join Ms. Gallo in Rm. 2314 . . . 3:15

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Edition #16
Cathedral High School Vision
Cathedral High School, a Catholic institution,
will be the model for all high schools
as she profoundly shapes the way students
think, serve and lead.
Dear Cathedral Parents,
This Thursday, November 18th, will be our annual Open
House for prospective families. I realize that many of you
will be working at this program. I thank you in advance for
your commitment to Cathedral, for your service, and for
your gifts of time and talent.
Cathedral High School Mission
Cathedral, a Catholic college preparatory high school,
provides to a diverse group of students opportunities
for spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional
and physical growth through service and academic excellence.
On Tuesday, we enjoyed a convocation with Dr. Ben Carson, a world-acclaimed Pediatric Neurosurgeon in the
Washington, D.C. area. He shared his story with our students, which is a rise from limited possibilities and a singleparent home to his present stature. He is an excellent example of what one can do with ability, focus, integrity, and
I would like to invite you to join us at 7:00 a.m. for our Masses (Tuesday – Friday) or Communion Service (Mondays
and PLC days). What a wonderful way to begin a day – with your child, with God, and in prayer with believers. Perhaps
you could make it once a month? Perhaps try for once a week during Advent? Come when you can, please! Our Chapel
is located on the main floor of Father Kelly Hall, between the Principal’s Office and the Business Office.
Use these hyperlinks to find information quickly:
Band News
Bookstore and Spirit Shop
Cafeteria Menu
Chapel Proposal
Choir News
College Information
Dates to Remember
Magazine Sale
Smart Quote
Theatre News
Dates to Remember:
Thurs, Nov 18 ½ Day School – dismissal at 11:28 a.m.
Open House presentations from all academics, clubs, and athletic teams
Spirit Shop Hours: 7:15 a.m. – noon; 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Fri, Nov. 19
Amy’s Day Breakfast – Cafeteria – 6:00 – 7:15 a.m. Speaker: Abdul (Abdul in the Morning)
Romeo and Juliette Fall Play (Student Matinee) at 9:30 a.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Romeo and Juliette Fall Play at 7:30 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Sat, Nov 20
Romeo and Juliette Fall Play at 7:30 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Cathedral HS Placement Test
Sun, Nov 21
Romeo and Juliette Fall Play at 3:00 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Mon-Tues, Nov 22-23 Junior Men’s Overnight
Tues, Nov 23
Blood Drive
Wed, Nov 24 State Championship Day honored 2009-2010 Boys’ Volleyball and Rugby Teams
– no school
Thurs-Fri, Nov 25-26 Thanksgiving Vacation – no school
Tues, Nov 30 Professional Learning Communities for faculty/staff – school begins at 8:05 a.m.
Wed, Dec 1
Thurs, Dec. 2
Fri, Dec 3
Sat, Dec. 4
Sun, Dec. 5
Mon, Dec 6
Tues, Dec 7
Wed, Dec 8
Fri, Dec 10
Sat, Dec 11
Sun, Dec 12
Tues, Dec 14
Wed, Dec 15
Thurs, Dec 16
Fri, Dec 17
Mon, Dec 20
Fri, Dec 24
Sat, Dec 25
Fri, Dec 31
Reconciliation-Special Schedule-Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center
NCAA Information Night- Commons- 7:00PM
Catholic Choral Festival/Concert at 7:30 p.m. in Bishop Chartrand Chapel at Marian University
Christmas Dance - 8:00 – 11:00 - Cafeteria
Black Box Theatre – 4:00 p.m. Admission is free; only 75 admitted, however.
Instrumental Dress Rehearsal in auditorium during class periods
Brunch with Santa in cafeteria – 9 – 11 a.m.
Choral Cookie Bake in cafeteria all day
Choral Tech. Rehearsal in auditorium from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Spirit Shop-9:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Placement Test
Holiday Concert in auditorium from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. including instrumental and choral presentations
Annual Habitat Christmas Dinner at SLC Commons at 4:30
Senior Class Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral with Archbishop Buechlein
Math League – Café – 6:55 a.m.
Mass of the Immaculate Conception – 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center
Faculty Christmas Lunch- 11:00- 1:30PM
Dad’s Day Breakfast in Cafeteria from 6:00 – 7:15 a.m.
Black Box Theatre- 4:00PM
Spirit Shop Open 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
ACT Test
Ring Ceremony - O’Malia Fine Arts Center - 4:30PM
Exams; Dismissal at 12:05 p.m.
Christmas Break begins
Christmas Eve
New Year’s Eve
Mass Information:
From the Desk of the Chaplain ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Fr. Munshower encourages members of the Cathedral Family to
contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. If you are not able to pay the $10 Mass
stipend, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 9687362 for details and arrangements. Father also requests that, if you contract a Mass, that someone
from your family tries to be in attendance on that day.
Communion Services and Masses begin at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Chapel.
Holy Day
Ded. Basilica of Sts
Peter & Paul
Weekday Mass
Mass Offered for:
RIP Sue Dudley, grandmother of Mike Liotti ('11) from Stark family
RIP Alberta Cronin from Marianne Echelbarger
Communion Service
Sts. Clement I &
St. Andrew DungLac & companions
St. Catherine of
Weekday Mass
Private Petitions
For the holy souls in Purgatory from R. Ventresca
State Championship Day - no Mass
Thanksgiving - no Mass
Thanksgiving break - no Mass
Congratulations to freshman percussionist Maddi Shake for being selected to the Indianapolis
Symphony Orchestra’s “Side-by-Side” concert. Maddi will rehearse with the ISO and perform in a
concert in 2011. Great job Maddi!
The Indianapolis Star named Senior Allison Scarlott, to The Star's 2010 Girls Soccer Super
Team. This is the second year that Allison has been given this honor.
The Indianapolis Star named Seniors Max Odgaard and Kelley Ford to The Star's
2010 Boys Soccer Super Team.
Congratulation to Boys’ Soccer Coach Paul Schroeder, named as Boys’ Soccer Coach of the Year, and to Marc
Behringer, named as Girls’ Soccer coach of the year, by the Indianapolis Star.
Congratulations to Danny Getz (’14), who achieved his black belt in karate on November 3th. Danny,
what an outstanding achievement!
Congratulations to Austin Bazilio, Cody Gordon, and Chris Jones (no picture available),
who have been selected to the Indiana Music Educators’ Honors Band! Austin, Cody, and
Chris will rehearse and perform with this honor band in Fort Wayne at the Indiana state
music convention on January 21 and 22, 2011. Great job guys!
Congratulations to “The Pride of the Irish!”
Congratulations! Cathedral won the best Marching Band in the parade today. I was one of the judges and was in the
reviewing stand. Great job! They looked and sounded wonderful.
 There were six bands in the parade. At the reviewing stand, two did not play
any music, one played hip hop, and three played patriotic or service
connected music, which of course was appropriate
for today.
Thanks for contributing to the
Indianapolis Veteran's Day festivities honoring those
who served our great nation.
