ITCV 2203 CCNA Routing & Switching / ICND2 Syllabus Tulsa Community College, Northeast Campus Fall semester, 2nd 8 Weeks, Oct 17th through Dec 15th, 2011 There will be no classes November 23-27(Thanksgiving Break) Course: ITCV 2203 Section: 290 CRN # 15274 Day, Time & Format: Internet (100% online) Instructor: Glenn Jones Office: NEC 2201 Phone: (918) 595-8401 Email: Office Hours: Mon & Wed 10AM-12PM, Tues 1-5PM, T & Th 11AM-12PM Instructor: David Juergens Email: Please feel free to contact me by email, the LMS Discussion Board, telephone, or in person by appointment TO CONTACT THE DIVISION OFFICE: TO CONTACT ACADEMIC & CAMPUS SERVICES: Division: Business & Information Technology Acting Associate Dean: Ernest Evans Office: NE-2372 Phone: (918) 595-7439 Director: Dr. Mike Limas Office: NE-A151 Phone: (918) 595-7473 Course Description: This course will teach students to install, configure, and operate simple routed networks and switched LAN’s using Cisco routers and switches. It also prepares the student to take the ICND2 portion of the CCNA certification exam. Prerequisite: ITCV 2033 Broadband Networking / CCENT (ICND1) or instructor approval TEXTBOOK AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Required: CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Exams 640-816 and 640-802) Second Edition, Cisco Press, 2008, ISBN 1-58720-181-X o available at TCC NE campus bookstore (918) 595-7425 An option to consider if you are planning to take the CCNA exam(s) is the 2-book “library” o Also available at TCC NE campus bookstore (918) 595-7425 o See Books (in LMS course site) for details and links on the book and “library” o THIS COURSE WILL ONLY FOCUS ON MATERIALS IN ICND2 PORTION OF THE EXAM Required: Computer with a web browser and internet access at home, work, or from any TCC computer lab for performing lab assignments and for accessing: o The Learning Management System (LMS) at o The CCNA Lab at o Your TCC email at Course Prerequisite: ITCV 2033 Broadband Networking / CCENT or instructor approval Many students attempt to take this course without first taking this pre-requisite course and fail. If you have any questions about your preparedness, please ask the instructor! COURSE OBJECTIVES—Upon completion, the student will be able to: Design, install and configure simple routed networks Configure routed and routing protocols and Access Control Lists Configure Cisco switches and VLAN’s Prepare for the CCNA ICND2 Exam 640-816 (see Resources & Links in the LMS) NOTE: This 2000 level internet class demands that the student be self motivated and self disciplined. You are responsible to keep up with the schedule, assignments, and exams, but I will be contacting you throughout the semester via the LMS and via email. You will be expected to read and comprehend approximately 75 pages from the textbook, view the instructor’s PowerPoint slides, participate in class discussions, and perform 1 or 2 labs every week. Since this is a 3 credit hour, 8 week class, you should expect to invest 8-10 hours per week in order to succeed…that’s averaging over an hour per day! You should not plan to wait until the last minute to begin your assignments, because some of the material is best absorbed in multiple shorter learning sessions. This is a very intense course of study, but it is a lot of fun, and very rewarding! Attendance Policy: On-campus attendance is not required in this 100% online internet course. Although this internet class is somewhat self paced, the student must discipline himself or herself to keep up with the scheduled weekly deadlines. Teaching methods: May include reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, labs, class discussions, group work, scheduling, research, student presentations, problems, quizzes, and examinations. Grading System: 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D, below 60% F LMS: The Learning Management System for this course is Blackboard at and will be used extensively for accessing and submitting assignments, class discussions, and taking exams. Check the class web site frequently, and view the chapter slides which your instructor has provided. Discussion Board: I will not be taking a grade on class participation. However, it is imperative that you check the discussion board at least once or twice each week, participate in any class discussions, ask for assistance, and offer your assistance to classmates. Since you are sharing the lab with other students, you must go here to reserve and release the lab equipment. Feel free to post info on CCNA certifications, current events, job openings, problems with the lab, or any other pertinent topics. Discussion participation will be taken into consideration for students with borderline grades. o Always reserve and release the lab equipment, since we are sharing it o Part of the reason for class discussions is to help one another o If you get lost or overwhelmed, please do not hesitate to post a message! o Students often share related work experiences in the discussion board Wiki: For those who would like to schedule weekly times to perform labs, you can reserve one of the the lab sets (devices 1-4 or 5-8) ahead of time. Note: Everyone must check the Wiki before making reservations in the discussion board. The Wiki is located under Communications / Wikis. Evaluation Techniques: Assignment Orientations Syllabus Quiz Weekly Chapter Objectives Misc Assignments Labs Midterm & Final Total Quantity 2 1 8 4 10 2 -- Points 15 35 10-20 10-15 35 200 -- Total 30 35 135 50 350 400 1,000 Orientations: These assignments are essential to getting started on the right track at the beginning of the course, and are due by 10PM, Sunday at the end of week 1. Half credit if taken after the deadline. Syllabus Quiz: This quiz is required to familiarize you with the syllabus while earning 35 easy points. Due by 10PM, Sunday, at the end of week 1. Half credit if taken after the deadline. Weekly Chapter Objectives: Answer the powerpoint slide objectives in your own words and submit under Assignments Misc Assignments: View lessons