PRESENTATION Social Inter-Ministerial Committee Progress Report # 3 Beirut, Lebanon August 23, 2007 0 Today’s objective is to update your Excellencies on progress to-date against Commitment Documents completed by respective stakeholders Meeting Objectives Brief on the status of issues raised in the previous IMC and on progress to-date of GR PCO planning and monitoring activities – Following the last IMC, 14 issues were raised, involving the National Social Security Fund, as well as the ministries of Social Affairs, Health and Education – To-date, 6 issues were resolved, 2 are in progress, and 6 are delayed Highlight progress and status of implementation of short-term programs for each ministry: – Monthly Progress Report against programs charted in Commitment Documents – New and emerging issues 1 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 2 The Paris III implementation planning process is generally on track, except for delays in the long term planning of the Ministry of Health and the NSSF Natural Owner Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Education and Higher Education Identification Prioritization of Initiatives of Initiatives ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Program Charters Development ✓ ✓ KPIs Setting ✓ ✓ Progress Commitment Report Document ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ministry of Heath ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ministry of Labor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ National Social Security Fund ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Immediate Next Steps Finalize budgetary requirements with Ministry of Finance Minister to commit on programs Finalize budgetary requirements with Ministry of Finance Minister to commit on programs Finalize budgetary requirements with Ministry of Finance DG to commit on programs Define and finalize budgetary requirements with Ministry of Finance Minister to commit on programs Finalize budgetary requirements with Ministry of Finance Obtain NSSF Board of Directors’ endorsement of the short-term programs and approval on Commitment Document DG to commit on short term programs Finalize long-term programs and obtain endorsement of all NSSF stakeholders 3 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 4 Monthly progress reports will highlight the status of each program – defined in a Commitment Document – along implementation, budget, and KPI dimensions Status and Budget Performance Definitions Status Implementation KPI Completed on Completed on Completed on Time Budget Target On Track Could be Delayed Delayed NS Budget Not Started On Budget Budget Performance Initial Budget Budget endorsed during an IMC Revised Budget Budget adjusted using a Program Change Request Form endorsed during an IMC Actual Spent Amount spent until date of reporting Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate Estimate of the remaining budgetary requirements for the program On Target Potential Over Emerging Budget Issues Over Budget N/A Off Target N/A 5 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 6 Program Dashboard Program Title: MSA-001: Restructure the Ministry of Social Affairs Natural Owner: Minister of Social Affairs Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Draft ministerial decision for criteria of welfare institutions prepared Draft procedures for implementation of local development projects prepared New: Need to recruit full time staff to follow up on restructuring of MoSA Need to secure budget required (at least till mid 2008 – amounting to $38,500) to initiate work related to MoSA mandate and restructuring Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Percentage of MoSA budget allocated for care programs 70% 70% Development of new MoSA organizational structure Level of Ministry of Social Affairs automation (Departments and SDCs) Payment processing time Note: (*) Defined in the legend Target Status (Closest Date) 60% (Dec. 2009) MoSA Mandate completed (Mar. 2008) Org. structure of 2 Org. structure of 2 departments departments revised revised 30% MoSA 30% MoSA 50% SW/HW automation automation installed + 10 SDCs + 10 SDCs (Mar. 2009) equipped equipped More than 14 Less than 3 days More than 14 days days (Sep. 2010) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $3,440,500 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 7 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep 1. Restructure the Ministry of Social Affairs 1.a Review the mandate and programs of the Ministry of Social Affairs 1.a.xi Formulate criteria for w elfare institutions (care program) and discuss w ith concerned stakeholders Completed Start Date End Date Mon 17/09/07 Tue 09/11/10 164.8 w ks Mon 17/09/07 Tue 09/11/10 164.8 w ks Mon 17/09/07 On Track Wed 24/10/07 Could be Delayed Duration 6 w ks Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoSA, Minister of Social Criteria for Welfare Affairs, WI Institiution formulated Delayed Status NS NS Not started 8 Program Dashboard Program Title: MSA-002: Enhance Management of the Social Sector Natural Owner: Minister of Social Affairs Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Data on duplicated services and programs between Ministries of Education and Health collected Mapping of Local Development Project completed and currently reviewed based on comments. Content and structure of database for Local Development Projects initiated. Draft framework of Social Strategy elaborated – to be discussed with team of experts Resources for implementation of program were fully mobilized from the Lebanon Recovery Fund New: Continued cooperation and commitment of Ministries of Education and Health for elimination of duplication (provision of information and delegation of concerned staff to attend bilateral meetings) Need to reach consensus on best party to undertake the coordination of local development initiatives (database, framework of needs and priorities, etc.) Carried Over from Previous IMC: Ministries of Education and Health to actively cooperate with MoSA staff for matters related to duplication KPI Percentage elimination of duplicated programs between MoSA, MoH and MEHE Establishment of local development projects database (implemented by Government institutions) Implementation of Social Strategy and related Action Plan Human Development Index ranking Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) Current Value 0% 0% No database No database No action plan Lebanon rank 78 No action plan Lebanon rank 78 Target (Closest Date) 20% (Dec. 2008) Database design and testing completed (Oct. 2007) Social strategy endorsed (Dec. 2007) Lebanon rank 76 (Dec. 2010) Status Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 270,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 9 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep 2. Enhance management of the social sector 2.b Formulate a comprehensive social strategy 2.b.vii Prepare a framew ork of social strategy Start Date End Date Duration Mon 22/01/07 Tue 30/07/13 342 w ks Mon 02/04/07 Tue 30/07/13 331.4 w ks Mon 11/06/07 Fri 31/08/07 12.4 w ks Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoSA; Social IMC Social Strategy framew ork developed 2.b.viii Present framew ork of strategy to Social IMC Mon 03/09/07 Fri 14/09/07 2 w ks MoSA Social Strategy framew ork presented 2.b.ix Elaborate draft social strategy Mon 03/09/07 Wed 21/11/07 12 w ks MoSA; Social IMC Social strategy drafted Mon 11/06/07 Wed 02/07/08 56.4 w ks Report on duplicated items drafted 2.c Eliminate duplication and increase coordination in the delivery of social services and implementation of programs betw een the ministries of Social Affairs, Education and Health 2.c.ii Identify programs and services (including details of cost, implementation, etc.) that are duplicated or linked to other ministries Status NS NS Mon 18/06/07 Fri 17/08/07 8 w ks MoSA; MoH; MEHE 2.c.iii Organize bilateral meetings betw een social ministries to discuss duplication Mon 20/08/07 Fri 07/09/07 3 w ks MoSA; MoH; MEHE Minutes of Meetings drafted 2.c.iv Suggest recommendations for efficient division of roles for each duplicated program/service Fri 28/09/07 3 w ks MoSA; MoH; MEHE Report on recommendations drafted NS Mon 10/09/07 Sat 29/09/07 Wed 24/10/07 4 w ks CoM Recommendations endorsed NS 2.c.v Endorse recommendations by Council of Ministers Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed NS Not started 10 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep End Date Thu 17/05/07 Wed 23/04/08 2.e.v Elaborate a detailed mapping of all local development initiatives and projects implemented by the public sector, NGOs, and local authorities Mon 02/07/07 Fri 24/08/07 8 w ks Social IMC Mapping of LD projects done Analyze data and identify overlaps and gaps; issue related recommendations Mon 27/08/07 Wed 03/10/07 6 w ks Social IMC Recommendations issued 2.e Create a coordination mechanism