Please pass on my congratulations and appreciation to your fine band members.
All the best,
Al French, CW4, USA, Ret., Parade Judge
2010 Indianapolis Veteran's Day Committee
Here are the members of the Pride of the Irish who performed in the Veterans’ Day Parade:
Sean Allen
Andrew Ash
Josephine Barrett
Stefani Allen
William Ash
Nicole Batalis
Austin Bazilio
Caroline Bechtel
Caleb Beidelman
Joe Berg
Sarah Black
Alex Boos
Abigail Brennan
James Brokaw
Grace Buchanan
Nick Buckman
Raja Burt
Tyler Butler
Decker Cavosie
Grace Cummings
Alexis Cutshaw
Johnathan Davis
Willy Dimond
Henry Edwards
Octavia Farris
Erin Fillenwarth
Joe Fulnecky
Meghan Garriott
Nate Gath
Audrey Gelb
Nicholas George
Jalen Goode
Cody Gordon
Garrett Hall
Shawn Hall
Madelaine Hidalgo
Marissa Hoffmire
Matt Huber
Marika Inskeep
Connor Jensen
Chris Jones
Jasmine Jones
Marcos Puente
Cara Ratterman
Haley Roach
Melissa Robins
Chris Rudicel
Brendan Schlebecker
Zach Jordan
Conner Kelley
Maureen KestersonYates
Lana Kinney
Newton Kinney
Ashley Knoblauch
Sarah Lavelle
Sarah Lenahan
Steven Longerbone
Alexander Lucht
Keith MacDonell
Timothy Marks
Miles Mason
Michael Melbardis
Bob Mooney
Alex Moore
Ashley Moore
William Moores
Taylor Morton
Chris Neuffer
Sofia Ocampo
James Officer
Myles O’Neal
Clorissa Orrick
Dillon Paul
Neil Perry
George Peyton
Diamond Price
Paul Schlebecker
Frank Schwandt
Eddie Schwering
Brian Selvage
Samara Shackelton
Maddi Shake
Aaron Smith
Tim Smith
Katherine Spiech
Jeremy Staley
Stephanie Stapleton
Edward Steppe
Mercer Suppiger
Shantelle Taylor
Haley Thompson
Logan Tice
Kaylee Titsworth
Kathryn Vanderbosch
Tianna Vander Missen
Zach VanderMissen
Erin Walsh
Matthew Wehrli
Jasmine Whitaker
Spenser Wilson
MacKenzie Wolf
Madeline Wright
Remember to read your November Insight:
Parents, please feel free to share with me achievements of your son or daughter. I would like to be able to give
positive credit to our students, but if it is a non-school activity, you are my only source for this information. Such
activites may include Scouts, parish activities, serving at Mass regularly, clubs, and many more. My email address is Remember, do not just hit “reply” to this email, or your news will go into a digital
holding tank and not directly to me.
Parents, would you and your teens or you and another couple families like to help decorate the
school for Advent/Christmas. I do have two families who have responded, but need some other
workers. This would involve ladders and some physical labor, but could also be a great deal of fun. The
Arthur family, who used to do this, will send one member to explain what has to be done. This group
will be meeting on Sunday, November 28th at 2:00 p.m. on Campus. Please email me at to let me know if you are coming.
Brunch with Santa at Cathedral High School
The Alumni Association invites everyone to come and enjoy the Christmas Spirit!
 When: Saturday, December 4, 2010
 Where: Cathedral’s Cafeteria Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m.
 Cost: $3.00 per child, $5.00 per adult or $15.00 per family (max 6 persons).
Contact: Ken Barlow at 317.968.7366 to RSVP
Amy’s Day will be held on Friday, November 19th. “Amy’s Day” is for parents and daughters (school-age) who
choose to spend quality time together.
o When: The 3rd Friday of each month (except for School breaks in January/April)
o From: 6:00 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
o Where: Cathedral High School Cafeteria…breakfast
o is served by Sahm’s for $7.00 per person (Not for profit).
o Who: Daughters & any parent! (Fathers and daughters as well as mom/guardian(s)!
o Why: Quality time with the ones you love. We have wonderful speakers that address topics such as: selfrespect, dating, drinking and drugs, health & wellness, value of a close family, etc. We take requests as
P.S. The sacrifice is worth it!! Can’t wait to see you at the next one on Friday, November 19, 2010 at 6:00 a.m.
 Featured Speaker: Abdul in the morning
 Questions? Please contact:
Kathleen Miller@ 317.257.3051
Barbara Hasbrook@ 317.848.9590
From Abdul’s blog: I am in the unique position of being someone who is an opinion writer,
but uses traditional journalism techniques to gather information. Yes, I do have an
agenda. That agenda usually includes promoting economic growth, quality education,
personal freedom and law and order. And I see the world through that filter. Now I am not so
narcissistic so as not to acknowledge other points of view. If I did, I’d simply never take a
phone call on the morning show and turn the comment section off on this blog and that would
be the end of the discussion.
I realize that you have heard about ISACS (Independent Schools of the Central States), one of our accrediting agencies,
in recent emails. If you would like to know more about ISACS, here is some information.
ISACS accreditation:
 Certifies that a school is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and operates sufficiently independent of all other
organizations to determine its own mission and program.
 Validates that the school has met more than fifty standards of best practice for independent education.
 Confirms that the school subscribes to principles of good practice in admissions and employment.
 Requires that the school undergo a financial audit on a periodic basis and respond to any recommendations by
the auditors.
 Requires a survey of the school’s constituencies be undertaken as part of the accreditation process.
 Attests that the school has a fully developed and disclosed mission and philosophy of education, and that its
programs are in congruence with that philosophy.
 Requires that the school undergo a comprehensive, rigorous and thorough process of school improvement every
seven years involving broad participation of school personnel, the board of trustees, and major constituencies.
 Requires this process to go beyond checklists and ratings of standards to narrative (where have we been, where
are we, where are we going) and analysis (what are our issues and what are our plans to meet them) in all areas
of the school.
Every seven years, the ISACS self-study and external review process covers all major aspects and programs of the school,
citing strengths, challenges faced, and recommendations for improvement. As part of the accreditation cycle, the school
completes a comprehensive self-study and other tasks which are then reviewed by a visiting team. The visiting team is
comprised of volunteers put together by ISACS, consisting of professionals, including classroom teachers, who
understand and appreciate independent school qualities and contributions to American education. Accreditation is
approved (or not) by the ISACS Board of Trustees based on the visiting team’s and ISACS Evaluation Review Committee’s
recommendation and findings.
For more information about ISACS accreditation, click here.
CHS Blood Drive on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 from 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the foyer of the Robert V. Welch
Student Activity Center.
Please click here to see how your high school blood donations will affect patients in need!
The Golden Rule is really red!
Cathedral High School Blood Drive
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
WAC Foyer
Click here to sign up!
It's not just another name/password to remember! You get to redeem your donation points in our online store and
we ship your item for free.
