W hat was the Ancient Library of Alexandria? *The most famous among all ancient and medieval libraries *Largest library in all antiquity *Largest research institution well known by scholars from all over the Mediterranean. Even after its disappearance since 1600 years ago, it continues to survive in the memory of all scholars to this day. The ancient Library of Alexandria in 300 BC captured much of the world’s science by collecting over 700,000 papyrus scrolls giving birth to the first university. Ptolemy I Soter (c. 367/6-283/2 B.C.) Library of Alexandria Today “So that is the setting for the new Library of Alexandria. A library for up to eight million books, three museums, five research institutes, several exhibition galleries, a planetarium and a conference center that can accommodate some 3000 seats. The beautiful new building, with its distinctive granite wall covered by the letters of all the world's alphabets, is today a recognizable landmark of the new Alexandria.” Ismail Serageldin Librarian of Alexandria Target: everybody Supercourse model Teacher in Alexandria Teacher in Tanzania Teacher in Paris Teacher in Cairo Teacher in Pittsburgh Teacher in Moscow Goal: To increase global health equity by developing a costeffective means to provide access to quality health, prevention and science information world wide. From Papyrus to PowerPoint: Steps of the great Evolution 200 BC Papyrus 1500 AD Paper and Printed Books 1995 Electronic Books October 16, 2002 PowerPoint What is Supercourse today? • The largest library of PowerPoint lectures on prevention • One of the largest networks of researchers, scientists and healthcare workers from all over the world • The best known e-prevention initiative in the world What are we capturing now and what do we want to capture in the future? Science Prevention Why are we concerned about prevention? In this century, life expectancy has improved in both developed and developing countries to an extent that has never been experienced in human history. Life expectancy improvement (year) The World Bank 1993 25 20 15 10 5 0 Medical treatment Public health Global Participants 9389 Faculty 134 UN member Countries Nobel Prize winner Father of the Internet Former Head CDC + Our dream is the marriage between the Library of Alexandria and the Supercourse Project to spread the knowledge of science worldwide Supercourse and P2P systems In Supercourse, we are developing a system where the users will be able to exchange PowerPoint files as with Napster Central Server file exchange Model in the Library of Alexandria Central Server in Alexandria containing PPT lectures Cairo New York Mecca System that allows scientists to borrow and to donate PPT lectures Moscow Supercourse in Alexandria and the Ancient Library: What do they have in common? Ancient Library-700,000 papyrus scrolls (125,000 books) Library of Alexandria Supercourse-Potentially 5 million PowerPoint lectures on Science