) The ear.
At the chemist’s one may buy different things for medical care and medicinal
plants …
A) at the prescription department;
B) at the chemist’s department;
C) at the analytical laboratory;
D) at the proper working room.
During the operation the doctors use special … for artificial respiration and
blood circulation.
A) suturing material;
B) apparatus;
C) scalpels;
D) solutions.
A lot of diseases are preventable through the … .
A) healthy way of life;
B) drinking a lot of mineral water;
C) taking many drugs;
D) smoking and drinking alcohol.
The body is covered with the … .
A) skin;
B) mucous membrane;
C) blood;
D) bones.
The anesthetist performs pre-medication … .
A) after the operation;
B) two days before the operation;
C) before the operation;
D) a day after the operation.
A cardiologist treats the diseases of the … .
A) heart;
B) liver;
C) spleen;
D) kidneys.
Our head is connected with … by the neck.
A) the trunk;
B) the limbs;
C) the abdominal cavity;
D) the knees.
The main parts of the human body are … .
A) teeth, mouth, tongue;
B) nose, arms, gullet;
C) head, trunk, limbs;
D) legs, stomach, kidneys.
One of the most honoured names in … is the name of Hippocrates.
A) Chemistry;
B) Medicine;
C) Anatomy;
D) Biology.
When the patient is ill he usually goes to the … .
A) disco;
B) polyclinic;
C) railway station;
D) higher medical educational establishment.
At the chemist’s medicines are kept in drug cabinet marked with letters … .
A) D and M;
B) A and B;
C) A, B and C;
D) P and E.
During the surgical operation the nurse gives special surgical instruments to
A) the anaesthetist;
B) the patient;
C) the surgeon;
D) the physician.
Our academic year … in September.
A) is over;
B) finished;
C) begins;
D) continues.
In Great Britain students generally commence their medical studies … .
A) with preliminary medical higher education;
B) without any preliminary higher education;
C) after receiving Bachelor’s Degree;
D) after receiving Doctor’s Degree.
Inside the … we find the stomach, liver, and spleen.
A) oral cavity;
B) thoracic cavity;
C) abdominal cavity;
D) cranial cavity.
Bronchitis and pneumonia are the diseases of the … organs.
A) immune system;
B) cardiovascular system;
C) respiratory system;
D) nervous system.
Our head is connected with a trunk by … .
A) the upper limbs;
B) the chest;
C) the shoulders;
D) the neck.
The diaphragm divides the … into the thoracic and abdominal cavity.
A) trunk;
B) limbs;
C) head;
D) neck.
The most critical organs are housed within the … .
A) limbs;
B) mouth;
C) trunk;
D) buttocks.
The … transport oxygen to the blood flow.
A) brain;
B) kidneys;
C) lungs;
D) heart.
The drugs prepared at the chemist’s for immediate use should be kept … .
A) in the drug cabinet;
B) on the open shelf;
C) in the warm room;
D) in the refrigerator.
To avoid post-operative complications the surgeon usually pays much
attention to the … .
A) patient’s diploma;
B) surgical nursing;
C) medical education;
D) patient’s financial state.
During the academic year we … lectures.
A) attend;
B) deliver;
C) translate;
D) compose.
Truskavets is a comfortable … .
A) capital;
B) village;
C) town-resort;
D) country.
In addition to their … at the polyclinic district physicians go out to the calls.
A) rest hours;
B) consulting hours;
C) leisure hours;
D) doing nothing hours.
Some patients are affected with … diseases, such as ulcer and gastritis.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) abdomen;
D) kidney.
… causes muscle relaxation.
A) diet;
B) balneotherapy;
C) massage;
D) climate-based therapy.
Tumours are … diseases.
A) therapeutic;
B) phylosophical;
C) technical;
D) surgical.
At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) according to the customer’s wish;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
On admission to the surgical department the patient is taken to … .
A) the kitchen;
B) the operating room;
C) the scrub-up room;
D) the dressing room.
Each hand has four fingers and the … .
A) knee;
B) thumb;
C) toe;
D) elbow.
The clinical intern’s job is to improve his qualification in some … field of
A) narrow;
B) wide;
C) common;
D) unknown.
The maxilla consists of a body and four.
A) glands;
B) processes;
C) vestibules;
D) palates.
Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve … .
A) allergy;
B) pain;
C) gastritis;
D) inflammation.
The nervous system is composed of … cells.
A) nerve;
B) connective;
C) muscular;
D) epithelium.
… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.
A) during the examination;
B) during the surgical operation;
C) after the surgical operation;
D) while taking the temperature.
On the face we can see … .
A) the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the neck;
B) the forehead, the chin, the heart, the mouth;
C) the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the chin;
D) the chin, the legs, the eyes, the mouth.
At the chemist’s department one may buy medicines … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) without visiting the chemist’s;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
The surgeon is trimming his nails and scrubbing his hands in … now.
A) the scrub-up room;
B) the reception ward;
C) the operating room;
D) the patient’s ward.
… usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative wound
A) the anaesthetist;
B) the oculist;
C) the gynaecologist;
D) the dermatologist.
Dentists advise reducing the consumption of … .
A) meat;
B) carbohydrates;
C) vegetables;
D) fruit.
Most establishments of higher education are financed from the state … .
A) pocket;
B) budget;
C) wallet;
D) purse.
Our head consists of … .
A) the heart and the liver;
B) the face and the skull;
C) the face and the abdominal cavity;
D) the skull and the feet.
… procedures are performed in the operating room.
A) diagnostic;
B) physiotherapeutic;
C) surgical;
D) office.
This patient suffering from … will go to Carpathians to receive climate-based
A) infectious disease;
B) lung disease;
C) kidney disease;
D) diabetus mellitus.
The … canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and
large intestine and rectum.
A) lymphatic;
B) alimentary;
C) nervous;
D) respiratory.
Entering the ward, the doctor began … .
A) to dance;
B) to sing;
C) to clean;
D) his morning round.
When a person falls ill he usually goes to the … .
A) university;
B) polyclinic;
C) rest-home;
D) discotheque.
The trunk is supported by the … .
A) spine;
B) brain;
C) bladder;
D) buttocks.
Hippocrates is often called … .
A) the Fatherland of Greece;
B) the Father of Medicine;
C) the Parent of Chemistry;
D) the Brother of Ibn Sina.
The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels and
the lymph … .
A) nodes;
B) nose;
C) teeth;
D) hand.
The … is the fundamental unit of all living matter capable of independent life.
A) hair;
B) tissue;
C) cell;
D) organ.
Pre-medication should be arranged in consultation with … .
A) the dermatologist;
B) the nurse;
C) the anaesthetist;
D) the physician.
From the second year we study medical … .
A) operations;
B) sentences;
C) hospitals;
D) subjects.
After the third year the students perform the duties of … .
A) doctors;
B) doctors’ assistants;
C) nurses;
D) interns.
After … a full course of study, the students take state examinations.
A) beginning;
B) completing;
C) graduating;
D) entering.
Studying at college in the USA leads to … .
A) Doctor’s degree;
B) Bachelor’s degree;
C) Master’s degree;
D) Student’s degree.
The registering clerk at the polyclinic finds the patient’s … .
A) medical file;
B) driving license;
C) diploma;
D) birth certificate.
The part of the body between the ribs and hips is the … .
A) neck;
B) breastbone;
C) skull;
D) waist.
Hippocrates took belladonna, opium, mandragora as … .
A) cardio-vascular drugs;
B) narcotics;
C) antibiotics;
D) purgatives.
Histology is the science which deals with … .
A) origin of life;
B) producing medical equipment;
C) microscopic structure of tissues and cells;
D) prevention and treatment of diseases.
Each human being starts life as a single … .
A) eye;
B) nose;
C) organ;
D) cell.
In some days after the operation the patient is taken to … .
A) the reception ward;
B) the operating room;
C) the scrub-up room;
D) the dressing room.
Many students do the … work in the scientific societies.
A) research;
B) surgical;
C) operative;
D) therapeutic.
After the last course all students will receive … .
A) marriage certificate;
B) Master’s degree;
C) diploma;
D) medical file.
When the patient is fully cured he … the hospital.
A) is taken to;
B) attends;
C) is discharged from;
D) suffers from.
The college course of study in the USA lasts … .
A) four years;
B) two years;
C) one year;
D) seven years.
The doctor finds out the … complaints and makes a diagnosis.
A) nurses’;
B) registering clerk’s;
C) patient’s;
D) surgeon’s.
The … is the biggest part of the body.
A) head;
B) leg;
C) trunk;
D) arm.
Hippocrates was the … of the most flourishing medical school.
A) patient;
B) visitor;
C) head;
D) soldier.
Family doctors are assisted by district nurses, midwives and … .
A) health visitors;
B) sellers;
C) teachers;
D) lecturers.
A thin covering called the … encloses the cell and separates it from its
A) cell membrane;
B) cell nucleus;
C) gelatinous substance;
D) cell chromosome.
Before entering the operating room the surgeon and his assistant get ready in
the … .
A) patient’s ward;
B) reception ward;
C) scrub-up room;
D) post-operative ward.
The future doctors must possess profound … of medical sciences.
A) spirit;
B) knowledge;
C) friends;
D) hospital.
Internal … are studied during the fifth and sixth years.
A) subjects;
B) diseases;
C) habits;
D) skills.
When a patient is fully cured he is … the hospital.
A) admitted to;
B) taken by ambulance to;
C) discharged from;
D) treated at.
The senior students in the USA spend considerable time … .
A) at their friends’ place;
B) at sport clubs;
C) at home;
D) at hospitals.
Patients suffering from serious diseases are sent to a hospital for … treatment.
A) in-patient;
B) out-patient;
C) ambulance;
D) sanatorium.
The aim of medical institutions is … the health of the people.
A) to protect;
B) to prevent;
C) to worsen;
D) to divide.
According to Hippocrates … has the means of cure within itself.
A) the body;
B) the arms;
C) the head;
D) the legs.
A psychiatrist treats … disorders.
A) digestive;
B) pulmonary;
C) mental;
D) maternal.
The … is the control center that directs the activities of the cell.
A) fertilized egg;
B) nucleus;
C) protoplasm;
D) cytoplasm.
World Health Organization has its headquarters in … .
A) London;
B) Kyiv;
C) Geneva;
D) Washington.
We have two terms … .
A) during the whole period of study;
B) in the hospital;
C) at the hostel;
D) in the academic year.
The so-called … subjects are physics, chemistry, biology, human anatomy,
histology and physiology.
A) clinical;
B) psychological;
C) preclinical;
D) experimental.
At 9 o’clock the … begins to make the morning round.
A) doctor in charge;
B) teacher;
C) patient;
D) driver.
During practical studies medical students perform the duties of … .
A) lectures;
B) professors;
C) nurses and assistant doctors;
D) surgeons.
To be seen by a doctor one must make an appointment in the … .
A) chemistry;
B) university;
C) hospital;
D) registry.
After receiving a course of hospital treatment and becoming perfectly healthy
the patients … from the hospital.
A) are taken;
B) are asked to come;
C) are discharged;
D) are brought.
The main parts of the … are the head, the neck and the limbs.
A) human body;
B) gastro-intestinal tract;
C) cardio-vascular system;
D) digestive disturbances.
When a person falls ill he usually goes to the … .
A) university;
B) polyclinic;
C) rest-home;
D) discotheque.
The trunk is supported by the … .
A) spine;
B) brain;
C) bladder;
D) buttocks.
Hippocrates is often called … .
A) the Fatherland of Greece;
B) the Father of Medicine;
C) the Parent of Chemistry;
D) the Brother of Ibn Sina.
The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels and
the lymph … .
A) nodes;
B) nose;
C) teeth;
D) hand.
Every… has the crown,neck and root .
A) jaw;
B) tooth;
C) palate;
D) sinus.
Pre-medication should be arranged in consultation with … .
A) the stomatologist;
B) the nurse;
C) the anaesthetist;
D) the physician.
From the second year we study medical … .
A) operations;
B) sentences;
C) hospitals;
D) subjects.
… specialties employ operative treatment of adults.
A) pediatric;
B) surgical;
C) diagnostic;
D) clinical laboratory.
After … a full course of study, the students take state examinations.
A) beginning;
B) completing;
C) graduating;
D) entering.
… is a viscous semisolid preparation used topically on a variety of body
A) thermometer;
B) mustard plaster;
C) medical cups;
D) ointment.
The part of the body between the ribs and hips is the … .
A) head;
B) shoulders;
C) arms;
D) waist.
Most human cells reproduce through a process called … .
A) fertilization;
B) development;
C) mitosis;
D) karyotype.
WHO policies are agreed upon at the meeting of the World Health Assembly
A) once a year;
B) twice a year;
C) once a month;
D) twice a month.
Each limb has a … which connects it to the trunk.
A) head;
B) girdle;
C) finger;
D) leg.
Junior students study the so-called … subjects.
A) pre-medical;
B) clinical;
C) medical;
D) special.
