Hosted by Ms. Gharda Name that Term Syntax Struggles Plot Details Literary Elements 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 What is alliteration? “Fred found forty frogs.” Row 1, Col 1 What is a paradox? A statement that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. 1,2 What is ambiguity? When a passage has multiple interpretations like the A that appears in the sky the night Dimmesdale calls Hester and Pearl to join him on the scaffold. 1,3 What is a theme? A deep, difficult to understand, or moralistic message of a piece of literature. 1,4 What is an archetype? The hero, the villain, the princess, etc. 1,5 What is interrogative? Are you going to study so your final exam can help your final grade in the class? 2,1 What is imperative? Sit down and study in a quiet place. 2,2 What is declarative? You won’t pass this exam if you don’t know the literary terms well, both definitions and how they look in application. 2,3 What is telegraphic? The shortest type of sentence. 2,4 What is B? This sentence is periodic: A. The customer complained loudly. B. In opening minds, instilling values, and creating opportunities, education has no equal. C. The weary passengers waited for hours in customs, endured a delay before finding their luggage, and sat in traffic all the way home. 2,5 What is fear? The emotion to which Edwards appealed in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” 3,1 What is the Romantic Period? The time period in which The Scarlet Letter was written and the time period in which its author lived. 3,2 What is A? The time period in which The Scarlet Letter was set: A)Colonial Period B)Neoclassical Period C)Romantic Period D)Realist Period 3,3 What is a sonnet? Sor Juana wrote a 14-line poem about the value she Places in spirituality, which is this poetic form. 3,4 What is orally? Native American literature was not at first written because it was originally created in this form. 3, 5 What is a simile? Name the figure of speech: "He now dug into the poor clergyman's heart, like a miner searching for gold” 4,1 What is dramatic irony? The townspeople think Dimmesdale is the holiest vessel in their community while we know that he is the father of Pearl. 4,2 What is an allusion? When Hester holding Pearl on the scaffold is compared to Mary holding the baby Jesus. 4,3 What is a symbol? A crucible is a kind of bowl used to heat up chemicals or metals in alchemy. Philosophically, the term crucible can refer to activities that are very difficult, but act as a refining or hardening process. In the play, Proctor is "purified” and regains his integrity and standing in the town, by refusing to confess, making the title a _______. 4,4 What are foil characters? Elizabeth is a pure woman, so much that there is even some coldness in her sexual relationship, while Abigail is a liar and a harlot, making these characters ____________. 4,5