for the implementation of local development projects Duration Workstep Responsible Start Date Deliverable/ Milestone Status 49.8 w ks NS NS 2.e.viii Prepare TORs for experts Thu 13/09/07 Wed 19/09/07 1 wk MoSA TORs prepared 2.e.ix Prepare and launch bidding process to recruit experts Thu 20/09/07 Tue 02/10/07 2 w ks MoSA Bidding process launched 2.e.xiv Establish a Database for local development projects Mon 27/08/07 Wed 19/12/07 17 w ks Social IMC Database for LD projects established NS Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed NS NS Not started 11 Program Dashboard Program Title: MSA-003: Develop New Targeting Mechanisms for SSN Programs Natural Owner: Minister of Social Affairs Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Detailed plan for implementing piloting of targeting was completed New: Need to mobilize resources for piloting the targeting (Proxy Means Testing). Total cost of piloting is $ 814,530 out of which $ 197,900 are made available through a World Bank grant Carried Over from Previous IMC: PMT database should be hosted at MoSA for technical reasons Target Status (Closest Date) Implementation of Management PMT formula Absence of Information System (MIS) for targeting Absence of MIS elaborated MIS mechanism (Sep. 2007) 30% HH Percentage of households assessed to 0% HH 0% HH assessed identify poor households assessed assessed (Dec. 2008) 14 Safety Net 14 Safety Net Review of Elaboration of Safety net programs programs programs available SSN suggested suggested (Mar. 2008) KPI Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 3,180,270 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 12 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep 3. Develop new targeting mechanisms for Social Safety Nets programs 3.a Establish targeting mechanism (through proxy means testing) for implementing Safety Net programs (piloting and national rollout) 3.a.i Elaborate targeting formula and filters Start Date End Date Duration Wed 01/08/07 Tue 06/10/09 114.4 w ks Wed 01/08/07 Tue 06/10/09 114.4 w ks Wed 01/08/07 Sun 30/09/07 9 w ks Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoSA Formula and filters elaborated 2.8 w ks MoSA Application form and household questionnaire designed 3.a.ii Design application form and Household questionnaire Thu 13/09/07 Sun 30/09/07 3.a.iv Prepare TOR for Program Support officer Mon 03/09/07 Fri 07/09/07 1 wk WB TOR prepared 3.a.v Prepare and launch bidding process to recruit Program Support officer Mon 10/09/07 Wed 03/10/07 4 w ks WB Bidding process launched 3.a.ix Prepare TOR for short term IT consultant Mon 03/09/07 Fri 07/09/07 1 wk WB TOR prepared 3.a.x Prepare and launch bidding process to recruit short term IT consultant Mon 10/09/07 Wed 03/10/07 4 w ks WB Bidding process launched 3.a.xviii Prepare TORs for experts (system administrator and 2 operators) Mon 03/09/07 Fri 07/09/07 1 wk WB TORs prepared 3.a.xix Prepare and launch bidding process to recruit experts Mon 10/09/07 Wed 03/10/07 4 w ks WB Bidding process launched Status NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed NS Not started 13 Program Dashboard Program Title: MSA-004: Implement Prioritized Safety Nets Programs Natural Owner: Minister of Social Affairs Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Proposal for expanding proximity services to the disabled was submitted to the Lebanon Recovery Fund Initiated assessment of alternatives for providing free health care/ hospitalization to the disabled KPI Number of services provided by RAIS program Poverty rate Number of children in welfare institutions New: Safety Net programs that are directly linked to targeting (Cash assistance, exemptions to elderly, free hospitalization) cannot be initiated before completion of Program 3 Implementation of the other Safety Net programs are linked to either availability of funds or human resources (Scale up of inhouse care for the disabled, expansion of proximity services, school food program) Carried Over from Previous IMC: MoSA requirements for budget to implement Safety Net program related to expanding proximity services. (Current required budget is $3M. If LRF approves $1.3M for MoSA then the required budget for this Safety Net will be $1.7M) Baseline Target Current Value Status (July 2007) (Closest Date) 7,000 services 7,000 services 10,000 services delivered per delivered per per year year year (Mar. 2008) 24.6% 23,000 Program Overall Status: 24.6% 23,000 20.9% (Dec. 2010) 18,000 (Dec. 2009) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 33,032,000(1) Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A Note: (*) Defined in the legend (1) The complementary budget for Safety Nets programs is based on the Paris III Social Action Plan estimations, and would be refined later according to targeting outcome 14 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep 4. Implement Prioritized Safety Nets Programs 4.d Expand the coverage of services offered to the disabled 4.d.i Increase delivery of proximity services w ithin the Rights and Access program 4.e Scale up and improve the quality of existing “full in house” services to the disabled 4.e.i Increase number of disabled beneficiaries from the in-house service Start Date End Date Duration Wed 01/08/07 Fri 03/06/11 201 w ks Mon 03/09/07 Wed 27/08/08 52 w ks Mon 03/09/07 Wed 27/08/08 52 w ks Mon 03/09/07 Wed 27/08/08 52 w ks Mon 03/09/07 Wed 27/08/08 52 w ks 4.f Implement free healthcare/hospitalization for the holders of the Disability Card (Law # 220) Wed 01/08/07 Mon 22/02/10 134.2 w ks 4.f.i Assess potential alternative for implementing Law 220 for free hospitalization/healthcare Wed 01/08/07 Mon 03/11/08 12 w ks Completed On Track Could be Delayed Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoSA Expansion of delivery of proximity services MoSA Number of disabled in the in-house project increased to 7500 cases MoSA Alternatives generated Delayed Status NS NS NS Not started 15 Sector / Natural Owner Issues Register Issue ID 001 002 003 004 005 Issue Level H H H Issue Description Communication of social aspects of Paris III is deficient MoSA requires recruitment of additional M&S staff The Proxy Means Testing database should be hosted and maintained in a way to allow access to several stakeholder Raised by BAH based on Press Monitoring Minister of Social Affairs Minister of Social Affairs H The identification of duplicated social services requires support from MEHE and MoH Minister of Social Affairs H Ministry of Social Affairs needs a budget of $ 1,054,000 to undertake Minister of short-term initiatives (This budget Social could be reduced, if MoSA obtains Affairs $1million from Lebanon Recovery Fund) Date Assigned to Actions Needed Prime Minister and all members of the Social IMC to stress the Social IMC social aspect of the Paris III Members Program in the press 17/05/2007 Appointment of a press attaché for the Social IMC GR PCO Deadline Status On-going In progress 15/06/2007 Completed PCM Comm Unit leveraged Delayed (MoF would transfer $50,000 of MoSA budget to recruit UNDP staff) Completed (MoSA should host the database for technical reasons; Access rights would be granted by the Office of the Prime Minister) Delayed (Bilateral meetings to be undertaken with MEHE and MoH) Minister of Finance to secure financing for the recruitment of Minister of 15/05/2007 M&S staff, from the $100,000 Finance budget dedicated to the Secretariat of the Social IMC MoSA to host the Proxy Means Minister of Testing database, and allow Social access to relevant Ministries and Affairs and Public Institutions 06/07/2007 Prime Minister Office 12/08/2007 Ministries of Education and Health to actively cooperate with the Ministry of Social Affairs staff, in order to identify duplication in delivery of Social Services Minister of Finance to review MoSA budgetary requirements and accordingly allocate TA and budget necessary to implement short-term initiatives 20/08/2007 Minister of Education 06/07/2007 and DG of Ministry of Health 06/07/2007 Minister of Finance 20/08/2007 31/07/2007 Delayed (Need for MoSA to communicate with Minister of Finance) 16 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 17 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-001: Consolidate policy, planning and resource allocation Natural Owner: Minister of Education Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Draft of contract for Organizational Restructuring completed by MEHE Currently finalizing TOR for TA assignment related to develop model for performance based budgeting Decree issued to establish a committee responsible to develop a shadow budget TOR for Education Management Information System (EMIS) connectivity developed Contract for delivery of School Information System (SIS) equipment completed by CDR and signed KPI Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Percentage of educational policies and plans based on