ITU Workshop on “Bridging the Standardization Gap” (Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012) Telco CDN interconnection for Global Content Exchange Youngseok Lee Director, KT Network R&D Laboratory Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 Table of Contents CDN Market Status Global CDN Market Expectation End User Requirement about Content Delivery Key Issue for End User Requirement Telco CDN based on Smart Pipe Why Telco CDN Interconnection ? Global Telco CDN interconnection status, use cases and issues KT Global Telco CDN interconnection status Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 CDN market status and expectation Global CDN market status 2011 Global CDN Total market: 1.9B$ Number 1 Global CDN Povider : Akamai Rev: 63.2%, Customer Vol.: 20% 2015 Global CDN Expectation Frost & Sullivan Research: ~6B$ Cisco IBSG: Premium Contents Delivery and Telco CDN Federation: ~12B$ Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 3 Global CDN Market Expectation CDN Market Big 3 Parties Global CDN Providers: Akamai, Limelight Networks, CDNetworks, … Global CPs: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo,… Telco CDN and Telcos: Telco CDN federation, IETF CDNi wg And, Others : BitTorrent, P2P CDN providers, … CDN market possible 3 scenarios Telco Last mile + Global CDN Providers Telco Last mile + Global CPs Telco CDN interconnection/Federation based on ‘Smart Pipe Concept’ Key issues in CDN market Mobile optimized ? : Acceleration, Mobile CDN Global Coverage ? Low Cost, High Quality, and Premium Delivery ? Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 4 End User wants Freemium Service ! Ready for providing ‘Freemium’ Service ? End User’s need: ‘Freemium = Free + Premium’ Low Cost/High Quality Premium Content Delivery Service Any content + With Low Cost and High Quality + In Any time + On N-Screen terminal But current status of Content Delivery market EUs: No Freemium service environment They usually use ‘illegal Web hard download’, and they think ‘Every service from internet is Free’. But it’s not convenient and complex. [Time consuming + So many terminals and contents to manage] Content Producers: 1~2B$ annual loss in Korean Contents exchange market by illegal download Content Providers/Aggregators: They have their own interest only in getting Money instead of providing Freemium service for End-user with the collaboration of NSP NSPs: NSP is philanthropist ? Network issue point for Freemium service 3G/4G Radio area IX/Overseas area 3G/4G MBH Operator BB Gold $$$ Silver $$ Bronze $ Wired Access net : Big point for Premium CD : Small point for Premium CD Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 Free Riding 5 Mobile CDN for Premium CD Mobile CDN Design issue for Premium Content Delivery The optimization of mobile data traffic transmission Highway for premium mobile data traffic in mobile area to provide QoS guarantee Automatic and Dynamic Caching for premium mobile data traffic in the MBH for overcoming the QoS issue of IX/Overseas area Highway for Gold, Silver mobile data Low Cost, High Quality, Premium Delivery By automatic and dynamic caching of premium mobile content IX/Overseas area Gold $$$ Operator BB Silver $$ Wired Access net Gold $$$ Silver $$ Bronze $ Free Riding How to make ‘Automatic/Dynamic caching of Premium mobile contents’ in MBH? With the collaboration of Global CDN Provider like Akamai, but.. With the collaboration of Global CP like Google, but… With Telco CDN interconnection based on Smart Pipe Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 6 How to make successful B2B2C business, Killer Service? Revenue-generating Contents delivery service based on CP/OTT collaboration Distributed/Dynamic storing Open API and transmission of (Service Layer) Revenue- generating contents based on Distributed Cloud infra Smart Node Cloud in the Net Service Layer + Network Layer Smart Gateway (IP Network Layer) Smart Pipe (Big Collaboration, Big Profit) Open collaboration HD/High quality Contents transmission Service (Open IPTV, SNS, Smart TV, absolutely based on collaboration contract) Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 7 Smart network benefits AS-IS TO-BE B2C, One-side market based on Dumb pipe B2B2C, Two-side market based on Smart pipe CP $ Small subscriber group (limited market) Dumb pipe internet $ $$$ OTTs End User Perspectives Service Oriented Smart Smart Network node QoS, Big Profit No QoS, Small Profit Big subscriber groups (Economies of scale) benefits Smart node Smart node As-Is OTTs $$ $$ $$ -Online Ad $$$ -Target Ad CP Apple Amazon $$$ To-Be •Just BE internet access No Killer App •Enjoy Huge # & various Emerging Service •Quality degradation of HD Emerging •Prosumer, Open, Freemium Service Service QoS needs ! •Target Ad can save internet access fee. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 8 Smart network benefits benefits As-Is To-Be CP/OTT/ Cloud Provider Perspectives •Only B2C, Retail business for limited user group from Current BE IP network (W/O QoS guarantee) •BE Internet No Killer Service •Dumb pipe environment: Traffic increase, Revenue decrease •No more investment from NSP?? •B2B2C business possible(Two-side market) with QoS guarantee Smart network •Comparing with Retail business, SN can make Opex saving effect > 50% Big Margin[Amazon case study] •Revenue sharing from New & Big business market, which is providing Open, Collaboration business environment •CAPEX/OPEX saving architecture with Distributed Computing technologies Network Provider Perspectives Traffic Traffic Revenue $ $ Revenue Time Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 Time 9 KT Smart Network PoC and Global Telco interconnection status Low Cost & High Quality Content Delivery with SN PoC 혜화지사 Seoul #2 SG SNCA Seoul #1 양재지사 SN