Written Test VI Vocabulary p. 296*, all words p. 268*, all words p

Written Test VI
p. 296*, all words
p. 268*, all words
p. 232*, orange and green columns
Chapter IX
question words (9.3)
qué v. cuál(es) (9.3)
pronouns after prepositions (9.4)
Chapter VIII
double object pronouns (8.2)
saber v. conocer (8.3)
comparison of adjectives (8.4)
comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (8.4)
comparisons of equality and inequality (8.4)
the absolute superlative (8.4)
Chapter VII
gustar and verbs like gustar (7.4)
indefinite and negative words (7.2)
interrogative words
indefinite and negative words
listening section
as always, there will also be questions from previous tests
Speaking Test B
read aloud a Spanish passage
you will be graded on your ability to pronounce Spanish properly while maintaining an
acceptable pace
review rules of pronunciation and accentuation
review the pronunciation of vowels, consonants, and diphthongs
review numbers
Mid-term Examination (oral)
one-on-one conversation with the instructor
you will be asked basic, general questions
Mid-term Examination (written)
study your past tests
for specific material, refer to the outlines and notes for the six written tests from this semester