EMIS output 0% 0% Submission of a shadow Performance Based Budget for MEHE % decrease in number of days and processes required to complete a sample of 10 tasks Note: (*) Defined in the legend Program Overall Status: New: No funds available to recruit consultants to develop capacity at MEHE to assist in the implementation of reform initiatives Carried Over from Previous IMC: None Target Status (Closest Date) 100% (Dec.2008) Performance Performance Performance Based Shadow Based Budget Based Budget Budget 50% decrease 0% decrease 0% decrease in total number in total number in total number of days of days of days (Dec.2008) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 7,716,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent $ 87,000 Remaining Budget $ 7,629,000 Requirements Estimate Status 18 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date End Date Duration Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone 1. Consolidate policy, planning and resource allocation 01/11/2005 05/01/2010 219.6 w ks 1.b Develop a new MEHE organizational structure 04/09/2006 31/12/2009 175 w ks 1.b.iii Select and appoint TA Consultant 1.b.iv Complete the review of MEHE’s structure, and propose new restructured organization 1.c Develop capacity at MEHE to assist in the Monitoring & Evaluation of the National Education Strategy and sector reform 1.c.i Undertake a needs assessment of expertise & logistics required for implementation 19/03/2007 15/08/2007 22.4 w ks 16/08/2007 26/12/2007 19.2 w ks 02/07/2007 31/12/2009 131 w ks 02/07/2007 13/07/2007 2 w ks EDP Needs ass. Completed 1.c.ii Develop TOR for consultants to fill in required positions 16/07/2007 27/07/2007 2 w ks EDP TOR Developed 1.c.iii Launch Selection Process 1.d Develop and disseminate model performance based budget for 2008-2009 1.d.i Launch Procurement process and Prepare TOR for TA assignment 30/07/2007 17/08/2007 3 w ks EDP EOI submitted 19/06/2007 25/02/2010 141.2 w ks 25/08/2007 04/10/2007 6 w ks 1.d.vii Initiate the performance based budgeting w ithin MEHE 19/06/2007 31/12/2009 133.2 w ks EDP MEHE Task Team TOR Completed and Expression of Interest Performance based Budgeting initiated 01/11/2005 05/01/2010 219.6 w ks 06/08/2007 02/11/2007 13.2 w ks CDR, EDP 04/01/2007 12/09/2007 36.8 w ks EDP 1.e.vii Launch tender for connectivity 13/09/2007 26/09/2007 2 w ks EDP 1.e.viii Select and appoint expert 27/09/2007 08/01/2008 15 w ks EDP RFP issued & Bids submitted Evaluation completed and TA Consultant signed 1.e.xiii Select and appoint firm to provide SIS equipment 30/10/2006 16/09/2007 47 w ks CDR Firm Contracted by CDR 1.e.xiv Install SIS Equipment in 1500 Schools across Lebanon 17/09/2007 17/01/2008 90 days Firm SIS equipment installed 1.e Implement Education Management Information System (EMIS) in MEHE, and School Information System (SIS) at schools 1.e.i Launch Procurement process for EMIS (Softw are & hardw are) & prepare bidding documents Launch procurement process and procure a firm to provide connectivity Services for EMIS & prepare TOR Completed On Track Could be Delayed Status Evaluation completed and TA Consultant signed New MEHE organization TA Consultant Structure EDP Delayed NS Bidding documents prepared TOR Completed and Expression of Interest NS NS NS NS Not started 19 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-002: Achieve Universal Basic Education (UBE) for ages 6 to 15 Natural Owner: Minister of Education Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues None New: No funds available to provide free textbooks to public school students Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Target (Closest Date) Percent increase in NER for grades 1-6 97% 97% 98% (Dec.2009) Percent increase in NER for grades 7-9 Percent increase in “Class Occupancy” for grades 1-6 (cycle 1&2) Percent increase in “Class Occupancy” for grades 7-9 (cycle 3) Percent increase in public students with free textbooks in cycles 1 & 2 Note: (*) Defined in the legend 68.5% 68.5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 72.5% (Dec.2009) 5.88% from 17 to 18 (Dec.2009) 10.53% from 19 to 21(Dec.2009) 100% (Dec.2007) Status Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 15,000,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 20 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 2. Achieve Universal Basic Education (UBE) for ages 6 to 15 2.d Provide free textbooks to public schools students 2.d.i Establish mechanism and program for providing free textbooks 2.d.ii Provide free textbooks to public school students for academic year 2007-2008 Completed On Track End Date Duration Workstep Responsible 01/08/2007 13/06/2011 202 w ks 01/08/2007 31/10/2008 65.8 w ks 01/08/2007 11/09/2007 6 w ks MEHE, ECRD 12/09/2007 22/10/2007 6 w ks MEHE, ECRD Could be Delayed Delayed Deliverable/ Milestone Free textbook mechanism established 100% of public students w ith free textbooks Status NS NS Not started 21 Program Dashboard EDU-003: Improve efficiency, Program Title: effectiveness and competence level of the teaching workforce Period: July 2007 Natural Owner: Minister of Education IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Remaining 300 out of 450 school principals have completed Leadership Development Program 16,500 public school teachers already undergone professional training Committee for institutionalization launched and preparation for legal procedures underway between MEHE and Faculty of Pedagogy for the training of the selected third promotion of 150 school principals during 2007-2008 under the same methodologies used for the previous two promotions TA consultant selected to develop evaluation tools for Continuous Instructors Development Program KPI Percentage of teachers without a bacc. & above 58: who are physically/psychologically disabled Percentage of PS Principals who have undergone professional dev. prog. to improve competence Number of teachers who have undergone professional development Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) 9.6% Program Overall Status: Current Value 9.6% New: None Carried Over from Previous IMC: None Target (Closest Date) 6.9% (Dec.2008) 10% 10% 30% (Dec.2007) 16,500 teachers 16,500 teachers 20,000 teachers (Dec.2007) Status Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 101,863,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent $ 900,000 Remaining Budget $ 100,963,000 Requirements Estimate Status 22 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 3. Improve efficiency, effectiveness and competence level of the teaching w orkforce 3.a Continue implementation of Leadership Development Program for school principals and institutionalize the program w ithin MEHE and LU End Date Duration 30/09/2004 31/12/2009 275.6 w ks 30/09/2004 31/12/2009 275.6 w ks 30/09/2004 14/12/2007 168.8 w ks 02/01/2006 31/12/2009 210 w ks 3.b.iii Select and appoint expert 3.b.iv Develop evaluation tools for Continuous Instructors Development Program 12/03/2007 24/09/2007 29 w ks 25/09/2007 11/04/2008 29 w ks 3.b.vii Continue implementation of teacher-training program 02/01/2006 31/12/2009 210 w ks 3.a.i Undergo Training on Leadership Management 3.b Enhance the professional competence of the teaching w orkforce Completed On Track Could be Delayed Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone Status TA Consultant, 450 Public School EDP, LU Principals have Evaluation completed and EDP TA Consultant signed TA Consultant, Evaluation tools EDP, ECRD developed TOT program ECRD implemented Delayed NS NS Not started 23 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-004: Enhance quality of education Natural Owner: Minister of Education Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues New Curriculum developed by ECRD for preschool and cycle 1 Phase 4 of development of evaluation glossary in English and French completed Phase 1 of Exam Management System (EMS) development completed (Assessment of Current Situation - work plan) Phase 1 of Question Bank System (QBS) development completed ( Inception report) QBS to be tested on second session of official exams KPI Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Percent decrease in “Repetition Rate” for grades 1-6 21% 21% Average student repetition rate in grades 7-9 Percent increase in NER for children aged 3-5 enrolled in public KGs Percentage automation of public examination process and exams Note: (*) Defined in the legend Program Overall Status: 23% 23% 21.61% 21.61% 0% 0% New: None Carried Over from Previous IMC: None Target Status (Closest Date) 19% (Dec.2010) 21% (Dec.2010) 29.69% (Dec.2010) 100% (Dec.2008) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 9,600,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 24 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 4. Enhance quality of education End Date Duration 15/05/2006 30/12/2010 243 w ks 4.a Review and update curriculum 4.a.i Review and update