Ramona the Pest Summer Reading Study Guide

The Dinoff School Summer Reading Study Guide
Name __________________________________________
1. Study the vocabulary words
listed. If you find words you don’t
know, write them down. Use a
dictionary to find out what they
2. Carefully read your book.
3. Answer the questions in complete
5. Be prepared to turn in all work on
the first day of school in August.
6. Enjoy your book!
Chapter 1 – Ramona’s Great Day
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
baffled adj.
completely confused or bewildered
“If Miss Binney had looked puzzled before, she now looked baffled.”
budge v.
to move slightly
“Difficult though waiting was for her, Ramona did not budge.”
disappointment n.
let down
“...Ramona’s spirits recovered quickly from her disappointment.”
enticingly adv.
attractively, temptingly
“Susan was jumping up and down, too, and her curls bobbed enticingly.”
fuss n.
a quarrel or noisy fight
“Don’t make a great big noisy fuss.”
intersection n.
the place where two streets cross each other
“When the group reached the intersection...”
introduce v.
to bring people together so they know each other by name
“It would be lots of fun to...introduce you to the kindergarten teacher.”
misunderstanding n.
a wrong idea of what someone meant, thinking of a word in the wrong sense
“Ramona, I’m afraid we’ve had a misunderstanding.”
pest n.
an annoying or troublesome person
“I am not a pest,” Ramona Quimby told her big sister.
present n.
a gift or the time that is now
“Sit here for the present,” she said with a smile.
scowled v.
to frown or wrinkle the face in anger
“Ramona merely scowled and made a face at Howie...”
shrieked v.
to scream in pain or fear
“Ow-ow-ow” shrieked Susan, the center of everyone’s attention.
springs n.
an elastic device, such as a coil of wire, that returns to its original shape after being
compressed or extended.
“It was reddish-brown and hung in curls like springs that touched her shoulders and bounced as
she walked.”
stamped v.
to bring your foot down hard on the ground
“No”, said Ramona, and stamped her foot.
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to this question.
 Read the Chapter 1 title. What could cause a kindergartner to have a great day?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. How would you feel if someone called you a pest? Do you think Ramona is a pest?
2. Why won’t Ramona “budge”?
3. Why does Ramona end up sitting out the game on the school bench? Is this fair?
4. Did Ramona like her first day in kindergarten? Did Howie?
5. Make a prediction: What do you think could happen in the next chapter?
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 1. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 2 – Show and Tell
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
argument n.
a point about which people disagree
“The two mothers were so busy talking...they paid no attention to the argument.”
grateful adj.
thankful, appreciative
“Howie looked grateful, but his mother thrust the rabbit into his hands anyway.”
ignored v.
to pay no attention to something
“Miss Binney ignored the giggles and snickers.”
lend v.
to grant the use of something on condition it will be returned
“Ramona, I think it would be nice if you ran in the house and found something to lend Howie to
take to school,” said Mrs. Quimby.
indignant adj.
angry when something is thought to be unfair
“Ramona was indignant.”
lopsided adj.
leaning to one side
“...she managed to balance herself and ride down the driveway in a... lopsided fashion.”
pliers n.
screwdriver n.
a tool with pincers for bending things
a tool with a handle and long shaft for turning screws
“I could take off one of the wheels if I had some pliers and a screwdriver,” he said at last.
polite adj.
appropriate, kind
“Howie, that’s not polite,” said his mother.
responsibility n.
the act of being reliable or dependable
“Howie needs to learn responsibility,” Mrs. Kemp was saying.
rummaged v.
to make a hasty search
“She rummaged around in her toy box and finally dragged out her favorite doll...”
thrust v. to push
to shove
“When Ramona thrust the rabbit into Howie’s hand, Mrs. Kemp said, “Say thank you, Howie.”
understood v.
to grasp the importance of something
“Miss Binney understood.”
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to this question.
 Who said: “Ramona, got benched, and she’s the worst rester in the class.” ? How does this help you remember
what happened?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. Compare/contrast what Ramona chooses to take for Show and Tell, and what Howie is taking for Show and
Tell. Is Ramona happy with her choice? How does Howie feel about the bunny?
2. Why do you think Miss Binney gave the bunny a ribbon?
3. In your opinion, who owns the ribbon? How would you have settled their argument?
4. How do Ramona and Howie work out a deal? Do you think it is fair to both of them?
5. How have the feelings between Ramona and Howie changed from the beginning to the end of this
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 2. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 3 – Seat Work
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
bewildered adj.
confused and lost
“Davy looked bewildered.”
cross adj.
angry and annoyed
“Miss Binney’s voice, although not exactly cross, was not her usual gentle voice.”
glared v.
to stare with an angry look
“Davy glared at Ramona as he took his eraser and scrubbed out half his D a second time.”
interesting adj.
exciting, pleasing
“Ramona studied her own drawing and decided she would have to do something to make it
more interesting.”
satisfied adj.
content, happy
“...but somehow Ramona was not satisfied.”
scrambled v.
to move hurriedly
“There were two kinds of children who went to kindergarten- ...those who scrambled to get
into line...”
swirls n.
a shape that curls, coils, or twists
“After considering various colors of crayon, she selected the black and drew big black swirls
coming from the windows.”
unfair adj.
not just or even
“...she had learned to watch for unfair situations.”