District doctors cater for … .
A) workers at some plants or factories;
B) drivers of cars and lorries;
C) patients in an urban or rural district;
D) nurses working at a policlinic or a hospital.
Prof. M.P.Konchalovsky is a … therapeutist.
A) Russian;
B) Ukrainian;
C) Polish;
D) English.
After receiving a course of treatment a patient is … .
sent to the hospital;
B) discharged from the hospital;
C) asked to leave the hospital;
D) sent to the polyclinic.
In our country there are … providing qualified medical assistance.
one hospital;
B) two hospitals;
C) five hospitals;
D) many hospitals.
Hippocrates taught that healing comes through … of the human organism.
magic power;
B) the power of natural forces;
C) secretions;
D) gastric juice.
The principal organ of the human body is … .
the spleen;
B) the appendix;
C) the gallbladder;
D) the heart.
… consist chiefly of two substances – DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and
certain proteins.
B) mitochondria;
C) nucleoli;
D) chromosomes.
To make a diagnosis the physician performs … .
the physical examination;
B) the surgical operation;
C) the blood transfusion;
D) the injection of morphine.
The terminal segment in the … limb is the hand.
B) middle;
C) upper;
D) right.
… and histologist deal with microscopic structure of the cell.
B) histology;
C) anatomy;
D) physiology.
District doctors undertake regular … .
preventive measures;
B) surgical operations;
C) auscultation;
D) palpation.
In the mouth there are … .
A) the palate, the teeth, the forehead;
B) the tongue, the palate, the ears;
C) the tongue, the palate, the teeth;
D) the gums, the neck, the teeth.
Drugs are chemical substances used in … .
A) art;
B) music;
C) agriculture;
D) medicine.
Working mothers leave their … in kindergartens.
A) documents;
B) bags;
C) children;
D) medicines.
… deals with diseases of women.
A) pediatrics;
B) dermatology;
C) gynecology;
D) neurology.
Medicines are prescribed by … .
A) a pharmacist;
B) a nurse;
C) a doctor;
D) a manager.
The … are called mitochondria, lysosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum,
centrioles, and Golgi bodies.
A) organelles;
B) cells;
C) nucleoli;
D) tissues.
When the wounds are completely healed and the patients’ condition is
satisfactory, they are … .
A) taken to the operating room;
B) given a shower;
C) discharged from the hospital;
D) prepared for the operation.
The leg … of several segments.
A) consists;
B) connects;
C) joins;
D) divides.
Post-graduates are obliged … their thesis.
A) to work;
B) to defend;
C) to buy;
D) to propose.
Careful examination helps the doctor to make a … .
A) report;
B) correct diagnosis;
C) question;
D) morning round.
Our skull is covered with … .
A) the skin;
B) the mucous membrane;
C) the teeth;
D) the gums.
The nucleus is the … that directs the activities of the cell.
A) control center;
B) harmful bacterium;
C) poisonous substance;
D) enzyme.
The function of the nervous system is to … .
A) digest the food;
B) bring oxygen to the tissues of the body;
C) coordinate activities of the body;
D) produce pepsin and acid.
An ophthalmologist … eye diseases.
A) practices;
B) causes;
C) hurts;
D) treats.
There are … at the chemist’s shop.
A) one department;
B) two departments;
C) three departments;
D) five departments.
M. Pirogov created a new medical science, …, and suggested new, rational
principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded.
A) field surgery;
B) microbiology;
C) bacteriology;
D) field urology.
In order to make the diagnosis, the physician must first learn about … .
A) the patient’s house;
B) the patient’s symptoms;
C) the patient’s hobby;
D) the patient’s education.
In the lower limb the terminal segment is the … .
A) hand;
B) head;
C) neck;
D) foot.
When the patient is …, he is discharged from the hospital.
A) operated on;
B) hospitalized;
C) fully cured;
D) administered treatment.
The therapeutic department is in the … .
A) shop;
B) chemist;
C) hospital;
D) academy.
The cranial cavity contains … .
A) the membranes and the spinal cord;
B) the brain and the spinal cord;
C) the spinal cord and the membranes;
D) the brain and the membranes.
Hormones are secretions from … .
A) animals’ glands;
B) roots;
C) leaves;
D) fruit.
The adult tissues are usually classified into … main groups.
A) one;
B) three;
C) seven;
D) four.
A specialist who treats children is … .
A) a hematologist;
B) an oculist;
C) a cardiologist;
D) a pediatrician.
The two departments of the chemist’s shop are called … .
A) medical care department and drug department;
B) working department and rest department;
C) chemist’s department and prescription department;
D) analytical department and dispensing department.
Pirogov’s work, …, became a reference book for field surgeons in all
A) “Fundamentals of Ophthalmology”;
B) “Fundamentals of Field Surgery”;
C) “Fundamentals of Urology”;
D) “Fundamentals of Microbiology”.
The doctor who examines the patients must have profound knowledge of … .
A) art;
B) medicine;
C) music;
D) sport.
The … connects our arms with the chest.
A) elbow;
B) wrist;
C) shoulder;
D) ankle.
The registering clerk at the polyclinic finds the … .
A) patient’s card;
B) driving license;
C) diploma;
D) birth certificate.
The part of the body between the trunk and head is the … .
A) neck;
B) breastbone;
C) skull;
D) waist.
Hippocrates took belladonna, opium, mandragora as … .
A) cardio-vascular drugs;
B) narcotics;
C) antibiotics;
D) purgatives.
Histology is the science which deals with … .
A) origin of life;
B) producing medical equipment;
C) microscopic structure of tissues and cells;
D) prevention and treatment of diseases.
Each human being starts life as a single … .
A) eye;
B) nose;
C) organ;
D) cell.
In some days after the operation the patient is taken to … .
A) the reception ward;
B) the operating room;
C) the scrub-up room;
D) the dressing room.
Many students do the … work in the scientific societies.
A) research;
B) surgical;
C) operative;
D) therapeutic.
If a person falls ill he usually goes to the nearest … .
A) hospital;
B) maternity home;
C) local polyclinic;
D) health resort.
When the patient is fully cured he … the hospital.
A) is taken to;
B) attends;
C) is discharged from;
D) suffers from.
The upper jaw is a … .
A) mucous membrane;
B) hyoid muscle;
C) paired bone;
D)muscular plate.
… deals with eyes diseases.
A) a pediatrician;
B) an ophthalmologist;
C) an urologist;
D) a dermatologist.
At the therapeutic department we can see many … .
A) wards;
B) dining-rooms;
C) halls;
D) kitchens.
The skull is made of … .
A) thirty-two bones;
B) twenty-nine bones;
C) twenty-nine joints;
D) thirty-two joints.
Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve … .
A) allergy;
B) pain;
C) gastritis;
D) inflammation.
A cardiological clinic provides medical care to patients who have problems
with their … or circulation.
A) heart;
B) head;
C) stomach;
D) spleen.
… of spring and mineral water refers to absence of toxins, pollunants and
A) Toxicity;
B) Purity;
C) Abnormality;
D) Polarity.
… is known to be the founder of modern atomic theory.
A) D.Mendeleev;
B) M.Pirogov;
C) J.Dalton;
D) M.Filatov.
The chemical study of the nervous system is called … .
A) physical chemistry;
B) analytical chemistry;
C) inorganic chemistry;
D) neurochemistry.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used … for many applications.
A) computers;
B) lazers;
C) herbs;
D) x-rays.
The Public Health Service in Ukraine … the entire population and is financed
by the state budget.
A) embraces;
B) prevents;
C) combats;
D) constrains.
… department deals with immediate and urgent threats to health.
A) Surgical;
B) Ophthalmological;
C) Emergency;
D) Pediatric.
During the course of study medical students master all … of theoretical and
clinical medicine.
A) thesis;
B) fundamentals;
C) diplomas;
D) faculties.
The use of mineral water has a … influence on the function of the liver,
kidneys, gallbladder and urinary system.
A) negative;
B) toxic;
C) beneficial;
D) radioactive.
There are usually two departments at the chemist’s: the chemist’s department
and the … department.
A) surgical;
B) therapeutic;
C) stomatological;
D) prescription.
The nervous system is composed of … cells.
A) nerve;
B) connective;
C) muscular;
D) epithelium.
Tumours are … diseases.
A) therapeutic;
B) phylosophical;
C) technical;
D) surgical.
At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) according to the customer’s wish;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
On admission to the surgical department the patient is taken to … .
A) the kitchen;
B) the operating room;
C) the scrub-up room;
D) the dressing room.
… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.
A) during the examination;
B) during the surgical operation;
C) after the surgical operation;
D) while taking the temperature.
Each hand has four fingers and the … .
A) knee;
B) thumb;
C) toe;
D) elbow.
… spend two years in clinical specialization.
A) doctors;
B) students;
C) interns;
D) post-graduates.
At 7 o’clock in the morning the nurses … .
A) dance;
B) sing;
C) give medicines;
D) wash up.
On the face we can see … .
A) the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the neck;
B) the forehead, the chin, the heart, the mouth;
C) the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the chin;
D) the chin, the legs, the eyes, the mouth.
Histamine is liberated from …. .
A) muscles;
B) bones;
C) cells;
D) teeth.
Connective tissue mediates … of material between the blood and the tissue
A) the difference;
B) the exchange;
C) the importance;
D) the multiplicity.
The … canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and
large intestine and rectum.
A) lymphatic;
B) alimentary;
C) nervous;
D) respiratory.
At the chemist’s department one may buy medicines … .
A) according to doctor’s prescription;
B) without prescription;
C) without visiting the chemist’s;
D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.
The surgeon is trimming his nails and scrubbing his hands in … now.
A) the scrub-up room;
B) the reception ward;
C) the operating room;
D) the patient’s ward.
… usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative wound
A) the anaesthetist;
B) the oculist;
C) the gynaecologist;
D) the dermatologist.
The shoulder connects our arm with the … .
A) leg;
B) neck;
C) chest;
D) hand.
Most establishments of higher education are financed from the state … .
A) pocket;
B) budget;
C) wallet;
D) purse.
Entering the ward, the doctor began … .
A) to dance;
B) to sing;
C) to clean;
D) his morning round.
Our head consists of … .
A) the heart and the liver;
B) the face and the skull;
C) the face and the abdominal cavity;
D) the skull and the feet.
Anticoagulants prevent … .
A) headache;
B) toothache;
C) fractures;
D) blood clotting.
The surfaces of the various cavities in the body are lined by … .
A) cartilages;
B) bones;
C) cells;
D) muscles.
The National Health … is based upon the principle of the best available
treatment for everyone.
A) study;
B) physician;
C) service;
D) prescription.
At the chemist’s one may buy different things for medical care and medicinal
plants …
A) at the prescription department;
B) at the chemist’s department;
C) at the analytical laboratory;
D) at the proper working room.
During the operation the doctors use special … for artificial respiration and
blood circulation.
A) suturing material;
B) devices;
C) scalpels;
D) solutions.
I am glad that I … from the institute.
A) finished;
B) entered;
C) graduated;
D) visit.
The body is covered with the … .
A) skin;
B) sky;
C) type;
D) dry.
The students … examinations at the end of the academic year.
A) go;
B) take;
C) do;
D) spend.
A cardiologist treats the diseases of the … .
A) heart;
B) liver;
C) spleen;
D) kidneys.
Our head is connected with … .
A) the trunk;
B) the limbs;
C) the abdominal cavity;
D) the knees.
The main parts of the human body are … .
A) teeth, mouth, tongue;
B) nose, arms, gullet;
C) head, trunk, limbs;
D) legs, stomach, kidneys.
One of the most honoured names in … is the name of the Hippocrates.
A) Chemistry;
B) medicine;
C) Anatomy;
D) Biology.
When the patient is ill he usually goes to the … .
A) disco;
B) polyclinic;
C) railway station;
D) higher medical educational establishment.
At the chemist’s medicines are kept in drug cabinet marked with letters … .
A) D and M;
B) A and B;
C) A, B and C;
D) P and E.
During the surgical operation the nurse gives special surgical instruments to
A) the anaesthetist;
B) the patient;
C) the surgeon;
D) the physician.
Our academic year … in September.
A) is over;
B) finished;
C) begins;
D) continues.
The … is between the upper arm and the hand.
A) hip;
B) wrist;
C) toe;
D) hill.
After passing the annual examinations, students undergo practical … .
A) performance;
B) training;
C) lessons;
D) month.
Bronchitis and pneumonia are the … diseases.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) kidneys;
D) bladder.
Our head is connected with a trunk by … .
A) the upper limbs;
B) the chest;
C) the shoulders;
D) the neck.
The diaphragm divides the … into the thoracic and abdominal cavity.
A) trunk;
B) limbs;
C) head;
D) neck.
Hippocrates’ work is called … .
A) On Treatment;
B) On Medicinal Herbs;
C) On Diagnosis;
D) On Prognostics.
The brain, …, nerves and ganglia constitute the nervous system.