curriculum development process, procedures and responsibilities 02/07/2007 31/12/2009 131 w ks 02/07/2007 14/12/2007 24.2 w ks 4.c Enhance Learning Achievement 4.c.i Continue implementation of assessment of academic achievement standards (EVALUATION) 15/05/2006 31/12/2009 191 w ks 02/01/2007 31/12/2009 157.6 w ks 4.c.v Develop examination Question Bank System 26/04/2007 12/12/2007 33.6 w ks 4.c.xiv Develop Examination Management System 27/04/2007 08/11/2007 28.6 w ks Completed On Track Could be Delayed Workstep Responsible ECRD Deliverable/ Milestone Status curriculum development process, procedures and Implementation of ECRD Academic achievement TA Consultant, A Question Bank System EDP, DOE has been developed for TA Consultant An EMS has been , EDP, DOE developed for official Delayed NS Not started 25 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-005: Enhance the utilization of educational facilities Natural Owner: Minister of Education Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Criteria for school consolidation established and priority unviable and receiving schools identified for consolidation Draft decree issued by Minister for consolidation of 30 unviable schools New: None Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI Percent decrease number of nonviable schools or ecoles normales Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Target Status (Closest Date) 23.1% (non0% (non-viable 0% (non-viable viable schools) schools) & 0% schools) & 0% (Dec.2007) & (ecoles (ecoles 48.5% (ecoles normales) normales) normales) (Dec.2009) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 2,200,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent $ 25,000 Remaining Budget $ 2,175,000 Requirements Estimate Status Note: (*) Defined in the legend 26 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 5. Enhance the utilization of educational facilities 5.a Upgrade the physical requirement of schools (School Mapping and Facility Management (GIS)) 5.a.i Launch Procurement process and Prepare TOR for TA Consultant to develop a GIS System 5.b Consolidate small GE & VTE schools 5.b.i Establish criteria for school consolidation and identify priority non viable and receiving schools that could be 5.b.ii Develop a consolidation plan and issue mandate to consolidate priority non viable and receiving schools 5.b.iii Implement consolidation for 30 priority non viable receiving schools Completed On Track End Date Duration Workstep Responsible 01/06/2007 04/03/2010 144.6 w ks 17/09/2007 04/03/2010 129 w ks 17/09/2007 06/12/2007 12 w ks 01/06/2007 31/12/2009 135.6 w ks 01/06/2007 12/07/2007 6.4 w ks MEHE 13/07/2007 23/08/2007 6 w ks MEHE. Minister 24/08/2007 18/10/2007 8.2 w ks MEHE Could be Delayed Delayed Deliverable/ Milestone TOR Completed and Expression of Interest EDP Criteria Identified Non viable schools have been identified 30 non viable schools consolidated Status NS NS NS Not started 27 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-006: Rationalize vocational and Natural Owner: Minister of Education technical education Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues None New: No Capacity recruited to assist MEHE in implementing program No funds available to launch initiatives related to the program Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI Identification of number of VTE specializations that comply most with labor market needs Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Target Status (Closest Date) 15 VTE 0 VTE 0 VTE specializations specializations specializations identified identified identified (Dec.2009) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 200,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 28 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 6. Rationalize vocational and technical education 6.a Restructure VTE Program framew ork, specializations and delivery modules 6.a.i Collaborate w ith employer community in undergoing a study on labor markets demand 6.a.iii Undertake a study to include higher technical education w ith the higher education system 6.b Institutionalize relationship and partnership betw een VTE institutions (administration, educational institutions, civil and economic councils) 6.b.i Develop foundations, and issue mandate for institutionalizing relationship, and partnership among VTE Institutions. 6.b.ii Initiate partnership to enhance efficiency of VTE system through developing studies on labor market demands 6.c Revise VTE school distribution through the usage of VTE school mapping system 6.c.i Develop a plan to rationalize geographic distribution of VTE schools, and the distribution of specializations in them 6.d Upgrade VTE curriculum teaching methods and tools, equipment requirements, and learning assessment tools 6.d.i Revise teaching curriculum and its implementation in schools. Engage economic societies in assessment of teaching curriculum. 6.d.ii Review VTE teaching tools, methods, and modern learning assessment tools implemented in advanced countries 6.d.iv Update equipment inventory developed through VTE technical assistance. Completed On Track End Date Duration 01/06/2007 31/12/2009 135.6 w ks 01/06/2007 31/12/2009 135.6 w ks Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone 01/06/2007 03/10/2007 18.4 w ks DGVTE, MEHE, Civil society, Labor market demand MOL study completed 02/07/2007 20/09/2007 11.8 w ks DGVTE, DGHE Study completed 15/06/2007 31/12/2009 133.6 w ks 15/06/2007 05/09/2007 12.2 w ks 06/09/2007 26/12/2007 16.2 w ks 02/07/2007 31/12/2009 131 w ks 02/07/2007 18/10/2007 16 w ks 16/07/2007 31/12/2009 129 w ks 16/07/2007 01/11/2007 16 w ks 16/07/2007 04/10/2007 12 w ks 16/07/2007 03/01/2008 25 w ks Could be Delayed Delayed DGVTE,MEHE, Mandate for partnership Civil institutions issued and ratified DGVTE,MEHE, Civil economic institutions Partnership initiated DGVTE, MEHE Status NS Plan completed DGVTE, MEHE, Economic Teaching curriculum Societies revised VTE teaching tools, DGVTE, MEHE, methods and modern Economic assessment tools Societies review ed Equipment inventory DGVTE updated NS Not started 29 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 6. Rationalize vocational and technical education End Date Duration 01/06/2007 31/12/2009 135.6 w ks 6.e Develop human resources and provide new human resources according to needs 02/07/2007 19/02/2009 86 w ks 6.e.i Update VTE instructor inventory and competency levels developed through VTE technical assistance 02/07/2007 18/10/2007 16 w ks 02/07/2007 12/11/2009 124 w ks 6.f Adopt a system for pedagogic orientation and guidance Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone DGVTE, MEHE VTE instructor inventory updated 6.f.i Develop a organizational framew ork for vocational orientation and guidance system 02/07/2007 20/09/2007 11.8 w ks DGVTE, MEHE Organizational framew ork developed 6.f.ii Develop goals for orientation and guidance 21/09/2007 13/12/2007 12.2 w ks DGVTE, MEHE Goals defined 6.g Develop standards for institutional quality assurance 02/07/2007 31/12/2009 131 w ks 6.g.i Prepare a plan for elements of quality assurance 02/07/2007 18/10/2007 16 w ks DGVTE, MEHE Plan completed 6.g.ii Review and modernize VTE mandates in order to guarantee quality assurance 01/08/2007 17/12/2007 20 w ks DGVTE, MEHE VTE mandates review ed and modernized Status NS Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed NS Not started 30 Program Dashboard Program Title: EDU-007: Develop Quality Assurance in higher education Natural Owner: Minister of Education Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues None New: No Capacity recruited to assist MEHE in implementing program No funds available to launch initiatives related to the program Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI Baseline (July 2007) Current Value Submission of standards compatible No unified set No unified set with international patterns in quality of standards of standards assurance in higher education and with submitted submitted local requisites Note: (*) Defined in the legend Target Status (Closest Date) A unified set of standards submitted (Dec.2009) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 1,000,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 31 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date 7. Develop Quality Assurance in higher education 7.a Review and update the Lebanese University law 7.a.i Prepare and issue a new and contemporary law for LU. 7.b Develop standards for institutional quality assurance 7.b.i Draft standards compatible w ith international patterns in quality assurance in higher education and w ith local requisites. 