Click here for a tutorial!
Feel free to contact Megan Hess to schedule your appointment (
Be sure to bring your picture ID with first and last name with your birthday! Donors who are 16 years old need a 16
year old permission slip signed by their parent or guardian. Click here to get the permission slip!
Most people are eligible to donate. There are very few causes for deferral and very few medications that are not
acceptable. Donors cannot be taking antibiotics for infection. Cancer patients must be one year cancer free. Heart
patients must be 6 months symptom free. Diabetics can donate. It is recommended that donors have a light snack
before donating DO NOT FAST – feel free to have some of our juice and cookies.
Not sure if you are eligible to donate? Email Kathy Williams.
The entire process of donating takes less than an hour. A cholesterol, blood pressure, blood type, and iron check are
included in your donation.
Indiana Blood Center is charged with collecting 550 units every day to be able to supply over 60 Indiana hospitals.
Your donation will save up to 3 lives. Every drop counts!
More questions? Feel free to contact Megan Hess (
Mr. Greer adds these specifics:
Sign up for the Blood Drive next Tuesday. If you are 16 there are parental consent forms in the
front office. You need to sign up for a specific time that fits your resource schedule. times are
from 7:30AM to 2:45. We need lots of donors this time of year. Can you please help. Come to the
front office to sign up. By signing up ahead of time you allow the Blood Center to send only
needed staff quantities. This allows them to send other staff to other sites. Be thoughtful, plan ahead and plan to give
on Tuesday, Nov. 23. Sponsored by the National honor society.
Where is the Hood? The Baker Board Room? The Commons? The fine arts’ center?
It has come to my attention lately that some of our newer parents are not familiar with our school
campus, so when directed to one room or another, they are left confused. To alleviate this, I have
attached maps of the Cathedral campus to the last six pages of this email. Feel free to check them out, or to
run them off, if you wish.
On Friday, November 19th, we will have an end of the day pep rally to support our football team as they go into semistate. Our schedule will be the version with more equal time periods.
Spirit Assembly Special Schedule
0- 6:42 – 7:28
7:34 – 7:38 – Prayer and Pledge
1- 7:38 – 8:22
2- 8:27 – 9:11
3- 9:16 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:03 Announcements
4- 10:08 – 10:52
5- 10:57 – 12:14
a- 10:57 – 11:21 b- 11:21 – 11:45
c- 11:50 – 12:14
6- 11:50 – 1:08
d- 12:20 – 12:44 e- 12:44 – 1:08
7- 1:13 – 1:57
8- 2:02 – 2:46
Spirit Assembly from 2:46 – 3:10
Cathedral’s Ring Ceremony:
The Cathedral High School Class of 2013 cordially invites you to attend the celebration of
the Sophomore Ring Ceremony.
 Classmates that have not ordered a Cathedral ring are
welcomed and encouraged to participate
in this special event by bringing a personal family ring
to be blessed and presented during this ceremony. *
 Please join us Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 4:30 p.m.
O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Cathedral High School
*Please e-mail Mr. Ernst if you wish your child to participate, but have not purchased a school ring.
Want to help support our military? This time of year is very difficult for our young, deployed men and women who
are away from their families for the holidays. One of our own, Jamison Lupo '02,is on an 8month deployment. The morale can get very low with the exhausting schedule they keep on
top of being away from loved ones for such long periods of time. Team Peace will be selling
"peace" bracelets during the lunch periods starting Friday, November 19th. All of the
proceeds will go to providing care packages to the 20 sailors who are under our Jamie's
command. They run the nuclear reactor which powers the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft
Carrier. We would love to raise enough money to send each of these sailors a care package for Christmas. By
purchasing a bracelet, you can help us with this task and perhaps it can be a visual reminder for you to pray for these
young men and women and also for Peace. The prices will range from $15-$25....donations are also appreciated. If
you would like more information please contact Holly Baker at or Erin Baker at or Marcia Lupo at .
Club Meetings:
PAWS FOR A CAUSE: Learn about volunteer opportunities to help homeless dogs and cats here in
Indianapolis. First meeting has been held. Interested? Please contact Mrs. Bundy in Rom 4241.
“Risk” Tournament - Cathedral Strategy Club is hosting a Risk Tournament. Those dining will receive a $25
ITunes gift card. If you do not know how to play, don’t worry, it is a very easy game to learn and play!
 If you are interested in participate please contact:
 Matt Paskoff at,
 Alec Bradford at
 Mr. Ernst at
Cathedral has established a Concussion Management Policy, shown below:
Concussion Management Policy
Cathedral High School
The recognition and treatment of athletes who have suffered a concussion has become a national priority. As
a result of an increasing number of studies that have revealed that concussions, not properly treated, can
result in permanent mental difficulties. The data also suggests that concussions can lead to the development of
dementia earlier than expected and has led to mandates by the National Federation of High Schools(NFHS),
NCAA and the NFL. The NFHS mandated rule states “Effective with the 2010 high school season, any player who
shows signs, symptoms or behaviors associated with a concussion must be removed from the game and shall
not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional”.
Recovery from a concussion requires limitation of physical activity, especially sports activity such
as practice, drills, games, and at times even physical education classes. In significantly
symptomatic athletes, mental activity should also be limited to allow the brain to heal. These
activities may include limiting assignments, allowing greater time to complete quizzes and
tests or assignments and less homework. Such activities as watching TV, texting, and
video games may also slow the recovery from the concussion.
Neurocognitive testing such as the ImPACT test is a computerized test that documents the athlete’s cognitive
and speed skills. The test has been validated as an accurate measure of brain function recovery following a
sports concussion. All athletes should have a baseline test before practice or competition, and should an athlete
sustain a concussion, a repeat test can be performed and compared to the baseline test. This can help show the
degree of injury and help measure when recovery has occurred. Cathedral High School has implemented
ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) for our student athletes.
Before the concussed athlete can return to action, the most current standard of care of the sports concussion
includes the following: (1) the athlete must be asymptomatic at rest; (2) a neurocognitive test such as the
ImPACT test must have returned to baseline; and (3) the athlete must be asymptomatic with activity. This
evaluation should be done by a physician trained in the treatment and management of concussions. Utilizing the
above standards, as well as experience and judgment, this physician will be able to determine when the athlete
has completely recovered from the concussion.
The Cathedral High School Administration, coaches, and medical staff are striving to keep your child’s health and
safety at the forefront of the student athletic experience. If you have any questions regarding concussion
management, please feel free to contact Mike Hunker at 968-7361.
Mike Hunker, ATC, LAT, CSCS
Athletic Trainer
Cathedral High School
Henry Feuer, MD
Indiana Sports Concussion Network
Peter Sallay, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
Team Physician
Cathedral High School
Terry Horner, MD
Indiana Sports Concussion Network
Marian University is hosting a “San Damiano Come and See Program” on Sunday, November 21, 2010. We're giving
students an opportunity "Come and See" current students in the program, experience the program firsthand, see
campus, and meet some extraordinary people.