A) ear;
B) stomach;
C) spinal cord;
D) skeleton.
The drugs prepared at the chemist’s for immediate use should be kept … .
A) in the drug cabinet;
B) on the open shelf;
C) in the warm room;
D) in the refrigerator.
To avoid post-operative complications the surgeon usually pays much
attention to the … .
A) patient’s diploma;
B) surgical nursing;
C) medical education;
D) patient’s financial state.
During the academic year we … lectures.
A) attend;
B) deliver;
C) translate;
D) compose.
… of the limbs is complex.
A) basis;
B) structure;
C) foundation;
D) form.
She … medical university two years ago.
A) finished;
B) ended;
C) was over;
D) graduated from.
Some patients are affected with … diseases, such as ulcer and gastritis.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) abdomen;
D) kidney.
A … is a period of time when students attend lectures and practical classes.
A) term;
B) year;
C) day;
D) month.
The vertebrae are … rings.
A) skin;
B) bony;
C) muscle;
D) blood.
There are … departments at a chemist’s.
A) one;
B) two;
C) five;
D) four.
In the stomach much process of … occurs by means of the gastric juices.
A) investigation;
B) formation;
C) digestion;
D) resection.
The doctor finds out the … complaints and makes a diagnosis.
A) nurses’;
B) registering clerk’s;
C) patient’s;
D) surgeon’s.
The … is the biggest part of the body.
A) head;
B) leg;
C) trunk;
D) arm.
Hippocrates was the … of the most flourishing medical school.
A) patient;
B) visitor;
C) head;
D) soldier.
… uses different physical exercises to treat specific health conditions.
A) aromatherapy;
B) climate-based therapy;
C) exercise-based therapy;
D) balneotherapy.
.. are the front teeth located in the upper and lower jaws.
A) incisors;
B) premolars;
C) canines;
D) molars.
Before entering the operating room the surgeon and his assistant get ready in
the … .
A) patient’s ward;
B) reception ward;
C) scrub-up room;
D) post-operative ward.
The future doctors must possess profound … of medical sciences.
A) spirit;
B) knowledge;
C) friends;
D) hospital.
Internal … are studied during the fifth and sixth years.
A) subjects;
B) diseases;
C) habits;
D) skills.
Many students perform the research work at different … .
A) class rooms;
B) wards;
C) scientific societies;
D) art societies.
Our University has a unique … consisting of a stadium, a swimming pool, a
track-and-field athletic hall, and a basketball playground.
A) laboratory;
B) library;
C) sports complex;
D) research centre.
One can buy … besides medicines at the chemist’s.
A) disinfectants, herbs and things for medical care such as hot-water
bottles, medicine droppers, cups, thermometers;
B) scientific magazines and textbooks, exercise-books, pens, pencils,
erasers and so on;
C) various pieces of clothes such as trousers, skirts, shirts, pullovers,
jackets, coats, etc;
D) some vegetables such as carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage,
cucumber, squash, eggplant and others.
Every drugs has its significant therapeutic … .
A) doctor;
B) effect;
C) disease;
D) department.
Within the curriculum the … have learned theoretical and clinical sciences.
A) patients;
B) students;
C) infants;
D) newborns.
An average chemist’s has a hall for …
A) dancers;
B) singers;
C) visitors;
D) dentists.
Chemist will use many modern techniques to provide … about molecular
structure of the elements.
A) radiation;
B) information;
C) consumption;
D) graduation.
The combination of hydrogen and oxygen … water.
A) produces;
B) destroys;
C) boils;
D) prevents.
… chemistry gives the future specialists the idea of classical and modern
methods of chemical analysis used in the examination of drugs.
A) Biological;
B) Organic;
C) Physical;
D) Analytical.
Is this medicine for external or … use?
A) cough;
B) fever;
C) internal;
D) injection.
The Periodic … of Mendeleyev is one of the most important in modern
A) article;
B) law;
C) reaction;
D) charge.
To be a pharmacist is a very interesting and … specialty.
A) useless;
B) useful;
C) neglected;
D) surgical.
Aromatic waters are clear, saturated aqueous … of volatile oils or other
aromatic substances.
A) solids;
B) metals;
C) solutions;
D) powders.
… usually performs pre-medication.
A) A surgeon;
B) A nurse;
C) An anaesthetist;
D) A physician.
The first year students … Anatomy.
A) describe;
B) study;
C) visit;
D) make.
The course of … at the medical university is six years.
A) rest;
B) treatment;
C) study;
D) disease.
The lectures are delivered by highly … specialists.
A) minded;
B) experienced;
C) practiced;
D) pleased.
Some patients are affected with … diseases, such as colitis, indigestion.
A) bowel;
B) kidney;
C) heart;
D) liver.
Hippocrates Oath reads the following: … .
A) “I shall not do my neighbours any harm”;
B) “I shall not do my parents any harm”;
C) “I shall do my patients harm”;
D) “I shall not do my patient any harm”.
Inside the … we find the stomach, the liver, the spleen.
A) oral cavity;
B) thoracic cavity;
C) abdominal cavity;
D) cranial cavity.
Hippocrates studied for a long period in … .
A) Kyiv;
B) London;
C) Athens;
D) New York.
Diseases of the skin are the field of … .
A) Gerontology;
B) Ophthalmology;
C) Dentistry;
D) Dermatology.
Overdosage of medicines may cause … .
A) influenza;
B) unfavourable reactions and sometimes even death;
D) intensive growth of ears, nose, lips and teeth.
The nurse usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative … .
A) wound pain;
B) wound healing;
C) wound edges;
D) wound process.
At English lessons we … exercises.
A) build;
B) write;
C) sing;
D) treat.
Clinical … are studied from the third to the fifth year.
A) procedures;
B) habits;
C) skills;
D) subjects.
The course of study at the pharmaceutical … lasts for 5 year.
A) course;
B) branch;
C) department;
D) field.
One of two traditions of higher education in the USA is … .
A) college tradition of France;
B) school tradition of England;
C) college tradition of England;
D) school tradition of Europe.
“I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient
any harm”, - these words belong to … .
A) Avicenna;
B) Hippocrates;
C) Pirogov;
D) Konchalovsky.
Patients suffering from serious diseases are sent to a hospital for … treatment.
A) in-patient;
B) out-patient;
C) ambulance;
D) sanatorium.
The aim of medical institutions is … the health of the people.
A) to protect;
B) to prevent;
C) to worsen;
D) to divide.
According to Hippocrates … has the means of cure within itself.
A) the body;
B) the arms;
C) the head;
D) the legs.
A dentist treats … disorders.
A) mental;
B) pulmonary;
C) stomatological;
…separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.
A)The fauces;
B) The uvula;
C) The hard palate;
D) The soft palate.
A man has a total six … .
The teeth are set in … .
A) temporal bones;
B) jawbones;
C) femur;
D) frontal bone.
The so-called … subjects are physics, chemistry, biology, human anatomy,
histology and physiology.
A) clinical;
B) psychological;
C) preclinical;
D) experimental.
At 9 o’clock the … begins to make the morning round.
A) doctor;
B) nurse;
C) patient;
D) pharmacist.
… is a sense organ that detects taste.
A) tooth;
B) tongue;
C) nose
D) eye.
Nowadays most drugs are distributed to … or hospital in suitable dosage
A) chemist’s;
B) home;
C) faculty;
D) dose.
Large number of … are an invaluable aid to man – as a source of vitamins and
natural medicine.
A) waves;
B) bacteria;
C) plants;
D) chemicals.
Many students are the members of the scientific … in organic chemistry.
A) society;
B) science;
C) lecture;
D) explanation.
Future … specialists can work as managers, assistants, dispensing
pharmacists or chemist-analysts in a chemist’s .
A) medical;
B) pediatric;
C) dental;
D) pharmacy.
Compounding and dispensing … demand special knowledge, experience and
high professional standards.
A) hospitals;
B) patients;
C) medicines;
D) pharmasists.
People with many ailments are sent to the … to be healed through good food,
fresh air and sunlight.
A) dispensary;
B) institute;
C) sanatorium;
D) out-patient clinic.
… is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, illness, injury and
physical and mental impairment in humans.
A) Economy;
B) Industry;
C) Health care;
D) Technology.
Виберіть правильний варіант утворення множини
іменника, якщо можливо:
A) copys;
B) copyies;
C) copies;
D) copyes.
A) children;
B) childs;
C) childes;
D) childies.
A) pneumococcuses;
B) pneumococuses;
C) pneumococci;
D) pneumococcis.
A) calices;
B) calicies;
C) calixes;
D) calixs.
A) babys;
B) babyes;
C) babies;
D) babis.
A) oxen;
B) oxs;
C) oxes;
D) oxa.
A) funguses;
B) fungi;
C) funguss;
D) fungusa.
A) foots;
B) footes;
C) foot;
D) feet.
A) bodys;
B) bodis;
C) body;
D) bodies.
A) bacteria;
B) bacteriums;
C) bacterii;
D) bacteriumes.
A) tooths;
B) toothes;
C) teeth;
D) tooth.
A) potatos;
B) potato;
C) potatoes;
D) potatoies.
A) bronchules;
B) bronhuss;
C) bronchi;
D) broncha.
A) childs;
B) children;
C) childes;
D) childies.
A) deers;
B) deeren;
C) deer;
D) deeres.
A) aphthas;
B) aphthes;
C) aphthae;
D) apthaes.
A) calfs;
B) calvs;
C) calfes;
D) calves.
A) groups-mate;
B) groups-mates;
C) group-mates;
D) group-mate.
A) bacilluses;
B) bacillus;
C) bacilli;
D) bacilla.
A) mouthes;
B) mouths;
C) mouthies;
D) moutha.
A) weman;
B) womans;
C) women;
D) wemen.
A) axillas;
B) axilli;
C) axillae;
D) axillaces.
A) growthes;
B) growth;
C) growths;
D) growthies.
A) sheeps;
B) sheep;
C) sheepes;
D) sheepses.
A) uteruses;
B) uteri;
C) utera;
D) uterum.
A) roofs;
B) roovs;
C) rooves;
D) roofes.
A) bloods;
B) blood;
C) bloodes;
D) blod.
A) appendices;
B) appendixes;
C) appendixs;
D) appendixa.
A) surgeons;
B) surgeon;
C) surgeones;
D) surgeone.
A) progresses;
B) progress;
C) progres;
D) progreses.
A) digiti;
B) digita;
C) digituses;
D) digitum.
A) ward;
B) wards;
C) wardes;
D) wardeses.
A) lifes;
B) lifs;
C) livs;
D) lives.
A) reticulums;
B) reticulumes;
C) reticula;
D) reticulae.
A) laboratorys;
B) laboratories;
C) laboratoryes;
D) laboratoris.
A) daughter-in-law;
B) daughter-in-laws;
C) daughters-in-law;
D) daughters-in-laws.
A) diagnosises;
B) diagnoses;
C) diagnosa;
D) diagnoces.
A) money;
B) moneys;
C) moneyes;
D) moneies.
A) departmentes;
B) departments;
C) department;
D) departmenties.
A) conchas;
B) conchaes;
C) conchae;
D) conchi.
A) mouses;
B) mousis;
C) mice;
D) mices.
A) universitys;
B) universities;
C) universitis;
D) universityes.
A) cervixes;
B) cervices;
C) cervixs;
D) cervixa.
A) mosquitos;
B) mosquitoes;
C) mosquitois;
D) mosquito.
A) school-mate;
B) schools-mate;
C) school-mates;
D) schools-mates.
A) ovums;
B) ovumes;
C) ova;
D) ovi.
A) chiefes;
B) chiefs;
C) chievs;
D) chieves.
A) wolfs;
B) wolfes;
C) wolves;
D) wolvs.
A) mitochondria;
B) mitochondrias;
C) mitochondrions;
D) mitochondrii.
A) flys;
B) flyes;
C) flies;
D) flis.
A) sportsman;
B) sportsmans;
C) sportsmen;
D) sportsmens.
B) toothes
C) teeth
D) teeths
A) babys;
B) babyes;
C) babies;
D) babis.
A) oxen;
B) oxs;
C) oxes;
D) oxa.
A) funguses;
B) fungi;
C) funguss;
D) fungusa.
A) foots;
B) footes;
C) foot;
D) feet.
A) bodys;
B) bodis;
C) body;
D) bodies.
A) bacteria;
B) bacteriums;
C) bacterii;
D) bacteriumes.
A) tooths;
B) toothes;
C) teeth;
D) tooth.
A) potatos;
B) potato;
C) potatoes;
D) potatoies.
B) stimules;
C) stimuli;
D) stimilis.
A) childs;
B) children;
C) childes;
D) childies.
A) deers;
B) deeren;
C) deer;
D) deeres.
A) nuclea;
B) nucleuses;
C) nucleum;
D) nuclei.
A) calfs;
B) calvs;
C) calfes;
D) calves.
A) groups-mate;
B) groups-mates;
C) group-mates;
D) group-mate.
