Sanilac County Science and Math Center Brown City Carsonville-Port Sanilac Croswell-Lexington Deckerville Marlette Peck Sandusky Our Mission “The mission of the Sanilac County Science and Mathematics Center is to provide leadership, programs, and services to improve interest, involvement, and achievement in mathematics, science and technology.” OurDEMOGRAPHICS Demographics The SCSMC is located in a 1,000 square mile area in the Thumb of Michigan. Sanilac County is geographically the largest county in the lower peninsula. The SCSMC is a member of the Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers Network and the National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology. Our Services Leadership Student Services Professional Development Curriculum Support Resource Clearinghouse Community Involvement LEADERSHIP “Great schools are built by people, people who care and who act… The secret ingredient is human, not electronic.” Leadership Edited and distributed ABC in Science News Science Specialist assisted Croswell-Lexington Schools with Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Science Instructor served on Regional Director’s Executive Council for National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Science Specialist served on Blue Water Curriculum Council Director served on SISD Strategic Planning Steering Committee Director and Science Specialist served on Staff Development Action Team Student Services “The yardstick is whether students…can understand as well as memorize, apply as well as state, imagine as well as copy, solve problems rather than shrug them off, and make themselves felt in a society that seems to be in trouble for lack of these capacities.” Harriet Tyson Science Education Guidebook Student Service ABC in Science K-7 Inquiry-based Kit Program provided 545 hands-on science kits to elementary classrooms and offered a Science Specialist who taught 140 active lessons for: Kindergarten Giant Pumpkin Visit First Grade Giant Teeter-Totter Visit Second Grade Papermaking Visit Third Grade Ice Cream Making Visit Fourth Grade Groundwater Visit Fifth Grade Matter Visit “Doing experiments helps me to remember and teaches me to figure out problems.” 3rd Grade Student Student Services High School Accelerated Program Astronomy Night Science/Math Expo with 67 student research projects E.A.R.T.H. Center Mammalian Study E.A.R.T.H. Center Fish and Related Aquatic Life Project Southeastern Michigan Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center Field Trip NASA Symposium, SanDiego, CA Science/Math Recognition Night Professional Development “You can’t have a learning society without learning students, and you can’t have learning students without learning teachers.” Fullan (1993) Professional Development Conducted ABC in Science workshops New Teacher kit workshops Preparing for Science MEAP Investigations Unit Revision Workshops Provided workshops for Sanilac County educators and community environmental educators Science Teacher Leader Program Websites for Teachers Instructional Technology Rockets for Schools Curriculum Support “Curriculum planning must be an integral part of the continuous school improvement process.” Science Education Guidebook Curriculum Support Sanilac ISD Science Specialist and Croswell-Lexington Schools revised ABC in Science kits: Kindergarten Animals First Grade Measurement, Force, and Simple Machines Second Grade Sound and Light Third Grade Motions, Forces, and Simple Machines Fourth Grade Detective Moolock (Energy Unit) Support of MASER regional curriculum team Support of Curriculum Mapping Process Resource Clearinghouse “If you want to encourage elementary school teachers to teach science through inquiry, you have to provide them with the right stuff at the right time. You have to give teachers a deal they can’t refuse.” Larry Small, Science Materials Support (1992) Resource Clearing House Expanded curriculum materials enhance ABC in Science kits Provide science kits to support inquiry-based science in grades K-7 Monitor ABC in Science kit distribution center to store, refurbish and distribute science kits. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT “Parents, other community members, administrators, students and teachers all need to work together toward [a common] vision of scientific literacy. Science Education Guidebook Community Involvement Lake Huron Water Quality Study Conducted by SCSMC students in high school accelerated program and submitted to DNR Showcase Night Astronomy Night Science/Math EXPO Night Return to SCSMC