Order Physical Servers with UCS Director

UCS Director Solution Accelerator
Kit - Deployment Guide V1.4
Table of Contents
Chapter I........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Deploying UCSD Solution Accelerator Kit Step-By-Step ............................................................................... 4
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Step 1 – Import Cisco PO Automation Packs ................................................................................................ 5
Step 2 – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points .............................................................................................. 6
Step 2a – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points ........................................................................................ 6
Step 2b – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points ........................................................................................ 7
Step 2c – Physical Server Extension Points ............................................................................................... 7
Step 3 – Import and Deploy UCS Director Service Catalog Deployer Packages .......................................... 10
Step 4 – Verify Service Catalog Extensions and New Services .................................................................... 10
Step 4a – Stitch UCS Director Services .................................................................................................... 11
Step 4b – Add the Standard Items for UCS Director ............................................................................... 13
Step 5 – Update Portal Pages...................................................................................................................... 13
Step 6 – UCS Director Configuration ........................................................................................................... 15
VM Provisioning: ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Pre-Requisites: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Steps to import workflows: ................................................................................................................. 15
Post Import: ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Catalog Creation: .................................................................................................................................... 16
vDC Creation: .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Pre-requisites: ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Physical Server Provisioning: ...................................................................................................................... 17
Pre- requisites: ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Steps to import workflows: ................................................................................................................. 18
Post Import: ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Storage Services: ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Pre- requisites: ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Steps to import workflows: ................................................................................................................. 19
Post Import: ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Chapter II..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Getting Started with UCS Director Solution Accelerator ............................................................................ 21
Setting up UCS Director Connections ......................................................................................................... 21
Verify UCS Director Connections ................................................................................................................ 22
Verify CloudSync Discovery for UCS Director ............................................................................................. 23
Register Template ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Create a VDC in UCS Director via IAC .......................................................................................................... 24
Order Virtual Servers with UCS Director ..................................................................................................... 27
Order Physical Servers with UCS Director................................................................................................... 28
My Servers Portal Page with UCS Director ................................................................................................. 29
Order Cloud Services Storage with UCS Director ........................................................................................ 29
Add NAS Filer .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Add NAS Volume ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Mount NAS Volume with selected VM ................................................................................................... 33
Limitations: ................................................................................................................................................. 34
In Pipe line for next release ........................................................................................................................ 36
References: ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Cisco IAC - MCAK: .................................................................................................................................... 36
UCS Director: ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter I
Deploying UCSD Solution Accelerator Kit
The UCS Director content extends Multi-Cloud v7, which extends Cisco Intelligent
Automation for Cloud (IAC) v3.1.1 with Cisco Prime Service Catalog (formerly Cloud Portal)
9.4.1 and Cisco Process Orchestrator 2.3.5. IAC 3.1.1 must be installed and operational
prior to Multi-Cloud deployment.
Verify that you have installed the Multi-Cloud Accelerator Kit v7 or later per the MultiCloud deployment guide. Download from Cloud Accelerator Community.
The integration works with Cisco UCS Director and
Before you begin, make sure that Cisco IAC Enterprise Edition is completely installed,
configured and operational with Multi-Cloud
Note about Updating Multi-Cloud Accelerator Content
Before upgrading, take careful note of any changes made directly to delivered content as these
changes may get replaced during upgrade.
The general procedure for updating Multi-Cloud Accelerator content after initial deployment
includes the following streamlined steps:
Step 1 – Import Cisco PO Automation Packs
Step 2 – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points (Optional)
Step 3 – Import and Deploy Prime Service Catalog Deployer Packages
Step 4 – Verify Service Catalog Extensions and New Services (Optional)
Step 5 – Update Portal Pages
For the above steps, you can skip over any packages that have an earlier or same version
number, where you already updated to that version previously.
If you modified any of the above content directly, you will need to re-introduce your changes
after the update. It is always better to extend/replace rather than modify existing content
where possible to make upgrades easier.
Step 1 – Import Cisco PO Automation Packs
From the Cisco Process Orchestrator administration console, import the following automation
packs in the order below:
 Intelligent Automation for Cloud - Cloupia Integration
 UCSDirector Automation Management
 UCSDirector NAS Storage Automation Management
Note: These Automation packs are customized using Mike Whitely’s Tap for provisioning,
Cloupia Tap for CloudSync and CITIES Tap for NAS Storage.
