October is Bullying Prevention Month!

October 5
Stomp Out Bullying Day
October is Bullying Prevention Month!
See what our schools are doing
Counselor/Staff Contact
October 21
Unity Day
Elementary Schools
Joyce Shanholtzer
-School-wide focus on Stop, Walk, and Talk language and strategies to
solve problems
-Presentation of bullying prevention lessons in all grade levels
-School-wide PBIS classroom incentives to encourage respect for self,
others, and property
-School-wide Stop, Walk, Talk, Expect Respect/Upstander, and Cyberbullying lessons throughout the year
-Anonymous reporting system available on school’s website
-October 21 - Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange
-School-wide bullying prevention lessons
-Stop, Walk, Talk and Respect included in counseling lessons
-Oct. 21 – Unity Day – Staff and students encouraged to wear
-Students are “Bully Smart” as we promote school-wide:
-Respect and Always Be Responsible
-Interactive activities for all grade levels
-Students are taught what it means to be a Bystander, Rescuer,
and Upstander
-Students are taught how not to do ”Emotional Bullying”
-Students are taught how not to have “Relational Aggression”
among friends
-School-wide focus on Stop, Walk, and Talk language and strategies to
solve problems
-Presentation of bullying prevention lessons in all grade levels
-School-wide PBIS classroom incentives to encourage respect for self,
others, and property
Theresa Ryan
Ghadeer Rantisi; Janet Spencer
Ball’s Bluff
Mary Hughes
Joyce Shanholtzer
Cedar Lane
Cortney Croft
-School-wide anti-bullying lessons (Stop, Walk, and Talk, Upstander)
-Promote school-wide initiative: Lions Take Care of Each Other/
Respect lessons
-October 21st Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange for
Unity Day
Cool Spring
Casey Smith
-School-wide anti-bullying lessons
-Bully and harassment expectations for all students published on school
-Upstander posters posted throughout classrooms and school all year
-Stop, Walk, and Talk taught and signed posted throughout school all
-5th Graders design “Upstander” posters
-Character trait of the month “Respect”
Creighton’s Corner
Jill Bidwell
-Stop, Walk, Talk, and Respect!
-Oct. 5th is Stomp Out Bullying Day
-“Bullying Stops With Me” school-wide petition
-School-wide focus on Stop, Walk, and Talk language and strategies to
solve problems
-Presentation of bullying prevention lessons in all grade levels
-School-wide PBIS classroom incentives to encourage respect for self,
others, and property
-School-wide anti-bulling chain with contributions from every k-5th
grade student, to be displayed in cafeteria
-All month bullying lessons will be conducted in classrooms
-Oct. 19-23 Teachers will incorporate anti-bullying activities into
their classroom lessons. The emphasis will be on “Upstander”.
-Oct. 21nd is Unity Day. All students and staff are encouraged to
wear orange.
-TBD - Parent Coffee
Mary Tenaglia
Forest Grove
Alysia Brown
Frederick Douglass
Adria Cancelosi
Karen Thompson
Cheryl Dominique
Liz Torres
Jessica Vilbas
-School-wide focus on Stop, Walk, and Talk language strategies to
solve problems
-Presentation of bullying prevention lessons in all grade levels
-School-wide PBIS classroom incentives to encourage respect for self,
others, and property
Kenneth W. Culbert
Jeananne Bresnan
-School-wide bullying prevention lessons
-“Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” pencils distributed in grades 1-5
-School-wide assembly in October
-Kindness and Respect promoted and taught throughout the year in
classroom lessons
October 21 – Staff and students encouraged to wear orange
Promote school-wide expectations of showing respect to self, others
and our school
-School-wide bullying prevention lessons centered on Stop. Walk, Talk
-Individual students recognition for being an Upstander (certificates
and our school token)
-Conflict resolution small group training
-School-wide anti-bullying lessons
-Stop, Walk, and Talk introduced and refreshed
-Oct. 22nd Spirit day –“It’s Cool to be KIND!” Students will
attend school with decorated shirts that support kindness and
-Bullying Prevention-PBIS Curriculum, Stop, Walk, Talk introduced
Kindergarten and review in all other classrooms
-Bullying Prevention topics include behavior in classroom, recess, lunch
room and bus
-Families are informed of activities through school newsletter
Charles Hale
-Bullying Prevention-PBIS Curriculum, Stop, Walk, Talk, introduced in
Kindergarten with review in grades 1-5
-Bullying and Harassment expectations for all students available
on the school website
-National Bullying Prevention Month notice in School newsletter and
school webpage
-October 5 – Stomp Out Bullying Day, students work on age
appropriate word searches around the school
-Leesburg school ambassadors will make posters for hallways, gym and
-School Counselor and students will make weekly announcement during
October about Bullying Prevention
-Oct. 21st is Unity Day - Staff and students encouraged to wear
-Student Ambassadors will welcome any new students and make
them feel comfortable
-Upstander lessons taught starting in second grade
-School-wide bullying prevention lessons
-“Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” theme displayed on banner
-Stop, Walk, Talk, and Respect!
-B.A.R.K. (Be ready, Act responsibly, Respect everyone, Kindness
counts) promoted throughout the year
-School-wide lessons on Stop, Walk, & Talk
-Discussing the role of Bystanders and Upstanders
-Learn about verbal, social, cyber and physical bulling in 3-5th grade
-PBIS school-wide incentives for being respectful, responsible, and
Angela Burdette
Suzette Shaw
Katherine Routzahn
Lowes Island
Jennifer Domingues; Fran Johnson
-School-wide bullying prevention lessons
-Reinforcement of Stop, Walk, Talk
-Common Sense Media lessons – 5th Grade
-October 13-16 – School Counselors speak on the Morning News
Show about bulling prevention and promote Unity Day
October 21 – Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange for
Unity Day
Mill Run
Round Hill
Sara Millikin, Michele Kovach
Kathryn Miller
-Stop, Walk, Talk, and Respect!