 We've invited nationally known high school faith
horticulturalist Mike Patin to share this
experience with you. Mike has been a keynote
speaker at past NCYC (National Catholic Youth
Conference), diocesan youth rallies, and ND
Vision. Mike's unwavering commitment to the faith and his passion for helping light young people's faith life is
what young people say, "epic".
This will be like any other campus visit you will make. To register:
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School Holiday Bazaar, Noblesville, IN (NW corner of 191st Street and Hwy 37)
 Dates: Friday, November 19th (5pm-9pm) and Saturday, November 20th (9am-3pm)
 No admission charged to attend.
 One stop shopping made easy with over 70 vendors and various gift cards..make your list!
 Enjoy Concessions and Book Fair, find that special Holiday Jar gift for someone and Wii Bowling Competition. All
ages welcome to participate....
 Invite everyone to attend this fun filled weekend at OLG! See flyer at
For more information regarding the Bazaar, contact Angela Stagge at 842-6362 or
NCAA Information Night-Wednesday, December 1 at 7 PM in the Student Life Center. Families of students
wanting information on recruiting and eligibility to play Division I and II sports are welcome to attend.
Representatives from the NCAA Eligibility Center will be here to explain the process.
Opportunity for a cash prize and Trip to Washington D.C. for students who have previously taken or are currently
enrolled in AP United States History, IB History, AP Government, Government, or AP Economics: Are you interested in
winning a cash prize of $5,000 and a trip to Washington D.C? If so, then you want to check out
this essay contest sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute. Write an essay, no longer than 750
words answering the following prompt: “Being an American: Explore the Values that Unite Us”
and should fully answer the question: What civic value do you believe is most important to
being an American? Trace the enduring importance of this value throughout the American story
by discussing: a Founding document that reflects this value; a figure from American history who
embodies this value; and examples of how you have and/or could put this value into practice.
 Cathedral High School can only submit 5 essays to the contest; thus your essays are due
back to Mr. Worland’s office by the end of school on this Friday, November 19th. For more information
regarding the contest contact Ms. Baisinger at or go to
ATTENTION, SENIOR PARENTS: You should have received in your U.S. Mail information about purchasing a senior ad
for your student to go in the 2011 Cathedran, Cathedral’s yearbook. This has become quite a tradition for parents of
graduating seniors, and you would not want your son or daughter to be one of the few left out. If you have not received
an order form, you can download one from John Hannan’s website: in
the Advertising Information folder.
ALSO FOR SENIOR PARENTS: Once again you are reminded that every senior needs to have a yearbook portrait taken
at Prestige Portraits in order to be included in the senior section of the yearbook. If you have not done so already,
please make an appointment soon by calling 829-2081 after 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and after 10 a.m. Saturday or
visit The deadline is December 3.
Tutoring available: 4 ways!
1. Theology Tutoring for freshmen:
Before School:
Mr. Schmidt in room 4131 Monday - Friday
Dr. Caspersen in room 4242 - Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Mr. Freije in room Monday – Friday
After School:
Ms. Dye in room 4243
2. Tutoring available mornings and afternoons every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the
library provided by National Honor Society members. If you are interesting in being tutored,
just show up at the library. The NHS tutors are scheduled for a week at a time and they sit
at a table marked with a sign that says “Tutoring here”.
3. After School Tutoring
What’s missing? U---R!
join Ms. Gallo in Rm. 2314 . . . 3:15-4:00. . .Tuesdays and Thursdays free of charge!
Test prep. . . study skills. . .reading comprehension. . .writing skills. . .etc.
No appointment necessary . . . everyone welcome!
If your child needs help in math, please see Mrs. Hartman after school on Mondays and Wednesdays in room
4. Indianapolis Metropolitan City Public Library - Get an online tutor 2pm - 10pm seven days a week. Find a resource
24/7. IMCPL offers free online academic and career resources and tutoring from for all students & adults,
and in Spanish too! All your students need is an IMCPL library card. Get a Library Card
 K-12 and college students can get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing and test prep in every
subject, including algebra, statistics, chemistry, physics, social studies and English.
 Adults can get help with resume writing, GED prep, and academic support. All sessions are online and one-toone with a live tutor.
 Getting help is easy. Just go to and click on "Homework Help".
Choir News:
The Cathedral HS Choir is working concessions at Lucas Oil Stadium during Colts’
games to raise money for our trip to Ireland next summer. It is a long and
exhausting day but they have fun and are doing very well! In fact, they won 1st
place in in their incentive program for great service, cleanliness and all around
best concession stand! Their prize was $300 and here is a picture of the group
accepting our check! We are very excited and proud! Pictured are: Sara Conway,
Michael Conway, Jean Kiesel, Steve Kiesel, Ann Meuleman, Laurie Schrader, Joe
Conway, Chuck Wyman and Courtney Mitchell.
They’re New! They’re Tasty! They’re Great for Gifts!
We’ll bake the most luscious cookies your family and friends will ever taste, using all the best and freshest
ingredients, then seal them in holiday wrap and mail them anywhere in the continental US or to any serviceman or
woman for just $16 a box.
(If you pick them up yourself, we’ll charge you just $12 a box.)
GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR your employees, clients or business associates.
Or donate a box and we’ll send to someone in the military.
Order from any choir student or choir parent
Or email your request to Jean Kiesel at
Baking Day is December 4 and mailing day is December 6
Proceeds benefit the CHS choir’s trip to Ireland in summer of 2011
Interested in Traveling to Ireland with Cathedral’s Choir Families next July? Check out this proposal and get signed up
at Select trip #1107-1-20. Contact Choir Director, Elaine Holloway, at
if you have any questions.
Theatre News:
1. Tuesday, Nov. 23….Auditions for Freshman/Rookie Showcase
(Nine 10 minute one act plays--Performances on Sun., January 23 at
SPEAKING ROLE IN A CHS PRODUCTION. Monologues must be memorized! You may NOT use movie monologues
or random monologues from monologue books or the internet. The directors may also ask you to read from the
script. Rehearsals start Monday, Nov. 29th.
Ticket Order Form
Cathedral Theatre will present William Shakespeare’s classic tale of ROMEO AND JULIET on November 19 and 20 at
7:30 and on November 21 at 3:00. Preferred seating is $12.00 per ticket; General Admission seating is $8.00 per ticket.
Street Address
I want to order (number of tickets)
RESERVED tickets @$12.00.
I want to order (number of tickets)
I want to receive my tickets for ROMEO & JULIET
in the following manner:
1. Box Office Will Call:
(Will call must be picked up 10 minutes)
(before curtain time! If performance is
(Sold Out tickets will be RESOLD)
2. Return by Cathedral Student:
Student Name
I want my tickets for the indicated
performance (s):
1. FRI., 11/19@7:30
2 .SAT., 11/20 @7:30
3. SUN., 11/21 @7:30
Return to the Theatre Department at Cathedral High School or mail to:
Jane Selsemeyer
10516 Chestnut Hill Circle
Fishers, IN 46037
Black Box #2, THE CONDEMNATION OF BRYCE HARTFIELD, written and directed by Vincent Grote, will be performed on
Friday, December 3, at 4:00. Admission is free, but only 75 people will be admitted.
