Scarlet Letter Study Guide 5-15

Scarlet Letter Study Guide
Chapter Five
1. Why doesn’t Hester leave Boston?
Hester does not leave Boston because this is the place where a great event took
place in her life. The birth of Pearl and the scene of her great sin have made
Boston more her home than any other place. She convinces herself that if she
stays in the place where she committed her sin and takes her punishment that
she may work out a form of retribution and regain some purity. Her motive of
being close to Dimmsdale and being able to go to judgment together remained
2. Where does Hester live after her release from prison?
Hester moves to a cottage on the edge of town, facing west, near the seashore,
hidden from view by a clump of scrubby trees that grew on the peninsula.
3. What is significant about the location?
The location is significant because it is hidden from view and away from
other people.
4. Contrast the clothes Hester makes for Pearl with those she makes for herself.
What trait does she suppress in her own clothing?
Hester’s dress was “of the coarsest materials and of the somber hue… ”. Pearl’s
clothes were “distinguished by ... a fantastic ingenuity. Hester is supressing “a
rich, volumptuous, Oriential characteristic.”
5. How does the community treat Hester?
The poor were unkind and ungrateful to her when she helped them, the
genteel ladies that she worked for made comments behind her back or
directly to her face. Clergymen stopped on the street to lecture her and when
she went to church the sermon was often directed to her. Children chased
her through the streets and yelled names. Strangers stopped to stare at the
scarlet letter.
Chapter Six
6. Why did Hester choose Pearl for her child’s name?
Hester named her Pears “as being of great price – purchased with all she had
– her mother’s only treasure.”
7. Describe the conditions or reasons that Hester believes are responsible for
Pearl’s character and / or behavior.
“She knew that her deed had been evil; she could have no faith; therefore, that its
result would be good.” Hester believed that , “The child could not be made
amenable to rules. In giving her existence, a great law had been broken.” Hester
remembered the state she had been in when she was carrying Pearl and thought
that “the warfare of Hester’s spirit, at that epoch, was perpetuated in Pearl.”
Hester did not discipline Pearl because she tried early on and found that she did
not have much success with discipline.
8. What types of games do the Puritan children play and how does Pearl react
to the children? The Puritan children played at going to church, scourging
Quakers, sham fights with Indians where they took scalps, or scaring each
other with witchcraft tricks. Pearl yelled at the children and threw stones at
them since she had only known ridicule from them since she was born.
9. What is the first thing that Pearl notices about her mother and what is
Hester’s reaction? Pearl notices the scarlet letter. Hester tries to get Pearl to
ignore the scarlet letter and she begins to wonder who sent Pearl. Is she a
child of God or the Devil?
10. Describe the events that led Hester to ask Pearl “…whence didst thou come?”
at the end of chapter six. Pearl is throwing flowers at the scarlet letter and
demanding to know who sent her and insisting that she “has no heavenly
11. Using quotes from the chapter, give a detailed description of the relationship
between Pearl and Hester.
Chapter Seven
12. Describe Pearl’s outfit on the day of her visit to the Governor’s Hall. What
causes Hester to dress her in this way?
13. What does Hester see when she looks in the plate of armor in Governor
Bellingham’s hall? In what way does this distorted image reflect the
community’s point of view?
Chapter 8
14. Why does Dimmesdale speak up on behalf of Hester keeping Pearl? Cite the
lines where your answer is supported.
15. What argument does Dimmesdale make in support of Hester keeping Pearl?
16. Describe the interaction between Hester and Mistress Hibbins at the end of
chapter eight. How might the outcome have been different if they had taken
Chapter 9
17. Why is chapter 9 entitled “The Leech” and not “The Physician”?
18. Describe the symptoms of Dimmsdale’s illness.
19. What qualities did Dimmsdale and Chillingworth have in common that
enabled them to become friends?
20. Explain the two opinions that were held in the town about the role of
Chillingworth in the reverend Dimmsdale’s life. Be specific about what each
group believed.
Chapter 10
21. When does Dimmsdale say that men should give up the dark secrets of their
22. What reason does Dimmsdale give for men not confessing their sins?
23. What does Chillingworth ask Dimmsdale that makes Dimmsdale so upset?
24. Describe Chillingworth’s reaction to seeing Dimmsdale’s bosom uncovered.
25. Predict what he saw on Dimmsdale’s chest.
Chapter 11
26. How did the reverend and the physician’s relationship change after
Chillingworth’s discovery?
27. Describe Dimmsdale’s popularity and reputation as a minister and the
reasons given for his rise in stature.
28. In what ways did Dimmsdale punish himself for his sins? How did these acts
contribute to his illness?
Chapter 12
29. Why does Dimmsdale go out to the scaffold?
30. Why does he choose to go at night?
31. What does Pearl ask of Dimmsdale and what is his response?
32. What two interpretations are given for the meteor in chapter 12?
33. How does Dimmsdale view Chillingworth when he sees him at the scaffold?
34. What support can be given for this chapter being the climax or turning point
of the book?
Chapter 13
35. How long has it been since Hester stood on the scaffold and started wearing
the scarlet letter?
36. What new meaning has the A taken on among the townspeople?
37. How has Hester changed during this time?
38. How did the Scarlet Letter affect Hester’s thinking?
39. How does Hester feel after her meeting with Dimmsdale on the scaffold?
What does she decide to do about her feelings?
Chapter 14
40. Explain Hester’s reaction to Chillingworth’s news that the magistrates were
considering allowing her to remove the scarlet letter.
41. How does Hester describe the changes in Chillingworth and what imagery is
42. What does Chillingworth tell Hester he holds Dimmsdale responsible for
beyond the original betrayal of adultery?
43. Hester has determined that she must now take what action?
Chapter 15
44. What do Hester’s thoughts about Chillingworth reveal about her state of
45. How does the relationship between Hester and Pearl change regarding the
scarlet letter in chapter 15? What does Pearl ask and how does Hester