
Unit 8
a bus ~ 公共汽车站旁的候车棚
a bomb ~ 防空洞
seek ~ for the night 找个过夜的地方
In the storm we took (found) ~ under a
 The basic necessities of life are food,
clothing and ~ .
 ~ sb. for the night 收容某人过夜
a ~ student 笨学生
be ~ at mathematics 对数学不开窍
His ears have become ~. 他的听觉不灵了。
I’m rather ~ about food. 我吃东西味觉不灵。
a ~ ache 隐痛
a ~ speaker 干巴巴的演说者
 The monument is ~ed by steps.有台阶通
 Few actors ~ him in ability. 在才华方面很
 as the quantity x ~es zero 当x数值接近于
 His work is ~ing perfection. 他的工作日臻
 These graphs ~ the results of the
experiment. 这些图表说明实验的结果。
 A complicated rule can be ~d by a
simple example.复杂的规则能用简单的例
 She has ~d a number of books.她为好几
 The magazine is well ~d. 那本杂志有精美
 Such cheap clothes come ~ after a few
 These books are turning yellow,brittle
and literally falling ~.这些书正在泛黄,变
 He took the watch ~ . 他把表拆开。
 The boy was ~ed to see his father drunk
 To
 to view a task with ~ 面对困难的任务而气
 He ~ed her to sit but then ignored her .
 He ~ed me in .
 The romance of the sea ~ed the old
sailor. 航海生活的惊险奇趣吸引着老水手。
 He ~ed to me to follow.
mean (adj.)
a ~ motive 卑鄙的动机
~ details 细枝末节
~ clothes 破烂的衣服
be ~ with money matter 在金钱问题上很
 the ~ age 平均年龄
 the ~ yearly rainfall年平均降雨量
•Pre-reading questions:
•1. What kind of book do you
usually read?
•2. Do you enjoy yourself in a
•3. What kind of book appeals to
•4. Do you feel ashamed to read in
a book store without buying it?
•Answer the following questions
Question 1
 1. What is the
implied meaning of
“If it is a good shop,
no assistant will
approach you with
the inevitable
greeting: ’Can I
help you, sir?’ ”?
Question 2
 What does the
sentence “…when he
has led you there, the
assistant should retire
discreetly and look as
if he is not interested
in selling a single
book” suggest to you?
Question 3
 How do you
understand the
sentence “Then, and
only then, are his
services necessary”?
Question 4
 What does the word
this refer to in the
sentence “There is a
story which well
illustrates this”?
Question 5
 Why was the medical
student surprised?
Question 6
 Does the word
illustrate mean the
same thing in “There
is a story which well
illustrates this” and
“This volume on the
subject, however,
happened to be so
well illustrated…”?
Question 7
 What, according to
the writer, must the
owner of a bookshop
do and be like?
 The desire to pick up
a book with an
attractive dust-jacket
is irresistible,
although this method
of selection ought not
to be followed,...
 You soon become
engrossed in some
book or other, ...
 You can wander round
such places to your
heart’s content.
 In a bookshop an
assistant should
remain in the
background until you
have finished
 … something which
had only vaguely
interested you up till
 Apart from running up
a huge account, you
can ...
 … he was dismayed
to find the book
missing from its usual
place and was about
to leave when he
noticed the owner of
the shop beckoning to
 Expecting to be told
off, he went towards
Word Study
 Her toys, books, shoes and clothes were
all ~d up together in the cupboard.(乱
 His thoughts were all ~d up. 他的思绪乱
 The soldiers ~d through the door. 士兵乱
 ~d memories 纷乱的记忆
 strike (conclude) a ~ with sb. over sth. 与
 It’s a ~.一言为定。
 a losing ~一笔蚀本的生意
 That book is a real ~ at $2.
 She stood ~ing with the farmer for his
 ~ with the diary 坚持写日记
 ~ in one’s studies锲而不舍地学习
 Despite the failure of his early
experiments, the scientist ~s in his
fit in with
 ~ sb.’s view 符合某人的观点
 ~ the changed international situation 适
 We must fit our plan in with yours. 我们必
 The ~ started at 9 o’clock and ended at
11:30. 电影正片9点开始,11:30 结束。
 He local newspaper ran a ~ on drug
 a ~ performer 主要演员
 Round-the-clock service ~s this store.
