Board Meeting Minutes Indiana University

Board Meeting Minutes
Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
October 25, 2012
Andy Bosk, IU – College of Arts and Sciences, President
Jill Vanderwall, IUPUI, President-Elect
Anita Yoder, Goshen College, Past President
Jen Schott, IUPUI, Member Services
Kay Schwob, Huntington University, Secretary
Scott Feeny, IU – SPEA, Treasurer
Natalie Connors, Purdue University North Central, At-Large
Veronica Rahim, Purdue University – West Lafayette, At-Large
Ashley Calderon, Indiana Univ. Purdue Univ. Ft. Wayne, At-Large
Cindy Verduce, Indiana Tech, At-Large
Matt Wells, Valparaiso University, Public Relations
Libby Davis, University of Indianapolis, Member Hospitality
Hanna Stork, Manchester University, Webmaster
Dana McNulty, Fall 2012 Graduate Virtual Intern
Kirk Bixler, Franklin College, Historian
Deborah Blades, Purdue University Calumet, Newsletter Coordinator
Welcome & Introductions
 Andy called the meeting to order at 1:01 pm and welcomed everyone for attending.
Standing Reports
 Minutes – Kay
o Minutes from the June 2012 meeting were approved by consensus with no corrections.
Treasurer’s Report – Scott
o Scott presented the treasurer’s report in the old format and a new and improved format. The new
one goes from January 1 of this year. Scott is trying to categorize everything in a way to connect
income and expenses. These categories reflect the new categories shared at the last board
meeting. Some work to be done on the new format.
o Three people don’t show as paid.
o We now have a way to handle “board registrations” so the conferences don’t take a hit.
o Using on-line bill pay as much as possible.
o New this conference, credit cards with a set amount are given to conference planners to use. This
is much easier than writing checks and is much easier to track.
o Institute discussion: Libby asked if we could reimburse the Institute for $140 for planner gifts.
Consensus is that the board will not cover these costs.
o There was a lot of discussion concerning creating an endowment. It was decided that Scott will
look into what that might look like and report back at next meeting.
 Action: Make the statement reflect our fiscal year, July 1 – June 30 with additional color
coding. Also separate out Grants and Awards.
 Action: Membership will receive a blended statement. Include a visual as well.
 Action: Forecasting and make year to year comparisons, creating an operating reserve
or investment reserve might be a good way to designate instead of endowment. Create
language in bylaws.
 Action: Share files with membership to have instant access.
 Action: Need to continue to clear out the Paypal account. Distributions are monthly.
 Action: There is still $380 of unspecified income that Scott is trying to reconcile.
Communications – Matt
o What are our communications internally?
Matt would like to bring back the Newsletter – quarterly and to include: president’s message, info
after conference, recurring topics such as INdorsed, create a template.
Will have info at the CDPI table with membership info.
Job announcements will be posted to the website and will be sent via the website. These will not
be sent via Kirk as has been done in the past.
Matt will also look at prioritizing external messages
Membership – Jen
o Trying to get everyone to renew online.
o 166 active members, 30 have applied since June.
o Trying to get 100% participation of all universities and colleges throughout Indiana.
o 60 people are overdue on dues payments.
o Can attendance at conference, active membership and list serve be compared to get useful info?
 Action: ideas – can we discount conference chairs? Committee will meet and bring
recommendation to board.
 Action: Survey will be done (sometime around Thanksgiving). Jen to send to board for
input. This will be sent to all on list serve.
Website – Hannah
o Added INdorsed tab – some of the info is open and some is specific to INdorsed participants.
 Action: Metrics – using Google analytics – lots of info for Hannah to review and will start
to see trends. Are there pages not being used? Trying to figure out if there are incentives
for logging in. Maybe we should move “log in” to be more prominent.
 Action: Please add our Linked IN to profiles on the website to develop a more robust
 Action: Developing best practices
Virtual Intern – Veronica
o Introduced Dana McNulty, Fall2012 virtual intern. They have had weekly discussions. Dana will
be finished in December, but is working additional hours to fulfill her practicum requirements.
 Action: Dana will work with Veronica and Jen to complete the attendance, membership
list serve project.
 Action: Trying to streamline evaluations from both supervisor and intern.
 Action: Post a new internship description for Spring 2013. Will also send to us so we can
post to our grad programs.