7.c Establish national structure for quality assurance End Date Duration 16/07/2007 31/12/2009 129 w ks 01/08/2007 31/12/2009 126.6 w ks 01/08/2007 01/10/2007 9 w ks 01/08/2007 30/12/2009 126.4 w ks 01/08/2007 24/12/2007 21 w ks 16/07/2007 31/12/2009 129 w ks Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone DGHE, LU, MEHE Law s Prepared and sent for enactment MEHE, DG for Higher Education Standards compatible w ith international patterns established Law s Prepared and sent for enactment Amendments endorsed by Council of Ministers 7.c.i Prepare relevant law s and regulatory decrees to create a national council for quality assurance and define its structure and mechanisms 16/07/2007 13/09/2007 8.8 w ks MEHE, DG for Higher Education 7.c.ii Approve by COM and send to Parliament 14/09/2007 08/11/2007 8.2 w ks Council of Ministers Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed Status NS NS Not started 32 Sector / Natural Owner Issues Register Issue ID 001 Issue Level H Issue Description Ministry of Education needs a budget of $ 500,000 to undertake short-term initiatives Raised by Minister of Education Date Assigned to Actions Needed Minister of Finance to review MEHE budgetary requirements and accordingly Minister of 06/07/2007 allocate TA and budget necessary to Finance implement short-term initiatives Deadline Status 31/07/2007 Delayed 33 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 34 Program Dashboard Program Title: HEA-002: Upgrade Primary Healthcare (PHC) Services Natural Owner: Ministry of Health DG Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Desk research on quality assurance and performance improvement and respective measurement tools were undertaken by Balamand University 10 pilot health centers that will participate in the development process of the QAPI pilot program were identified by MOH and communicated to Balamand university An action plan was prepared between Balamand University and MoH to start the consensus building process through a work group including representatives from MoH, Balamand, AUB, St Joseph University, and Lebanese University. The roles for each stakeholder were clarified according to the action plan Number of contracted centers in the PHC network have increased to 125 from 85 KPI HEA-002-01: Quality Assurance Performance indicators (QAPI) submitted to a national consensus meeting before end of 2007 HEA-002-02: Number of contracted centers in the PHC network Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) No QAPIs 85 centers Program Overall Status: Current Value No QAPIs 125 centers New: None Carried Over from Previous IMC: None Target Status (Closest Date) Draft QAPIs list generated (Dec. 2007) 125 centers (Dec. 2007) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 1,360,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 35 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date End Date Duration 15/06/07 31/12/09 133.8 w ks? 2.a Increase number of contracted centers from 80 to 125 2.b Define catchment areas for 125 centers and design a referral system betw een these centers and public hospitals in the same 2.c Revise and enhance the PHC package of services for 125 catchments areas 2.d Initiate health card initiative for eligible MoH beneficiaries of 125 catchments areas 02/07/07 02/08/07 4.8 w ks 02/08/07 31/03/08 35 w ks? 02/08/07 31/12/09 126.6 w ks? 01/08/07 30/12/09 126.6 w ks? 2.e Expand IT infrastructure of 125 catchments areas 01/08/07 30/12/09 126.6 w ks? 2.f Develop and implement PHC accreditation program 15/06/07 31/12/07 29.2 w ks? 2.f.ii Undertake litterature review on PHC accreditation systems 18/06/07 01/08/07 7 w ks 2.f.iii Develop project w orkplan 2.f.iv Provide Balamand University w ith names of representatives of universities 18/06/07 20/07/07 5.4 w ks 01/08/07 03/08/07 3 days 2.f.v Submit the tool developed to be used for situation analysis 04/08/07 11/08/07 1 wk Review material and send feedback 2.f.vii Conduct meeting of the w orking group to finalize the tool, review data collection procedures, and discuss expected 12/08/07 24/08/07 2 w ks 04/09/07 04/09/07 0.2 w ks 2.f.viii Collect data for situation analysis 06/09/07 29/09/07 3.6 w ks 2. Upgrade primary healthcare (PHC) services Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed Workstep Responsible Balamand University Balamand University MoH Balamand University MoH MoH, Balamand MoH, Balamand Deliverable/ Milestone Literature review report Project w orkplan developed Names of representatives provided Tool submitted Status Project w orkplan finalized Tool finalized Data collected NS NS NS Not started 36 Program Dashboard Program Title: HEA-003: Follow-up Implementation Natural Owner: Ministry of Health DG of Quality Assurance Program Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Contract with Ecole Superieure des Affaires (ESA) has been finalized and approved by the Court of Accounts Discussions on mobilization plan and schedule of activities have started in collaboration with the Haute Autorite de la Sante (HAS) and ESA to launch project activities by early September Draft documents have been communicated informally by the HAS regarding training programs for public hospitals and the new accreditation procedure A project committee has been formed at the MoH to coordinate and follow up implementation of the accreditation project activities KPI HEA-003-01: Percentage of hospitals attending hands-on training program on hospital accreditation HEA-003-02: Number of certification bodies selected HEA-003-03: Percentage of public hospitals contracted by MoH based on accreditation Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) Current Value New: Ability to mobilization of French experts in due time Carried Over from Previous IMC: None Target Status (Closest Date) 0% 0% 100% (Dec. 2007) None None Minimum 3 (Dec. 2007) 0% Program Overall Status: 0% 100% (Dec. 2008) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 400,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 37 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date End Date Duration 15/05/07 31/12/09 138.4 w ks? 3.a Implement and institutionalize public hospital accreditation program 15/05/07 19/06/08 58.4 w ks 3. Follow up implementation of Quality Assurance program Workstep Responsible 3.a.ii Review and approve contract 16/05/07 27/07/07 11 w ks Court of Accounts 3.a.iii Conduct training on accreditation to 25 public hospital 15/09/07 28/11/07 11 w ks MoH, ESA 3.a.iv Develop TOR for certification companies 15/09/07 15/11/07 9.2 w ks MoH, ESA Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed Deliverable/ Milestone Letter of Approval Training sessions TOR for certification companies Status NS NS NS Not started 38 Program Dashboard Program Title: HEA-004: Undertake Health Financing Reform Natural Owner: Ministry of Health DG Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Testing of the billing system in Daher el Bashek initiated and ongoing in Lebanese Canadian hospital (Stopped at Beirut University hospital) Develop program to establish link between claims submitted by hospitals, bills audited and payments done by the accounting department at the MOH 5 COOP centers have been linked to beneficiary database at MoH Discussions with the Army underway to start linking 6 Army centers to the beneficiary database at the MOH Negotiations with the World Bank were launched to finance activities related to rationalization and control of health expenditures through a grant from the Trust Fund for Lebanon Matrices for 2004-2005 NHA under construction Data from NSSF, ISF and Army forwarded to MoH for NHA 20042005 matrices New: NSSF database is still incomplete. The MoH sent an official letter in this respect. The main issues relate to the information regarding the mother and father of NSSF main beneficiaries, families of the voluntary insurance beneficiaries and families of taxi drivers Launching of the activities under the emergency social protection implementation support project financed by a World Bank grant are pending in light of the current negotiations with the NSSF Data in public funds for NHA purposes is still manual No sharing of information for NHA from private hospitals Data on household expenditures for 2004 still not released by Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) KPI HEA-004-01: Utilization review committee established at MoH HEA-004-02: Hospital admissions criteria developed and adopted by MoH Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) Not Established None Current Value Not Established None Target (Closest Status Date) Established and functional (Dec. 2007) A number of criteria adopted & implemented (Jan. 2008) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 410,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 39 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoH Testing undertaken 2 w ks MoH TOR Developed 28/08/07 2 w ks MoH Expression of interest submitted 13/09/07 25/09/07 2 w ks MoH 26/09/07 09/10/07 2.2 w ks MoH 01/08/07 13/11/07 15.4 w ks MoH 4.j.i Develop TOR for consultants 01/08/07 14/08/07 2 w ks MoH 4.j.ii Launch selection process 15/08/07 28/08/07 2 w ks MoH 4.j.iii Select