Step 2 – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points
Step 2a – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points
Drag and drop UCS Director Extension process “Create Virtual Server from Template (UCSD)” into the
extension point of “Multi-Cloud Create Virtual Server from Template”. In Process Definitions, start by
using a name filter of (UCSD).
Extend the branch for UCSD like EC2, VCD and check the condition CloudTargetType
(Process.Target.Properties.Cloud.Service.General.PlatformElement.CloudTargetType) target properties
against CUIC. Add Create Virtual Server from Template (UCSD) process in the condition branch.
Repeat for the following processes:
Extension Point
UCS Director Extension (Process)
Multi-Cloud Manage Platform Element Targets
Manage Platform Element Target (UCSD)
Multi-Cloud Manage Resource Pools
Multi-Cloud Create Virtual Server From Template
Manage Virtual Data Center (UCSD)
Create Virtual Server from Template (UCSD)
Multi-Cloud Delete Virtual Server
Multi-Cloud Manage Virtual Server Configuration
Delete Virtual Server (UCSD)
Manage Virtual Server Configuration (UCSD)
Multi-Cloud Manage Power State
Multi-Cloud Create Snapshot
Manage Power State (UCSD)
Snapshot Virtual Server (UCSD)
Step 2b – Stitch Orchestrator Extension Points
Drag and drop UCS Director Extension process “CloudSync Master Discovery (UCSD)” into the extension
point of “Multi-Cloud CloudSync Discover Infrastructure”. In Process Definitions, start by using a name
filter of (UCSD).
Extend the branch for UCSD like vCloudDirector, EC2 and check the condition CloudTargetType
(Process.Target.Properties.Cloud.Service.General.PlatformElement.CloudTargetType) target properties
against UCS Director (OR) ServiceItem
(Process.Target.Properties.Cloud.Configuration.PlatformElement.ServiceItem) is equals to null. Add
CloudSync Master Discovery (UCSD) process in the condition branch.
Repeat for the following processes:
Extension Point
UCS Director Extension (Process)
Multi-Cloud CloudSync Discover Infrastructure
Multi-Cloud Validate Platform Elements
CloudSync Master Discovery (UCSD)
Validate Platform Element (UCSD)
Note: In the future, if you upgrade IAC and import new TAPs, you will not need to stitch the
extension points again as they are preserved on upgrade.
Step 2c – Physical Server Extension Points
1. Commission Physical Server
In MCAK Versions, we cannot found any multi-cloud extension points for Physical Server
Provisioning like Step 2a & 2b so we have modified Commission Physical Server Handler
process directly and attached UCS Director “Commission Physical Server using UCSD” process
as shown below.
Note: Once you have deployed the UCS Director Automation Pack you can see two processes in the
same name for “Commission Physical Server Handler”. Right click and Disable the old version to enable
Physical Server Provisioning through UCS Director.
2. Decommission Physical Server
In MCAK Versions, we cannot found any multi-cloud extension points for Decommission Physical Server
like Step 2a & 2b so we have modified Decommission Physical Server process directly as shown below.
Note: Once you have deployed the UCS Director Automation Pack you can see two processes in the
same name for “Decommission Physical Server”. Right click and Disable the old version to enable
Decommission Physical Server through UCS Director.
Step 3 – Import and Deploy UCS Director Service Catalog Deployer
Import and Deploy the following packages using PSC Catalog Deployer
Refresh your browser’s cache
Step 4 – Verify Service Catalog Extensions and New Services
In Service Designer, spot check that the following service extension points have associated
UCSD forms and service delivery plans where indicated:
Service Group
UCS Director
UCSD Connect Cloud Infrastructure
UCSD Discover Infrastructure
UCSD Update Cloud Infrastructure
UCSD Validate Platform Element Status
UCSD View Platform Element Status
UCSD Add Network to VDC
UCSD Create Shared Zone
UCSD Create Virtual Data Center
UCSD Decommission Virtual Data Center
UCSD Add Network
UCSD Modify Network Properties
UCSD Order a Virtual Machine From Template
UCSD Register VM Template
UCSD Update Infrastructure Item
Shared Storage - Add New NAS Filer
Shared Storage - Add New NAS Volume
Shared Storage - Remove NAS volume
Shared Storage - Resize NAS Volume
UCS Director Storage
From Services | Physical Server Request Extensions | Order a Physical Server Postservicing | Form add the CUIC POD form to provisioning physical servers through UCS
Step 4a – Stitch UCS Director Services
For each UCSD services should be bundled with the IAC services. For Example “UCSD Create
POD” service has to bundle with “Create POD”.