1. 我理解她为何日以继夜地努力工作:她极其渴
2. 吉姆埋头玩电脑游戏,一点都没有听到母亲的
4.在纽约的大街上, 你可以看到各种各样的人,
Answers to Translation
1. I understand why she is working so hard day and night,
for she has a great desire for success in this field.
2.Jim was so engrossed in his computer games that he did
not hear his mother call.
3. On New Year’s Eve, all the boys and girls of the town
sang and danced to their heart’s content.
4. In the streets of New York you can see a great variety
of people with different skin colors and from all walks of
5. Over-indulgent parents may spoil their children.
Where Can You Find Books?
new-book store 新书店
used-book store 古旧书店
specialty bookstore 专业书店
adult bookstore 成人书店
discount bookstore 廉价书店
book gallery 豪华(美术)书的专业书店
book wagon 流动图书馆
circulating library, rental library 租书店
stack room书库
cubicle, carrel 书库中的个人阅览室
book drop, book return 还书箱
Of Studies
by Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
(see file)
On-line Resources
The Phenomenon of the Bestseller
A Classic Clash
Directions: Is there a fine line or strong division between
literature and bestsellers? While literary critics have
traditionally expressed disdain for popular books, editors
and publishers offer arguments to approve the worth of
bestsellers. In your assigned group discuss the potential
strengths and capacity for weaknesses of the bestseller as
applied specifically to A Stranger Is Watching, using
hypothetical positions of the critic and the promoter as
The critic
Bestsellers . . .
have short-term appeal
use a prose that is merely functional, not poetic, colorful, or
display a limited vocabulary
are not given to striking metaphors or stylistic flourishes
use wooden characters and unnatural dialogue
invariably reach happy or providential endings
support popular or provincial views and reinforce prejudices
The promoter
Bestsellers . . .
reflect American culture
offer universal appeal
are as timely as today’s news
reflect a talent for tapping into the social current
are unsurpassed for entertainment value
clarify ideas on political and social issues
encourage reading
Best-Selling Eyes
P.I. Novels Among U.S. Bestsellers 1895-1975
This list, taken from combines hardback and paperback sales,
signifies sales of at least 2 million copies. Although it must
surely be out of date, it's hard to imagine any more recent P.I.
novel outselling the whopping 6,096,700 (in 1975!) copies
sold of Mickey Spillane's I, The Jury. (But to put it in
perspective, Dr. Benjamin Spock's Pocket Book of Baby
and Child Care sold over 23,000,000 copies, and the best
selling novel, The Godfather, by Mario Puzo, sold over
12,000,000!). Still, it is illuminating. I had no idea Perry
Mason moved so many units!
•I, The Jury by Mickey Spillane (6,096,700)
•The Big Kill by Mickey Spillane
•My Gun Is Quick by Mickey Spillane
•One Lonely Night by Mickey Spillane
•Kiss Me, Deadly by Mickey Spillane
•The Long Wait by Mickey Spillane
•Vengeance Is Mine by Mickey Spillane
•The Case of the Sulky Girl by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Lucky Legs by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Haunted Husband by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Curious Bride by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Velvet Claws by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Rolling Bones by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Silent Partner by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Counterfeit Eye by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Caretaker's Cat by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Substitute Face by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Baited Hook by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Stuttering Bishop by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece by Erle Stanley
•The Case of the Half-wakened Wife by Erle Stanley
•The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde by Erle Stanley
•The Case of the Dangerous Dowager by Erle Stanley
•The Case of the Lame Canary by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Damned by John D. MacDonald ("I wish I had
written this book!"-- Mickey Spillane)* (2,300,000)
•The Case of the Empty Tin by Erle Stanley Gardner
•This Is Murder by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Careless Kitten by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Cautious Coquette by Erle Stanley
•The Clue of the Forgotten Murder by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Deep by Mickey Spillane*
•The Case of the Golddigger's Purse by Erle Stanley
•The Case of the Crooked Candle by Erle Stanley Gardner
•The Case of the Borrowed Brunette by Erle Stanley
Gardner (2,006,808)