College Information:
The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship applications for Marion and Hamilton County are now available from
your counselor. Cathedral High School is allowed to nominate one student who resides in Hamilton County and two
students who reside in Marion County. The initial application is to earn the nomination. Those who are nominated will
then apply for consideration for the Lilly in their respective county.
*The deadline to submit your application to the guidance office is Tuesday, November 23rd at 3:30pm.
Dear Parents:
It’s not too early to begin thinking about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). This is the form
for applying for any need based financial aid. It cannot be filed until after January 1 but there are some
preliminary things you can do. First, realize that it is only available online at They used to
make paper copies and we could put one in the senior mailboxes but they don’t produce those anymore.
Secondly, you (and your student) will need a pin number that you will use to sign your FAFSA. This can be
obtained now at the above mentioned website under Step One.
Each state has their own deadline for FAFSA submission so you’ll want to pay close attention to that. For anyone
that will attend a college in Indiana the due date is March 10, 2011. If you need assistance in filling out the
FAFSA there is a “help day” called College Goal Sunday ( This is being held on
Sunday February 20th. It offers free help from a financial aid expert who will sit down with you and help you
complete the form that day. If you go to the website it will show you the locations in the Indianapolis area.
Lastly, those who have attended the National Center for College Costs seminar have the services of Dave
Murray, 877-687-7291 or Please feel free to contact him with any detailed questions
you may have regarding financial aid.
Students should actively be looking for scholarships at this time as well. Although our PrepHQ/ConnectEdu
website is still being transformed the Scholarship section is up and running with over 6,000 listings. Go to
ConnectEdu at Under the “Paying for College” section go to Search for
Scholarships. Another good source which we also recommend to students is Fastweb,( .This
is the largest, free scholarship search on the web.
The majority of my students have completed at least one or more college applications at this point. For those
who haven’t and those who are still going to complete applications, they should shoot for having them done by
Thanksgiving. A reminder that any students who have applications with December 1 deadlines, and I need to
write recommendation letters for, need to turn in their Application Checklist sheets to me by next Wednesday,
November 10th.
Thanks for all your support and help in working with your students in the college process. This class has been on
top of things from day one and have really followed the guidelines to help us get their materials out in a timely
Mike Jaskoski
Director of Guidance and College Advising
Co-Chairman, Indianapolis National College Fair
Cathedral High School
(317) 968-7318
Until the new "Connect!"(formerly known as PrepHQ) website is fully functional, please use the following link to view
scholarships that have been sent to the Cathedral Guidance Department. Once the new "Connect!" is ready for full use
by our students, we will return to that platform to convey opportunities to you.
The link also provides other scholarship search engines that you might find helpful. Please see your college advisor for
any assistance.
Kathy Pivonka
College Advisor
November Greetings from The Bookstore & Spirit Shop!
We’ve got SPIRIT yes we do, we’ve got SPIRIT WEAR how about YOU?
Visit the Cathedral Bookstore & Spirit Shop for exciting new arrivals…
 Uniform Fleece: stay warm, $40!
 Cathedral Socks: low cut and knee high styles – fashion for your feet!
 IRISH stretch fashion headbands: fun colors, $6.00 ~
 Lady Vesi: v-neck, stretch turtleneck and fashion long sleeve T ~ great Irish style!
 Cathedral hats, fleece headbands, mittens and scarves!
 Moisture Management long sleeve T: navy & hunter green, $25 ~
 Cozy fleece blanket: great gift idea, $30!
 Inspirational: friendship stretch message bracelet, sentiments necklace and new pocket cards ~
Shop 7:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on regular school days
Please note: Bookstore Hours ~ Thursday, November 18th hours: 7:15 a.m. – noon (Early Dismissal)
CLOSED: November 24 – 28 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
Join Us:
Annual Holiday Open House: Saturday, December 4 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Service Outreach News:
Our school year offers inspirational service opportunities for our Cathedral students.
Class Service Projects As an insight regarding the good works that we can accomplish this year, ponder this scripture:
“I will look after my sheep, says the Lord, and I will raise up one shepherd who will pasture them. I, the Lord, will be their
God.” Ez 34:11, 23-24. This scripture reminds us that our core being rests in God. And, as such, it is our call to serve our
fellow mankind, as we are all sheep in God’s care. In December, sophomores will be helping serve our popular
spaghetti dinner to the Lord’s Pantry members on Wednesday, December 8 from 3:30-7:15 PM. You may also join our
outreach on Saturday, December11, 10:00-1:30, when juniors will be serving up a fabulous lunch for the Saturday noon
meal at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen. Freshmen will begin helping at the Catholic Charities Christmas Store on Nov 18
and 19 and have specific opportunities to help special families shop on Dec 4, 5, 18 and 19. Details on all of these ongoing class service projects are noted below in Service Opportunities as wonderful expressions of giving and grace.
Reminder: Save Your Coats and Jeans For The Homeless Because, Baby, It’s Cold Outside. We will having our annual
coat and warm clothes drive for the homeless on November 16, 17 and 18. We are collecting before school on the circle
in the morning and students may earn a service hour for their donations/help. Several agencies assisting homeless needs
in Indianapolis who participated at our Service Festival and expressed their need and appreciation for pants (jeans) and
coats,/gloves,/mittens, were Beggars For the Poor, Horizon House, Wheeler Mission, Cathedral Soup Kitchen and CHIP
(Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention). So clean out your closets of any warm clothing which can be
well used to keep adults warm who reside on the cold nights and streets. See detail flyer here.
“Make It Mine” Service Outreach Cathedral students are leading the way planning a service outreach for 200 IPS
middle school students in our community. We are coordinating a special day of events combining reading, athletics and
other passions such as art, music and dance which will be held at the University of Indianapolis. The theme for this day
is “MAKE IT MINE”. Students are needed to help with the stations for the MAKE IT MINE day on Saturday, Dec 4, from
9:30-2:30 PM at IPS #106. Details are listed below. Click here for a sign up form and please email it to Mrs. Halstead.
Our next meeting to finalize our planning for the Saturday, Dec 4 event will take place on Sunday, Nov 21 at 5:15 PM in
room 3304 (Mr. Payne’s room). Please email Jasmine Whitaker, Imani Parker-Robinson, or Mrs. Halstead
( with your questions.
Service Hours on Power School Service hours may be viewed on Power School and are current for all
hours received since the start of school. There is a small button in the upper right hand corner to view the service hours.
For the 2010-11 academic year, service hours for seniors are due December 1, 2010 to meet their total graduation
requirement. The status of service hours for seniors will be shown as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on their second
quarter report card. For the academic year of 2010-11, freshmen, sophomore and junior hours are due March 1, 2011.
