11.3 CHROMOSOMES & HUMAN HEREDITY WHAT YOU WILL LEARN -The role of telomeres -How nondisjunction leads to Down syndrome and other abnormalities -The benefits and risks of fetal testing JUST LIKE ME VIDEO – DOWN’S SYNDROME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M--xOyGUX4 READING Q’s APPLY: Examine the karyotype. Are these chromosomes for a male or female? -MALE READING Q’s DEFINE -What happens during nondisjunction? -homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis 1 -sister chromatids do not separate properly during meiosis 11 NON-DISJUNCTION READING Q’s EVALUATE -Does nondisjunction during meiosis produce any normal gametes? -YES EXPLAIN-nondisjunction during meiosis II produces two normal and two abnormal gametes READING Q’s LABEL -Circle the pictures that show a trisomy in the sex chromosomes READING Q’s STATE -The purpose of fetal testing -test for genetic disorders in the fetus -determine course of action BACKGROUND INFO KARYOTYPE -method of identification of chromosomes HOW WHY -identify abnormalities in -picture taken during mitosis chromosomes/genes -image enlarged -identify sex of fetus -individual chromosomes cut up -chromosomes matched based on: -size -centromere position -gene banding -pairs arranged from largest smallest KARYOTYPE: EXAMPLE A mess of chromosomes… KARYOTYPE: EXAMPLE After karyotyping- male or female? NORMAL MALE NORMAL FEMALE NON-DISJUNCTION WHAT -chromosome pair or sister chromatids fails to separate during meiosis -as a result, the gamete that forms has wrong # chromosomes -TRISOMY: 1 extra -MONOSOMY: 1 less FACTS -occurs quite often in humans -impact so severe to zygote: miscarriage occurs very early in pregnancy -if baby survives, develops a set of traits we call a syndrome NON-DISJUNCTION Nondisjunction during Meiosis I Metaphase I Anaphase I Failure to separate homologous pairs NON-DISJUNCTION Nondisjunction during Meiosis II Metaphase II Failure to separate Chromatids Anaphase II NON-DISJUNCTION: trisomy Trisomy 21- Down’s Syndrome -most commonly known trisomy -extra chromosomes #21 -1:700 births -distinguishing facial features: flat nose/face, slanted eyes -lowered IQ -short stature -stubby fingers/toes -large tongue: difficult speech -heart/respiratory problems *chances as mother’s age Trisomy 21—Down’s syndrome NON-DISJUNCTION: trisomy-13 Patau Syndrome -extra chromosomes #13 -1:1500 births -most fetuses don’t develop to term -serious eye, brain, and circulatory defects Trisomy 13—patau’s syndrome NON-DISJUNCTION: trisomy-18 Edward’s Syndrome -extra chromosomes #18 -many complications -severe psychomotor growth/retardation -malformed ears -distinctively clenched fingers •95% of conceptions with trisomy 18 don’t survive to term •only 10% born survive beyond 1st year Trisomy 18—Edward’s syndrome NON-DISJUNCTION These are the only known trisonomy genetic disorders that result in offspring surviving for a short period of time NON-DISJUNCTION OF SEX CHROMOSOMES These can be fatal Most do survive just fine NON-DISJUNCTION: SEX CHROMOSOMES Klinefelter’s Syndrome - XXY -1:500 males -XXY -tall, sterile male -normal intelligence -some female characteristics NON-DISJUNCTION: SEX CHROMOSOMES Jacob’s Syndrome (super male) - XYY -1:1000 males -XYY -taller than average -slightly below normal intelligence -extra testosterone XYY NON-DISJUNCTION: SEX CHROMOSOMES super female - XXX -1:1000 female births -XXX -no physical problems/fertile -weakened muscle tone -may have delayed learning -taller than average -most super females unaware they have an extra X chromosome XXX NON-DISJUNCTION: monosomy Turner’s Syndrome - XO -1:2700 births -XO -females live normal lives -do not mature sexually at puberty -sterile -short stature, short broad neck, broad chest Monosomy XO GROUP WORK: GUIDED NOTES -As a cooperative group complete the guided note sheet using your knowledge from the reading. VOCABULARY REVIEW: gamete -egg or sperm produced during Meiosis 1- micrograph of chromosomes -KARYOTYPE 2- abnormal number of chromosomes -NONDISJUNCTION 3- withdrawal of amniotic fluid from the placenta -AMNIOCENTESIS 4- extra chromosome 21 -DOWN SYNDROME 5- protective cap at the end of a chromosome -TELOMERE KARYOTYPES EXPLAIN: how chromosomes are arranged in a karyotype -in homologous pairs LARGEST to SMALLEST KARYOTYPES SEQUENCE: how a scientists make a karyotype 1-chromosomes removed during metaphase 2-chromosomes stained -reveals banding patterns 3-chromosomes pairs arranged: largestsmallest 4-microscopic picture taken KARYOTYPES INDICATE: the parts of a karyotype of a child born with Down syndrome. XX XXX XX TELL: why this karyotype is called trisomy -THREE CHROMOSOMES of ONE KIND RECALL term for chromosomes failing to separate -nondisjunction STATE: does risk increase with mothers who are younger/older -older KARYOTYPES COMPARE/CONTRAST TELOMERES DESCRIBE DNA PROTEIN -Telomeres are made of ____________&______________. -They are located at the END of chromosomes _____________________________________________. -Their function is to PROTECT the chromosomes ________________________________________________. HYPOTHESIZE -protection of chromosomes during cell division & against cellular enzymes NONDISJUNCTION MODEL ANALYZE -Klinefelter’s XXY -nondisjunction in meiosis 1 or 2 : -Klinefelter’s results when an XX egg is fertilized with a Y sperm. FETAL TESTING SUMMARIZE the following facts about fetal testing. -How an abnormal number of chromosomes is identifiedA sample of cells is taken from the individual / fetus -amniocentesis / chorionic villi sample / fetal blood sample -four possible results of abnormal chromosome numbers Embryo death 1-_________________________ Down’s syndrome 2-_________________________ Turner’s syndrome 3-_________________________ Klinefelter’s syndrome 4-_________________________ FETAL TESTING INFER What might be the benefits of fetal testing? What might be the risks? BENEFITS RISKS Discovery of genetic problems -________________ Harm to fetus -________________ Prepare / make informed decisions -________________ infection -________________ REVIEW 1- What could explain a human karyotype showing 47 chromosomes trisomy 2- Why does nondisjunction occur? The sister chromatids do not separate 3- Which statement concerning telomeres is not true? They consist of DNA and sugars