from the DVD in front of your textbook & submit under Assignments Submit other assignments as necessary (posted in the weekly class discussion) Labs: 10 labs are worth a substantial portion of your total grade You will be doing 1 or 2 labs every week, and will be sharing lab time with other students Everyone must visit the class Wiki before reserving one of the lab sets in the discussion board You MUST reserve and release the lab sets in the weekly discussion board forums Everyone won’t be able to wait until the last minute on Sunday evenings to begin the labs! Submit via Assignment in Blackboard by 10PM at the end of the assigned week You are encouraged to collaborate with your classmates, solicit partners, and/or do the labs together Each student must turn in his / her own labs, even if you work with a partner. Exams (Midterm & Final): Timed, open book exams will be taken on Blackboard by the scheduled date & time May not be taken after the deadline unless instructor is contacted in advance Most of the material for the exams will be taken from the textbook, slides, and labs The exams include questions similar to what you may see on the CCNA certification exams Midterm (200 points) will cover chapters 1-8 and the associated labs & assignments. Final (200 points) will cover chapters 9-17 and the associated labs & assignments. These exams are challenging, with a view towards preparing you for Cisco cert exams Extra Credit: A maximum of 35 points of extra credit may be earned in this course Optional XC assignments may be posted throughout the semester—see Resources & Links All extra credit must be submitted before taking the final exam Late Assignments: Assignments will be due as assigned (see course schedule), and late assignments are not accepted. Please note that 10PM Sunday (except for week 8) is considered the end of the week. Please schedule your time accordingly! If a situation arises which will prevent you from completing an assignment on time, notify your instructor as soon as possible…stuff happens! Getting Started: Log in to Blackboard, and click on Begin Here! 1. Print out your syllabus, and post the schedule (last page) where you will see it often. 2. Use the First Week Activities Video Tutorial to help you with the orientations Your First Assignment: Is posted under Assignments / Orientations in the Blackboard web site. Weekly Schedule: Before class begins (if possible): Purchase textbook(s), download, print out, read and post your syllabus First week—You should have your textbook by the first day of class. Take the Internet and Class Orientations. Read the syllabus and take the syllabus quiz. View the ppt slides for Ch 1 (Course Documents) while reading Chapter 1 in the textbook. Copy Ch 1 slide objectives into a Word doc, answer them in your own words, submit by deadline From the second week on— Check the schedule on the last page of your syllabus and the discussion board for weekly assignments Read assigned chapters and PowerPoint slides, then answer the slide objectives. Check the Wiki, reserve equipment, perform labs, then submit them under Assignments in Blackboard. Participate in any Blackboard discussion forums and see if anyone needs assistance Check the course schedule for exams and other assignments Check mytcc email for messages from your instructor and/or classmates Check your grade in Blackboard under Gradebook. Make-Up Policy: No make-up work will be accepted without advance notice. Do not wait until the last minute to begin assignments! Anything can (and often does) go wrong! TCC Network Access: Wireless Access: Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student. COMMUNICATIONS: Email: All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course. Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website ( ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty (aka cheating, plagiarism) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. For a first offense, the student will receive a “zero” for the assignment, and must sign a written warning. Any repeat offense will result in the student receiving an “F” grade for the course. Click here to read the Miscellaneous “Fine Print” , which includes General Education Goals, Classroom etiquette, Syllabus Changes, Students with Disabilities, Academic Dishonesty, and Institutional Statement You will need to have online access, and will be required to log in to Blackboard to view this info! Course Copyright © Posted on: Friday, October 14, 2011 All content and pedagogical materials are the copyrighted property of Glenn Robert Jones and cannot be used for any purposes without his expressed permission. Print out the following schedule and post it in a conspicuous place! Each “week” begins and ends at 10PM on Sunday evening Tentative Course Schedule: Week Ch Optional extra credit review assignments are shown in [brackets]. Topic 1 Lab Asst’s, Misc Exam Telnet (part of Class Orientation) 2 Orientations Syllabus Quiz Deadlines (end of week) Oct 23 [Number Systems ppt] 1 VLAN’s Any student who has not accessed the LMS and submitted assignments by the end of the first week will be withdrawn from the class Lab—Switching [CD—Binary Game] Oct 30 2 2 STP Lab—STP [MAC Addressing ppt] 3 TS LAN Switching 3 4 5 6 IP Routing VLSM & Route Sum IP Access Control Lists Lab—Static/RIP/Default Routing Lab—VLSM & Rt Sum [Number System Ass’t] [Layer 3 Addressing ppt] DVD Videos 1-3 Nov 6 4 7 8 TS IP Routing Routing Protocol Theory Lab—Access Control Lists [Subnetting ppt] DVD Videos 4-6 Nov 13 5 9 10 11 6 12 13 14 Midterm Lab—OSPF [Adv Subnetting ppt] OSPF Lab—EIGRP DVD Videos 7 & 8 EIGRP TS Routing Protocols No Classes Nov. 23-27 during Thanksgiving Break; Week 6 begins at 10PM Nov 20th Last day to withdraw and/or change from credit to audit—Friday, Dec 2nd Lab—PPP & HDLC [CD—Boson Exam Point to Point WANs Prep] Lab—Frame Relay [Study for CCNA Exam] Frame Relay Concepts Frame Relay Config & TS 7 15 16 VPN’s NAT TBA 8 17 IPv6 Short Week!!! No lab this week [study for CCNA exam] DVD PAT Lab (10) Nov 20 Dec 4 Dec 11 Final Thursday, Dec 15