From Service Designer | Services | System Setup | Create POD | Offer tab | Include
Service and select UCSD Create POD Service to bundle. Make sure the UCSD services are in
active state before bundling.
Repeat the same for following Services,
Bundled Services
Connect Cloud Infrastructure
Create POD
Discover Infrastructure
Update Cloud Infrastructure
Update POD
Validate Platform Element Status
View Platform Element Status
Add Network to VDC
Create Shared Zone
Create Virtual Data Center
Decommission Virtual Data Center
Add Network
Modify Network Properties
Order a Virtual Machine From Template
Bundling Services (UCSD)
UCSD Connect Cloud Infrastructure
UCSD Discover Infrastructure
UCSD Update Cloud Infrastructure
UCSD Validate Platform Element Status
UCSD View Platform Element Status
UCSD Add Network to VDC
UCSD Create Shared Zone
UCSD Create Virtual Data Center
UCSD Decommission Virtual Data Center
UCSD Add Network
UCSD Modify Network Properties
UCSD Order a Virtual Machine From Template
The following services do not bundle with any services
UCSD Register VM Template and UCSD Update Infrastructure Item
Step 4b – Add the Standard Items for UCS Director
Add the UCS Director Platform Element from Service Item Manager | Manage Standards | Service
Options | Platform Element Types standard table.
Platform Element Type
UCS Director
Platform Element Type Prefix
Add the UCS Director Discovery items from Service Item Manager | Manage Standards | Service
Options | Discover Standard table.
Cisco Cloupia Cloud
Cisco Cloupia Resources
Cisco Cloupia Template
Cisco Cloupia Network
UCS Director Datacenter
Cisco Cloupia VDC
UCS Director Groups
Cisco Cloupia Datastore
Cisco Cloupia Blades
Cisco Cloupia VDC SP
Cisco Cloupia Organization
Cisco Cloupia UCS Service Profile Templates
Discover Values
CUIC Cloud
CUIC Template
CUIC Network
CUIC Groups
CUIC Datastore
CUIC UCS Service Profile template
Step 5 – Update Portal Pages
From Portal Designer, go to Portal Pages | Actions | Import, select
UCSDirector_PortalPages_v1.4 (Choose Overwrite if already exist). The following portal
pages are added/updated:
Includes the following portlets:
o UCSD_Infrastructure_Discovery – This is the UCS Director version of Manage
MultiCloud Resources.
o UCSD_Manage_MyServers – Adds a Console Link (when UCS-D server is selected)
o UCSD_System_Health – Adds UCS Director platforms for health monitoring and
ad hoc validation
o OrderPage_OrderStorage – Adds UCS Director NAS Storage Services
After importing, be sure to add the CPTA role to the permissions for the portal page and
portlets above
You can add these portal pages to My Workspace (if you are a CPTA).
On the UCSD Packages, copy the contents of the Images folder to the JBoss folder
From Administration, go to Settings | Custom Styles and browse Style Directory for IAC.
Verify that the option is selected to make this Style the default for the entire site, and verify
that Site Administration is listed under Associated Organizational Units.
Step 6 – UCS Director Configuration
The following sections are discussing specific requirements for UCS Director to successfully
implement UCS Director Deployment for IAC.
VM Provisioning:
 Have to create Virtual Datacenter for VMWare Cloud,
 Have to create VM templates in vCenter,
 Catalogs have to be created for each VM templates.
For Virtual Machine provisioning, we have to import two workflows (VMScript, VMCreation) in
to UCS Director,
Steps to import workflows:
1. Polices  Orchestration,
2. Select  Import,
3. Click Browse  Select the “VM_Provisioning.wfd” workflow to be upload it in to the
UCS Director server,
4. Click on upload button to upload the workflow file.
5. Click Next  Select Workflows to be imported and click submit to complete import.
Post Import:
After importing the workflows, Validate the workflow to see if the steps and connections are
valid and complete.