-Stop, Walk, Talk, and Upstander lessons
-Posters made by upper grades
-Bucket-filling lessons school-wide
PBIS framework encourages respect and responsibility
Seldens Landing
Kelly Murphy
Stacy Williams
-School-wide bully lessons – Stop, Walk, Talk, Bystanders, Bully
-Students and staff encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day
-Poster making for upper grades
Steuart W. Weller
Allison Swisher
-Bullying prevention and being a helpful bystander
-Mindful decision making
-Stop, Walk, and Talk
John W. Tolbert
Michelle Mooney
-School-wide bulling prevention lessons
-Reinforcement of Stop, Walk, Talk
-Digital citizenship lessons with grades 3-5
-Oct. 21nd Staff and students encouraged to wear orange for
Unity Day
Blue Ridge
Todd Peterson
-Counselors will present lesson on respect/harassment, bystanders/
targets, etc.
-PBIS Homeroom Lessons around the school theme “What you do
-Staff to wear BARRK tee shirts every Friday –Behavior, Achievement,
Responsibility, Respect, Kindness
-Teachers recognize and write Character Counts Cards during October
for our Parent Student Recognition Assembly
Eagle Ridge
Gretchen Mostero
-October 14 – Same Sky Presentation for school-wide assembly
Farmwell Station
Monica Carra
Harper Park
Cherie Krisa
J. Michael Lunsford
Ashley Harper
Heidi Miles
-Grade level anti-bullying lessons – school-wide
-6th Grade – Bullying
-7th Grade – Sexual Harassment
-8th Grade – Cyber-bullying
-PBIS and Expect Respect
-Respect posters hung throughout the school
-Promote Unity Day – wear colored t-shirt
-Anti-Bullying PSA video through morning announcements
6th grade - Internet Safety lesson by Leesburg police
-Classroom lesson on violence prevention that analyzes how it
happens and what to do about it
-7th grade - Classroom guidance lesson refreshing the information
learned in sixth grade; Lesson on Sexual Harassment
-8th grade - Classroom guidance lesson featuring all sorts of
personal safety issues and violence prevention
-All month, weekly lessons in classrooms covering: Prevention, Cyber,
Bystanders, and Solutions
-October 2 – Premier JML Movie Project to entire school
-October 6 – Faculty Mtg. – Counselors present bullying information
to staff
-October 8-9 – Grade level presentations
-6th Grade – Bullying Information
-7th Grade – Sexual Harassment
-8th Grade – Cyber-bullying
-October 20 – Evening JML Movie Project Premiere-parents, sponsors
and production company
-Quarterly “Mix It Up at Lunch” days
-Anti-bullying lessons at every grade level, facilitated by school
-Weekly advisory lessons focused on anti-bullying, taught by all staff
-“Quest for Respect” presentation for 7th and 8th graders
-Compliment day in October
Middle Schools
River Bend
Janae Gwizdala
-Student Spirit Day – Mondays – Wear blue to bring awareness to
bullying and bullying prevention
-Weekly anti-bullying messages on morning announcements
-Students sign a pledge for individual grade levels stating their
commitment to do what they can to stop bullying at our school
-October 21 – Spirit day – Wear orange to recognize Ani-bullying Unity
-Classroom guidance lessons on signs of bullying, tips on bully
prevention, and how to report bullying
-October 27-29 – Assembly about internet safety and cyber-bullying
Ashley Barkley
Stone Hill
Patricia Bagdasarian
-Expect Respect! promoted throughout October
-School-wide anti-bullying, sexual harassment, and cyber-bullying
lessons throughout the year
-Anonymous reporting system available on the school’s website
-6th grade lessons on bullying
-7th grade lessons on sexual harassment and bullying
-8th grade lessons on cyber-bullying and bullying
-Boo Out Bullying door decorating contest, which will include Expect
Respect, No More, and #RaysRespect as part of the decorations
-October 30 Parent Coffee – Topic is Bullying
Lauren McChesney
-6th grade anti-bullying curriculum; presentation
-“Same Sky” assembly from, “A Place to Be”
-7th and 8th grade lessons on sexual harassment
-Stone Bridge “Bull Dogs Don’t Bully” in November (Student
PEER group)
-October 21 – Unity Day activities and awareness through
advisory; orange sticky notes with positive messages on all
lockers and staff doors
-School-wide lessons on tolerance, empathy, thinking before acting/
speaking/ pressing send in 2016
John Champe
Christi Campbell
Monroe Technology Center
Michelle Trudel
Stone Bridge
Tim Lucas
-October CHARGE Card Challenge. Students are challenged to
recognize behaviors of respect: opinions of others, reaching out to
another who might be struggling, standing up for another student,
actively listening, following expectations, etc.
Oct. 19 – 23 Entire week promoting anti-bullying
Oct. 21 Unity Day – Unite against bullying and wear orange
-Oct. 21st and 22nd Students and staff are encouraged to wear
-PBIS seminar series for the month of October will focus on Expect
-Bulldogs Don’t Bully assembly
-PEER presents Bulldogs Don’t Bully at Trailside MS
-Bulldogs Don’t Bully Assembly: http://vimeo.com/80823936
-PEER/SCA Beautiful video: http://vimeo.com/106925023
High Schools