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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
1. Who was the first nurse trained in mental health nursing in the United States?
A) Florence Nightingale
B) Linda Richards
C) Harriet Bailey
D) Dorothea Dix
2. A 19th century school teacher worked to expose the conditions of patients with mental
problems. Because of this person, mental hospitals that had standards of care were
constructed. Who was this person?
A) Benjamin Rush
B) Linda Richards
C) Harriet Bailey
D) Dorothea Dix
3. What act of legislation provided funds for research, advanced nursing degree programs,
and improved community service for individuals with mental illness?
A) Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health in 1955
B) National League for Nursing 1953
C) National Institute of Mental Health 1949
D) National Mental Health Act of 1946
4. In the mid 1950s, antipsychotic drugs were introduced. As medications made caring for
the mentally ill somewhat easier, what movement gained momentum?
A) The move to deinstitutionalize mentally ill clients
B) The move to use electric shock therapy for depressed clients
C) The move to use antipsychotic drugs instead of restraints
D) The move to improve the conditions in mental health hospitals
5. Research has shown that people in minority groups do not always receive the care they
need for mental illness. The barriers to accessing mental health care include what? (Mark
all that apply.)
A) High abuse rate in family
B) Low socioeconomic status
C) Low educational levels
D) Limited income
E) High physical needs of family
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6. The nurse is admitting a 36-year-old Arabic female diagnosed with severe postpartum
depression to the mental health unit. The culturally sensitive nurse is aware that cultural
incompetence among mental health providers and professionals is what?
A) The reason minorities do not seek health care
B) Nonexistent in the United States
C) The single most pivotal barrier to equality in delivery of mental health care
D) Rampant in third world countries
7. When admitting a patient to a mental health setting, what does the nurse do to aid in
preserving the rights of the client?
A) Give the client the opportunity to read the Mental Health Systems Act Bill of Rights
B) Send a copy of the Mental Health Systems Act Bill of Rights home with a family
C) Read the client the Mental Health Systems Act Bill of Rights
D) Tell the client of his or her rights
8. In the child behavioral unit on which you work with the family of a prospective patient,
you are having a discussion with the mother. The mother asks you how she knows her
child will not be mistreated when he misbehaves. What is the best statement in the Patient
Bill of Rights to discuss with this mother regarding her child's treatment?
A) Be treated with dignity, concern, and respect at all times
B) Expect quality care provided by trained and competent professional providers
C) Be treated in the least restrictive setting
D) Receive explanations of treatment and be involved in the planning of care
9. A client is admitted on an emergent basis to a local mental health facility after being
detained by the police when he was found walking naked down the middle of a four-lane
highway. The nurse knows that the client can be held for what length of time?
A) 72–84 hours
B) 48–72 hours
C) 36–48 hours
D) 24–36 hours
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10. You work in a mental health facility and are admitting a client who has been brought to
the emergency department of a local hospital after being picked up while attempting to
jump from the rail of a bridge. The physician feels that the patient is serious about
attempting suicide and so sends the patient to you for admission. What type of admission
would you document this as?
A) Emergent
B) Routine
C) Voluntary
D) Involuntary
11. On admittance to a mental health unit, a client tells the nurse that he or she does not want
anyone to know that he or she is a patient there. The next day the nurse receives a phone
call requesting information about the client. The nurse refuses to acknowledge that the
client is a patient on the unit. What is the best way to describe how this nurse is acting?
A) Confidently
B) Legally
C) Ethically
D) Privately
12. What does the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996
hold mental health care professionals legally and ethically responsible for?
A) Portability of medical records
B) Accurate documentation
C) Correct billing of insurance companies
D) Client confidentiality
13. As a student nurse, you are accountable for the care that you provide. Where would you
find the scope and minimum standard of practice for the care you provide?
A) Student Nurses Practice act for the United States
B) American Nurses Association website
C) Student Nurses Association website
D) Nurse practice act of your state
14. While providing care to a client who has moderate to severe Alzheimer disease, a mental
health nurse has what responsibility?
A) Protecting the client's rights
B) Disclosing information only to family members
C) Keeping the patient on a locked unit
D) Being within arm's length of the patient at all times
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15. Federal regulations and Joint Commission standards regulate the use of seclusion and
restraints by health care workers. What do these regulations mandate with regard to the
use of restraints?
A) Restraints can only be applied in the presence of a physician
B) Restraints can be applied under the supervision of a licensed nurse
C) Restraints can only be applied under the supervision of a registered nurse
D) Restraints can only be applied if nursing orders are on the chart
16. You are caring for a client who is under 24-hour suicide watch when the client becomes
very aggressive and belligerent. When you are trying to talk the client down, the client
hits you. What would you recommend for this client?
A) Seclusion
B) Restraints
C) Time-out
D) Demerits
17. As a mental health nurse, your possible practice settings include what? (Mark all that
A) Long-term care facilities
B) Home-health care
C) Outpatient surgery clinics
D) Hospital units
E) Ophthalmic clinics
18. As an emergency department nurse, you deal with some mentally healthy clients who are
experiencing a temporary mental instability. What type of nursing would you practice in
this situation?
A) Family care nursing
B) Crisis intervention nursing
C) Adult health nursing
D) Situational nursing
19. Holistic nursing is practiced in every practice setting. Because of this, no matter what the
health care setting, what should the nurse be prepared to do?
A) Help others follow the policies of the institution they are working in
B) Practice nursing according to Peplau's theory
C) Be prepared to initiate interventions to address the psychosocial needs of each client
D) Care for the physical needs of the patient exclusively
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20. What must a nurse in a correctional facility provide to a patient newly diagnosed with
A) Compassion and strength
B) Counseling and support
C) Empathy and strength
D) Sympathy and support
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Answer Key
B, C, D
A, B, D
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