1. Right Click on the workflow, Select “Workflow Designer”,
2. Click Validate Workflow Button to validate the workflow to see if the steps and
connections are valid and complete.
Work Flow File:
UCS Director Orchestration guide: Click Here
Catalog Creation:
For each and every OS/VM Templates we need to create new catalog and catalog has to be
created with the name of the OS/VM Template.
From IAC, VM Provisioning Service form we have a user input as VM Template and this VM
Template input serves as a user input for “Catalog Name” field in VM Script workflow.
Steps to create catalog has been attached here:
vDC Creation:
 Have to create Virtual Account(Cloud) in UCS Director,
 Have to create below network polices,
o System Policy,
o Computing Policy,
o Network Policy,
o Storage Policy, and
o Cost Policy.
Here for each “Network Polices”, the naming of network polices will be named as the selected
port group name and a vDC Service Profile has to be created. This vDC Service Profile will act as
Networks in IAC for creating in vDC in UCS Director.
For Example: A vDC created with “400 VLAN” network policy, with same name a “400 VLAN”
vDC Service Profile will be created in UCS Director.
Steps to create vDC have been attached here:
Steps to create vDC Service Profile and vDC creation Workflow have been attached here:
Physical Server Provisioning:
Pre- requisites:
 Cloupia Network Service Appliance (CNSA) server has to be integrated with UCS
 CNSA integration guide for reference: Click Here
UCS Manager has to be integrated with UCS Director,
For Physical server provisioning, we have to import the below attached workflows in to UCS
Steps to import workflows:
1. Polices  Orchestration,
2. Select  Import,
3. Click Browse  Select the “PS_Provisioning.wfd” workflow to be upload it in to the UCS
Director server,
4. Click on upload button to upload the workflow file.
5. Click Next  Select all Workflows to be imported and click submit to complete import.
Post Import:
After importing the workflows, Validate the workflow to see if the steps and connections are
valid and complete.
1. Right Click on the workflow, Select “Workflow Designer”,
2. Click Validate Workflow Button to validate the workflow to see if the steps and
connections are valid and complete.
Physical Server Workflow File:
Storage Services:
Pre- requisites:
 NetApp ONTAP has to be integrated with UCS Director,
For Storage services provisioning, we have to import the below attached workflows in to UCS
Steps to import workflows:
1. Polices  Orchestration,
2. Select  Import,
3. Click Browse  Select the “Storage_Services.wfd” workflow to be upload it in to the
UCS Director server,
4. Click on upload button to upload the workflow file.
5. Click Next  Select all Workflows to be imported and click submit to complete import.
Post Import:
After importing the workflows, Validate the workflow to see if the steps and connections are
valid and complete.
1. Right Click on the workflow, Select “Workflow Designer”,
2. Click Validate Workflow Button to validate the workflow to see if the steps and
connections are valid and complete.
Storage Services Workflows File:
From Service Portal (or My Services), use System Setup | Setup Connect Cloud
Infrastructure to add or modify connections to UCS Director. You can see a list of all
connections you have set up under System Setup | View Connections.
Verify CloudSync Discovery is operational and service items are populated using the
Manage Multicloud Resources portlet (there are additional tabs for UCS Director).
Create one or more VDCs that refer to the UCS Director connection(s) defined above. Note
for creating VDCs, UCS Director Service Profile should be discovered. Service profile should
be created for each port-group in the UCS-D (Refer UCS Director Configuration).
Once you have completed the steps above, the option to select server inputs will be available
when ordering virtual machines!
Chapter II
Getting Started with UCS Director Solution Accelerator
Setting up UCS Director Connections
From Service Portal, use System Setup | Connections to add, modify or view connections to
UCS Director.
Steps to find the UCS Director Request Key:
In UCS Director, from admin | User Information | Advanced and click CopyKeyValue.
Verify UCS Director Connections
From Service Portal, use the System Health portal page to verify that the Orchestrator has
been able to successfully connect to UCS Director. To force a validation run, click on
Validate UCS Director, then refresh the portlet after a minute or so.