The status of service hours for these underclassmen will be shown as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on the third quarter
report card. If the hours for last year were completed, hours earned after April 23, 2010 may be credited to the current
year’s requirement. We are accepting service on a project basis as well. After Sep 1, Hours will not be accepted more
than sixty days after the date of service performance after Sep 1. Service hours are current in input as you receive
Service Opportunities
Service Provided
(Organized first by topical interest, date basis in the middle)
First Baptist
Student tutors are needed to help with homework.
Over 100 refugee families from Thailand / Miramar
were forced to leave due to religious persecution.
Contact Cort Gillett 570-4398. Flyer.
Date & Time
86th and College
Food Drives
Support your local food pantries with donations.
Assist Gabrielle Campo (Cath alum ’98) and Tim Winn
as they prepare apartments for newly arriving
refugees from Sudan, Guinea and other countries.
Donations of sofas, tables, lamps and chairs may be
delivered to the Catholic Center and pick-up of large
furniture may be scheduled. The refugee resettlement
8-5:30 M-F
Catholic Center
Meridian St
office number is 236-1517 (Tim Winn).
After school programs including basketball at three
Shepherd locations. Mr. Tim Streett spoke from
Shepherd Communities at our 2010 Service
1035 Olney St.
Tear Down
the Walls
Help with street ministry for the homeless.
Newsletter. Contact Brian Walls. Web:
Sat 2:305:30
1253 East St.
Keep Indy
Various projects. Click details here. Website Great opportunities for all summer
long. Sign up for trash cleanup of a certain area.
Obtain recycling and reuse locations here. Cathedral
alum Andrew Brake class of 2000 works here and
came to our Service Festival.
Help teach the homeless computer skills. Ages 17-18.
Join Marcos Puente. Contact Mrs. Halstead.
Oct 23
11033 E.
Like to cook? Help re-prepare food for
disadvantaged families and individuals by assisting in
the cooking at Second Helpings. Must be 16 yrs of
age. See website for details.
Th 4-8 PM;
Sat 9-1 AM
Inpls 46202
School on
Help out by tutoring at IPS#14 once a week for one
hour after school. See details on this flyer and
Easter Seals
Help at Parents' Night Out for special needs kids.
6-10 PM
4 locations once
a month
Adopt a resident from Westminster Village
North For the Adopt a Grandparent program details,
click here. Share your musical talent and serenade
the residents with cheerful melodies!
63rd and
Sunnyside Dr
Children of
Divorce New
Help children of divorce learn to cope. Consider
participating in the next training in February. Click
here for application info. See flyer.
eve 2x per
7700 N Meridian
Soup Kitchen
Assist in serving food to the needy. See Parish
assistance schedule. and Sunday shifts.
1350 N Penn
Kids On The
Block Puppet
Do puppetry and presentations regarding health and
well-being issues for children interest you? Join a
network of nurses from Community Hospital to
develop and present this well-being program for
children. For details, click here. Contact Sherry McIntyre 355-
Community East
1500 N. Ritter
8702 or
St. Vincent
De Paul PrattQuigley
Food Pantry
Assist in re-packing bulk foods (Wed,), client choice
shopping Tu/Th/Sat, & client intake (Tu/Th/Sat) for
3,000 families each week. Parish schedule Website: 921 1401. Cathedral alum Pat
Jerrell leads this organization.
St. Vincent
De Paul
Help at the warehouse to pass out and collect
furniture and household goods for relocated and
disadvantaged families. Parish schedule. Website: 687 8258
Life Bridge
Beech Grove
Wed 5-7PM
Th 5-7 PM,
Sat 9-12
3001 E. 30th
Sat 8-12
1201 E.
Maryland 46202
Southside outreach program to assist the youth in
after-school programs.
M-Th 4:306:30
Th 5:45-8:15
Benedict Inn
1402 Southern
Ave 46106
Habitat for
Work in the Habitat Home Store any Saturday; pls
first contact Jessica in advance 921 2121 x114.
Habitat Volunteer form. Must be 14 to work in
Home Store; must be 16 for builds. Cathedral alum
Jennifer Coffey works here.
Home Store
Sat 9 AM-2
T-F 9-6
1022 E. 22nd
St 46202
Students are needed to help organize some church
and parish contacts with Mrs. Snyder for the
Christmas Store. Please let Mrs. Halstead know of
your interest. Cathedral parent Irene Snyder leads
this organization.
No specific
dates or
1435 N. Illinois
Art With a
Assist with dynamic art programs at many schools
this fall. Phone 823 9555 x 11 for Kaitlin Mariutto.
(ask to speak with Art With A Heart), email; Register online at
After school
downtown and
St. Mary’s
Child Center
Help with at risk children ages 3-5 on early dismissal
days during the fall. Contact Brenta Clem at 3614864 email Website
Each Saturday you may help with Special Sports
Carmel Dads Programs hosted by the Carmel Dad's Club. See
Special Sports detail listing of events, times and locations on
Saturday mornings. Sports vary from soccer, T-Ball,
bowling, tennis, BB, and others. Contact Suzanne
Mandel 595 9016 or
Help with riding sessions. Flyer with information.
Phone 317 773 7433 x 18.
on half days
At Ft Ben and
8/31 til May
Primarily Held at
Carmel Lutheran
131st and Gray
Location varies
8/31 until
Dec 17.
24970 Mt.
Cicero IN
On Thursday, help at the Christmas Store to make
ornaments for each family. Sign up with Mrs.
Halstead. Christmas Store Class Service Project
description. Permission slip.
On Friday, we will assist at Cathedral to complete a
project for the needs of the families served by the
Christmas Store. Sign up with Mrs.
Halstead. Christmas Store Class Service Project
description. Permission slip.
Fri Nov 19
Food Link
Help distribute food to needy families for agency that
goes from neighborhood to neighborhood. See video
on youtube. Food link
Nov 20
8:30 – 12
New Wineskin
4501 E. 38th
Kids Against
Help prepare meals at the monthly Kids Against
Hunger assembly session to aid worldwide hunger
and malnutrition. If you helped prepare the Haiti
meals at Cathedral, this is your opportunity to help
once a month. These meals are still going to Haiti.
Sat, Nov 20
12-2 PM
American Red
Cross, 15325
Herriman Blvd,
Help at the Butler site to cook, pack and clean up for
the high volume of meals to be prepared and sent
out for Thanksgiving. Detail flyer is linked. It is
recommended to help on Wednesday or very early
morning on Thursday.
Wed 4-8 PM
Thurs4 AM5 PM
Fri 8-noon
Atherton Hall
Butler Univ
704 W. Hampton
Make It Mine
IPS Middle
Outreach Day
Come help with six stations of fun we are sponsoring for IPS
middle school students, introducing sports, music, art, dance,
reading and writing. You are also asked to be a reading
buddy. Click here for the sign up form.
Sat Dec 4
9:30-2:30 PM
IPS 106
5301 Roxbury Rd
Help families to shop at the Christmas Store. This is a
wonderful experience that you relish. Sign up with
Mrs. Halstead. Christmas Store Class Service Project
description. Permission slip.