A) bacilluses;
B) bacillus;
C) bacilli;
D) bacilla.
A) mouthes;
B) mouths;
C) mouthies;
D) moutha.
A) man;
B) mans;
C) men;
D) mens.
A) growthes;
B) growth;
C) growths;
D) growthies.
A) sheeps;
B) sheep;
C) sheepes;
D) sheepses.
A) pharynxa;
B) pharynges;
C) pharyngi;
D) pharynxes.
A) staphylococcuses;
B) staphylococca;
C) staphylococcae;
D) staphylococci.
A) properties;
B) propertys;
C) propertyes;
D) propertiez.
A) halfs;
B) halves;
C) halfes;
D) halvs.
A) roofs;
B) roovs;
C) rooves;
D) roofes.
A) appendices;
B) appendixes;
C) appendixs;
D) appendixa.
A) dentistss;
B) dentisti;
C) dentists;
D) dentistes.
A) progresses;
B) progress;
C) progres;
D) progreses.
A) sanatoriumi;
B) sanatoriumes;
C) sanatoria;
D) sanatoriums.
A) ward;
B) wards;
C) wardes;
D) wardeses.
A) lifes;
B) lifs;
C) livs;
D) lives.
A) teethes;
B) totha;
C) tothes;
D) teeth.
A) laboratorys;
B) laboratories;
C) laboratoryes;
D) laboratoris.
A) daughter-in-law;
B) daughter-in-laws;
C) daughters-in-law;
D) daughters-in-laws.
A) diagnosises;
B) diagnoses;
C) diagnosa;
D) diagnoces.
A) money;
B) moneys;
C) moneyes;
D) moneies.
A) departmentes;
B) departments;
C) department;
D) departmenties.
A) phenomenons;
B) phenomenus;
C) phenomena;
D) phenomenones.
A) mouses;
B) mousis;
C) mice;
D) mices.
A) universitys;
B) universities;
C) universitis;
D) universityes.
A) cervixes;
B) cervices;
C) cervixs;
D) cervixa.
A) mosquitos;
B) mosquitoes;
C) mosquitois;
D) mosquito.
A) school-mate;
B) schools-mate;
C) school-mates;
D) schools-mates.
A) laboratorys;
B) laboratories;
C) laboratoryes;
D) laboratoris.
A) teethes;
B) totha;
C) tothes;
D) teeth.
A) daughter-in-law;
B) daughter-in-laws;
C) daughters-in-law;
D) daughters-in-laws.
A) datums;
B) datumes;
C) data;
D) datas.
A) halves;
B) halfs;
C) halfes;
D) halvs.
A) exercisess;
B) exercisies;
C) exercises;
D) exercisez.
Виберіть і вставте правильну форму прикметника:
WHO helps member nations in launching campaigns to stamp out the …
A) more dangerous;
B) dangerousest;
C) most dangerous;
D) as dangerous as.
The cranial cavity is … than the nasal cavities.
A) largest;
B) more large;
C) most large;
D) larger.
Pavlenko is the … student in our group.
A) most good;
B) best;
C) goodest;
D) better.
The work of an anesthetist is … the work of a surgeon.
A) the most important;
B) as important as;
C) more important;
D) important.
The trunk is the … part of the body.
A) smallest;
B) smaller;
C) biggest;
D) bigger.
The … you loose weight, the better you will be.
A) soon;
B) soonest;
C) sooner;
D) more sooner.
Two or more drugs may be … in treating a disease.
A) more effective;
B) as effective as;
C) most effective;
D) more effectiver.
The cell is the … fundamental unit of all living matter.
A) smaller;
B) most smallest;
C) smallest;
D) most small.
Oral drug administration is the …, and therefore the most common route.
A) safer;
B) more safe;
C) most safe;
D) safest.
Obese people are at … risk than slim people.
A) greater;
B) more great;
C) more greater;
D) greatest.
Lungs are the … part of the respiratory system.
A) more larger;
B) more largest;
C) largest;
D) as large as.
The work of a pharmacist is one of the … medical specialities.
A) more responsible;
B) most responsible;
C) responsibler;
D) responsiblest.
Cavities of the nose and the two orbits are … than the cranial cavity.
A) smaller;
B) most small;
C) smallest;
D) more small.
This medicine is … than that.
A) more expensive;
B) the most expensive;
C) expensiver;
D) expensivest.
What is … exercise in this lesson?
A) easier;
B) the easiest;
C) more easier;
D) the most easiest.
The layer of ointment application to the skin must be … .
A) more thin;
B) more thinner;
C) the most thin;
D) thinner.
The patient should tell the doctor about the … previous illnesses.
A) most seriousest;
B) most serious;
C) seriousest;
D) seriouser.
Antibiotics are the … killers of microorganisms such as bacteria.
A) better;
B) gooder;
C) best;
D) most good.
The temperature of blood is … in the organs which are near the surface of the
A) lower;
B) lowerer;
C) more low;
D) more lowest.
Leukemia is … for adults than for children.
A) most dangerous;
B) more dangerous;
C) dangerouser;
D) more dangerouser.
The patient’s condition is … than it was yesterday.
A) good;
B) best;
C) better;
D) more better.
The cranial cavity is the … cavity of the skull.
A) largest;
B) more large;
C) most large;
D) larger.
The … muscle used for breathing is the diaphragm.
A) more important;
B) most important;
C) as important as;
D) not so important as.
This type of trauma is … than that one.
A) severest;
B) severer;
C) more severe;
D) most severe.
The incidence of infarction is … in men than in women.
A) highest;
B) higher;
C) most high;
D) more high.
Children between ages 3 and 7 have the … prognosis.
A) best;
B) good;
C) more good;
D) more best.
Histamine causes the … allergic symptoms when it is liberated from the cell.
A) as characteristic as;
B) not so characteristic as;
C) most characteristic;
D) more characteristic.
Our heart is one of the … organs of the body.
A) more important;
B) importanter;
C) importantest;
D) most important.
This patient has … blood pressure than that one.
A) highest;
B) high;
C) much higher;
D) more higher.
AIDS is one of the … diseases nowadays.
A) most severe;
B) more severe;
C) severer;
D) severest.
Antibiotics have been synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat the
… bacterial infections.
A) most serious;
B) most seriousest;
C) seriousest;
D) seriouser.
Even the … hemorrhage into the brain destroys brain tissue.
A) more slight;
B) most slight;
C) slighter;
D) slightest.
Young people get … medical education at academies and universities.
A) highest;
B) higher;
C) more high;
D) most high.
The nasal cavity is … than the cranial one.
A) smallest;
B) more small;
C) smaller;
D) smallest.
Barbiturates are known as the … sedatives and hypnotics.
A) best;
B) most best;
C) more better;
D) better.
The … gene abnormalities are abnormalities of recessive genes.
A) more common;
B) commoner;
C) commonest;
D) most common.
Drug overdosage may cause the … reactions and sometimes even death.
A) as unfavourable;
B) most unfavourable;
C) unfavourablest;
D) most unfavourablest.
Even the … body cell is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
A) larger;
B) largest;
C) more large;
D) most large.
It is … to prevent caries than to treat it:
A) good;
B) better;
C) best;
D) gooder.
The cranial cavity is … than the nasal cavities.
A) largest;
B) more large;
C) most large;
D) larger.
Our legs are … extremeites.
A) low;
B) lower;
C) lowest;
D) lowerer.
A surgical scalpel is … than a surgical needle.
A) as large as;
B) larger;
C) largest;
D) more large.
Hippocrates headed the … medical school of his time.
A) most flourishing;
B) more flourishing;
C) as flourishing as;
D) not so flourishing as.
With age skin becomes …, wrinkled and more fragile.
A) thinnest;
B) most thin;
C) thinner;
D) more thin.
Although many new drugs are … than their predecessors, the perfect drug
doesn’t yet exist.
A) most effective;
B) effectivest;
C) effectiver;
D) more effective.
Exercise makes the heart …, enabling it to pump more blood with each
A) more strong;
B) more stronger;
C) stronger;
D) strongest.
Mykytenko is the … student in our group.
A) worst;
B) most bad;
C) baddest;
D) most worst.
The liver is … than the gallbladder.
A) more large;
B) larger;
C) largest;
D) most large.
Disease prevention is the … task of health workers today.
A) most importantest;
B) more important;
C) most important;
D) more importener.
Avoiding an allergen is … than trying to treat an allergic reaction.
A) good;
B) best;
C) better;
D) more good.
The … exercises are walking and swimming.
A) safest;
B) most safe;
C) more safe;
D) safer.
The left lung is a little … than the right one.
A) smaller;
B) smallest;
C) more small;
D) most small.
Oral drug administration is the … route.
A) more convenientest;
B) convenienter;
C) most convenient;
D) convenientest.
The work of an anesthetist is … the work of a surgeon.
A) the most important;
B) as important as;
C) more important;
D) important.
The trunk is the … part of the body.
A) smallest;
B) smaller;
C) biggest;
D) bigger.
The … you loose weight, the better you will be.
A) soon;
B) soonest;
C) sooner;
D) more sooner.
Two or more drugs may be … in treating a disease.
A) more effective;
B) as effective as;
C) most effective;
D) more effectiver.
The cell is the … fundamental unit of all living matter.
A) smaller;
B) most smallest;
C) smallest;
D) most small.
Oral drug administration is the …, and therefore the most common route.
A) safer;
B) more safe;
C) most safe;
D) safest.
Obese people are at … risk than slim people.
A) greater;
B) more great;
C) more greater;
D) greatest.
Lungs are the … part of the respiratory system.
A) more larger;
B) more largest;
C) largest;
D) as large as.
The work of a general practitioner is one of the … dental specialities.
A) more responsible;
B) most responsible;
C) responsibler;
D) responsiblest.
Cavities of the nose and the two orbits are … than the cranial cavity.
A) smaller;
B) most small;
C) smallest;
D) more small.
The patient should tell the doctor about the … previous illnesses.
A) most seriousest;
B) most serious;
C) seriousest;
D) seriouser.
Antibiotics are the … killers of microorganisms such as bacteria.
A) better;
B) gooder;
C) best;
D) most good.
The temperature of blood is … in the organs which are near the surface of the
A) lower;
B) lowerer;
C) more low;
D) more lowest.
Leukemia is … for adults than for children.
A) most dangerous;
B) more dangerous;
C) dangerouser;
D) more dangerouser.
The patient’s condition is … than it was yesterday.
A) good;
B) best;
C) better;
D) more better.
The cranial cavity is the … cavity of the skull.
A) largest;
B) more large;
C) most large;
D) larger.
The … muscle used for breathing is the diaphragm.
A) more important;
B) most important;
C) as important as;
D) not so important as.
This type of trauma is … than that one.
A) severest;
B) severer;
C) more severe;
D) most severe.
The incidence of infarction is … in men than in women.
A) highest;
B) higher;
C) most high;
D) more high.
Children between ages 3 and 7 have the … prognosis.
A) best;
B) good;
C) more good;
D) more best.
Histamine causes the … allergic symptoms when it is liberated from the cell.
A) as characteristic as;
B) not so characteristic as;
C) most characteristic;
D) more characteristic.
The application time of this cream should not be … than 4 hours.
A) long;
B) longest;
C) more long;
D) longer.
Local anesthetics produce … effects when injected.
A) the quickest;
B) the most quickest;
C) more quicker;
D) more quick.
Health promotion and illness prevention is … goal of health care.
A) more importanter;
B) importantest;
C) the most important;
D) importanter.
Our heart is one of the … organs of the body.
A) more important;
B) importanter;
C) importantest;
D) most important.
This patient has much … blood pressure than that one.
A) highest;
B) high;
C) higher;
D) more higher.
AIDS is one of the … diseases nowadays.
A) most severe;
B) more severe;
C) severer;
D) severest.
Antibiotics have been synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat the
… bacterial infections.
A) most serious;
B) most seriousest;
C) seriousest;
D) seriouser.
Even the … hemorrhage into the brain destroys brain tissue.
A) more slight;
B) most slight;
C) slighter;
D) slightest.
Young people get … medical education at academies and universities.
A) highest;
B) higher;
C) more high;
D) most high.
The nasal cavity is … than the cranial one.
A) smallest;
B) more small;
C) smaller;
D) smallest.
It is … to treat the disease than to prevent it.
A) difficult;
B) difficulter;
C) more difficult;
D) most difficult.
His English pronunciation is much … than mine.
A) best;
B) more best;
C) more better;
D) better.
Drug overdosage may cause the … reactions and sometimes even death.
A) as unfavourable;
B) most unfavourable;
C) unfavourablest;
D) most unfavourablest.
Even the … body cell is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
A) larger;
B) largest;
C) more large;
D) most large.
It was the … time in my life.
A) badest;
B) worst;
C) most bad;
D) most worst.
A surgical scalpel is … than a surgical needle.
A) as large as;
B) larger;
C) largest;
D) more large.
Hippocrates headed the … medical school of his time.