and appoint experts 13/09/07 25/09/07 2 w ks MoH 4.j.iv Develop admissions criteria 26/09/07 13/11/07 7.2 w ks MoH Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date End Date Duration 02/10/06 31/12/09 171.2 w ks? 01/08/07 31/12/08 74.6 w ks? 01/01/07 26/12/08 105.2 w ks? 4.d Integrate database of eligible beneficiaries across public funds 4.e Integrate Health Management Information System (HMIS) across funds 01/08/07 30/12/08 74.4 w ks? 01/08/07 30/12/08 74.4 w ks? 4.h Complete the pilot testing of the visa billing system 4.h.i Undertake testing in MoH and Lebanese Canadian Hospital and Dahr El Bashek Hospital 15/05/07 06/11/07 26 w ks 15/05/07 23/10/07 24 w ks 4.i Support MoH utilization review unit 01/08/07 09/10/07 10.4 w ks 4.i.i Develop TOR for consultants 01/08/07 14/08/07 4.i.ii Launch selection process 15/08/07 4.i.iii Select and appoint experts 4.i.iv Support MoH review unit 4. Develop common health insurance standards, procedures and functions 4.b Re-commission the w ork on the standardization of codes, forms, and payment methods across the funds 4.c Revisit the eligibility policies, contribution rates, covered benefits of the insurance funds 4.j Develop admissions criteria Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed Consultants appointed MoH review unit supported Status NS NS TOR Developed Expression of interest submitted Consultants appointed Admission criteria developed NS NS NS Not started 40 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Start Date End Date 4.k Develop plan to realign MOPH coverage tow ards more cost effective services and faciltities 01/08/07 29/01/08 26.4 w ks MoH 4.k.i Develop TOR for consultants 01/08/07 14/08/07 2 w ks MoH 4.k.ii Launch selection process 15/08/07 28/08/07 2 w ks MoH 4.k.iii Select and appoint experts 13/09/07 25/09/07 2 w ks MoH 4.k.iv Develop plan to realign coverage 26/09/07 29/01/08 18.2 w ks MoH 4.m Update and institutionalize the National Health Accounts (NHA) 4.m.ii Collect 2004-2005 data from Public Funds (Army, NSSF, ISF, Coop) 02/10/06 24/02/09 126.8 w ks 03/10/06 28/09/07 53 w ks MoH 4.m.iii Collect 2004-2005 data from Private Providers (Hospitals) 01/05/07 31/10/07 27.2 w ks MoH 4.m.iv Collect 2004-2005 Household Expenditure Survey data from CAS 03/09/07 16/01/08 20 w ks MoH Completed On Track Could be Delayed Duration Workstep Responsible Program / Initiative/ Workstep Delayed Deliverable/ Milestone Status TOR Developed Expression of interest submitted Consultants appointed Public-private strategy developed 2004-2005 data collected from Public Funds 2004-2005 data collected from Private Providers Household Expenditure Survey 2004-2005 data collected from CAS NS NS NS NS Not started 41 Program Dashboard Program Title: HEA-005: Enhance Public Health Functions and Programs Natural Owner: Ministry of Health DG Period: July 2007 IMC: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues Reach Every District (RED) approach initiated in Bint Jbeil district and will be launched in Baalbeck on Aug. 17 and Hermel on Aug. 25 Hepatitis B zero dose campaign was organized in collaboration with all private hospitals KAP survey initiated with the support of UNICEF: NGO partner identified questionnaire developed and to be launched mid august Delivery of 27 vehicles for EPI from UNICEF A WHO consultant conducted an assessment on 9 laboratories in different regions to evaluate their needs and capacities to support epidemiological surveillance in case of outbreaks A new database on Access for the National Cancer Registry has been developed using national and international standardized codes. Program budgeting have been developed by MOH and presented to MOF for 2008 budget for programs related to: EPI, PHC, Epidemiological surveillance and school and oral health KPI HEA-005-01: Coverage rate of MCV 1 vaccine by 2007 through public sector HEA-005-02: Initiation of Reach Every District (RED) approach Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) 48.5% Not initiated Program Overall Status: Current Value 48.5% Not initiated New: RED approach initiation delayed in Akkar, Minieh and Denniyeh due to the current political situation. Cold chain equipment for EPI could not be delivered to these areas To help implement program budgeting a workshop must be organized by the Finance Institute on subject and must include representatives of MoF, MoH and Court of Accounts Carried Over from Previous IMC: Ministry of Health to determine clear eligibility criteria for services delivery – Eligibility criteria shall be determined by MoSA Target Status (Closest Date) 51% (Dec. 2007) Initiated in 4 districts (Dec. 2007) Budget Performance* Initial Budget $ 105,000 Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 42 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep Start Date End Date Duration 01/01/07 17/02/10 164.7 w ks? 5.a Enhance national expanded immunization program 5.a.ii Perform KAP survey on immunization services and barriers 5.b Complete the decentralization of epidemiological surveillance system 30/07/07 17/02/10 133.9 w ks 30/07/07 02/11/07 14.4 w ks 01/08/07 31/12/09 126.8 w ks? 5.c Support emergency management services 5.d Strengthen public health programs (Injury prevention, HIV AIDS, School health) 01/01/07 28/12/09 157.4 w ks? 01/08/07 30/12/09 126.6 w ks? 5.e Enhance Non-Communicable Diseases programs 01/01/07 28/12/09 157.4 w ks? 5. Enhance public health functions and programs Completed On Track Could be Delayed Delayed Workstep Responsible Deliverable/ Milestone MoH KAP survey performed Status NS Not started 43 Program Dashboard Program Title: HEA-007: Undertake Pharmaceutical Natural Owner: Ministry of Health DG Reform Period: July 2007 IMC: Program Overall Status: Social Achievements Since Last Report Key Issues 30% of drug files in category A have been reviewed Average decrease in drug prices resulting from this review is around 19% New: The closing of the central laboratory is a major and serious problem for drug registration Carried Over from Previous IMC: None KPI HEA-007-01: Percentage of drugs files reviewed Note: (*) Defined in the legend Baseline (July 2007) 30% Current Value 30% Target Status (Closest Date) 100% (Oct. 007) Budget Performance* Initial Budget N/A Revised Budget N/A Actual Spent N/A Remaining Budget Requirements Estimate N/A Status N/A 44 Detailed Workplan Progress -- Jul. 1, 2007 - Sep. 30, 2007 Program / Initiative/ Workstep End Date 01/06/05 31/12/09 241 w ks? 01/06/05 27/08/09 223 w ks? 06/12/06 28/09/07 43.8 w ks MoH 30/09/07 25/09/08 52 w ks MoH 06/12/06 26/10/07 48 w ks MoH 7.a.vii Computerize w orkflow drug registration procedure 01/06/07 24/09/07 17 w ks MoH 7.a.viii Computerize quantity of imported drugs 01/06/07 24/09/07 17 w ks MoH 7. Undertake pharmaceutical reform 7.a Re-price all drugs registered from 2000 to 2006 7.a.ii Gather documents for repricing Category B pharmaceutical products registered betw een year 1996 and 2000 7.a.iii Gather documents for repricing Category C pharmaceutical products registered before year 1995 7.a.iv Review pricing of Category A pharmaceutical products registered after year 2001 Completed On Track Could be Delayed Duration Workstep Responsible Start Date Delayed Deliverable/ Milestone Category B documents gathered Category C documents gathered Category A pricing review ed Workflow drug registration procedure Quantity of imported drugs computerized Status NS NS Not started 45 Sector / Natural Owner Issues Register Issue ID 001 002 Issue Level H M Issue Description The identification of duplicated social services requires support from MEHE and MoH Ministry of Health to determine clear eligibility criteria for services delivery Raised by Minister of Social Affairs Minister of Finance 003 L Not all Public hospitals are efficiently managed, whether in terms of budget or service levels 004 H Ministry of Health budget is mainly Ministry of represented in two lines items (for Health hospitalization and drugs) 005 H Fund disbursement for budgeted “National Immunization Programs and Public Health Programs” is cumbersome and delaying the process 006 H In addition to DPL, Ministry of DG of Health needs a budget of $ 20,000 Ministry of to undertake short-term initiatives Health Minister of Finance Ministry of Health Date Assigned to Actions Needed Deadline Status Minister of Ministries of Education and Health to Education actively cooperate with the Ministry of 06/07/2007 and DG of Social Affairs staff, in order to identify Ministry of duplication in delivery of Social Services Health Ministry of Health to clarify to the IMC the eligibility criteria for benefiting from health DG of services 06/07/2007 Ministry of Health 20/08/2007 Completed 20/08/2007 Delayed Eligibility criteria shall be determined by MoSA Ministry of Health to clarify to the IMC the efforts undertaken to improve the DG of efficiency of public hospitals (priority 06/07/2007 Ministry