Sat Dec 4
Sun Dec 5
1435 N. Illinois
Or meet at Kelly
Hall Flagpole at
11:10 to depart.
Anna’s House
Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. Sophomore
class project. Email Mrs. Halstead. Bring a friend.
Meet in the SLC outside my office at 3:30 PM on
Wed. A few extra parents are needed as drivers.
Soup Kitchen
Help serve lunch to the homeless. Jr class service
project. This is a lot of fun. Email your participation
if you need a ride down. See you there.
Sat Dec 11
1350 N. Penn
Help families to shop at the Christmas Store. This is a
wonderful experience that you relish. Sign up with
Mrs. Halstead. Christmas Store Class Service Project
description. Permission slip.
Sat Dec18
Sun Dec 19
1435 N. Illinois
Or meet at Kelly
Hall Flagpole at
11:10 to depart
Help to assist in the summer student playroom with
children during the summer. Transitional housing. 2
M-F after
school to 8
1537 N. Central
Nov 18
Wed Dec 8
1435 N. Illinois
303 Elder St
hr shift pls.
PM. Sat, Sun
8 AM-8 PM.
Help care for homeless animals. Training sessions on
1721 Pleasant
Assist in the packaging of food boxes, senior boxes
and weekend kids back-sacks. Note new address and
expanded hours.
Mon-Th 8-4
2nd Tues 6-8
1st and 3rd
Sat 9-12 AM
Waldemere Ave
Community Opportunities
14598 Oakridge
Carmel 46032
303 Elder Street,
Trinity Free
Assist in translation or story hour. Requires a
commitment of approx. 30 volunteer hours a yr.
Sat 8-12
Sat 9-11
Story Hour,
1&3rd Th.
eve Eye
Anna's House
Help continue the ministry of Lucious Newsom to
pass out food or 2ndth Wed Spaghetti dinner.
Sat 9-11:30
Wed 3:30-7
For details about these service opportunities, this chart and other links on the Cathedral web site, click here If you have other problems with the linked
documents, please proceed to the website to access links from the Service Opportunities area
under On Campus/Service Outreach.
Please continue to turn to the most compelling areas of need to perform your service stewardship. Thank you for supporting your class service
projects with enthusiasm and compassion. Should you desire to pursue an outreach project with an agency not listed, you may also consult the list
of service agencies available by clicking here. By working with diligence and interest on your service, you should find yourself achieving about four
hours of service each month. The balance of 2010 and 2011 provides rich opportunities to direct helpful hands and hearts to aid our community
Service Reflection
They say it takes a minute to serve a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But then an entire life to forget them.
May your Cathedral service personally enrich you and your spirituality, as we seek to
address challenges faced by our brothers and sisters in our immediate community and world-wide.
Service hours for freshmen, sophomore and junior students for the academic year of 20010-11 are due on March 1, 2011. Seniors graduation
hours for the academic year of 2010-11 are due December 1, 2010. Click here for the 2010-11 Service Documentation. Click here for the 200910 Service Documentation form. Click here for the Service Hour Criteria. Hours will not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of
service performance.
This coming week’s menu in the Cafeteria.
Salad of
the Day
Salad of
the Day
Salad of
the Day
Salad of
the Day
Salad of
the Day
Wrap of
the Day
Wrap of
the Day
Wrap of
the Day
Wrap of
the Day
Wrap of
the Day
Patty Melt
Any Cup
Any Cup
Any Cup
Any Cup
Any Cup
Hot Dog
or Coney
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
With any sandwich you can make a combo meal w/ fries
and a large fountain drink for about $.50 less than getting
everything ala cart.
This Saturday our Fighting Irish Football team battles the Evansville Reitz Panthers in the Semi-state, for the right to
play for the 4A State Championship in Lucas Oil Stadium on 11/27. We are playing on Saturday,
11/20/10 at North Central H.S. at 3:00pm. The semi-state ticket price will be $7.00 per
ticket. Everyone first grade and older must buy a ticket. Tickets will be sold in the Athletic
Office starting Wednesday morning at 7:30am and sold until Friday afternoon at 4pm. Tickets
will also be sold during the Open House on Thursday evening and the student lunch periods on
Girls’ Basketball:
Please note the following changes to our upcoming girls’ basketball game schedule.
 Due to our football team playing in the Class 4A semi-state championship against Evansville Reitz this Saturday
afternoon at 3:00 pm at North Central, we have changed the date of our girls’ JV/V games against Roncalli. Thus, our
girls’ basketball game against the Rebels will be played this coming Monday, Nov. 22nd at Roncalli High School. JV
will tip-off at 6:00 pm with varsity following at 7:30 pm.
Our girls’ varsity basketball team has been invited to participate in the Battle at the Big Barn II on Thanksgiving
Eve (Wednesday, November 24th) at Hinkle Fieldhouse. Three of the area’s top annual holiday high
school basketball rivalries will headline this event. Our varsity game against Bishop Chatard will begin
at 5:00 pm. Our game will be followed by 2 boys’ varsity contests (Brebeuf vs. Zionsville and Lawrence
Central vs. Lawrence North. This is an extraordinary opportunity for our girls to play in the historical
and prestigious basketball facility – Hinkle Fieldhouse. Pre-Sale tickets for this event will go on sale
Monday, Nov. 22nd at Cathedral High School Pre-sale ticket prices are $8 for students and $10 for adults. Kids 5 and
under will be admitted FREE. Ticket sales at Hinkle Fieldhouse on the day of the contest will be $10 for students and
$12 for adults. Please come out and support your Lady Irish!
Baseball workouts have begun in the weight room at 3:30pm.
Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (11-15-10) - Property of Billy Shepherd Sports Inc. and provided by the NFHS
Are you a victim of bullying or do you know anyone that is a victim? Hopefully you aren't the culprit.
 Bullying should never be tolerated and should be reported to the proper authorities immediately. Whether it
occurs in the classroom, athletic arena, or away from school, it's your duty as a student-athlete to report this to
a superior at your school.
 Whether it involves you or someone you know, please don't hesitate to "do the right thing". There is no place
for bullying so take the initiative and refuse to be a part of it.
For more on the student-athlete go to and
Smart Quote: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, which being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more
autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? - Robert K. Greenleaf
Prayers are requested:
 For the unemployed and under-employed;
 For the repose of the soul of Br. James Roth, CSC, who taught math years ago at Cathedral High School on Meridian
Street ~ may he rest in peace; (11/12)
 For healing and a return to health for Robert Spindler, grandfather of Emily (’12) and Amanda (’13) Spindler;
 For the repose of the soul of Frances Fagan, mother of teacher Pat Fagan, grandmother of teacher/coach Andy
Fagan (97), Susie Fagan Litke (’95), and Jenny Fagan Scheffsky (’01) ~ may she rest in peace; (10/10)
 For the repose of the soul of Joseph Veerkamp, grandfather of Marc Moore (’08) and Leigh Moore (’03) ~ may he
rest in peace; (11/10)
 For the repose of the soul of Roger W. Kiley (’50) ~ may he rest in peace; (11/9)
 For healing for Tom Getz (grandfather of Ashley Thornburg (’01) & Colin Thornburg (‘03). He suffered his 2nd stroke
last week at the age of 94; (11/8)
 For the repose of the soul of Beverly Livers of Evansville, IN., sister of Mrs. Crystal-Livers, and the aunt of Peyton
Powers, ’13 ~ may she rest in peace; (11/3).
