B1C1P1B2C2P2 questions

Core Science B1C1P1 Quick-Fire Questions
1. What is a picture that shows the temperatures called?
16. What are you most likely to be able to receive behind
a building/hill – radio waves or microwaves?
17. What is refraction, and why does it happen?
2. What does Specific Heat Capacity tell you?
18. If entering a more dense medium, does light bend
towards or away from the normal?
3. Energy = mass x SHC x temp change.
10kJ of energy was used to heat up 0.5kg of
gravy from 20 to 600C. What is the SHC?
19. What two conditions are needed for Total Internal
Reflection to occur?
4. What does Specific Latent Heat tell you?
5. energy = mass x SLH. 8000J was used to melt ice of SLH
4000J/kg. What was the mass of ice?
20. Laser light is coherent and intense – what does that
mean? (3 things).
21. What’s the difference between cooking something
with infra-red waves and microwaves? (Need to talk about
how heat spreads through rest of food too).
22. Why are people concerned about mobile phones?
6. Why doesn’t the temp change when something is
changing state? (Melting/evaporating etc).
7. Why are air gaps in double glazing so effective?
23. What are the advantages and disadvantages to
analogue and digital signals?
24. What is the difference between P(rimary) and
S(econdary) seismic waves?
8. Describe a convection current.
25. How can we tell that the centre of the Earth is liquid
from detecting seismic waves?
9. What are the best emitters and absorbers of heat (Infrared) radiation?
10. efficiency (%) = useful energy out (x100)
total energy in
Bulb is 75% efficient; how much out of 5000J will be
11. What is the wavelength of a wave?
12. What is the frequency of wave?
13. wavespeed (m/s) = wavelength (m) x frequency (Hz)
Sound travels at 330m/s, what is wavelength if
frequency is 50Hz?
14. What happens to the wavelength and energy of EM
waves as the frequency increases?
15. What is diffraction, and when do you get the most?
26. What does the ozone layer reduce? (Btw, it’s
NOTHING to do with the greenhouse effect/gases,
climate change or global warming!)
27. What destroys ozone?
1. What is crude oil, and what is a hydrocarbon?
2. How many bond must every carbon atom have around
3. What’s the difference between an alkane and an
4. What are the following hydrocarbons called?
Two carbons with a double bond.
Three carbons with only single bonds.
5. What happens to the crude oil at the bottom of the
fractional distillation column?
6. Why do shorter chains have lower boiling points?
7. Do shorter chains recondense at the top or bottom?
8. What does cracking long chain alkanes always make?
9. What are the conditions needed for cracking, and why is
it done?
10. What is combustion, and what does it always make?
11. What is the difference between complete and
incomplete combustion?
12. What is the reaction that happens in catalytic
converters (car exhausts)?
13. What is the test for alkenes?
14. What conditions are needed for polymerisation?
15. If ethene is the monomer, how do you draw
16. Why is Goretex so good?
17. What happens to food when you cook it?
18. What do emulsifiers do, and how do they work?
19. What properties should perfumes have, and why?
20. How do you make an ester? What atoms get taken
away for the molecules to bond together?
21. What are the different parts of a paint?
22. How do paints work?
23. What do phosphorescent and thermochromic paints
1. What is systolic and diastolic pressure?
16. Name 3 ways your body controls its temperature.
2. How can eating fatty foods lead to heart problems?
3. What can happen if you don’t get enough protein?
4. What is a parasite?
17. How does your body control glucose levels?
5. What do antibiotics do, and what can’t they do?
6. How does immunisation work?
18. What’s the difference between Type 1 and 2 diabetes?
7. What is an antigen?
19. What do phototropic and geotropic mean, and how
does auxin aid them?
8. What do these parts of the eye do?
9. What is the difference between monocular and
binocular vision?
20. What are the structures of DNA called, and how many
pairs do we have?
21. What are the chromosome combinations for male and
female? Draw a genetic diagram showing the possible
combinations a child may have.
10. If you eyeball is too long, would you be short-sighted
or long-sighted, and why?
11. If you touch a hot oven hob, what would be the:
22. Why would a child with the gene Cc only carry cystic
fibrosis, not have it?
23. What is a recessive allele?
12. What are the different types of neurones, and where
are they found?