of reform program) Health 20/08/2007 Completed Training on management by Finance Institute + Accreditation DG of Ministry of Finance to review MoH 20/08/2007 Completed Ministry of budgeting structure to allow for more Program 06/07/2007 Health / details in the key lines items (e.g., public budgeting Minister of hospitals, private hospitals, etc.) and presented to Finance reduce remaining line items MOF Ministry of Finance to implement a new 20/09/2007 In progress performance-based budgeting process Program Ministry of 06/07/2007 that should streamline many of the current budgeting Finance budgeted funds disbursement steps presented to MOF Minister of Finance to review MoH 31/07/2007 Delayed budgetary requirements and accordingly Discussions Minister of 06/07/2007 allocate TA and budget necessary to still underway Finance implement short-term initiatives with the World Bank 46 Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 47 مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :LAB-001تطوير قوانين العمل لتسهيل االستخدام االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: وزير العمل وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: تموز 2007 المشاكل الرئيسية االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير تم استرداد مشروع تعديل قانون العمل تم التحضير لتشكيل لجنة ثالثية االطراف إلعادة النظر بالتعديل (الكتاب رقم 1876/3 تاريخ 25/7/2007 جديدة: عدم القدرة على تحديد كلفة البرنامج منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية قياس سير العمل في برنامج ”تطوير قوانين العمل لتسهيل االستخدام“ متوسط المدة الزمنية النجاز معاملة انهاء االستخدام ألسباب اقتصادية عدد االجراءات الالزمة النجاز معاملة الحصول على اجازة عمل 48 الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 الوضع الحالي استرداد تعديل قانون استرداد تعديل قانون العمل العمل ثالثة أشهر ثالثة أشهر سبعة ( )7إجراءات سبعة ( )7إجراءات الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) الصيغة النهائية لتعديالت القانون محالة الى الوزير ()12/2007 شهران ()12/2008 خمسة ( )5إجراءات ()12/2008 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية غير محددة بعد الموازنة ال ُمعدلة غير موجود الموازنة التي تم صرفها غير موجود تقديرالموازنة المطلوبة غير موجود الوضعية غير موجود تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية المسؤول المدة تاريج االنتهاء تاريج االبتداء 09/06/08 45 wks NS مشروع تعديل قانون العمل مسترد وزارة العمل لجنة من الخبراء وزارة العمل والقضاة والمدراء تقرير ملخص لعملية المراجعة لم يبدأ NS 49 21/08/07 3 wks تطوير قوانين العمل لتسهيل اإلستخدام 1. 01/08/07 01/08/07 04/09/07 2 wks 22/08/07 29/10/07 8 wks 05/09/07 تأخر البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل قد يتأخر إسترداد التعديل على قانون العمل 1.a.i تشكيل لجنة من الخبراء والقضاة واالداريين لمراجعة 1.a.ii قوانين العمل بهدف 1 :تسهيل إجراءات منح اجازات عمل لألجانب من ذوي المهارات .2تسهيل إجراءات االستخدام للعمال المؤقتين والموسميين والشباب .3 .تعديل إجراءات عقود العمل مراجعة قوانين العمل والدراسات القائمة واقتراح 1.a.iii تعديالت ّأولية على إجراءات قانون العمل قيد التنفيذ أنجز مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :LAB-002تعزيز المكننة والموارد البشرية في وزارة العمل االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: وزير العمل وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: تموز 2007 المشاكل الرئيسية االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير جديدة: عدم القدرة على تحديد كلفة البرنامج بدء العمل على إعداد دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات للخبراء منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 الوضع الحالي قياس سير العمل في برنامج ”تعزيز المكننة والموارد البشرية في وزارة العمل“ لم تنجز أية مرحلة لم تنجز أية مرحلة المدة الزمنية الالزمة للحصول على تقارير حول االوضاع الوظيفية والقانونية مدة إنجاز التقرير 32ساعة مدة إنجاز التقرير 32ساعة نسبة األخطاء في التقارير حول الموظفين والعاملين نسبة األخطاء في التقارير %25 نسبة األخطاء في التقارير %25 50 الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) إعداد دفاتر الشروط وتعيين الخبراء ()12/2007 مدة إنجاز التقرير 6 ساعات ()12/2008 نسبة األخطاء في التقارير %10 ()12/2008 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة االولية غير محددة بعد الموازنة المعدلة غير موجود الموازنة التي تم صرفها غير موجود تقديرالموازنة المطلوبة غير موجود الوضعية غير موجود تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية المسؤول وزارة العمل ومكتب ووزير الدولة لشؤون دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات اللتنمية االدارية لم يبدأ NS 51 المدة تاريج االنتهاء تاريج البدء 10/07/09 98.8 wks 22/08/07 10/07/09 98.8 wks 22/08/07 15/10/07 8 wks تأخر البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل تعزيز المكننة والموارد البشرية في وزارة العمل2. تطوير المكننة و الموارد البشرية في دوائر الوزارة كافة 2.a إعداد دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات للخبراء 2.a.i 22/08/07 قد يتأخر قيد التنفيذ أنجز Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 52 مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :NSS-002تعزيز إدارة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: مدير عام الصندوق تموز 2007 االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات اللتجهيزات والمعدات اتمام المناقصات االمضاء على عقود تلزيم عروض المكننة دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات للمستشارين وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: المشاكل الرئيسية جديدة: غير موجود منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود الهدف الوضع الحالي الوضع الحالي مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية (اقرب مدة زمنية) (تموز )2007 3مراكز للضمان قياس سير عمل برنامج ”تعزيز نظام إدارة الصندوق مركز واحد للضمان مركز واحد للضمان ممكننة ممكنن ممكنن الوطني للضمان االجتماعي“ ()12/2007 مدة انجاز المعاملة = مدة انجاز المعاملة مدة انجاز المعاملة = 2اسابيع المدة الزمنية النجاز معاملة الضمان الصحي 4اسابيع = 4اسابيع ()12/2008 المعامالت المنجزة المعامالت المنجزة المعامالت المنجزة يوميا ً = 150 عدد المعامالت المنجزة يوميا ً من قبل موظف يوميا ً = 100 يوميا ً = 100 ()12/2008 53 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية $3,856,000 الموازنة المنقحة غير موجود النفقات الحالية غير موجود تقدير الموازنة المتبقية غير موجود الوضعية غير موجود تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية المسؤول تاريج االنتهاء تاريج االبتداء المدة 02/01/2006 03/08/2009 188.6 wks 02/01/2006 03/08/2009 188.6 wks االمضاء على العقود تجهيزات الكمبيوتر مسلمة الشبكة المحلية منجزة الشبكة المو ّسعة منجزة نظام التشغيل محمل برامج تطبيقية منجزة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي 16/04/2007 31/07/2007 15.8 wks 18/04/2007 30/05/2008 59.2 wks تسليم تجهيزات الكمبيوتر تبا ًعا 2.a.iv 16/04/2007 30/04/2008 55.2 wks تطوير الشبكة المحلية 2.a.v 20/06/2007 30/05/2008 50.2 wks تطوير الشبكة المو ّسعة 18/04/2007 30/06/2008 63.4 wks تحميل أنظمة التشغيل ميكروسوفت 2.a.vii 01/08/2007 03/08/2009 105 wks ?11/04/2007 31/12/2007 38.4 wks دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات إطالق المباريات و استدراج الطلبات الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي مجلس الخدمة المدنية لم يبدأ NS 54 البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل تعزيز إدارة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي 2. تنفيذ المرحلة األولى من المخطط التوجيهي العام ألنظمة 2.a المعلومات تلزيم العروض :لتجهيزات الكمبيوتر و الشبكة المحلية 2.a.iii والشبكة المو ّسعة وأنظمة التشغيل ميكروسوفت وتشغيل المرحلة االولى من المخطط التوجيهي تشغيل المرحلة االولى من المخطط التوجيهي 2.a.viii التعاقد مع أربع مستشارين :شؤون المكننة والمعلوماتية 2.b اكتواري واحصائي ،تنظيم المحاسبة واإلدارة المالية ،اقتصادي ومالي ?11/04/2007 11/07/2007 13.6 wks وضع أسس النظام ومواد المباريات 2.b.i 15/08/2007 15/10/2007 9 wks اجراء المباريات ووضع الئحة الناجحين 2.b.ii تأخر قد يتأخر قيد التنفيذ أنجز مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :NSS-003التدقيق في حسابات الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: مدير عام الصندوق وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: تموز 2007 المشاكل الرئيسية االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير جديدة: غير موجود دفاتر الشروط والمواصفات الئحة الشركات المتقدمة امضاء العقد مع الشركة منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية نسبة انجاز إجراءات التدقيق الخارجي في حسابات الضمان 55 الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 %0 الوضع الحالي %0 الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) %15 ()12/2007 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية $380,000 الموازنة المنقحة غير موجود النفقات الحالية غير موجود تقدير الموازنة المتبقية غير موجود الوضعية غير موجود تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية امضاء العقد مع الشركة اتمام عملية التدقيق المسؤول الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي Grant Thornton الصندوق ووزارة حل مسألة المتوجبات المالية لم يبدأ NS 56 المدة 136.4 ?wks 136.4 ?wks 7.4 ?wks 105 wks 56.8 ?wks 56.8 ?wks تاريج االنتهاء تاريج االبتداء 01/01/2007 03/08/2009 01/01/2007 03/08/2009 04/06/2007 20/07/2007 01/08/2007 03/08/2009 02/08/2007 01/09/2008 02/08/2007 01/09/2008 تأخر قد يتأخر البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل التدقيق في حسابات الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي 3. وإجراءاته المحاسبية وتحديثها وإصالحها إجراء التدقيق في الحسابات من عام 2001ولغاية عام 3.a من جانب شركة دولية 2005 اختيار الشركة وتعيينها 3.a.iii اجراء عملية التدقيق لحسابات عام 2001لغاية مطلع عام 3.a.iv 2005 حل المشاكل المرتبطة بمتوجبات الدولة اللبنانية لصالح 3.b الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي اجراء مفاوضات بين وزارة المالية والصندوق الوطني 3.b.i للضمان االجتماعي لتحديد المتوجبات على الدولة وايجاد حل لها قيد التنفيذ أنجز مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :NSS-004تحسين قدرة الصندوق على تحصيل االشتراكات االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: مدير عام الصندوق وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: تموز 2007 المشاكل الرئيسية االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير تقديم الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي المعلومات المطلوبة لوزارة المالية اتمام الدراسة قرار مجلس االدارة و الوزير و مجلس الوزراء دراسة من ِقبل المدير المالي ومصلحة االشتراكات لتقييم الديون المستحقة للصندوق اتمام دراسة مشروع تعزيز مصلحة القضايا بالمحامين ومحرري القضايا ومكننة أعمالها جديدة: غير موجود منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية تطور مراحل زيادة عدد المفتشين الميدانيين الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 الوضع الحالي قرار مجلس االدارة ،قرار مجلس االدارة، قرار الوزير قرار الوزير الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) قرار مجلس الوزراء ()12/2007 عدد الشركات التي شملها التفتيش 5000شركة 5000شركة 7500شركة ()12/2009 نسبة التحصيل من الشركات المسجلة لدى الصندوق والتي بدأت بالدفع %45 %45 %50 ()12/2008 57 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية غير مطلوبة الموازنة المنقحة غير مطلوبة النفقات الحالية غير مطلوبة تقدير الموازنة المتبقية غير مطلوبة الوضعية غير مطلوبة تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية تبادل المعلومات المسؤول الصندوق ووزارة المالية المدة 375.6 ?08/03/2004 06/05/2011 wks 179.8 02/08/2004 31/12/2007 wks 21.8 02/08/2007 31/12/2007 wks 375.6 08/03/2004 06/05/2011 wks تفعيل التفتيش الميداني لرفع درجة االمتثال 4.b 04/06/2007 30/07/2007 8.6 wks قرار مجلس الوزراء مجلس الوزراء 52.8 مجلس الخدمة 01/08/2007 01/08/2008 wks المدنية توظيف مفتشين 208.4 ?01/02/2005 16/01/2009 wks 43.4 الصندوق الوطني ?12/03/2007 31/12/2007 wks للضمان االجتماعي اتمام الدراسة 20 الصندوق الوطني ?15/08/2007 31/12/2007 wks للضمان االجتماعي انشاء الوحدة 18.8 الصندوق الوطني 12/03/2007 12/07/2007 wks قرار مجلس االدارة للضمان االجتماعي اقرار المشروع من قِبل مجلس االدارة 4.c.v 07/08/2007 05/10/2007 9 wks االحالة الى سلطة الوصاية قرار الوزير وزير العمل لم يبدأ NS 58 تاريج االنتهاء تاريج االبتداء البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل تحسين قدرة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي على تحصيل 4. االشتراكات بموجب القانون الحالي تبادل المعلومات غير السرية بين وزارة المالية والصندوق 4.a الوطني للضمان االجتماعي في شأن الشركات المس ّجلة والعاملين لحسابهم تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة من قِبل وزارة المالية الى 4.a.ii صندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي تأخر قد يتأخر اقرار مجلس الوزراء 4.b.iv اجراء مباريات من قِبل مجلس الخدمة المدنية 4.b.v تعزيز الجباية والتحصيل 4.c دراسة من قِبل المدير المالي ومصلحة االشتراكات 4.c.i لتقييم الديون المستحقة للصندوق انشاء وحدة متخصصة لمتابعة ومراقبة المؤسسات 4.c.ii المتخلفة عن تسديد االشتراك قيد التنفيذ أنجز مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :NSS-005ضبط النفقات االدارية والتقديمات الصحية االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: مدير عام الصندوق تموز 2007 االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير المشاكل الرئيسية اتمام دراسة مشروع سلسلة الرتب والرواتب الجديدة وقف التعاقد مع المستشفيات غير المستوفية شروط االعتماد اتمام دراسة مشروع مناوبة األطباء أيام العطل الرسمية اتمام دراسات مشروع انشاء لجنة لمراقبة عمليات جراحة القلب والتمييل والراسور اتمام دراسة توزيع االدوية اتمام دراسة مشروع تعزيز و تفعيل الموارد البشرية في الصندوق مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية الوفر المتوقع من مبادرات البرنامج 59 الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 0ل .ل. وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: الوضع الحالي 0ل .ل. جديدة: غير موجود منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) 0ل .ل (.)12/2007 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية $80،000 الموازنة المنقحة غير موجود النفقات الحالية غير موجود تقدير الموازنة المتبقية غير موجود الوضعية غير موجود تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية وضع سلسلة الرتب والرواتب الجديدة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي قرار مجلس االدارة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي قرار الوزير NS المسؤول وضع اآللية وزير العمل الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي قرار مجلس االدارة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي قرار مجلس االدارة الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي قرار الوزير وزير العمل لم يبدأ NS 60 المدة البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل تاريج االنتهاء تاريج االبتداء ?31/12/2008 253.2 wks 08/03/2004 ضبط النفقات االدارية والتقديمات الصحية 5. ?28/12/2007 105.6 wks 01/01/2006 اقرار سلسلة الرتب والرواتب الجديدة 5.a ?28/12/2007 47 wks 13/02/2007 ?30/10/2007 83.4 wks 05/04/2006 إقرار المشروع من ِقبل مجلس اإلدارة 5.a.iii المباشرة بعملية مناوبة األ ّ طباء أيام العطل الرسمية لضبط 5.c عملية الدخول الى المستشفيات 31/07/2007 5.8 wks 25/06/2007 اقرار مشروع المناوبة من ِقبل مجلس االدارة 5.c.ii 30/09/2007 8.8 wks 01/08/2007 االحالة الى سلطة الوصاية 5.c.iii 30/10/2007 4.4 wks 01/10/2007 وضع اآللية قيد التنفيذ 5.c.iv 14/12/2007 81.4 wks 05/06/2006 30/09/2007 29.2 wks 19/03/2007 05/05/2008 131.8 wks 07/11/2005 17/12/2007 94.6 wks 06/03/2006 31/12/2008 253.2 wks 08/03/2004 12/11/2007 18 wks 11/07/2007 تأخر قد يتأخر انشاء لجنة لمراقبة عمليات جراحة القلب والتمييل والراسور 5.d اقرار المشروع من ِقبل مجلس االدارة 5.d.iii توزيع االدوية لألمراض المستعصية مباشرة من قبل 5.e الصندوق اقرار مشروع توزيع االدوية من قِبل مجلس االدارة 5.e.ii اجراء مباريات لتوظيف صيادلة لملء الشواغر 5.f االحالة الى سلطة الوصاية 5.f.iii قيد التنفيذ أنجز مل ّخص برنامج عنوان البرنامج: اللجنة الوزارية: :NSS-007تحديد التزامات الصندوق وتأمين التمويل وديمومته االجتماعية المسؤول عن البرنامج: المدة الزمنية: مدير عام الصندوق وضعية البرنامج الشاملة: تموز 2007 المشاكل الرئيسية االنجازات منذ التقرير االخير جديدة: غير موجود لم يُنجز شيء منذ اللجنة السابقة: غير موجود مؤشرات األداء الرئيسية قياس تطور مبادرات الدراسات االكتوارية خيارات الصندوق لتأمين التوازن المالي 61 الوضع الحالي (تموز )2007 الوضع الحالي ال شيء ُمنجز ال شيء ُمنجز خَيار واحد خَيار واحد الهدف (اقرب مدة زمنية) اتمام التقييم ،وضع سلسلة اقتراحات، وثيقة تقييم ()12/2007 4خيارات ()12/2008 الوضعية أداء الموازنة الموازنة األولية غير مطلوبة الموازنة المنقحة غير مطلوبة النفقات الحالية غير مطلوبة تقدير الموازنة المتبقية غير مطلوبة الوضعية غير مطلوبة تقدم خطة العمل 1 :تموز 30 -ايلول2007 ، الوضعية المراحل الرئيسية المسؤول وضع سلسلة اقتراحات شركة مهنا للدراسات االكتوارية شركة مهنا للدراسات االكتوارية اتمام التقييم شركة مهنا للدراسات االكتوارية اتمام التقييم ?01/06/2007 30/05/2008 52.8 wks البرامج والمبادرات و خطوات العمل تحديد التزامات الصندوق الوطني للضمان االجتماعي وتأمين 7. التمويل وديمومته تاريج االنتهاء المدة تاريج االبتداء ?01/06/2007 21/05/2008 51.4 wks اجراء دراسة اكتوارية لفرع ضمان المرض واألمومة 7.a 01/06/2007 03/09/2007 13.8 wks 01/06/2007 01/10/2007 18 wks تقييم الوضع المالي للصندوق حتى العام 7.a.i 2020 ،اقتراح عدد من السيناريوات المتعلقة بالمضمونين 7.a.ii بالمنافع ،وبطرق وآليات التمويل اجراء دراسة اكتوارية لفرع نهاية الخدمة 7.b ?01/06/2007 30/05/2008 52.8 wks لم يبدأ NS 62 01/06/2007 01/10/2007 18 wks تأخر قد يتأخر تقييم اكتواري لتحديد الموجودات والمطلوبات لتبيان 7.b.i العجز أو الفائض قيد التنفيذ أنجز Table of Contents GR PCO Planning & Monitoring Monthly Progress Reports – Ministry of Social Affairs – Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Ministry of Health – Ministry of Labor – National Social Security Fund Next Steps 63 Next Steps Actions Required Ministry of Social Affairs: – Follow up with the MoF for the allocation of funds to hire additional M&S staff – Follow up with the MoF for the allocation of $1,054,000 to undertake short term initiatives – Resolve issue of hosting the Proxy Means Testing database – Compile and submit report on the duplicated social services between MoSA, MEHE and MoH Ministry of Education and Higher Education: – Resolve program funding issues with MoF, particularly for securing $500,000 to undertake short term initiatives Ministry of Health: – Review budget structure with MoF to allow for more detailing of line items – Finalize long-term planning with the World Bank 64 Next Steps (cont.) Actions Required Ministry of Labor: – Assess budgetary needs with the assistance of MoF National Social Security Fund: – Finalize long-term plan with Board of Directors, Technical Committee and the Minister of Labor Sign Commitment Documents for all Social IMC Natural Owners 65