Answer Sheet 1. Psychology 2. Personality 3. Psychiatrist 4

Answer Sheet
1. Psychology
2. Personality
3. Psychiatrist
4. Psychologist
1. h
2. j
3. c
4. e
5. l
6. d
7. f
8. k
9. i
10. g
11. a
12. b
6. description – gather info and find facts
explanation – create hypothesis, research and test
hypotheses, construct theories
prediction – what will the organism do? What will it
think or feel?
control – seek to influence or control behavior in
helpful ways
1. e
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. f
7. g
8. 4,3,1,5,2
9. John B. Watson
10. 1. large samples of people are questioned
2. information obtained through interviews and
3. intelligence, aptitude, & personality tests
4. selected group over long period of time / watch the
change in people
5. organisms are observed in their natural environment
6. psychologists control the experiment
7. studies the relationship between the variables
8. seeks to discover cause & effect
11. random – survey population selected by chance
stratified – sample drawn in such a way that known
subgroups w/in the population are
represented in proportion to their numbers
in the general population
12. Sigmund Freud
13. Piaget, Sternberg, & Gardener
14. Nature vs. Nurture
15. Validity scales
16. Unobtrusive
17. Theory
18. Behavior
19. Anxiety
20. Independent; Dependent
21. Experimental group; Control group
22. Single blind; Double blind
23. past experiences, moods, needs, & what the group
24. Sensation
25. Perception
26. absolute threshold
27. optical allusion
28. Weber’s Constant
29. desensitized; sensitized
30. shape, size, color
31. color blind, dichromat, trichromat
32. frequency
33. pitch
34. amplitude
35. decibels
36. cochlea
37. hammer, anvil, stirrup
38. middle, inner, prolonged exposure to loudness
39. locating
40. smell; taste
41. bitter, sour, salty, sweet
42. temperature, odor, texture, taste
43. sensory interaction
44. hot, cold, pain, pressure, touch, fine touch
45. most
46. touch, pressure, warmth, cold, pain
47. vision
48. gate
49. endorphins
50. placebo
51. kinesthesis
52. vestibular sense
53. monocular; binocular
54. proximity
55. learning
56. Ivan Pavlov
57. food; salivation; bell; bell; salivation
58. classical conditioning
a. simultaneous – NS & UCS presented @ the
b. delayed – NS comes before the UCS
c. trace – present NS, take it away, then present
d. backward – UCS before the NS
60. extinction
61. spontaneous recovery
62. generalization
63. discrimination
64. Baby Albert
65. anxiety, panic attack, phobia
66. operant conditioning
67. primary
68. secondary
69. positive
70. negative
71. partial
72. continuous
73. fixed ratio
74. variable ratio
75. variable interval
76. fixed interval
77. punishments
78. Project Pigeon
79. latent learning
80. modeling, disinhibition, increased arousal, habituation
81. arbitration, mediation, negotiation