A) most flourishing;
B) more flourishing;
C) as flourishing as;
D) not so flourishing as.
With age skin becomes …, wrinkled and more fragile.
A) thinnest;
B) most thin;
C) thinner;
D) more thin.
Although many new drugs are … than their predecessors, the perfect drug
doesn’t yet exist.
A) most effective;
B) effectivest;
C) effectiver;
D) more effective.
Exercise makes the heart …, enabling it to pump more blood with each
A) more strong;
B) more stronger;
C) stronger;
D) strongest.
Mykytenko is the … student in our group.
A) worst;
B) most bad;
C) baddest;
D) most worst.
Even the … hemorrhage into the brain destroys brain tissue.
A) more slight;
B) most slight;
C) slighter;
D) slightest.
Antibiotics have been synthesized in the laboratory and are used to treat the
… bacterial infections.
A) most serious;
B) most seriousest;
C) seriousest;
D) seriouser.
Young people get … medical education at academies and universities.
A) highest;
B) higher;
C) more high;
D) most high.
It is … to treat the disease than to prevent it.
A) difficult;
B) difficulter;
C) more difficult;
D) most difficult.
The nasal cavity is … than the cranial one.
A) smallest;
B) more small;
C) smaller;
D) smallest.
His English pronunciation is much … than mine.
A) best;
B) more best;
C) more better;
D) better.
What is … subject for you?
A) more difficulter;
B) the most difficult;
C) difficulter;
D) difficultest.
This student possesses … knowledge than his group-mates.
A) deeper;
B) deepest;
C) more deep;
D) most deep.
The action of these sedatives is … .
A) the most longest;
B) more long;
C) most long;
D) longer.
Визначте часову форму присудка:
The doctor will not receive patients tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
Tomorrow doctor Petrenko will examine 15 patients.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Each human being starts life as a single cell.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The lymphatic capillaries resemble blood capillaries in structure.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Prof. Zukin will be delivering an interesting lecture at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The students are carrying out scientific experiments at the moment.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
A doctor was operating a patient from 2 till 3 o’clock yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
The students will acquaint themselves with the basic procedures in the
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
She says that she works at the local polyclinic.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The patient will take his temperature in an hour.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
They were listening to the lecturer very attentively.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The doctors use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
Medical establishments are functioning in all regions of out country.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The nurse will be able to carry on this medical procedure.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
A man has a total six tonsils.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
He passed the examination in Anatomy last month.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Local anesthetics will relieve pain in the knee.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
Catabolism is the process of energy production in the cell.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Hippocrates had many pupils.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
I was writing an article at 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
WHO is waging campaigns against yellow fever, tuberculosis and leprosy.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Before the operation Doctor Petrenko carried out many experiments.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
All morning the doctor will be performing diagnostic tests to confirm the
diagnosis suggested by the medical history.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
We were working at our English at 9 o’clock yesterday.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
Chromosomes consist chiefly of two substances – DNA and certain proteins.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The patient suffering from severe pain in his lower limbs went to the
polyclinic to consult the district doctor.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Did you boil the milk before use?
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The pharmacist will be preparing ophthalmic ointments at 3 o’clock
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
This textbook is experimental.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
My service-record began five years ago, when I graduated from the Institute.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
My father was delivering a lecture on malaria at the medical university from
10 till 12 o’clock on Wednesday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor put him on a sick-leave last week.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Most human cells reproduce through a process called mitosis.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
She was speaking over the phone at that time.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
Our students will be carrying out experimental work at 5 p.m.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The surgeon is getting ready in the scrub-up room now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
This teacher taught us Physiology last year.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Nick was working at the library from 5 till 6.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
In Ukraine many people study at different medical educational
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor will make a physical examination of the patient tomorrow.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
A doctor was operating a patient from 2 till 3 o’clock yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Each human being starts life as a single cell.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The lymphatic capillaries resemble blood capillaries in structure.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor will not receive patients tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
Tomorrow doctor Petrenko will examine 15 patients.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Prof. Zukin will be delivering an interesting lecture at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The students are carrying out scientific experiments at the moment.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The students will acquaint themselves with the basic procedures in the
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctors use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
A man has a total six tonsils.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Medical establishments are functioning in all regions of out country.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
She says that she works at the local polyclinic.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The patient will take his temperature in an hour.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
They were listening to the lecturer very attentively.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The nurse will be able to carry on this medical procedure.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
He passed the examination in Anatomy last month.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
We get drugs from different sources.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The cell is the fundamental unit of all living matter.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
All sanatoriums and health resorts will soon have the latest medical
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor was making the morning round from 8 till 10 o’clock on Friday.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
He is watching an interesting medical TV programme now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Perfect.
The surgeon on duty made a physical examination and took patient’s case
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
There were many students in the lecture hall.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The students will be taking their examination in English at 10 o’clock
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The dentist is removing tartar from the patient ‘s teeth now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Labels of different colours prevent confusing various remedies.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
To obtain the medical history the doctor was interviewing the patient.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The environment is an important factor influencing the development of a
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The surgeon is performing the operation on appendicitis now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
My friend will be taking the exam in Anatomy at this time tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The students will acquire skills in carrying on medical procedures during
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The students will spend three or four years of pre-medical training at a
A) Future Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor said that phenobarbital was the best known sedative.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Every small bottle, a tube or a box has a label.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Medical services constitute a major item in the state budget.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The nervous system contains structural or histological units, the nerve cells.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
I’ll be writing out the new words from the text the whole evening tomorrow.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The patient is talking with the dermatologist at the moment.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
Post-graduates will defend their thesis for master’s scientific degree.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The cranial cavity contains the brain and its membranes.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
The development of the primary teeth begins while the fetus is in the womb.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
A pharmacist keeps all medicines in drug cabinets, on the open shelves and in
the refrigerator.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Pirogov firmly believed that narcosis created the optimum conditions for
keeping up the patient’s vital functions during an operation.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
Hippocrates studied and lived for a long period in Athens.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
We are discussing this problem at the moment.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
In some days after the operation the patient will go to the dressing room.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The bones consist of organic and inorganic substance.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The students were studying the organs of the abdominal cavity during the
whole period on Thursday.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
At 2 o’clock the doctor will be performing an operation.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Pirogov developed classical, world-acknowledged methods of operations and
treatment in ophthalmology, urology, and other fields.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor recommended the patient to take less food at the height of disease
and to use a liquid diet in feverish.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The nurse was injecting morphine at that time yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The scientist finished his research last year.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
What does Hippocrates’ Oath read?
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor noticed gradual recovery last week.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The principal parts of our body are the head, the limbs and the trunk.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The doctor examined the patient, made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment
to him.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
I shall buy some medicines at the chemist’s shop.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Pirogov had a phenomenal capacity for work.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
A doctor discharges patients from the hospital.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
I shall enter any house for the good of the patient.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The professor is speaking to the postgraduate students now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite ;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
After the third year the students work as doctor’s assistants at the
therapeutical wards.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The doctor did his best and gained the patient’s confidence.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor will send a patient to the hospital.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
Pirogov developed the most ingenious methods of performing operations.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The physician closely examines the body of the patient.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Our first term will last till the middle of December.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor is measuring the patient’s blood pressure at the moment.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The students were taking their examination in English from 8 till 12 o’clock
on Tuesday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
There are clinical internship and post-graduate courses at our university.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
To treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor is examining a patient now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The diaphragm divides the trunk into two parts.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Pirogov formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot
wounds, fractures, shock and wound infections.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
My mother consulted a district doctor last week.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
We shall be sterilizing the glassware at the chemist’s at this time tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
WHO will control environmental conditions on an international scale.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The pelvis connects the lower extremity with the trunk.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
To obtain the medical history the doctor was interviewing the patient.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
When a person falls ill he usually goes to the polyclinic.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The diaphragm divides the trunk into the thoracic cavity and the abdominal
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Pirogov was a field surgeon during four wars.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Remedies for external use were vinegar, olive oil and wine.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The surgeons were performing the operation from two till five o’clock on
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
During the course of study medical students master all fundamentals of
theoretical and clinical medicine.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor is examining the patient at the moment.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
I’ll try to enter the Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
When a person falls ill he usually goes to the polyclinic.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The diaphragm divides the trunk into the thoracic cavity and the abdominal
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Pirogov was a field surgeon during four wars.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Remedies for external use were vinegar, olive oil and wine.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The surgeons were performing the operation from two till five o’clock on
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
WHO stands out as an indispensable international health-effort coordinating
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor is examining the patient at the moment.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
I’ll try to enter the Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor is examining a patient now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The diaphragm divides the trunk into two parts.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Pirogov formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot
wounds, fractures, shock and wound infections.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Hippocrates took belladonna, opium, mandragora as narcotics.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
We shall be sterilizing the glassware at the chemist’s at this time tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
WHO will control environmental conditions on an international scale.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The pelvis connects the lower extremity with the trunk.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
We were discussing the action of anesthetics, barbiturates, antihistamines and
antibiotics during the whole period on Monday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The doctor will send a patient to the hospital.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
Pirogov developed the most ingenious methods of performing operations.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The physician closely examines the body of the patient.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Our first term will last till the middle of December.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor is measuring the patient’s blood pressure at the moment.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The students were taking their examination in English from 8 till 12 o’clock
on Tuesday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
There are clinical internship and post-graduate courses at our university.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
To treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor examined the patient, made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment
to him.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
I shall buy some medicines at the chemist’s shop.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Pirogov had a phenomenal capacity for work.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
The doctor discharges the patient from the hospital.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
I shall enter any house for the good of the patient.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The professor is speaking to the postgraduate students now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite ;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
After the third year the students work as doctor’s assistants at the
therapeutical wards.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The doctor did his best and gained the patient’s confidence.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
At 2 o’clock the doctor will be performing an operation.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Pirogov developed classical, world-acknowledged methods of operations and
treatment in ophthalmology, urology, and other fields.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor recommended the patient to take less food at the height of disease
and to use a liquid diet in feverish.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The nurse was injecting morphine at that time yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The scientist finished his research.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
What does Hippocrates’ Oath read?
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
American higher education developed its pattern by the adaptation to two
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The principal parts of our body are the head, the limbs and the trunk.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Yesterday I couldn’t make an appointment in the registry.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
A pharmacist keeps all medicines in drug cabinets, on the open shelves and in
the refrigerator.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Pirogov firmly believed that narcosis created the optimum conditions for
keeping up the patient’s vital functions during an operation.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
Hippocrates studied and lived for a long period in Athens.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
We are discussing this problem at the moment.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
In some days after the operation the patient will go to the dressing room.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The bones consist of organic and inorganic substance.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The students were studying the organs of the abdominal cavity during the
whole period on Thursday.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor said that phenobarbital was the best known sedative.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Every small bottle, a tube or a box has a label.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Medical services constitute a major item in the state budget.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The nervous system contains structural or histological units, the nerve cells.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
I’ll be writing out the new words from the text for the whole evening
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The patient is talking with the dermatologist at the moment.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
Individual dose requirements vary considerably based on each patient’s age,
weight, and severity of pain.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Perfect.
There were not screening procedures which helped the physicians to confirm
the diagnosis of a disease many years ago.
A) Present Perfect;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The chemist will have prepared drugs for cough by 2 o’clock p.m. tomorrow.
A) Present Perfect;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Perfect.
The doctor has already increased to dose of the medicines for this patient.
A) Present Perfect;
B) Past Perfect;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing and is also involving in the
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Perfect;
D) Past Continuous.
We were translating the text the whole evening yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Perfect;
D) Past Perfect.
The chemist had analyzed the chemical substances by means of spectroscopy
by 4 o’clock on Monday.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Perfect;
D) Past Perfect.
The use of essential oils and other aromatic compound will greatly affect the
person’s mood and health.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Future Perfect;
D) Past Indefinite.
Post-graduates will defend their thesis for master’s scientific degree.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The cranial cavity contains the brain and its membranes.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
The patient suffered from anaphylactic shock an hour ago.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Labels of different colours prevent confusing various remedies.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
People get medical assistance in different clinics, polyclinics, hospitals.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The environment is an important factor influencing the development of a
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The surgeon is performing the operation on appendicitis now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The man has two lower extremities.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The students will acquire skills in carrying on medical procedures during
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The students will spend three or four years of pre-medical training at a
A) Future Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
We get drugs from different sources.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The cell is the fundamental unit of all living matter.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
All sanatoriums and health resorts will soon have the latest medical
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor was making the morning round from 8 till 10 o’clock on Friday.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
He is watching an interesting medical TV programme now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Perfect.