13. What do depressants and stimulants do, and how do
they work?
14. What effects do carbon monoxide, tar, particulates
and nicotine have on the body?
15. What are the effects of alcohol on the body?
Core Science B2C2P2 Quick-Fire Questions
1. Explain how photocells work in three steps.
15. How is radioactive waste disposed of?
16. What happens for radiation to be emitted?
17. Which type of radiation is most ionising and why? ~
(Also, which is least ionising?)
2. What other two ways can we use the Sun’s energy (hint:
18. Which radiation are least and most penetrating?
3. Describe how a generator makes electricity in 3 points.
19. What’s the best way of limiting radiation dose?
20. Give one use for all 3 types of radiation.
4. What type of current do generators make?
5. What three things can you do to increase a generator’s
21. What are asteroids and comets made of?
6. Explain how a coal/oil/gas power station work in 4
23. How does redshift suggest that everything in the
universe came from one place?
7. efficiency (%) = useful energy out (x100)
total energy in
24. What is the other piece of evidence for the Big Bang
If a power station is 40% efficient, how much energy can
it get from 80J of energy in the coal?
8. Describe the greenhouse effect in 4 points.
22. Why do galaxies appear red-shifted?
25. Why can’t light escape black holes?
26. What do super-red giants and red giants turn into?
27. What causes a nebula to collapse and form a star?
28. Why were people reluctant to believe that the Earth
went round the Sun?
9. power (W) = voltage (V) x current (A)
If mains electricity is 230V, and a kettle is rated at 2kW,
what is the current?
10. energy (kWh) = power (kW) x time (h)
If a 500W TV is on for 4 hours, how much energy did it
11. Why does the voltage need to be ‘stepped-up’ before
going to the national grid?
12. Give one advantage and disadvantage to biomass as a
13. What is the process that makes heat in a nuclear
power station?
14. Give 2 disadvantages to nuclear power stations.
1. What does the Earth’s crust consist of?
2. What are the layers of the Earth?
3. What are subduction and sea-floor spreading?
18. What are the elements fertilisers provide?
19. What happens to fertilisers have to do after being
20. What is eutrophication? (5 points)
4. How do volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur?
21. What can you react to make fertilisers?
5. Where do igneous rocks come from?
6. How are sedimentary rocks formed?
7. What is the equation for the thermal decomposition of
limestone (calcium carbonate)?
22. What is solution mining?
8. What are the steps involved in extraction of copper?
23. Give one use for hydrogen, chlorine and sodium
9. What happens at both electrodes (anode & cathode)
when purifying copper?
24. Write the half-equations showing what happens at the
electrodes when brine is electrolysed.
10. What happens for a metal to corrode?
11. What is the equation for iron rusting?
25. How do you test for chlorine?
12. Why are iron and copper used so much?
13. What is the Haber process, conditions needed and
14. What affects an acid’s pH?
15. What do neutralisation reactions always make?
16. What products would be made from copper oxide
reacting with hydrochloric acid?
17. What products would be made from sodium hydroxide
reacting with sulphuric acid?
1. What are the 5 kingdoms of organisms?
2. What is the difference between natural and artificial
3. What is the definition of a species? (It’s…specific!)
4. What are producers in a food chain, and what trophic
level are they in?
5. Why is a pyramid of biomass a different shape to a
pyramid of number?
13. Explain what is meant by parasitic and mutualistic
14. Name three adaptations that can help an animal
survive in cold environments.
15. Explain the counter-current exchange system.
16. Describe the process of natural selection in 5 stages
(this could be a 6-marker).
6. Why does a pyramid of biomass always get smaller
towards the top? (It’s to do with energy).
7. efficiency (%) = energy used to grow (x100)
energy used
If a fox only retains (keeps ) 500J out of the 2500J he
obtained from eating rabbits, how efficient is the food
8. Name the two ways carbon is released into the
9. How is carbon removed from the atmosphere?
10. How does carbon return to the ground?
11. What three types of bacteria are involved in the
nitrogen cycle, and what do they do?
12. What is an ecological niche? Name two animals that
share a similar niche, and what this can lead to.
17. Give two pieces of evidence for evolution.
18. Name 2 pollutants created by us as humans.
19. What is an indicator species?