The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Read Chapter 1 – The Prison-door Read it once, all the way through. Circle any words you don’t know. See if the context clues can help you figure the word out. Read it again – this time, use a blue and yellow highlighter and do the following. For all words with positive connotation highlight in yellow For all words with a negative connotation highlight in blue. If a word can have both, make a decision and be ready to defend it. Most important word and WHY Choose one word you think is most important and EXPLAIN why in 4 sentences.You can write this on your photocopied Chapter 1. What did they wear? Ann Hutchinson “…under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson as she entered the prison door.” Found herself at odds with establish Puritan clergy. Was tried for heresy, convicted and later banished. Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864 Believed that evil was a dominant force in the world and his fiction expressed a gloomy version of human affairs Great-great-great-great grandfather, John Hathorne, was judge at Salem witch trials The Custom House Appointed surveyor at Salem Custom House (which accounts for the first part of The Scarlet Letter) This is where he wrote (and grained great success with) The Scarlet Letter. Describes the interior/exterior of the Custom House Describes Hawthorne’s feelings about his native town of Salem Makes critical comments about the Whig party/ reveals Hawthorne’s involvement as a Democrat Historical Context Boston Colony founded 1630 1000 Puritans John Winthrop (leader) Puritans (established during reign of Queen Elizabeth – thus the reference to her) sought to “purify” the church and wipe out all traces of Catholicism (thus the negative Catholic comments) Boston was ruled by a theocracy and the government was not intended to provide religious freedom to all Bible = sole source of religious authority Public humiliation Predestination A form of government where God himself is recognized as the head of the state. Predestination All things are controlled beforehand by God. All deserved damnation because of original sin; however, God elected to save some anyway. One could not influence that destiny by good works or alter the divine plan. Nonetheless, Puritans fought to remain righteous, suppressing the desires of the flesh (which is why what Hester her paramour do is sooooo bad). Harsh discipline wasn’t necessary to punish, since God would do that. It was to show others what would happen if they did the same thing. This is why Hester is pointed out all of the time. Fact or Fiction? Although Hester Prynne is fictional, she may have been derived by a woman to whom Hawthorne’s ancestor meted out punishment. Hester Craford, for fornication with John Wedg, as she confessed, was ordered to be severely whipped. The whipping was delayed until six weeks after she gave birth to the illegitimate child. The Scarlet Letter as Argument The consequences of sin as Sin and its effect on the individual: seen through Hester (58), Chillingworth and Dimmesdale (82) What are the consequences of sin? Are they just? The Scarlet Letter as Argument What does sin allow for/provide? Hester? (59) Dimmesdale? Chillingworth? (85) Mistress Hibbins (the resident witch)? Pearl (isn’t a sinner but who is born as the result of sin)? (105) Structure of the Novel Characters interact in few fully developed scenes There are a series of dramatic scenes with some expository chapters interspersed – focusing Hester. The Scaffold Scenes (3) They underscore the unity of the novel Unite the four major characters and show development Pay attention to these! Third-Person Omniscient Reveals the inner and outer workings of the characters Provides social criticism, history, and psychology. Characters Hester Prynne- wearer of the scarlet letter Pearl- child of Hester; living symbol of Hester’s sin Roger Chillingworth- learned scholar; doctor Arthur Dimmesdale- admired young minister Governor Bellingham- governor and magistrate of Massachusetts Bay Colony Rev. John Wilson- senior minister of colony Mistress Hibbins- Gov. Bellingham’s sister Symbolism Some symbols keep the same significance throughout – the scaffold, which represents public notice, and weeds and unsightly vegetation which stand for moral evil (90). Others, like the forest, which represents both nature and the threatening powers of the Black Man, are ambivalent (80). The central symbol, the Scarlet Letter, does change in meaning, as Hester works her way towards absolution. The Importance of Titles The Market-Place The Recognition The Interview Hester at Her Needle Some things you’ll see in Chapter 2 Pillory – was made of wood or metal and was used as a form of public punishment and humiliation. Church-yard – a cemetery in front of the church. A few suggestions… Summarize each chapter (or even every few pages) to help you remember the important elements. Sticky notes or a page of notes will help. If you have your own copy, write, write, write in it! If you really struggle – read Shmoop/Spark Notes first, read the novel, go back to Shmoop. As you read 12-18: Chapter 12 – The Minister’s Vigil * 2nd of 3 scaffold scenes, bringing all 4 characters together * duality of light in the sky – what is the real meaning? * Art’s subconscious – he does not go willingly to the scaffold, sleepwalks there; barely resists his impulses – wants to shriek out Chapter 13 – Another View of Hester • States the changes that have occurred in Hester over time and the way the community sees her Chapter 14 – Hester and the Physician • Evokes reader’s sympathy for Rog, who with the potential of being a good man, has turned into a fiend. • At the end of the chapter he shows his admiration and sympathy for Hester Chapter 15 – Hester and Pearl * Hawthorne explores Hester’s inner world. * Here she looks a little negative because of her expressed hatred for Rog and her lie to Pearl. Chapter 16 – A Forest Walk * Symbolic chapter – rays of sunshine that disappear for Hester, Pearl resembling the brook – even if unlike the brook she is sparkling – this is because, as Pearl says, “I wear nothing on my bosom yet!” Chapter 17 – The Pastor and His Parishioner * 1st chapter of a love story * 1st time Art and Hester are alone together * Shows the depth of Hester’s feelings for Art Chapter 18 – A Flood of Sunshine * Setting of the forest plays important role, representing an oasis of freedom * Allows Hester to let down hair and throw off her letter * Hester, Art, and Pearl plan to follow natural laws instead of laws of mankind * Weird relationship between Pearl and Art – his fear and her reluctance