The surgeon on duty made a physical examination and took patient’s case
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
There were many students in the lecture hall.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The students will be taking their examination in English at 10 o’clock
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctors use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
All plants and animals consist of cells.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Medical establishments are functioning in all regions of out country.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
She says that she works at the local polyclinic.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The patient will take his temperature in an hour.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
They were listening to the lecture very attentively.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
The nurse will be able to carry on this medical procedure.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
He passed the examination in Anatomy last month.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
A doctor was operating a patient from 2 till 3 o’clock yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Each human being starts life as a single cell.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The lymphatic capillaries resemble blood capillaries in structure.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The doctor will not receive patients tomorrow.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
Tomorrow doctor Petrenko will examine 15 patients.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Prof. Zukin will be delivering interesting lectures at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The students are carrying out scientific experiments at the moment.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The students will acquaint themselves with the basic procedures in the
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Most human cells reproduce through a process called mitosis.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
She was speaking over the phone to her group-mate for two hours yesterday.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor was listening to the patient’s heart and lungs for almost ten
A) Present Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Past Indefinite.
The surgeon is getting ready in the scrub-up room now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
This teacher taught us Physiology last year.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
Future doctors master all the fundamentals of medicine.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
In Ukraine many people study at different medical educational
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
The doctor will make a physical examination of the patient tomorrow.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Chromosomes consist chiefly of two substances – DNA and certain proteins.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Hippocrates was the head of the most flourishing medical school.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Did you boil the milk before use?
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The pharmacist will be preparing ophthalmic ointments at 3 o’clock
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
This textbook is experimental.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
My service-record began five years ago, when I graduated from the Institute.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
My father was giving a lecture on malaria at the medical university from 10
till 12 o’clock on Wednesday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
The doctor put him on a sick-leave last week.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
Local anesthetics will relieve pain in the knee.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
Catabolism is the process of energy production in the cell.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Hippocrates had many pupils.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
I was writing an article at 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
WHO is waging campaigns against yellow fever, tuberculosis and leprosy.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
Before the operation Doctor Petrenko carried out many experiments.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
The chief doctor appointed him the head of the surgical department.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
This surgeon will prescribe her some treatment next week.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
These tranquilizers altered the patient’s behavior.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
The physician studies all that can see, feel and hear in the patient.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
Tomorrow I shall be preparing Latin from 3 till 4 o’clock.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
WHO achieved an impressive record in pursuing its main aim.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
The famous cardiologist from London is performing the operation in our
regional hospital now.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
All graduates go through the subinternship.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
The doctor is diagnosing a disease now.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
I shall visit our district doctor tomorrow.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Indefinite.
I have already instilled the anaesthetic solution into the eyes.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Present Perfect;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The researchers are constantly testing new treatment materials and
preventive agents in controlled clinical trials.
A) Past Continuous;
B) Past Perfect;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Continuous.
Pharmacists know how a drug reacts with the constituents of the organism.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Perfect;
D) Present Indefinite.
He will have obtained the new preparation by the end of the month.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Future Perfect;
D) Past Perfect.
The senior teachers will publish new text-books for students in a week.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
Professor will be delivering a lecture on pharmacognosy tomorrow at 10
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Future Continuous.
Pharmacy students underwent practice in botanical station a year ago.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Present Perfect.
He was discussing his difficulties in carrying out the research with his
supervisor yesterday at 2 o’clock p.m.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Perfect;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
At 3 o’clock tomorrow the patient will be sleeping after the operation.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
Pirogov dedicated his life to people.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
I was reading my text-book in Chemistry the whole evening yesterday.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Indefinite.
WHO is helping a total of more than twenty countries to fight trachoma.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Future Indefinite.
The shoulder girdle connects the upper extremity with the trunk.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Future Indefinite.
The medical curriculum is difficult.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
Medical students understand well all the difficulties of their profession.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Present Indefinite;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Continuous.
The doctor will examine the patients tomorrow.
A) Present Indefinite;
B) Future Indefinite;
C) Past Continuous;
D) Present Continuous.
The students are taking part in the scientific work now.
A) Presnet Indefinite;
B) Present Perfect;
C) Present Continuous;
D) Past Continuous.
He has easily solved the substance.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Perfect;
C) Present Perfect;
D) Present Indefinite.
I had posted the letter by three o’clock.
A) Past Indefinite;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Past Perfect.
At the end of each term the student will write tests on different disciplines.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Present Indefinite;
D) Past Continuous.
Yesterday at 9 a.m. I was going to the doctor to get a medical check-up.
A) Present Continuous;
B) Past Continuous;
C) Past Indefinite;
D) Present Prefect.
We will have graduated from the medical university by that time.
A) Future Indefinite;
B) Future Continuous;
C) Future Perfect;
D) Present Perfect.
He used the simplest compounds and found their physical properties.
A) Present Perfect;
B) Past Indefinite;
C) Past Perfect;
D) Past Continuous.
This surgeon will be operating on the patient with ulcer tomorrow at 11 a.m.
A) Future Continuous;
B) Present Continuous;
C) Future Indefinite;
D) Present Indefinite.
Виберіть правильну часову форму присудка:
The doctor always … his patients carefully and thoroughly.
A) is examining;
B) examine;
C) examines;
D)was examining.
The nurse … the blood analysis tomorrow.
A) performs;
B) will perform;
C) is performing;
D) perform.
She … a terrible headache yesterday.
A) had;
B) has;
C) have;
D) is having.
The surgeon … the operation 5 minutes ago.
A) begins;
B) will begin;
C) is beginning;
D) began.
The surgeon … the skin of the region to be operated on now.
A) disinfects;
B) disinfect;
C) is disinfecting;
D) disinfected.
The shoulder … our arms with the chest.
A) connects;
B) is connecting;
C) connected;
D) was connecting.
When … you … from the medical academy?
A) is not … graduate;
B) was not … graduate;
C) does … graduate;
D) will … graduate.
The nurse … the patients’ temperature now.
A) will take;
B) was taking;
C) took;
D) is taking.
The nurses … all procedures in twenty minutes.
A) will make;
B) are making;
C) made;
D) were making.
She … her examination in English at this time tomorrow.
A) will be taking;
B) are taking;
C) was taking;
D) takes.
The surgeon … the operation 5 minutes ago.
A) begins;
B) begin;
C) will begin;
D) began.
He … smoking soon.
A) gave up;
B) gives up;
C) will give up;
D) is giving up.
The nurse … the apparatus for blood transfusion now.
A) prepares;
B) is preparing;
C) prepared;
D) will prepare.
On Mondays we always … lectures in Anatomy.
A) are having;
B) were having;
C) have;
D) has.
What classes … you usually … ?
A) do … have;
B) does … have;
C) do … has;
D) does … has.
Our head … of the face and the skull.
A) is consisting;
B) consists;
C) consist;
D) consisted.
The therapeutist … his patient to the dermatologist last week.
A) sends;
B) sent;
C) send;
D) will send.
The professor … his lecture at two o’clock yesterday.
A) delivers;
B) were delivering;
C) delivered;
D) was delivering.
They … doctors in three years.
A) are;
B) were;
C) will be;
D) is.
The surgeon … the operation two hours ago.
A) will finish;
B) finishes;
C) finish;
D) finished.
The surgeon … the emergency operation now.
A) performs;
B) is performing;
C) will perform;
D) was perform.
We always … to the lecture in Physiology carefully.
A) listen;
B) were listening;
C) are listening;
D) listens.
Each hand … fingers.
A) have;
B) had;
C) has;
D) will have.
The Ministry of Public Health Service … large establishments of higher
medical education.
A) were controlling;
B) are controlling;
C) control;
D) controls.
The district physician usually … a deep knowledge of medicine.
A) have;
B) was having;
C) is having;
D) has.
The surgeons … on the patient from three till five o’clock yesterday.
A) were operating;
B) operated;
C) was operating;
D) are operating.
Who … on the patient in the operating room 15 minutes ago?
A) is operating;
B) will be operating;
C) operated;
D) operates.
We … the problems of environmental pollution tomorrow.
A) discuss;
B) were discussing;
C) shall discuss;
D) are discussing.
Wait! The surgeon … the patient’s wound.
A) is examining;
B) examines;
C) examined;
D) are examining.
We … to a lecture in Chemistry from 8 till 10 o’clock tomorrow.
A) listened;
B) are listening;
C) shall be listening;
D) shall listen.
What examinations … you … at the end of the first year.
A) does … take;
B) will … take;
C) were … take;
D) are … take.
At pharmaceutical departments the length of study … five years.
A) are;
B) am;
C) is;
D) were.
Next week the patient … physiotherapeutic procedures.
A) shall undergo;
B) undergoes;
C) will undergo;
D) underwent.
The physician … the patient from two till three o’clock to make a correct
A) examined;
B) examines;
C) was examining;
D) were examining.
National Health Service … a full range of health services free of charge to
A) provide;
B) provides;
C) was providing;
D) are providing.
Now they … the patient to the ward after the operation.
A) move;
B) moves;
C) are moving;
D) is moving.
There … two terms in the academic year.
A) is;
B) are;
C) am;
D) shall be.
What examinations in special subjects … the students … next year?
A) does … have;
B) will … have;
C) did … have;
D) do … have.
Every year they … examinations in the subjects studied.
A) take;
B) takes;
C) are taking;
D) were taking.
Look! The nurse … the patient’s temperature.
A) is taking;
B) are taking;
C) takes;
D) was taking.
Patients usually… an appointment in the registry.
A) make;
B) is making;
C) shall make;
D) makes.
The doctor … patients the whole morning on Monday.
A) consulted;
B) was consulting;
C) were consulting;
D) are consulting.
A famous orthodontist … to our medical university in some days.
A) will come;
B) comes;
C) is coming;
D) come.
The accessory structures … the teeth, tongue, salivary glands and others.
A) is;
B) was;
C) are;
D) to be.
The anaesthetist … the pre-medication now.
A) is making;
B) makes;
C) make;
D) was making.
… it hard to study at the University?
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) will.
The institute … many departments.
A) have;
B) has;
C) is;
D) are.
During the first two years the students … general subjects.
A) studies;
B) studied;
C) is studying;
D) doesn’t study.
When my father … home, I … an interesting article about the latest
developments in medicine.
A) come, was reading;
B) come, read;
C) came, will read;
D) came, was reading.
The number of medical institutions, where people may get medical assistance
… constantly … .
A) are … growing;
B) is … growing;
C) were … growing;
D) shall … grow.
I … this medicine the day after tomorrow.
A) took;
B) is taking;
C) shall take;
D) takes.
The surgeon and his assistant … in the scrub-up room now.
A) get ready;
B) is getting ready;
C) was getting ready;
D) are getting ready.
The surgeon … the patient’s wound two hours ago.
A) examines;
B) was examining;
C) will examine;
D) examined.
… you … at medical university some years ago?
A) do … study;
B) did… study;
C) were … study;
D) will be … study.
I … our family doctor next month.
A) doesn’t see;
B) didn’t see;
C) shall see;
D) saw.
The principle parts of our body … the trunk, the head and the limbs.
A) were;
B) is;
C) are;
D) was.
Antibiotics … a chemical substance produced by mold.
A) was;
B) is;
C) am;
D) are.
When the teacher of Physics … the classroom, the students … the formulas.
A) entered, were revising;
B) enter, were revising;
C) entered, was revising;
D) entered, was revised.
Medical institutes and schools … in all regions of our country.
A) is functioning;
B) was functioning;
C) function;
D) functions.
The work of a first aid station … of great importance.
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) am.
Now the surgical nurse … sterile gowns and dressings ready.
A) is getting;
B) was getting;
C) are getting;
D) were getting.
We …grammar exercises now.
A) write;
B) will write ;
C) are writing;
D) am writing.
A nurse … a procedure room in 5 minutes.
A) leave;
B) leaves;
C) will leave;
D) were leaving.
We … the text about AIDS the whole evening tomorrow.
A) shall be reading;
B) will read;
C) is reading;
D) were reading.
The pharmacist … the mixture when a customer … him about the main
contraindications of aspirin.
A) prepared, will ask;
B) was preparing, asked;
C) was preparing, shall ask;
D) prepare, asks.
Each doctor at a polyclinic … in charge of a definite district.
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) am.
The dentist … the teeth now.
A) examine;
B) examines;
C) is examining;
D) was examining.
The nurse on duty … the patient’s temperature at this moment.
A) takes;
B) is taking;
C) took;
D) take.
I … this composition tomorrow.
A) shall write;
B) wrote;
C) write;
D) is writing.
The surgeon on duty usually … the stitches.
A) remove;
B) removes;
C) removed;
D) removing.
We … all necessary drugs in the chemist’s shop two days ago.
A) bought;
B) will buy;
C) buy;
D) are buying.
The skin … our skull.
A) is covering;
B) was covering;
C) covers;
D) cover.
The working day of a district doctor … at 8 o’clock.
A) begin;
B) begins;
C) is beginning;
D) was beginning.
We … practical classes every day.
A) are having;
B) having;
C) have;
D) has.
The digestive system … the alimentary canal and related organs.
A) have;
B) has;
C) was having;
D) is having.
Look! The surgeon on duty … a physical examination.
A) is making;
B) made;
C) makes;
D) are making.
He … to pass his first session well.
A) want;
B) wanting;
C) are wanting;
D) wants.
I … a district doctor tomorrow.
