PITCHER JUNIOR HIGH LESSON PLAN Teacher: Sherry Marquette Subject: ELA Grade: 7 Period(s): 1 and 2 Week Beginning: _4/28/2014 Text: The Giver, chapters 1-2 DAY STUDENT OBJECTIVE PROCEDURES MON CCSS Read and give an objective summary of The Giver. Write a real or imagined narrative with descriptive details. Use technology to publish. 0BW- What is one of the happiest memories of your life? Why is this memory so meaningful for you? Include specific details, and describe why this memory is so special to you. 0Finish audioreading of chapter 2. Stop and Go Discussion. 0Complete Name Poems- Write and type a name poem for one of the characters. 0 Activity Options: 1. Individual students or groups will choose one topic to become experts. Visual aid such as brochure or poster is required. 2. Create an advertisement for Jr. High students enticing them to read The Giver. 3. Introduce yourself: Talk about your interests, hobbies, friends, etc. Also, share your thoughts on what a perfect society looks like. Draw a picture of yourself or something that represents you. 0Create Vocabulary Scrolls- Write the definition, find and write the sentence it is used in, and write synonyms (use thesauraus) for your 5 vocabulary words and record in a vocabulary scroll. Homework- Complete your name Poem Project. Must be typed and turned in to display on the wall. RL7.2 W7.3 W7.6 RESOURCES SPECIFY MATERIALS text page / workbook/worksheet/ overhead/ or other Web-audio of The Giver and novels Prezi http://prezi.com/t0wngznznbax/t he-giver-by-loislowery/?utm_source=preziview&utm_medium=endingbar&utm_content=Titlelink&utm_campaign=endingbar-tryout# EVALUATION X Observation X Participation Checklist/Rubric Report/Project Other (Explain) Quiz/Test TUES CCSS W7.3 RL7.3 W7.6 WED CCSS RL7.3 W7.3 THU CCSS RL 7.1 RL 7.2 W7.2 Read and give an objective summary of The Giver. Write a real or imagined narrative with descriptive details. Use technology to publish. Read and analyze how elements of The Giver interact. Write a real or imagined narrative with descriptive details. Use technology to publish. Read and give an objective summary of The Giver. Write a real or imagined narrative with descriptive details. Use technology to publish. oBW Journal-What is your favorite color? Why do you feel a connection with that specific color? What images does this color make you think of? 0Audioreading chapter 3, Partners will complete study guide questions for chapter 3. 0 Explain Think Tac Toe projects. Students will choose projects and begin. Homework- None; Hope to see you tonight at Pitcher Pizzazz. 0BW Journal- Think about chapter 3, why do you think mirrors were “rare”? 0 Review ch 3 on Prezi 0 Continue reading The Giver ch 4, partners will complete ch 4 study guide questions. Individuals will work on Think Tac Toe projects. Homework- Make front/back flashcards for your 5 vocabulary words. 0Sutbstitute will be here today, 0BW Journal- How would you describe the baby? What do you think happens when there is a “release”? Why do you think it is called a “release”? 0Audioreading The Giver ch 5 0Partners will complete ch 5 study guide questions. 0Writing Task- Who is an adult mentor in your life-someone older than you who knows how special you are and believes in your SPECIFY MATERIALS text page / workbook/worksheet/ overhead/ or other study guide for chapters 3-5 X Observation X Participation X Checklist/Rubric Quiz/Test Report/Project Other (Explain) SPECIFY MATERIALS text page / workbook/worksheet/ overhead/ or other X Observation X Participation Checklist/Rubric Quiz/Test Report/Project Other (Explain) SPECIFY MATERIALS text page / workbook/worksheet/ overhead/ or other X Observation X Participation Checklist/Rubric Report/Project Other (Explain) Quiz/Test FRI CCSS RL7.1 RL7.2 RL7.3 RL7.4 W7.3 Read and give an objective summary of The Giver. Write a real or imagined narrative with descriptive details. Use technology to publish. potential? How did this adult become a mentor to you, and why is this relationship unique and different from other relationships in your life? Begin with notes/brainstorming and then write a rough draft. Homework- Complete the Top 5 Vocabulary sentences on your study guide. 0BW Journal 0Partners will complete The Giver comprehension questions for chapters 1-5. 0Individuals will work on Think Tac Toe projects. 0The Giver Crossword Puzzle Homework- None, Enjoy your weekend! SPECIFY MATERIALS text page / workbook/worksheet/ overhead/ or other Vocabulary: chastisement, petulantly, tabulated, remorse, bewildered X Observation X Participation Checklist/Rubric Quiz/Test Report/Project Other (Explain)