Virtual Intern – Dana
o Dana gave a brief update of what she’s been doing in the internship. She visited a couple of
offices – Andy, Jill and Jen. Created a best practices for career services around the state and will
be at the CDPI table tomorrow to share.
o She’s been working on a newsletter article, social media presence, “How to show positive social
presence. A presentation will be made on December 5.
o Action: Dana is also working on a media contact list for INdorsed.
Spring Conference 2013 – Veronica
o Pat Donahue, IU Bloomington and Tim Luzader, Purdue-Lafayette are conference co-chairs.
o The Spring 2013 conference will be a little earlier this year. The conference will be on March 1 in
Indianapolis and will focus on partnership building with employers. There will be a pre-conference
networking event on Thursday, Feb. 28 at an Indiana Pacers game! A flyer was distributed.
o 120 tickets are available for the pre-conference networking event.
Fall Conference 2012 – Jill
o Jill reported that 89 will be in attendance. She said that sponsorships were very difficult to obtain
and therefore will not make their projection of $1000. She indicated that they should make about
o A suggestion was made to create committee to establish sponsorship levels. These levels could
then be used to target companies once instead of asking sponsors for every conference.
o Veronica will once again be the photographer.
Grants – Cindy
o She understands now that the entire board is not involved in the review process. Sorry! She will
get a committee together next time.
o 5 grants were submitted with 3 being awarded, 2 didn’t turn in any budget info.
o The award recipients will need to make some sort of presentation at a conference.
Conference Discussion
o A question was asked as to why conference chairs pay their own way for the conference. Much
discussion and it is in the conference guide as to whether the chairs pay or not.
 Action: Cindy, Andy and Jill to review and make a recommendation for Fall 2013.
Awards - Libby
o Three on committee, Natalie, Veronica and Libby with Veronica and Natalie taking over.
o Submissions are due February 1 and Libby will promo this tomorrow at the conference as well as
on the website and via email.
o Libby explained that the most challenging is the Invested Career Award and it could be a group
award. She also explained the criteria for each award.
 Action: Gather and review submissions
CDPI Virtual Career Fair with Career Eco – Natalie
o February 13, 2013
o Made $1900 last year.
o We must have 15 employers.
o Document of understanding will be signed today. Need schools to commit by November 15.
 Action: Will need to come up with a name for the fair
Career Development Facilitator Training – Jen
o Made presentation and it sounds like there is interest from the board.
 Action: Jen to create a timeline and get back to membership
INdorsed – Hannah
o 30 schools are participating
o Have created both internal and external communication – membership is understanding, but need
to spread the word
o Pursuing partnerships with state organizations such as and SHRM
o Employer survey was good info, but still need evidence of graduates.
 Action: Reviewing checklists that are submitted by the schools to be approved by the
 Action: Creating an employer list to be send out and tell people what INdorsed is
 Action: Plan of succession of leadership from Liz to board
 Action: Evaluation process needs to be completed and needs to be spearheaded and will
send out to participating schools to see if there is someone interested.
PR Campaign – Matt
o Have ideas by would like discuss: Who is our primary external audiences?
 Suggestions: Graduate programs, Midwest ACE, NACPA, State Workone, ICI, ICHE,
Dept of Education, Lilly Endowment, Lumina Foundation
 Once we determine who, what info do they need? How often?
 Action: Invite these potential partners to the pre-conference game.
Mentor Program – Ashley
o 9 matches with 18 participating, with all mentees receiving a mentor
o 3 month check in – they’ve all touched base at least one and program is going well.
Summer Leadership Institute – Jill
o Jill reported that previous institute evaluations have been reviewed – main take away is that the
institute is as a 4.5 out of a 5.0 and will compile info to see what should/could be done differently.
 Ideas:
 How many new professionals do we have who could go?
 Should this be a every 2 or 3 years?
 Have a 2.0 Institute?
 Is this needed? Does it make sense?
 Is 4 days too long?
Action: There will be a survey that will go out after Thanksgiving with the results
presented at the January meeting. An iPad Mini will be awarded as an incentive to
New Business:
 Board terms - Anita
o Anita stated that several are in 2nd year of term. She asked intent to continue. If you know of
anyone interested in joining the board, please share with Anita or direct to website.
By-laws – Andy
o If you see any need for changes or updates to the bylaws, please get those to Andy.
Endowment – Scott
o Will get ideas for the endowment and will present at the January board meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 4:57 pm
Upcoming Board Meetings:
 Friday, January 18, 2013 at IUPUI, 1-5 pm with lunch at noon.
Respectfully submitted by, Kay Schwob, Secretary