EMPOWERING WOMEN Dr. Martin Sanders October 19, 2013 MARK 1 Ministry Jesus’ Style I. Spiritual Formation (9-13) Face Your Temptation Hear the Voice of Your Father Receive Affirmation II. DISCIPLESHIP (14-20) The process by which a Christian with a life worth emulating/modeling after commits himself/herself for an extended period of time to a few individuals who have been won to Christ, the purpose being to aid and guide their growth to maturity and equip them to reproduce themselves in a third spiritual generation. III. AUTHORITY (21-28) Jesus gave authority to: The 12 The 70 The 120 The Church “The gates of hell shall not prevail against you.” AUTHORITY (cont.) Jesus had authority in teaching over disease and demonic forces. IV. Priorities/Passion (29-39) 1. 2. 3. 4. Relationships Soul Care, Prayer Everyone is looking for you! Keep going to those who have never heard! V. COMPASSION (40-42) Do not go week after week or month after month without intentionally expressing the compassion of Jesus Christ! MARK 8:27-38 Empowered to Lead Introduction Overview of Mark’s Gospel Be Empowered to Lead INVEST YOUR LIFE I. Know what you are investing in (verses 27-30) Elementary Logic: Called disciples, Discipled disciples, Disciples make disciples Christ’s primary purpose for the Church: Disciple-making Objective: Who do people say that He is? Subjective: Who do you say that He is? Discuss Issues vs. Understanding Implications Become a Disciple of Jesus Christ, skillfully disguised as a ________________. (Your Vocation) II. Know the Right Questions to Ask (verses 31-38) Who’s in control of your life? (vv. 31-33) (Note the exchange between Jesus and Peter) What are you doing with your life? (vv.35-37) (Invest your gifts, resources, life) Where are you going with your life?(vv.34,38) Deny Self vs. Self-Denial Take up your cross Follow Him Honestly Address self-will issues Application: Life-Change Process Seeking Conversion Discipleship Mentoring Leadership Development Conclusion Invest what you have, not what you wish you had! Invest your life Make it count Pass it on to the next generation Pass it on to the next generation: Ed Kimbal Dwight L. Moody F.B. Myer Wilbur Chapman Billy Sunday Mordecai Ham Billy Graham Leighton Ford Martin Sanders Bo Sanders Wanda W. Lisa P. Betzi S. You MARK 16 Empowering Others to Lead The Next Generation Make Disciples (v. 15-16) Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit (v.17-18) See People Saved, Healed, Set Free, Empowered! (v. 18) Focus on the Giver rather than the gifting. Go Be a Disciple who makes disciples (v.19-20) Reflection on Mark 16 1. 2. 3. 4. My life mission and purpose statement A statement of mission for my ministry My approach to empowerment My plan to develop the Next Generation Reflections 1. Am I a disciple of Jesus Christ, able and willing to reproduce myself in the next spiritual generation? 2. If not, what do I need in order to become one? 3. My approach to empowering others is/will be… 4. My plan to develop the Next Generation will involve… 5. “Lord give me__________, so that I may better _______________ in the Kingdom of God!” LEADERSHIP QUESTIONS Assess your leadership style. (Critical incident: Describe a time when . . . ) Relationships: How are you doing? -Assess family life, opposite and some same-sex relationships PERSONAL & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS Moving from where you are to where you need to be: Moving from A > D > R > Z God’s development in your life: Romans 5 Romans 8 Revelation 19-21 God is forever on a quest. Ever thought about that? His pursuit is a subject woven through the fabric of the New Testament. The pattern He follows is set forth in Romans 8:29, where He promises to conform us to His Son’s image. Another promise is stated in Philippians 1:6, where we’re told He began His work in us and He isn’t about to stop. Elsewhere He even calls us His “workmanship” (Eph. 2:10). He is hammering, filing, chiseling, and shaping us! Peter’s second letter goes so far as to list some of the things included in this quest – diligence, faith, moral excellence, knowledge, selfcontrol, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love (2 Peter 1:5-7). In a word…character. Character qualities in His children – that’s God’s relentless quest. His strobe light will continue to penetrate our darkness. He won’t quit His quest until He completes His checklist. And when will that be? When we rest in peace… and not one day sooner. Only then will His mission be accomplished in us. We have Him to thank for not giving up as we go through the process of developing character. Thanks, Lord. LIFELINE DEVELOPMENT PHASES 18 30 40 55+ Learning Years Building Years Focusing Years Investing Years Critical Question Critical Question Critical question Critical question •Who am I? •Where is my place? •Why am I here? •How do I finish well and leave an enduring legacy? Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics •High activity •Intense schedule •Changing schedule •Focused/looser schedule •Broad Learning •Narrow learning •Targeted learning •Selected learning •Hopeful/anxious •Tyranny of the urgent •Uncertain/weary •Anxious •Searching verifying •Dealing with baggage • Questioning/adjusting •Accepting •Accomplishing •Achieving/ making it •Contributing>influencing •Influencing>contributing •Gathering •Improving •Mastering •Converging •Self oriented •Work oriented •Purpose oriented •Others-oriented •Survival •Success •Significance •Significance Dangers Dangers Dangers Dangers •Bad life decisions •No anchors, life structures •Mid-life melt down •Stop learning/growing •No mentors •No mentors/peers •No mentors//peers •Security driven •Weak inner life •Doing overrides being •Dabbling •Lack of purpose •Little concern for inner life •No intimacy •Plateauing •Not finishing well •No meaningful connections Key Ingredients Key Ingredients Key ingredients Key ingredients •Exposure/experience •Developing life structures •Clarifying purpose •Making final years count •Understanding self •Applying self •Focusing self •Investing self •Faithfulness •Stewardship •Stewardship •Generosity •Feedback/adjustment •Feedback adjustment •Feedback adjustment •Feedback adjustment •Inner life growth •Inner life growth •Inner life growth •Inner life growth •Ministry participation •Identifying ministry •Intentional ministry •Identifying your legacy Key element Key element Key element Key Element •Mentors •Mentors and peers •Mentors and peers •Peer and mentorees Discover Why You Are The Way You Are Congruence Emotions Assessments Profile Heart and Soul Leadership Congruence HEART FOR IMAGE IDENTITY -faith -public persona -deprivations -significance -external goal -hidden side -passion -projected image -dark spot -ministry -what we show -what we are GOD Deprivations Essential components of human development Security Love (Emotions, Confidence) Intimacy Significance Affirmation Resolving Identity Issues Deprivations: Essential Components of Human Development Security Love (Emotions & Confidence) Intimacy Affirmation Significance Additional Issues Fears Traumas Childhood Issues Character Issues Unresolved Issues Analogies: Cleaning out a closet; updating file system How Big is the Hole? Annoying Nagging Gnawing How Do I Address the Issue(s)? Identify Available Human Resources God to God (Deeply) for the Rest Make Responsible Adult Decisions Heart & Soul Questions Loving God How do you best commune with God: listening, talking, reading, writing, walking, sitting, etc.? Are you more comfortable loving God, or being loved by Him? Are you more comfortable loving God, or serving Him? What hinders you from meeting with God, or receiving from Him? Spiritual Gifts Overview Passion, Experiences, Integrative Model Personal Strengths vs. Weaknesses Package: spiritual gifts - natural abilities Identifying Your Gifts Assessments & Tests Ask friends Networking, Uniquely You, IDAK, Strength Finders, Temperament Analysis Utilizing Your Gifts Confidence & Courage Assessment & Feedback Taking Risks Learning from Experiences Q&A DISCIPLESHIP, MENTORING, COUNSELING, COACHING, SOUL CARE, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION DISCIPLESHIP QUESTIONS How do you spend your best time with God? What 5 Scriptures you have memorized have been most meaningful to you? What areas have you been challenged by the Spirit to trust Him more? Which areas are the toughest to turn over? What temptations have you encountered recently? Did you overcome or yield? DISCIPLESHIP QUESTIONS Identify steps you are taking to actively yield to the Holy Spirit. What does God’s Spirit want you to do about ________? Accountability Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How is your relationship with God right now? What have you read in the Bible in the past week? What has God said to you in this reading? Where do you find yourself resisting Him these days? What specific things are you praying for in regard to others? 6. What specific things are you praying for in regard to yourself? 7. What are the specific tasks facing you right now that you consider incomplete? 8. What habits intimidate you? Accountability Questions 9. What have you read in the secular press this week? 10. What general reading are you doing? 11. What have you done to play? 12. How are you doing with your spouse? Kids? 13. If I were to ask your spouse about your state of mind, spirit, energy level, what would the response be? 14. Are you sensing any spiritual attacks from the enemy right now? 15. If Satan were to try to invalidate you as a person or a servant of the Lord, how might he do it? Accountability Questions 16. What is the state of your sexual perspective? Tempted? Dealing with fantasies? Entertainment? 17. Where are you financially right now? (things under control? Under anxiety? In great debt?) 18. Are there any unresolved conflicts in your circle of relationships right now? 19. When was the last time you spent time with a good friend of your own gender? 20. What kind of time have you spent with anyone who is a non-Christian this past month? Accountability Questions 21. What challenges do you think you’re going to face in the coming week? Month? 22. What would you say are your fears at the present time? 23. Are you sleeping well? 24. What three things are you most thankful for? 25. Do you like yourself at this point in your pilgrimage? 