SN (N-Screen) SmartTV/STB/Mobile Platform Smart Network (PoC) 북대전지사 대전연구소 DJ. #4 Lab. #3 SN SN PoC CP SN SN CDNi Pilot Phase2(~April.2012), CDNi Pilot Phase3(~November.2012) CDNi CDNi (유럽1) (아시아) Smart Pipe: $$ CDNi (유럽2) Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 CDNi (호주) 10 Why Telco CDN interconnection ? For the QoS guarantee of inter ISP Content Delivery, we need Telco CDN interconnection. Economy of scale for content exchange market No economy of scale in Walled Garden content delivery market, but Big economy of scale in Open content exchange market Big economy of scale for ‘Not only CP/OTT, but also for micro CP’ Revenue sharing between Telcos from content exchange Dumb Pipe Best Effort internet interconnection Free of Charge status ‘Traffic Increase, Revenue Decrease’ This miserable status keeps going! With Telco CDN interconnection, we can make ‘Revenue Sharing and Traffic decrease of dumb pipe interconnection’. NTT ($) Content exchange($$$) CP kt Telco CDN IX ($) IX Telco CDN Interconnection IX CT Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 Low Cost/ QoS guarantee Economy of Scale Revenue Sharing 11 Why Telco CDN interconnection ? Current IX/Overseas traffic status IX traffic ratio in Telco Backbone keep increasing (60% 70% during last 5years) No QoS guarantee for inter ISP Content Delivery in peak time 60% 70% Inter Telco traffic Keeps increasing IX(ISP) Telco2 Telco3 Others IX IX IX IDC 32%24% Telco Backbone Congestion in peak time IX Core Telco 1 We can Reduce IX/Overseas traffic increase with Telco CDN interconnection and guarantee QoS for such Inter ISP Content Delivery service. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 12 Global Telco CDN interconnection use case BT is providing Telco CDN Wholesale service(WCC: Wholesale Content Connect) for some Operators in UK. What is BT WCC Service ? BT’s own cache in BT network Edge for Inter ISP content delivery QoS guarantee between end-user point and cache server point, by using of network QoS. ISP1’s Backbone CP2 . . (Origin) Internet (IX/Transit) CP1 (Origin) BT IP/MPLSBackbone Cisco CDS-IS Caching User2 Cisco CDS-IS Caching User1 Better quality of CD service from ‘BT CD platform and QoS guaranteed network’ Each ISPs can reduce video traffic increase in their BB and provide better quality of CD service for customers. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 13 Global Telco CDN interconnection use case (Vendor interworking) Telco CDN interconnection between FT-Orange and Poland PT with different vendors FT-Orange is using Cisco’s CDS solution for Telco CDN Service PT(TPSA) is using Coblitz’s CDN solution for Telco CDN Service Successful trial case of Telco CDN interconnection by using of different Vendors No special issues even in different vendors for Telco CDN interconnection Coblitz Cache CP Origin Server FT CDN (CDS-IS) PT CDN (Coblitz) CDS-IS Cache Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 14 Global Telco CDN interconnection issue (Network Neutrality issue] Conflict between Level3(CDN provider) and Comcast Level3 is making originally ‘free peering contract’ with Comcast for the Global CDN service and CDN traffic transmission. After Netflix was changing their CDN provider from Akamai to Level3, Level3 CDN traffic is making explosive increase. It is making Big burden and Big Load to Comcast So, Comcast is asking another Payment for that Traffic increase to Level3. But Level3 claim that they can’t pay from the FCC’s Open Internet Rule. This is making Another type of Big issue of Network neutrality. Charging issue of Content Delivery Inter ISPs Time critical issue ! Transit Transit Division CDN Division Free Peering Huge traffic injection with Free peering 25% in US total traffic Vol. Paid Peering Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 15 KT Global Telco CDN interconnection status CDNI CFP(Cisco Federation Project) Introduction KT is actively participating in CDNi CFP Pilot2 with 10 Global ISPs for testing technology interworking issue and for finding Business Model Who?: 10 Global ISP(KT/Telecom Italia/Telstra/KDDI/SFR/Bytel/ Swisscom/BT, etc.) and Vendors(Cisco/BICS) KT Pilot Network KORNET INTERNET 10개 ISPs oversea WWW CDSM CA OS SR SE CDSM CA WWW SR SE OS Roadmap of CFP CDNI CFP Phase 2 test (Dec. 2011 ~ April. 2012) - Set up test environment (Network, DNS, Portal, Dec. 2011~Jan.2012) - Definition of Test item and Test of Content Delivery between KT and TI (Jan.~Feb.2012) - Extension of Test set/group and test features of whole case Content delivery(~March. 2012) - Deliverables of test result (~April.2012) Weekly meeting for Technical Track and Business Track (By using of WebEx) KT is supposed to join CDNI CFP Phase 3 also(May.2012~November.2012) Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 16 Global Telco CDN interconnection PoC test items Major test items for CDNi technology Inter-CDN Contents Routing VoD & Live contents delivery, Massive Software Distribution Differentiated Delivery (QoS test) Content delivery over IPv6 Network CDN Exchange(3rd party interworking) Measurement test of Inter-CDN content delivery quality Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 17 Conclusions and Recommendations Big transform from dumb pipe to smart pipe Big Power shift of current competitive market from players like CPs/OTT to Telco Telco CDN Alliance with {NTT, Telstra, TI, Porange} and KT. Development of Business Model in Global Telco CDN interconnection Actively Participation in IETF CDNi wg For the Korean Major 3 Telco CDN interconnection, KT made ‘Korean CDNi Research Project' funded by Korean Government. CDNi Europe 1 Smart Network CDNi Europe 2 CDNi Asia CDNi America * CDNi: CDN Interconnection Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 30-31 July 2012 18 Discussion 19