A) shall call in;
B) was calling in;
C) called in;
D) call in.
The therapeutist … me a very effective remedy last week.
A) prescribes;
B) will prescribe;
C) prescribed;
D) is prescribing.
We … an interesting article at that time yesterday.
A) are reading;
B) were reading;
C) is reading;
D) will be reading.
What … the nurse … from seven till nine yesterday?
A) is … doing;
B) was … doing;
C) did … do;
D) does … do.
Hippocrates … many pupils.
A) was having;
B) had;
C) is having;
D) have.
You … some medicines tomorrow.
A) was taking;
B) will take;
C) took;
D) take.
The doctor … the patient’s case history now.
A) takes;
B) took;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
Anatomy … my favourite subject last year.
A) is;
B) was;
C) will be;
D) were.
He … a district doctor yesterday.
A) calls in;
B) is calling in;
C) called in;
D) will call in.
The surgeon … the operation in half an hour.
A) will perform;
B) is performing;
C) performed;
D) performs.
She … from pneumonia two years ago.
A) suffers;
B) suffered;
C) is suffering;
D) will suffer.
Susan … her exam two days ago but Alex … his exam at this time yesterday.
A) passed, was taking;
B) passes, took;
C) passed, is taking;
D) was passing, was taking.
Epithelium … almost entirely of cells.
A) is consisting;
B) consist;
C) are consisting;
D) consists.
We … notes of this lecture next time.
A) make;
B) made;
C) shall make;
D) are making.
Now the doctor … about the patient’s complaints.
A) is asking;
B) asks;
C) asked;
D) was asking.
We … the structure of the limbs last week.
A) are studying;
B) studied;
C) will study;
D) studies.
When … the students’ practice … ?
A) does… begin;
B) do … begin;
C) are … begin;
D) is … begin.
The nurse … the patients’ temperature every day.
A) take;
B) takes;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
The doctor … a diagnosis having took the temperature and blood pressure
A) made;
B) make;
C) makes;
D) is making.
The patient … from gastritis last year.
A) suffers;
B) is suffering;
C) suffered;
D) will suffer.
… Peter … his textbook in Chemistry the whole night?
A) will … be reading;
B) will … read;
C) does … read;
D) did … read.
Where is professor? He … the lecture now.
A) delivers;
B) deliver;
C) is delivering;
D) delivered.
If she … the doctor, he … her proper treatment.
A) will visit … will prescribe;
B) visit … will prescribe;
C) visits … will prescribe;
D) visits … prescribes.
The surgeon is in the dressing room. He … the patient’s wound.
A) examines;
B) is examining;
C) examined;
D) will examine.
The leg … of several segments.
A) consists;
B) consisted;
C) was consisting;
D) consist.
The nurse … the patient morphine when the doctor entered the ward.
A) injected;
B) will inject;
C) was injecting;
D) is injecting.
The doctor … his morning round two hours ago.
A) begin;
B) begins;
C) began;
D) will begin.
Dental therapy …with teeth diseases and their medicinal treatment .
A) dealt;
B) deals;
C) deal;
D) is dealing.
Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It … the whole day and you may catch cold.
A) will be raining;
B) will rain;
C) are raining;
D) rained.
The mouth … two lips.
A) is having;
B) have;
C) has;
D) will be having.
Where is the nurse now? She … out in the laboratory.
A) will helped;
B) helped;
C) are helping;
D) is helping.
Doctor Petrenko is in the operating room. He … the operation on the heart.
A) performs;
B) performed;
C) is performing;
D) will perform.
The students … experiments tomorrow.
A) will carry on;
B) carry on;
C) were carrying on;
D) carried on.
Many doctors … at state medical institutions.
A) works;
B) work;
C) is working;
D) was working.
The patient … in this ward yesterday.
A) are;
B) is;
C) was;
D) be.
He … to pass his first session well.
A) want;
B) wanting;
C) are wanting;
D) wants.
I … a district doctor tomorrow.
A) shall call in;
B) was calling in;
C) called in;
D) call in.
The therapeutist … me a very effective remedy last week.
A) prescribes;
B) will prescribe;
C) prescribed;
D) is prescribing.
Look! The surgeon on duty … a physical examination.
A) is making;
B) made;
C) makes;
D) are making.
The working day of a district doctor … at 8 o’clock.
A) begin;
B) begins;
C) is beginning;
D) was beginning.
We … practical classes every day.
A) are having;
B) having;
C) have;
D) has.
The digestive system … the alimentary canal and related organs.
A) have;
B) has;
C) was having;
D) is having.
We … an interesting article at that time yesterday.
A) are reading;
B) were reading;
C) is reading;
D) will be reading.
Anatomy … my favourite subject last year.
A) is;
B) was;
C) will be;
D) were.
What … the nurse … from seven till nine yesterday?
A) is … doing;
B) was … doing;
C) did … do;
D) does … do.
He … a district doctor yesterday.
A) calls in;
B) is calling in;
C) called in;
D) will call in.
The surgeon … the operation in half an hour.
A) will perform;
B) is performing;
C) performed;
D) performs.
You … some medicines tomorrow.
A) was taking;
B) will take;
C) took;
D) take.
She … from pneumonia two years ago.
A) suffers;
B) suffered;
C) is suffering;
D) will suffer.
Hippocrates … many pupils.
A) was having;
B) had;
C) is having;
D) have.
The doctor … the patient’s case history now.
A) takes;
B) took;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
The doctor always … his patients carefully and thoroughly.
A) is examining;
B) examine;
C) examines;
D)was examining.
The nurse … the blood analysis tomorrow.
A) takes;
B) will take;
C) is taking;
D) took.
She … a terrible headache yesterday.
A) had;
B) has;
C) have;
D) is having.
The surgeon … the operation from 2 till 4 o’clock on Monday.
A) performs;
B) was performing;
C) will perform;
D) were performing.
The surgeon … the skin of the region to be operated on now.
A) disinfects;
B) disinfect;
C) is disinfecting;
D) disinfected.
The shoulder … our arms with the chest.
A) connects;
B) is connecting;
C) connected;
D) was connecting.
When … you … from the medical academy?
A) is not … graduate;
B) was not … graduate;
C) does … graduate;
D) will … graduate.
The nurse … the patients’ temperature now.
A) will take;
B) was taking;
C) took;
D) is taking.
The nurses … all procedures in twenty minutes.
A) will make;
B) are making;
C) made;
D) were making.
She … her examination in English at this time tomorrow.
A) will be taking;
B) are taking;
C) was taking;
D) takes.
The surgeon … the operation 5 minutes ago.
A) begins;
B) begin;
C) will begin;
D) began.
He … smoking soon.
A) gave up;
B) gives up;
C) will give up;
D) is giving up.
The nurse … the apparatus for blood transfusion now.
A) prepares;
B) is preparing;
C) prepared;
D) will prepare.
On Mondays we always … lectures in Anatomy.
A) are having;
B) were having;
C) have;
D) has.
What classes … you usually … ?
A) do … have;
B) does … have;
C) do … has;
D) does … has.
Our head … of the face and the skull.
A) is consisting;
B) consists;
C) consist;
D) consisted.
The therapeutist … his patient to the dermatologist last week.
A) sends;
B) sent;
C) send;
D) will send.
The professor … his lecture at two o’clock yesterday.
A) delivers;
B) were delivering;
C) delivered;
D) was delivering.
They … doctors in three years.
A) are;
B) were;
C) will be;
D) is.
The surgeon … the operation two hours ago.
A) will finish;
B) finishes;
C) finish;
D) finished.
The surgeon … the emergency operation now.
A) performs;
B) is performing;
C) will perform;
D) was perform.
We always … to the lecture in Physiology carefully.
A) listen;
B) were listening;
C) are listening;
D) listens.
Each hand … fingers.
A) have;
B) had;
C) has;
D) will have.
The Ministry of Public Health Service … large establishments of higher
medical education.
A) were controlling;
B) are controlling;
C) control;
D) controls.
The district physician usually … a deep knowledge of medicine.
A) have;
B) was having;
C) is having;
D) has.
The surgeons … on the patient from three till five o’clock yesterday.
A) were operating;
B) operated;
C) was operating;
D) are operating.
Who … on the patient in the operating room 15 minutes ago?
A) is operating;
B) will be operating;
C) operated;
D) operates.
I … the article on biotechnological invention yesterday.
A) was reading;
B) read;
C) reads;
D) will read.
Usually I … at home at my weekends.
A) stay;
B) is staying;
C) had stayed;
D) has stayed.
I … a diploma in 3 years.
A) shall get;
B) got;
C) is getting;
D) have got.
They … already … the plant microscopically.
A) has examined;
B) examines;
C) will examine;
D) have examined.
The proteins of organisms … sulfur and their nucleic acids.
A) obtains;
B) is obtained;
C) has obtained;
D) obtain.
Today researchers … the solubilities of gases in liquids.
A) discuss;
B) have discussed;
C) was discussing;
D) disscussed.
D.I. Mendeleyev … in Tobolsk, Siberia, on February 8, 1834.
A) will be born;
B) is born;
C) was born;
D) were born.
They … in the conference of Biologists now.
A) is not;
B) are not;
C) have not been;
D) was not.
We … the problems of environmental pollution tomorrow.
A) discuss;
B) were discussing;
C) will discuss;
D) are discussing.
Wait! The surgeon … the patient’s wound.
A) is examining;
B) examines;
C) examined;
D) are examining.
We … to a lecture in Chemistry from 8 till 10 o’clock tomorrow.
A) listened;
B) are listening;
C) shall be listening;
D) shall listen.
What examinations … you … at the end of the first year.
A) does … take;
B) will … take;
C) were … take;
D) are … take.
At pharmaceutical departments the length of study … five years.
A) are;
B) am;
C) is;
D) were.
Next week the patient … physiotherapeutic procedures.
A) shall undergo;
B) undergoes;
C) will undergo;
D) underwent.
The physician … the patient from two till three o’clock to make a correct
A) examined;
B) examines;
C) was examining;
D) were examining.
National Health Service … a full range of health services free of charge to
A) provide;
B) provides;
C) was providing;
D) are providing.
Now they … the patient to the ward after the operation.
A) move;
B) moves;
C) are moving;
D) is moving.
There … two terms in the academic year.
A) is;
B) are;
C) am;
D) shall be.
What examinations in special subjects … the students … next year?
A) does … have;
B) will … have;
C) did … have;
D) do … have.
Every year they … examinations in the subjects studied.
A) take;
B) takes;
C) are taking;
D) were taking.
Look! The nurse … the patient’s temperature.
A) is taking;
B) are taking;
C) takes;
D) was taking.
Patients usually… an appointment in the registry.
A) make;
B) is making;
C) shall make;
D) makes.
The doctor … the patients the whole morning on Monday.
A) consulted;
B) was consulting;
C) were consulting;
D) are consulting.
A famous pediatrician … to our medical university in some days.
A) will come;
B) comes;
C) is coming;
D) come.
The accessory structures … the teeth, tongue, salivary glands and others.
A) is;
B) was;
C) are;
D) to be.
The anaesthetist … the pre-medication now.
A) is making;
B) makes;
C) make;
D) was making.
… it hard to study at the University?
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) will.
The institute … many departments.
A) have;
B) has;
C) is;
D) are.
During the first two years the students … general subjects.
A) studies;
B) studied;
C) is studying;
D) doesn’t study.
When my father … home, I … an interesting article about the latest
developments in medicine.
A) come, was reading;
B) come, read;
C) came, will read;
D) came, was reading.
The number of medical institutions, where people may get medical assistance
… constantly … .
A) are … growing;
B) is … growing;
C) were … growing;
D) shall … grow.
I … this medicine the day after tomorrow.
A) took;
B) am taking;
C) shall take;
D) takes.
The surgeon and his assistant … in the scrub-up room now.
A) get ready;
B) is getting ready;
C) was getting ready;
D) are getting ready.
The winter holidays usually … two weeks.
A) lasts;
B) last;
C) is lasting;
D) are lasting.
… you … at medical university some years ago?
A) do … study;
B) did… study;
C) were … study;
D) will be … study.
I … our family doctor next month.
A) doesn’t see;
B) didn’t see;
C) will see;
D) saw.
The principle parts of our body … the trunk, the head and the limbs.
A) were;
B) is;
C) are;
D) was.
Antibiotics … a chemical substance produced by mold.
A) was;
B) is;
C) am;
D) are.
When the teacher of Physics … the classroom, the students … the formulas.
A) entered, were revising;
B) enter, were revising;
C) entered, was revising;
D) entered, was revised.
Medical institutes and schools … in all regions of our country.
A) is functioning;
B) was functioning;
C) function;
D) functions.
The work of a first aid station … of great importance.
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) am.
Now the surgical nurse … sterile gowns and dressings ready.
A) is getting;
B) was getting;
C) are getting;
D) were getting.
We …grammar exercises now.
A) write;
B) will write ;
C) are writing;
D) am writing.
A nurse … a procedure room in 5 minutes.