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to this question.
1. Who said: “I’m tired of sharing. Share, share, share, That’s all grownups every talk about.” What was happening in the
story when this was said?
2. Read the Chapter 3 title. What is seatwork? Is it fun?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. What makes Davy interesting to Ramona? How does Ramona show that she likes Davy? How does the
class react?
2. How does Ramona make the picture of her house look more interesting? Did Miss Binney
understand Ramona’s picture?
3. As Ramona learns to print her name, what does she think is unfair?
4. Ramona seems to get in trouble often. Can you explain why?
5. Would you want Ramona as your friend? Explain your reasons with examples from the story.
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 3. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 4 – The Substitute
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
catch it v.
to receive a punishment
“You’re really going to catch it.”
defeat n.
“Ramona had to admit defeat.”
deserted v.
abandoned, left totally alone
“What are we going to do?” she asked, feeling as if she had been deserted by Miss Binney.
discomfort n.
hardship, uneasiness
“In the midst of all the excitement, Ramona felt a new discomfort.”
disloyal adj.
unfaithful, showing a lack of love
“Still feeling that Miss Binney was disloyal to stay away from school, Ramona made up her
executed v.
to perform or complete something
about-face n. a complete, turn around - a 180 degree turn
“Directly in front of Ramona, Henry executed a sharp about-face like a real soldier.”
pitifully adv.
in a way that shows misery and sadness
“She sniffed pitifully.”
weighed v.
trudged v.
heavily burdened
trudged v. to walk wearily along
“Ramona and Howie, weighed down by the responsibility of walking themselves to school,
trudged off down the street.“
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to this question.
1. Read the Chapter 4 title. How might Ramona react to a substitute teacher?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. What are the rules Ramona and Howie have for crossing the street? How do the two children feel
about walking themselves to school?
2. Would Ramona’s mother be pleased with the way Ramona behaves with Henry Huggins? Why do you think
Ramona acts this way?
3. What does Ramona decide to do to show how strongly she feels about the substitute?
4. How is Ramona discovered?
5. How did Miss Mullen, the principal, know what was bothering Ramona?
Explain how she handled the whole situation. Is Miss Mullen a good principal?
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 4. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 5 – Ramona’s Engagement Ring
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
downhearted adj.
sad, depressed
“Ramona was so downhearted that she did not even tease Henry Huggins when he led her
across the street.”
emergency n.
a serious situation that requires immediate action
enthusiastic adj.
excited, interested
excited, interested
“Henry did not seem very enthusiastic as he splashed across the street, and when he came to the
mud he heaved a big sigh before he stepped into it.”
horror n. a feeling of
shock or fear
quiver v. to tremble,
shake slightly
a feeling of shock or fear
“Then, to Ramona’s horror, she found herself being lifted right out of her beautiful new boots.”
to tremble, shake slightly
Ramona’s chin began to quiver.”
sensible adj.
showing good thinking practical
“Ramona be sensible,” said Mrs. Quimby.
sobbed v. to cry
without control
to cry without control
“I d-don’t know,” sobbed Ramona.
sulky adj.
gloomy or withdrawn
“Ramona realized she looked sulky, but she could not help herself.”
tempting adj. alluring
alluring, attractive
“It was the best mud, the muddiest mud, the most tempting mud.”
“But this is an emergency, Miss Binney pointed out.”
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to these questions.
1. Use the following quote to review Chapter 4. Who said: “She belongs in kindergarten, but she’s been hiding behind
the trash cans.” How did the grownups help Ramona?
2. Read the Chapter 5 title. Could Ramona really get engaged?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. What does Mrs. Quimby want Ramona to be sensible about? Where did Ramona get those brown boots?
2. What is Ramona’s ring made of? Why does she call it an engagement ring?
3. How does the salesman help Ramona finally get the boots she wants? Describe Ramona’s walk in her new
shoes as she trip-traps around.
4. How can mud be tempting? Explain.
5. What happens when Ramona walks out into the construction area? Why isn’t Henry enthusiastic about
having to help Ramona out of the mud? What happens to her boots?
