Science Chair Columbus North High School & Northside Middle School
1400 25 th Street, Columbus Indiana, 47201
Science is the organization and investigation of information about naturally occurring phenomena. Chemistry attempts to understand these phenomena from a particle (atoms/molecules) perspective. Advanced chemistry reviews many of the same topics presented in first year chemistry in order to provide students with greater depth and stronger conceptual foundations with which to continue their studies in college. New topics and increased exposure to laboratory inquiry increase students’ preparation for success in future courses. Students in advanced chemistry are also provided with an opportunity to receive college credit through Indiana University’s Advanced College Project.
Additionally, students are given the opportunity to take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Exam that many college and universities require for placement and/or credit.
My goal for AP Chemistry is to provide students with an opportunity for an in-depth study of college level chemistry in a very non-threatening environment by presenting this very abstract, theoretical subject in a concrete, understandable and enjoyable manner.
The governing body for all Advanced Placement Credit courses is the College Board/AP ® Central out of Princeton
New Jersey. The College Board recommends that all AP Chemistry students participate in 90 continuous minutes of lab per week. With our 45 minute periods and class meeting in the middle of the day, our only option to meet this recommendation is to do one 90 minute session before (6:00 AM-7:30 AM) or after (3:30-5:00) school one day a week.
You should have been aware of this when you signed up for the course. There will still be smaller scale laboratory activities during the 45 minute regular class period.
Grades are weighted as follows: Tests =30% Homework & Class Participation = 30% Labs = 40%
Grades are calculated using the following grading scale:
98-100 = A+*, 94-97 = A, 90-93 = A-
87-89 = B+, 84-86 = B, 80-83 = B-
77-79 = C+, 74-76 = C, 70-73 = C-
67-69 = D+, 64-66 = D, 60-63 = D-
59 or below = F
Important Note:
Other Important Notes
-A comprehensive final exam will be given for each semester provided by Indiana University. Semester grades are calculated as 10% final exam, 45% 1 st nine weeks grade, & 45% 2 nd nine weeks grade.
-Students taking advanced chemistry for college credit will receive two separate grades, one for the three credit hour lecture course C105/C106 and one for the two credit hour lab course C125/C126.
Text: ISBN 9-780132175081 AP Edition* Chemistry by Brown/Lemay et. al.
Your text and homework is online although you may check out a text from the bookstore if you don’t have consistent internet access from home. The online edition provides access to tutorials, video clips, and animations that are far more useful than a static text book.
To access the online resources go to:
Select “Register Now, Student”
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I find Goggle Chrome works most efficiently.
Then select “Yes, I have an access code” on the next screen.
You must accept the license agreement to move to the next screen. Then fill in the access code supplied by your instructor.
Select “Next” and follow the remaining prompts.
1st quarter: Chapters 1-3
Chapter 4
Chapter 10
Chapter 24
Chemical Reactions
Gas Laws
Organic Chemistry – Fall Break Independent Study
2nd quarter: Chapter 5 & 19
Chapter 6 & 7
Chapter 8 & 9
Chapter 21
3rd quarter: Chapter 11 & 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 20
4th quarter: Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Thermochemistry & Thermodynamics
Atomic Structure & Periodicity
Bonding & Chemical Structures
Nuclear Chemistry – Winter Break Independent Study
Liquids, & Solids
Electrochemistry – Spring Break Independent Study
Acid Base Equilibria
Solubility Equilibria
Practice Test – Spring Break Independent Study