26. What are your greatest confusions about your relationship with God? MENTORING QUESTIONS What key character issues are you addressing? How are you interacting with: God, self, spouse, family, work, other relationships? What is the best way to address the key issue you are facing right now? How are you doing with the opposite sex this week? MENTORING QUESTIONS On a scale of 1-10, how loved does your spouse feel by you today? What are your three greatest strengths you can pass to the next generation? Feedback Questions What are some challenges you have faced recently? What is the biggest problem you have faced? How did you resolve it? What areas are you intentionally developing, and why? COACHING QUESTIONS What are your dreams? What would you really love to enjoy in life? What aspect of your life would you like to improve? What would you like to work on? On a scale of 1-10 how motivated are you to reach this objective? How would your life be different if you achieved this goal? Paint me a picture What would it be worth to you to get this accomplished? If you had all the money you would ever need, what would you do? If you had all the time, energy and money to achieve your goal, what would you do? COACHING QUESTIONS What is missing from your life? What is your self-concept? Who are you and what do you want? What do you do for fun? How can you reframe that to help you move on? What works well? What do you think the main challenge is? What do you want to experience? What’s stopping you? What does your intuition (inner voice) tell you? If that doesn’t work, what else could you do? What are you tolerating? COUNSELING QUESTIONS What is the key issue(s) you are facing this week? Describe ways you are responding to others. Do you find yourself being more defensive, critical, blaming, self-accusing, or taking appropriate responsibility in conflicts at this time? How do you feel about that? Can you identify key issue(s) of the past that are affecting you? COUNSELING QUESTIONS Variety of relationship, feeling/frustration, past and current impact issues Outcome Frame Questions: What is the goal or desired state: Describe what you want your life to be. Paint a picture with broad sweeping strokes. When and where and with whom do you want it? How will you know when you get it? In what way/how will your life be different? What stops you from getting it? What do you need in order to get it? SPIRITUAL DIRECTION QUESTIONS What would you like your relationship/ connection with God to be like? Has it ever been like that? Can you identify any blocks/barriers that currently (or past) get in the way? Have you been honest about your disappointments with ________? Are you able to freely express to God what you want, need, feel, etc.? Soul Questions Loving God How do you best commune with God: listening, talking, reading, writing, walking, sitting, etc.? Are you more comfortable loving God, or being loved by Him? Are you more comfortable loving God, or serving Him? What hinders you from meeting with God, or receiving from Him? Soul Questions Knowing His Grace Describe ways you currently embrace God’s grace. Describe ways you may abuse God’s grace. Describe ways you simply enjoy God’s grace. Soul Questions Hearing God’s Voice Describe a scenario in which you typically make your best connection with God. When you “hear the voice of God” is it most often through: reading the Bible, a still small voice, circumstances, other people, a perception, specific events, an audible voice, you just know, or what? Describe how you receive affirmation from God or His Spirit. Describe how conviction comes to you. Soul Questions Covenant Describe an agreement you made with God when you committed something to Him. Describe an agreement with God when you asked Him to provide something for you and you promised something in return. Reflect upon any part of an agreement with God where you have not kept up your end of the agreement. Thank Him today for… SOUL CARE QUESTIONS Describe ways you are dealing with your shadow/dark side. Are you being distracted or fixating on the wrong aspects of your life? Are you clearly identifying attacks of the enemy and ways he/you are sabotaging your growth? APPROACHES Discipleship – Personal & Spiritual Development Mentoring – A developmental approach in a relational context Coaching – Forward action through dialogue APPROACHES Spiritual Direction – Connecting people to God Counseling – Objective & Reflective Soul Care – Assists in uncovering any barriers and assist in becoming full and free in Christ K.A. COACHING When counseling is therapeutic and slow… When mentoring is too relational and imprecise… When classic coaching is too analytical and behavioral… When discipleship and soul care are too religious and spiritual… YOU WANT K.A. COACHING!!! COACHING QUESTIONS If you could change any two things about your life right now, what would they be? What’s the most important step you could take right now to move toward your destiny? What one obstacle would most transform your life if you over came it? ASSESSMENT Feedback is crucial in your 20’s and 30’s Feedback is breakfast of mentors Learn how to listen and ask good questions Help people learn from their own experiences FEEDBACK QUESTIONS What are your responsibilities? What are some challenges you have faced recently? What is the biggest problem you have faced? How did you resolve it? What areas are you intentionally developing, and why? If you could re-do something, what would it be? Why? FEEDBACK QUESTIONS Assess your leadership style. (Critical incident: Describe a time when . . . ) Relationships: How are you doing? -Assess family life.