6. Why didn’t Miss Binney scold Ramona for getting into the mud?
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 5. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 6 – The Baddest Witch in the World
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
baddest adj.
scariest, meanest (not really a word)
“Make it a bad mask, Mama,” she said, “I want to be the baddest witch in the whole world.”
dreadful adj.
awful, terrible
“How cool the air felt outside that dreadful mask!”
elastic n.
a rubber band-like material or fabric that stretches and returns its shape
“Ramona had doubts about that elastic -”
muffled adj.
made softer or less loud or clear
“I’m the baddest witch in the world!” she shouted, her voice muffled by the mask...
ghastly adj.
summon v.
shockingly frightful
gather together
“The face was so ghastly that Ramona had to remind herself that it was only a rubber mask from
the dime store before she could summon enough courage to pick it up and slip it over her head.”
resist v.
to withstand the force of something
“Ramona was unable to resist.”
shivery adj.
trembling from fear
“Ramona liked scaring people, and she liked the shivery feeling of being scared herself.”
stampeding v.
to rush like a herd of animals
“When kindergarten was finally dismissed, the whole class forgot the rules and went stampeding
out the door.”
terrifying adj.
extremely frightening
“With that terrifying thought Ramona snatched off her mask...”
tweaked v.
pinch, pluck, or twist sharply
“After weeks of longing she tweaked one of Susan’s curls, and yelled, ‘Boing!’ through her rubber
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to these questions.
1. Review Chapter 5. Who got Ramona out of trouble this time? What happened to Ramona’s boots?
2. Read the Chapter 6 title. Is “baddest” really a word? What do you think it means?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. What does Ramona want to be for Halloween? Why is she especially excited about this year?
How do you know that Mrs. Quimby really bought the baddest mask? Describe it.
2. How does Ramona feel about the mask and how does she treat it when she goes to bed? Do you think
Ramona is very brave for a kindergarten kid?
3. Compare and contrast how Ramona and Howie feel about their costumes.
4. How do you think Ramona could be a pest in the next chapter?
5. What happens when she sees Davy? What happened when Ramona tweaked one of Susan’s curls? Would
she have done this if she had not been wearing the mask?
6. Would you call Ramona a leader? Explain with examples from the story.
7. How does Ramona help others know “which witch” she is?
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 6. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 7– The Day Things Went Wrong
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
anxious adj.
worried, uneasy
“She could not see why her mother was anxious.”
serious adv.
somber, grave,weighty, important
“Ramona had never seen her teacher look so serious.”
suspicions n.
doubts, uncertainties
“Ramona had her suspicions about the tooth fairy.”
trust v.
to place your confidence in someone
“I’m going to trust you to stay all by yourself for a little while before you start to school.”
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to these questions.
1. Review Chapter 6. Did Ramona make it through the Halloween party without any trouble?
2. Read the Chapter 7 title. Predict what more could go wrong for Ramona?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. What are the two reasons that Ramona feels grown up today?
2. Explain how Ramona got confused about what time she should leave for school. How many minutes late
leaving the house was she? What are the clues that told Ramona she was late?
3. Ramona pulls Susan’s hair at two separate times in this chapter. Why did she do it and what was Miss
Binney’s reaction each time? Do you think Miss Binney is an understanding teacher?
4. Miss Binney was surprised when Ramona said “No, I can’t.” Did this surprise you? Why or why not?
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 7. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Chapter 8 – Kindergarten Dropout
Look over the new vocabulary and sentences in context for this chapter. If you see any words you don’t know, write them
down. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean.
Definition/Context sentence
boring adj.
dull, tiresome
“There followed the most boring morning of Ramona’s entire life.”
despaired v.
to lose all hope
“Ramona despaired. Nobody understood.”
dropout n.
someone who leaves school before it is completed and doesn’t return
“Guess what! Ramona is a kindergarten dropout!”
exasperated adj.
irritated to a high degree
“Mrs. Quimby was exasperated.”
negative adj.
not positive, unpleasant
“negative desire for attention”
predicament n.
an unfortunate or difficult situation
“Ramona soon discovered the other children in the neighborhood were fascinated by her
suspense n.
a feeling of uncertainty about what is going to happen
“Finally she could stand the suspense no longer.”
sympathy n.
a feeling or an expression of pity or sorrow for someone’s unhappiness
“Sympathy made things worse.”
truant officer n.
an official who investigates unauthorized absences from school
“How come the truant officer doesn’t make you go to school?”
Pre Reading...
Before you read your chapter, think about the answer to these questions.
1. Read the Chapter 8 title. Can you dropout of kindergarten? Will Ramona ever go back to school?
2. Is there a solution to this problem that will make everyone happy?
Post Reading...
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use capital letters and the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentences.
1. Ramona decides she “could not go back (to school) when her teacher did not like her.” Do you think Miss
Binney does not like Ramona?
2. Do you think Miss Binney could ever forget Ramona? Why is this important to Ramona?
3. Miss Binney asks Howie to give Ramona a letter from her. Compare/contrast Ramona’s reading of the
letter and Mrs. Quimby’s reading of the letter.
4. What exactly makes Ramona want to go back to school?
5. What do you think Ramona has learned from this “predicament?”
New Words
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Draw a picture of your favorite scene in chapter 8. Use the lines below the frame to describe
the scene. Be as neat as you can. Please make it colorful with either crayons or color pencils.
Book Review
Did you like this book? Color the number of stars to show how much you liked the
Would you recommend this book to a friend?
What was your favorite part of the book?
Was there a part you didn’t like? How would you have changed it?
I hope you enjoyed reading this book. It is one of my favorites. Keep reading!