Great West Part III Cattle Drives & Open Range thousands of cattle were herded each year by cowboys to railroad towns one cowboy to every 250-300 cattle overgrazing of the land extended bad weather invention of barbed wire Large tracts of land devoted to one cash crop FARMERS PROBLEMS weather problems -falling prices RAIL ROAD ABUSES -construction graft -bribes -stock watering -unfair pricing -increasing debt • long haul -dependent upon • short haul railroads -use of rebates for large customers -need for cheaper money A farmers’ alliance group that pressured law makers to regulate business also called the Patrons of Husbandry -began as social group -evolved into political group -called for regulation of railroads • -ICC- Interstate Commerce Act • -“Granger Laws”- mid-western state laws that regulated railroad abuses -Federal law that regulates commerce -currency reform took the place of the Grange -strong mid-west support -reform based party -Omaha Platform, 1892 • • • • • increase $ supply graduated income tax secret ballots 8 hour workday Immigration control -Panic • of 1893 -nation enters a recession -many people promote silver and gold standard for currency -would create larger money supply • -”greenbacks” issued based on silver and gold bullion reserves -Gold standard only would limit money supply as gold reserves were limited Gold Bugs Silverites Who Were They Bankers and Businessmen (Republicans) Farmers and Laborers (Democrats and Populists) What They Wanted Gold Standard, less Money in Circulation Bimetallism, More money in Circulation Why Loans would be repaid in stable money Products would be sold at higher prices. Effects Deflation: Prices fall, value of money increases, fewer people have money Inflation: Prices rise, value of money decreases, more people have money Increase the circulation of money Unlimited coining of silver Progressive Tax Government ownership of communications and transport systems 8 Hour Work day Populist Candidate: William Jennings Bryan Republican Candidate: William McKinley Bryan gives “Cross of Gold” speech • Emphasized that farmers would be crucified on the gold standard • Lost the election 1896 election -William McKinley-Rep. • Gold Standard -William • • Jennings Bryan-Dem./Pop. Free Silver “Cross of Gold Speech” -McKinley wins election -Populism dies