 For the repose of the soul of John C. Rosner ’53 ~ may he rest in peace; (11/3)
 For the repose of the soul of Barney Ausenbaugh , father of M. Douglas Ausenbaugh (CHS grandparent) and
grandfather of Douglas W. Ausenbaugh (Jo) CHS parents and staff member (Jo), and great-grandfather of CDT Lt.
Douglas J. Ausenbaugh ’07, Elyse Ausenbaugh ’10 and Meredith Ausenbaugh ’12 ~ may she rest in peace; (11/3)
 For healing for Kari Doctor, sister-in-law of Coach Mark Doctor, who is fighting liver cancer; (10/26)
 For healing for Karen Gilmore, mother-in-law of teacher Dawn Gilmore, who is facing her second battle with breast
cancer; (10/25)
 For the repose of the soul of William "Bill" Joseph Gavaghan, a great educator and strong Catholic presence in the
MSD of Lawrence ~ may he rest in peace; (10/25)
 For the repose of the soul of Joyce Petruzzi, grandmother of Mike, Nick (’11) and Cynthia (’03) Petruzzi ~ may she
rest in peace; (10/25)
 For Betty Sullivan, wife of Hugh Sullivan, CHS Board Member, who is hospitalized with kidney infection and other
medical concerns; (10/21)
 For Lana Bates, aunt of Collin Bates (’11), who is undergoing experimental cancer treatment; (10/21)
 For the repose of the soul of Jackie Echelbarger, relative of teacher Marianne Echelbarger, who has gone home to
God; (10/16)
 For the repose of the soul of Peggy Scott Bradford, grandmother of Paige (‘11) & Alec (‘13) Bradford ~ may she rest
in peace; (10/11)
 For recovery and positive results from a recent FDA approved Infusion for the treatment of Cancer for Jack Early,
grandfather or "Papaw" of Jack Fleck ('12), Mary (’09), and Colin FLeck (’07); (10/7)
 For the repose of the soul of James L. Schutte, Sr. (’37), father of James L. Schmutte, Jr. (’64), grandfather of Peter
Schmutte (’66), Teresa Schmutte Tuttle (’77), and Peter Schmutte (’94) ~ may he rest in peace; (10/6)
 For recovery and healing for Jack Watson (’65), who is recovering from open heart surgery. He is the husband of
teacher Susie Watson and father of Tina Scheu (’92), John (’93), Sarah (’97), and Eileen Watson (’99); (10-6)
 are fighting cancer:
 For healing for Caroline Jaskoski, wife of College Advisor Mike Jaskoski, fighting cancer;
For healing for Josh Fry (’14), recently diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma; (9/20)
 For strength and healing for Paul B. Kernel (’48), who has been having radiation and chemotherapy for colorectal,
lung and prostate cancer; also, his classmates ask that you send him an email at to help with a
pick-up of his spirits; (10/4)
 For Denny Hoff, a friend of Mr. Worland’s, who continues his fight with cancer;
 For Matt Luedeman (’07), continuing to fight cancer;
 For healing for Bob Matthews (‘63) who is battling cancer, husband of Jenny Matthews (former ShamrAuction
director), and father of Christy (’91), Tracy (’94) and Amanda (’00);
 For a return to good health for Andra Ignas, struggling with breast cancer and mother of
daughters Brittany (12), Amanda (10) and Hannah (9th at North Central H.S.) and husband,
 For healing for Kathy Miller, fighting breast cancer, and mother of John (’06) Miller;
 For a return to health for Tracy Mirro, sister of one of our faculty members, fighting cancer;
 For healing for Cynthia Forgey, mother of Jennifer Jarrett (’94), who has ovarian cancer;
 For those who serve our country:
 For Justin Mason (’05), USAF Academy graduate, is stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio;
 For Douglas Ausenbaugh ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New
 For Daniel Laskowski, father of Natalie (’13), who is in the Air Force and has been deployed at this time;
 For Marco Caress (’09), who is in his 2nd year at West Point Military Academy;
 For Katie Wacker (’10), who is a plebe at West Point Military Academy;
 For Craig Thedwall (’99), going to Guam in October as part of the Navy Jag Corp unit for a three year stint. His
wife Heidi Zawadzki Thedwall, (’99) and their new son, Malachy, will be along for this deployment;
 For Daniel Hess ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado;
 For Pvt. Erik Goertemiller (’06), currently in basic training at Ft. Benning Georgia with the US Army;
 Please continue to pray for all of our soldiers, deployed or at home;
 and for all who protect us – soldiers, sailors, firefighters, police forces, and parents.
Revelation 4:1-11
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty!” (Revelation 4:8)
How amazing heaven must be! In today’s first reading, we get only a glimpse of its glory—and a secondhand glimpse at
that—and still our hearts thrill. Imagine the throne of God, the twenty-four elders, the four living creatures, the flashes
of lightning and peals of thunder. Just try to wrap your mind around the throne of God where, all day and night, an
unending stream of worship, adoration, and praise rises up to the Father. And what makes this even more amazing is
that all this is going on right now, even as the world continues to spin, as nations rise and fall, as armies amass, and as
families the world over experience the ups and downs of life.
Keeping this heavenly reality in our minds can help us find the right balance as we go through our days. Remember: One
day, you too will stand before the throne of God. He who has known you from all time will not just sit there unmoved,
either. He will rejoice over you!
Even now, God finds great joy in you. He delights in your faith, even as he sees the pockets of unbelief. He rejoices over
your courage, your compassion, and your love, even as he sees your struggles with temptation. He enjoys touching your
heart, helping you grow in holiness, and giving you a taste of heaven right now. All because he loves you.
There is so much we don’t understand about God or heaven. Words alone could never capture divine reality—not even
the words of the Bible. But there is one thing we can be sure of: God’s love for each and every one of us is firm. It is
unchanging. It is foundational to who we are and what we can become. Every hope and dream, every desire and longing,
every purpose and goal in our lives finds its ultimate fulfillment in God and in the home he has prepared for us.
So lift up your heart today, no matter what your situation is! Your Father has a perfect plan for you. He rejoices in you
now, and he can’t wait for the day when you will finally see him face to face!
“Thank you, Father, for your boundless love! As I walk through this day, help me to keep you and your heavenly home in
the forefront of my mind.”
Cathedral High School
Please note that our maps of the campus are shown, beginning on the next page.