Verify CloudSync Discovery for UCS Director
Verify that UCS-D discovery has populated data on the Manage Cloud Infrastructure portal
page (there is an additional tab for UCS Director)
You can request
discovery by clicking
Register Template
Register the Template you want to be made available to users registering Template.
Initially it is on Discovered state when discovered from UCS Director.
From Manage UCSD Infrastructure | UCS Director | UCS Director Templates select
the record which is on Discovered status then you can find the Register icon bottom of
the page, from where you can launch the Register VM Template Service.
Create a VDC in UCS Director via IAC
Create one or more VDCs that refer to the UCS Director connection(s) defined earlier.
Note for creating VDCs, Service Profile should be created for each port group and
discovered from UCS Director. Service Profile and Port group name should be same. (Refer
Step 6 - UCS Director Configuration).
Created Service Profiles on UCS Director:
Discover Service Profile from UCS Director:
Order Virtual Servers with UCS Director
Select a VDC that includes UCS Director, then select Operating System, VM Template, and
UCS Director Options Datastore name, vCenter Hostname which should be discovered from
UCS Director before Order Virtual Servers.
Order Physical Servers with UCS Director
Select a VDC that includes UCS Director, then select Operating System, OS Template, UCS
Server Profile Template and UCS Director Options like IP Address, Subnet mask, Gateway
Address and UCS Blade. The UCS Server Template, UCS Organization and UCS Blade details
are discovered from UCS Director before Order Physical Servers.
My Servers Portal Page with UCS Director
Server Information is shown on the My Servers page.
Order Cloud Services Storage with UCS Director
Add NAS Filer
NAS Filer is added by Storage Admin for populating Net-App components (Aggregate and
vFilers) which is required while ordering new NAS Volume, NAS Folder (QTree). Then you can
export the created volume to the available Virtual Server.
Note: Create the Storage Admin Role in which you can add the NAS Filer
Steps to Create Storage Admin Role:
Add New NAS Filer which should configure in the UCS Director:
Steps to find the Filer Name and IP Address:
Add NAS Volume
Select a VDC that includes UCS Director, then select Volume Size as Plan, Aggr Name, vFiler
Name, Snapshot Size and Volume Name which should be unique name automatically defined
when selecting VDC. There is a mount option you can create the Volume and exporting into
selected VM.
Mount NAS Volume with selected VM
Create Shared Zone or Create VDC: Cannot add multiple networks for a single VDC because no
equivalent work-flows are available in UCS Director to add multiple networks for a single VDC.
Modify Shared Zone: Cannot modify VDC Size in terms of Maximum Snapshot size, Maximum
number of Virtual Server and Physical Server because no relevant work-flows are available in
UCS Director.
Order a Physical Server:
In MCAK versions doesn’t have multi-cloud extension points to extend UCS Director
Commission/Decommission Physical Server process. So the original process has been
modified directly where you can provision physical server only through UCS-D. (See Step
2c – Physical Server Extension Points)
Blades are discovered and used while provisioning Physical Server but it is not
associated with any Virtual Data Centers (vDCs) like IAC solution.
Currently kit supports only local storage physical server provisioning and it doesn’t
support SAN based physical server provisioning.
Order a Virtual Machine from Template: User cannot define the VM name because UCS
Director work-flow itself defining the unique VM name like “VM-1234” where 1234 is the
Service Request Number. Also for assigning IP Address cannot support IAC based IP
Management by UCS Director and it is being assigned by DHCP Server which should be
configured before provisioning VM.
NAS Storage Services:
o It is not tested with EMC storage since we have only NetApp storage in the lab so this
Solution Accelerator is tested with only NetApp. The contents we got from CITEIS team
are also based on Netapp. We tried to keep the service ordering form generic so the
“end user” does not need to see the differences if possible.
Current NAS Storage Services will support to do only NFS export to a Linux based VM’s
and it doesn’t do CIFS share for Windows based VM’s.
In Pipe line for next release
Add NAS Folder,
Add NAS Folder to a VM,
Remove NAS Folder from a VM
Cisco IAC - MCAK:
Cisco IAC Solution Accelerator Community
UCS Director:
UCS Director - Unified Infrastructure Management
UCS Director Care
Selling Data Center