This Week's US Bestsellers
Hardback Fiction
1 The Testament John Grisham
2 A Clash of Kings: A Song of Ice and Fire, No. 2 George R.
R. Martin
3 Be Cool Elmore Leonard
4 A Man in Full Tom Wolfe
5 Archangel: A Novel Robert Harris
Hardback Nonfiction
1 First Person Plural : My Life As a Multiple Cameron West
2 The Greatest Generation Tom Brokaw
3 How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have : A
Practical and Spiritual Guide to Personal Success John Gray
4 Blind Man's Bluff : The Untold Story of American
Submarine Espionage Sherry Sontag, et al
5 Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and the
Last Great Lesson Mitch Albom
Paperback Fiction
1 Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur S. Golden, Jakob Haarhuis
2 Jewel Bret Lott
3 Storm of the Century (Screenplay) Stephen King
4 Message in a Bottle Nicholas Sparks
5 Where the Heart Is Billie Letts
Paperback Nonfiction
1 Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom : Creating Physical
and Emotional Health and Healing Christiane Northrup
2 The Motley Fool Investment Guide: How the Fools Beat
Wall Street's Wise Men and How You Can Too David
Gardner, Tom Gardner
3 101 Nights of Grrrreat Sex : Secret Sealed Seductions for
Fun Loving Couples Laura Corn
4 Protein Power: The Metabolic Breakthrough Michael R.
Eades, Mary Dan Eades (Contributor)
5 Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution Robert C. Atkins
In-class Activity
You are required to hand in a book report by next
Friday.Now suppose a second-hand bookstore has
been built in our classroom. You can find seventy
English books on that table. A price tag is attached
to the cover of each book (in RMB). You can
choose ,in twenty minutes, from these books to
write a report on. You can hold but one book in
your hand. You’ll have to pay for the chosen book.
The money will be kept by your monitor and you’ll
get refunded when the book is returned.
Question Answers
Answer 1
In English-speaking countries, when a male
customer walks into a shop, an assistant often
greets him by saying “Can I help you, sir?”
This is considered a polite way of serving the
customer and the assistant is required to do
so. However, if a person goes into a bookshop
and wishes to browse through the books
before buying any, he does not want to be
bothered by the assistant’s greeting. In a good
bookshop, the assistant will thus not greet the
customer as is usually the case.
Answer 2
After the assistant has answered the
customer’s questions, he should go away
quickly, appearing not to care whether he
will sell a single book or not. The writer is
trying to tell us that the assistant in the
bookshop should let the customer browse
through the books to his heart’s content
without disturbing him in the slightest.
Answer 3
Only when you have finished browsing and
have decided which book or books to buy are
you in need of his services.
Answer 4
This refers to the statement “Book-sellers
must be both long-suffering and indulgent.”
Answer 5
He had not expected to be treated with such
Answer 6
No. The first sentence means “There is a story
which shows fully what I mean.” The second
sentence means “It so happened that the
volume on the subject had a lot of pictures.”
Answer 7
The owner of a bookshop must ensure that
his customer will be able to spend a most
enjoyable time in his shop. Every customer,
whether a book-lover or a person who
happens to take shelter from a sudden
shower, should be welcome to his shop. He
must see to it that the assistants let the
customer wander round the bookshop to his
heart’s content without being disturbed. The
owner or the assistant should lead the
customer wherever he wants to go and allow
him to browse for as long as he pleases. The
owner must be both kind and patient.
Answers to
“Explain in your own words”
Answer 1
Your wish to obtain a book with a lovely cover is
so strong and powerful that you are incapable of
resisting it, although this method of selecting a
book is not recommended...
Answer 2
You are soon absorbed in a book…/Soon you
give all your attention to a book and forget
everything else...
Answer 3
You can move about from one place to another
until you are completely satisfied. / You can
move about in a shop like this for as long as you
Answer 4
An assistant should remain relatively
inconspicuous until you have finished looking at
the books
Answer 5
… something in which you had previously only
had slight interest.
Answer 6
… In addition to getting large bills for the books,
you can…
Answer 7
… he was very disappointed to find that the book
was not in the place where it was usually put and
was on the point of leaving; just then he saw the
owner of the shop signalling to him.
Answer 8
Thinking that he would be scolded/rebuked, he
went up to him.