A) leave;
B) leaves;
C) will leave;
D) were leaving.
We … the text about AIDS the whole evening tomorrow.
A) shall be reading;
B) will read;
C) is reading;
D) were reading.
The pharmacist … the mixture when a customer … him about the main
contraindications of aspirin.
A) prepared, will ask;
B) was preparing, asked;
C) was preparing, shall ask;
D) prepare, asks.
Each doctor at a polyclinic … in charge of a definite district.
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) am.
The dentist … the teeth now.
A) examine;
B) examines;
C) is examining;
D) was examining.
The nurse on duty … the patient’s temperature at this moment.
A) takes;
B) is taking;
C) took;
D) take.
I … this composition tomorrow.
A) shall write;
B) wrote;
C) write;
D) is writing.
In all medical institutes the training … six years.
A) last;
B) lasts;
C) lasting;
D) were lasting.
We … all necessary drugs in the chemist’s shop two days ago.
A) bought;
B) will buy;
C) buy;
D) are buying.
The skin … our skull.
A) is covering;
B) was covering;
C) covers;
D) cover.
The nurse … the blood analysis now.
A) takes;
B) is taking;
C) are taking;
D) will take.
We … practical classes every day.
A) are having;
B) having;
C) have;
D) has.
The digestive system … the alimentary canal and related organs.
A) have;
B) has;
C) was having;
D) is having.
Look! The surgeon on duty … a physical examination.
A) is making;
B) made;
C) makes;
D) are making.
He … to pass his first session well.
A) want;
B) wanting;
C) are wanting;
D) wants.
I … a district doctor tomorrow.
A) shall call in;
B) was calling in;
C) called in;
D) call in.
The therapeutist … me a very effective remedy last week.
A) prescribes;
B) will prescribe;
C) prescribed;
D) is prescribing.
We … medicine books at the time yesterday.
A) are reading;
B) were reading;
C) is reading;
D) will be reading.
What … the nurse … from seven till nine yesterday?
A) is … doing;
B) was … doing;
C) did … do;
D) does … do.
Hippocrates … many pupils.
A) was having;
B) had;
C) is having;
D) have.
You … some medicines tomorrow.
A) was taking;
B) will take;
C) took;
D) take.
The doctor … the patient’s case history now.
A) takes;
B) took;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
Anatomy … my favourite subject last year.
A) is;
B) was;
C) will be;
D) were.
He … a district doctor yesterday.
A) calls in;
B) is calling in;
C) called in;
D) will call in.
The surgeon … the operation in half an hour.
A) will perform;
B) is performing;
C) performed;
D) performs.
She … from pneumonia two years ago.
A) suffers;
B) suffered;
C) is suffering;
D) will suffer.
Susan … her exam two days ago but Alex … his exam at this time yesterday.
A) passed, was taking;
B) passes, took;
C) passed, is taking;
D) was passing, was taking.
Epithelium … almost entirely of cells.
A) is consisting;
B) consist;
C) are consisting;
D) consists.
We … notes of this lecture next time.
A) make;
B) made;
C) will make;
D) are making.
Now the doctor … about the patient’s complaints.
A) is asking;
B) asks;
C) asked;
D) was asking.
We … the structure of the limbs last week.
A) are studying;
B) studied;
C) will study;
D) studies.
When … the students’ practice … ?
A) does… begin;
B) do … begin;
C) are … begin;
D) is … begin.
The nurse … the patients’ temperature every day.
A) take;
B) takes;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
The doctor … a diagnosis having took the temperature and blood pressure
A) made;
B) make;
C) makes;
D) is making.
The patient … from gastritis last year.
A) suffers;
B) is suffering;
C) suffered;
D) will suffer.
… Peter … his textbook in Chemistry the whole night?
A) will … be reading;
B) will … read;
C) does … read;
D) did … read.
Where is professor? He … the lecture now.
A) delivers;
B) deliver;
C) is delivering;
D) delivered.
Two years ago something wrong … with his stomach.
A) is;
B) are;
C) will be;
D) was.
The surgeon is in the dressing room. He … the patient’s wound.
A) examines;
B) is examining;
C) examined;
D) will examine.
The leg … of several segments.
A) consists;
B) consisted;
C) was consisting;
D) consist.
They … the examination in English next term.
A) take;
B) will take;
C) is taking;
D) took.
The doctor … his morning round two hours ago.
A) begin;
B) begins;
C) began;
D) will begin.
They … the laboratory work tomorrow.
A) fulfill;
B) will fulfill;
C) fulfilled;
D) were fulfilling.
Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It … the whole day and you may catch cold.
A) will be raining;
B) will rain;
C) are raining;
D) rained.
The mouth … two lips.
A) is having;
B) have;
C) has;
D) will be having.
Where is the nurse now? She … out in the laboratory.
A) will helped;
B) helped;
C) are helping;
D) is helping.
Doctor Petrenko is in the operating room. He … the operation on the heart.
A) performs;
B) performed;
C) is performing;
D) will perform.
The students … experiments tomorrow.
A) will carry on;
B) carry on;
C) were carrying on;
D) carried on.
Many doctors … at state medical institutions.
A) works;
B) work;
C) is working;
D) was working.
The patient … in this ward.
A) are;
B) is;
C) were;
D) be.
The nurse … the ward twice a day.
A) air;
B) is airing;
C) airs;
D) were airing.
We … the whole evening. We … anatomy and physiology of the skin.
A) be busy, study;
B) shall be busy, shall be studying;
C) busy, shall study;
D) was busy, shall study.
Look! The doctor … the wound edges.
A) is washing;
B) washes;
C) washed;
D) are washing.
Where is the surgeon now? He … the operation.
A) are performing;
B) performed;
C) is performing;
D) performs.
The students … their lecturer the day after tomorrow.
A) saw;
B) will see;
C) is seeing;
D) see.
He … in the sanatorium last summer.
A) rests;
B) rest;
C) rested;
D) is resting.
She … a hot water bottle in the chemist’s shop two hours ago.
A) bought;
B) will buy;
C) is buying;
D) buys.
He … two lectures on Botany today.
A) had had;
B) have;
C) has had;
D) had.
Soon the term … to the end and we … vacations.
A) come … have;
B) comes … has;
C) will come … will have;
D) will come … had.
Medical science … to find out the etiology and successful treatment of
dangerous human diseases.
A) works;
B) work;
C) are working;
D) have worked.
She … from the medical university three years ago.
A) graduates;
B) graduated;
C) was graduating;
D) will graduate.
The sick child … in bed the whole day yesterday.
A) is staying;
B) will be staying;
C) stayed;
D) was staying.
The students … the laboratory before the laboratory assistant … .
A) have left … comes;
B) will leave … comes;
C) leave … came;
D) had left … came.
The chemist … the old woman to buy more effective drugs for hypertension.
A) adviced;
B) advice;
C) are advicing;
D) have adviced.
The pediatrician … vitamins to the little girl before he … the results of the
laboratory tests.
A) will have administered … obtains;
B) will administer … obtain;
C) administers … obtained;
D) administered … will obtain.
District doctors … for patient’s in an urban or rural district every day.
A) cater;
B) caters;
C) is catering;
D) are catering.
They … in the university now.
A) were;
B) are;
C) is;
D) am.
What … you … at six o’clock tomorrow? – I … a report in Chemistry.
A) do … do, am writing;
B) will … be doing, shall be writing;
C) did … do, was writing;
D) do… do, shall write.
In ancient times the physicians … vinegar, olive oil and wine as remedies.
A) use;
B) uses;
C) used;
D) will use.
Our future work … deep knowledge of medicine.
A) will be requiring;
B) requires;
C) require;
D) are requiring.
Don’t shout! The doctor … to the patient’s heart.
A) listened;
B) is listening;
C) was listening;
D) listens.
This patient … aspirin very often.
A) takes;
B) take;
C) is taking;
D) was taking.
The patient … the drugs in the prescription department right now.
A) is ordering;
B) will order;
C) ordered;
D) are ordering.
The doctor … preventive measures tomorrow.
A) will undertake;
B) undertook;
C) were undertaking;
D) are undertaking.
Plant pharmacological studies … its extracts … anti-viral and antiinflammatory properties.
A) have suggested … have;
B) has suggested … have;
C) have suggested … has;
D) suggests … to have.
Pharmacists … collaboratively with physicians, nurses and other healthcare
personnel in various medical and surgical areas.
A) works;
B) work;
C) is working;
D) has worked.
Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on medicinal herbs.
A) has been working;
B) are working;
C) is working;
D) works.
I … a scientific TV program on discoveries in Chemistry from 6 till 8 o’clock
A) was watching;
B) were watching;
C) has watched;
D) will be watching.
The doctor … the patient about the symptoms of accidental overdosage of
drugs before he … to use them.
A) will inform … start;
B) will have informed … starts;
C) inform … has started;
D) informs … started.
Yesterday I … drugs for cough in this chemist’s shop.
A) will buy;
B) had bought;
C) buys;
D) bought.
In many countries the people … the uses of their local flora and they … the
necessary herbs in their own gardens.
A) know … grow;
B) knows … grow;
C) has known … grow;
D) will know … grows.
My granny … her cardiac medicines by 7 p.m.
A) takes;
B) had taken;
C) is taking;
D) will take.
Поставте всі типи запитань до наступних речень:
The course of study at the medical university is six years.
Medical services constitute a major item in the state budget.
The aim of public health system is to protect the health of the people.
For the first two years the students study the so-called pre-clinical subjects.
The roots of your teeth extend into your gums and beyond into the jaw bones.
Yesterday these drugs caused some unfavourable reactions.
Last week the students of our group spent a lot of time at the laboratory studying
different parts of teeth.
Medical universities provide all medical institutions with highly qualified
Post-operative wound pain was present for the first few days after operation.
Post-graduate courses train doctors, scientists and lecturers.
Chemist’s shops are specialized shops where medicines are sold.
The patient with gingival bleeding visited stomatologist yesterday.
Wisdom teeth erupt between ages of 17 and 21 years.
The patient asked the nurse to give him some drugs for headache.
Oral hygiene consists of both personal and professional care .
The patients will be taking drugs all these days.
In 1685 Charles Allen wrote the first dental textbook “Operator for the Teeth “.
A wide network of different kinds of medical institutions function in our
Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve pain.
At birth the baby has a full set of 20 primary teeth.
They were discussing what profession to choose the whole evening yesterday.
When a patient has a toothache he goes to the stomatologist.
Tranquilizers are drugs which alter behavior.
Last year my brother graduated from the stomatological department of the
medical university.
These highly experienced surgeons will perform operation on brain tomorrow.
The nurse filled in the case history with the general information about the
A good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient’s confidence.
The surgeon examined the patient’s wound two hours ago.
At birth the baby has a full set of 20 primary teeth.
Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve pain.
When a patient has a toothache he goes to the stomatologist.
They were discussing what profession to choose the whole evening yesterday.
The course of study at the medical institute is six years.
Medical services constitute a major item in the state budget.
The aim of medical institutions is to protect the health of the people.
For the first two years the students study the so-called pre-clinical subjects.
 The work of a first aid station is of great importance.
 At the end of the third year the students undertake a six-week practice.
 The clinical intern’s job is to improve his qualification in some narrow field of
 Medical institutes provide all medical institutions with highly qualified
 Post-operative wound pain was present for the first few days after operation.
 Post-graduate courses train doctors, scientists and lecturers.
 Chemist’s shops are specialized shops where medicines are sold.
 Studying at college in the USA offers courses of instruction leading to
Bachelor’s degree.
 Drugs are chemical substances used in medicine in the treatment of disease.
 The college course of study lasts four years.
 Hormones are secretions from the glands of animals.
 The senior students study anesthesiology, dermatology, endocrinology, internal
medicine, neurology and others.
 The World Health Organization is the world agency for international
cooperation in improving the physical and mental health of all.
 A wide network of different kinds of medical institutions function in our
 Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve pain.
 The World Heals Organization helps member nations in launching campaigns to
stamp out many diseases.
o Barbiturates are the best known sedatives and hypnotics.
 The World Health Organization achieved an impressive record in the battle
against some of the world’s most virulent diseases.
 Tranquilizers are drugs which alter behavior.
 The World Health Organization played a great role in the development and
testing of poliomyelitis and measles vaccines.
 Antibiotics is a chemical substance produced by a microorganism.
 The World Health Organization kept a watch on cholera, plague, yellow fever
and influenza.
 A good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient’s confidence.
 Insects began developing resistance to insecticides.
 The trunk is the biggest part of the body.
 Cholera suddenly spread and invaded a lot of areas.
 The vertebrae are bony rings which together form the spinal column.
 The personnel of an average chemist’s consists of a manager of the chemist’s, a
dispensing pharmacist and a chemist controlling the prescriptions.
 The Academy of Pharmacy is the largest centre of education and science in
 Chemists have carried out many experiments on breaking down the compounds.
Chemistry deals with the study of matter and the changes in its composition.