RAMONA HIGH SCHOOL 7675 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92504 (951) 352-8429 Registrar Helen Ruano 951-352-8429 Ext. 65246 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM CURRENT STUDENTS If you are still attending Ramona High School and need a transcript for a college or scholarship, see the Registrar in the Guidance Office. FORMER STUDENTS If you graduated 2012 or older, you will need to obtain your transcript from the District Records Office located at 3070 Washington Street, Riverside, CA or by calling (951) 328-7000. 2013 GRADUATES If you need a transcript, please print & complete this document. Include a copy of your driver’s license. Or you can personally come to Ramona and front gate staff will help with your request. Mail to: Fax to: (951) 328-2534 Scan and Email to: hruano@rusd.k12.ca.us Ramona High School 7675 Magnolia Ave Riverside, CA 92504 Attn: Registrar Transcripts will not be processed with incomplete or illegible information. Please allow 2 business days for processing. PLEASE PRINT Former Student _2013 GRADUATE_____ Today’s Date: _____________ NAME – Print _________________________________________________ ID # _________________ DOB _______________ Student Signature _______________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________________ (Required if student is under 18 years old) Phone:_______________________________Email:______________________________ Number of copies: ____Official transcripts are stamped, signed, and in a sealed envelope. ____Unofficial transcripts are an unsigned printout Student Pick Up ______ Or MAIL TO: _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (Complete name & address of school needed)