© Dr. B. C. Paul 2002 revisions 2008, 2011
Note – The subject covered in these slides is considered to be “common knowledge” to those familiar with the subject and books or articles covering the concepts are widespread.
A classic investment requires money into a project
Project then produces earnings of value throughout some life
Figure out whether those earnings justify the cost to get the project
Some projects may have negative cash flows at other than the beginning
Mining project
Costs money to build the mine
Makes nice money while it runs
At the end you have to clean-up your mess and reclaim
Environmental requirements are often leaving used stuff with negative value at the end
Cash flows that change sign multiple times are called unconventional
Subtraction derived cash flows in all cost alternatives problems may reverse sign many times
This case challenges what people mean by a project rate of return because the project obligates money that will never be used in the profitable part of the project
Raises havoc with the IRR because part of the investment will never be invested in the project to obtain a return from within the project
How can a rate be internal?
Cash flows times magic numbers have the form of a polynomial
we know from math that polynomials have as many roots as axis crossings
that means there is more than 1 interest rate that makes the NPV zero!
From a physical standpoint because some of the negative cash flow money grows inside the project, and some of it grows outside its just telling you about rates of growth inside and outside of the project that make
NPV zero
Of course that means the whole concept of internal growth is crap
If you have unconventional cash flows in any of the scenarios being compared you may not be able to get a good clean IRR
Multiple roots are telling you about different interest rates for money brought in at different points
Books contain examples to help you see they can mean something – trouble is it’s a major exercise to figure out what
So much for IRR contests to pick winning investment portfolios
Well I still have PVR so I’ll do a PVR contest
PVR was designed for comparing invest and earn cash flows of unequal duration and magnitude
It tells you how many dollars of positive NPV you get for every dollar invested
This is how it gets around the largest investment wins problem
Investments with highest PVR are stronger
PVR values cash at your required rate of return
Interest rates (especially high ones) shift emphasis to short range returns
A highest IRR contest will put emphasis on quick money - not necessarily most
PVR values all money at required rate - will maximize the cash you get at your required rate
Answers are not equal
Even when Money Rules
Comparative Decisions Don’t have
Just One Right Answer
An IRR contest
(if you can pull it off unconventional cash flow problems) tends to give answers that maximize wealth if you can jump in and out of investments
Some of the Wall Street raiders of the 80s and 90s
Good for Slash and Burn strategy
IRR = Slash and Burn
PVR chooses investments that maximize your wealth at your required rate within investments
Because interest rate is fixed for the type of investment it is optimized for someone who is going to stay with the investment.
Some businesses are designed around the idea that this is what we do – we win because we do it better than everyone else.
Biggest NPV
Almost never used
Tends to pick the biggest projects
If minimizing number of investments while making required rate is goal may be right way
IRR (if it can be made to work) Slash and Burn
Work well if you are very fluid
PVR maximize growth of wealth at required rate of return