Political maneuvering of the late 19th century Benjamin Harrison and the Republicans 1889-1893 Republicans reclaim the White House and Congress. Thomas (Czar) Reed. Republican Speaker of the House. Responsible for reorganizing House rules for the majority party. Billion-dollar Congress. Domestic legislation Reduce the Surplus in the budget. Pension Act of 1890. Increased pensions for Civil War vets. Money matters. Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890. Increased government purchases and coinage of silver. Supported by Southern and Western “Silver and gold” Farmers. Thought it would raise prices and ease debt payments. Inflation McKinley Tariff Bill of 1890. Raised tariffs to a peacetime high. Caused a backlash in the Mid-West which could be seen in the election of 1890. The Populist Challenge Mainly farmers from the West and South. Platform Free and unlimited coinage of silver 16:1 Graduated income tax. Government ownership of the telephone, telegraph and railroads. Election of 1892 James Weaver. Good showing in the election. 22 electoral votes and over 1 million popular votes. All farming states. (mid-west and west) White Southerners did not support due to Southern African-American farmers supporting the Populist Party. Grover wins again. Significance of the Election of 1892 Disenfranchisement of blacks and Jim Crow. Democrats get another crack at the White House. Strong showing for a third party, with the hope of 1896 on the horizon. Backlash from the Homestead Strike. Cleveland’s “Second”Administration Depression of 1893 Brought on by overspeculation, overbuilding, labor strife, and farm problems. Gold reserves dropped to a dangerously low level as people traded in paper for gold. Repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 More Grover Deal with J. P. Morgan. “When you sup with the devil, it is best to use a long spoon.” Coxey’s Rebellion. Pullman Strike. Federal troops used. The mail? Eugene V. Debs. Socialist to be. Out with Grover Wilson-Gorman Act New slightly lower tariff and a tax of 2% on incomes over $4000. (The Supreme Court found the tax violated the direct tax clause of the Constitution. 16th Amendment) Election of 1896 Let’s fill in the blanks.