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Old computers
Focus Questions
What was the main point of the Old computers story?
Who is the co-founder of Apple?
Describe the early computers.
What functions did they perform?
What is a floppy disc?
How has the memory of a computer changed over time?
Complete the following sentence:` Today’s memory sticks can hold more
information than the computers that…’
8. How have computers changed your life? Give at least two examples.
9. What functions do you think computers will be able to perform in the future?
Make some predictions.
10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?
Old computers
Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to complete from each
Remember and understand
Choose five key words from the Old computers story and explain what
each means.
Recall as many facts as you can in the BtN Old computers story and write a
true or false quiz.
Create a timeline showing significant events in the evolution of computers.
Apply and Analyse
Think about and respond to the following questions about computers:
Why do people need computers?
What do you think the first one looked like?
How have they changed?
How could computers be improved?
What might they look like in the future?
Present your answers to a small group of students. Invite them to respond
to your answers to get their opinions.
How have computers changed the way we work and live? Think of both
positive and negative impacts.
© ABC 2011
Learning Area
Design and Technology
Key learning
Students will develop a deeper
understanding of the
evolution and future of
Respond to the following statement: `Computers will be without problems
in the future.’ Create a persuasive text stating whether you agree or
disagree with the statement.
Evaluate and create
Redesign a computer to make it easier for people to use. Draw a diagram
or make a model of your design. Describe why your design is an
improvement on a current computer. Who would benefit from the design?
The Old computers story has some interviews with people in 1969 giving
their opinions about the future of computers. Conduct your own short
interviews with a range of people about what they think is the future of
computers. Record the interviews on video or audio and share with other
students. What was surprising about the views of people interviewed?
Think of five different jobs or careers related to the computer industry.
Select the one you would most like to have and give at least three reasons
for your choice.
 Related Research Links
ABC Technology and Games – Steve Jobs resigns from Apple
ABC News – Steve Jobs: A revolutionary nerd
Australian History – IT Timeline
Library Thinkquest – Computers: Past, present and future
© ABC 2011