Exam 2003

2003 Washington State FFA
Food Science CDE
Written Exam
Please fill in the appropriate answer on the Scantron sheet provided to you with a #2 pencil only!
1. Turgor
when lettuce wilts.
is cyclic
stays the same
2. The most important cereal grain in the U.S. is
a. rice
b. oats
c. wheat
d. corn
3. Foreign objects of capable of injuring the consumer are considered
a. deleterious
b. physical
c. biological
d. chemical
4. When a pie bakes, there is a slight rise in pie crust as a result of steam escaping from the dough
during baking. This is a
leavened dough.
a. chemically
b. partially
c. yeast
d. water
5. Oil is heated and reaches a temperature at which an ignitable concentration of vapor develops
about the surface of the oil. This is called the
a. melting point of fat
b. flash point
c. smoke point
d. fire point
6. To increase shelf life, the air in a controlled atmosphere storage room containing apples should
contain only
% oxygen rather than the 21% found in normal air.
a. 5
b. 9
c. 3
d. 7
7. A food additive that promotes or produces a desired physical state or texture is called a(n)
a. humectant
b. firming agent
c. enzyme
d. formulation aid
8. The food pyramid indicates that the
servings each day.
a. bread
b. milk
c. fruit
d. fats
group is the one where you should obtain the most
9. Soy sauce is made with the use of
a. bacteria
b. fungi
c. mold
d. yeast
10. The % Daily Value is based on a
a. 2000
b. 2500
c. 3000
-calorie diet.
11. At sea altitude, water boils at
a. 212° F
b. 100° F
c. 90° C
d. 212° C
12. Lemon juice which is acidic would have an approximate pH of
13. A complex protein molecule that stimulates or speeds up a specific chemical reaction without
being used up itself is called a(n)
a. mycelium
b. cation
c. enzyme
d. DNA
14. A list of ingredients must be included on a food label. These ingredients are listed in descending
order according to ingredient
a. weight
b. volume
c. bulk
d. caloric value
15. Canning foods is a method of
a. deterioration
b. aseptic processing
c. pasteurization
d. none of these
16. The basal metabolism rate of a human being is NOT affected by
a. size
b. diet
c. sex
d. age
17. Which of the following food components is primarily derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains?
a. minerals
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. fats
18. Water functions in the body to
a. dissolve oxygen
b. induce glycogen
c. moderate metabolism
d. None of these.
19. Protein is required for
a. absorption of water
b. proper bowel function
c. production of antibodies
d. bacteria inhibition
20. Which of the following is a micromineral needed by our bodies to maintain health?
a. tin
b. copper
c. hydrogen
d. magnesium
21. The process of cutting chilled meat into wholesale and retail cuts is also known as
a. hot boning
b. comminution
c. excision
d. fabrication
22. Nutrients can be lost in vegetables cooked in water during heating through
, an
osmotic process causing water soluble vitamins to move from the vegetables to the surrounding
a. leaching
b. blanching
c. lipolysis
d. vitaminosis
23. The process of converting fluid milk into yogurt requires
a. carmelization
b. fermentation
c. pectin
d. curing
24. Glucose, a simple sugar, is a
a. monosaccharide
b. polysaccharide
c. disaccharide
d. lactose
25. Oil and water will not mix together because they are
a. hydrophobic
b. hydrophilic
c. immiscible
d. hydroscopic
26. Which of the following foods is NOT exempted from food labeling?
a. Whole coffee beans
b. Dehydrated vegetables-condiment type
c. Plain instant tea (unsweetened)
d. Unpopped popcorn
27. Which of the following cannot be digested or absorbed, but looks feels, and behaves like fat?
a. Simplesse
b. Trailblazer
c. Olestra
d. Aspartame
a. 45
b. 40
c. 35
d. 30
grams of a day's food intake should be protein.
29. Which of the following work together to maintain chemical, fluid, and electrical balance between
tissue cells and blood?
a. calcium and phosphorous
b. calcium and vitamin D
c. iron and vitamin C
d. sodium and potassium
30. In food, carbohydrates supply
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Kcal. Per gram.
31. To ensure that the foods you store maintain their safety and quality, make sure your refrigerator is
degrees Fahrenheit.
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
d. 40
32. A left-over hot dish needs to be reheated prior to serving again. The internal temperature of the
food should reach
degrees F.
a. 150 and held for two hours
b. 140
c. 160
33. Starch is a
a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. fat
d. mineral
34. The
in food.
a. FDA
c. CDC
d. EPA
registers or approves the use of pesticide tolerance levels for pesticide levels
35. The
dose is the largest dose that the animal in an experiment can take without endangering
its health.
a. acceptable daily intake
b. LD50
c. no-observed effect level
d. maximum tolerated dose
36. Freezing a food product will
a. kill
b. stimulate the growth of
c. slow the microbial metabolism of
d. heat shock
any microbes present in food.
37. Lactase is an important enzyme that breaks down lactose found in
a. milk
b. lipids
c. beef
d. tomatoes
to glucose and galactose.
38. A food contains 7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. That would be equivalent to
a. 90
b. 75
c. 55
d. 65
39. Ice cubes float in water because ice has a lower
a. density
b. volume
c. weight
d. ionic number
than water.
40. Jennifer works at a fresh cut fruit processing facility that produces RTE packaged fruits. On her
break she enters the restroom while wearing her work frock which is in violation of a:
a. SOP
b. GMP
c. COA
41. Egg white changes from a clear liquid to an opaque white solid upon heating due to
a. fat
b. glycogen
c. carbohydrate
d. protein
is the science of evaluating a food product for smell, appearance, taste, and texture.
a. Proximate analysis
b. Sensory evaluation
c. Rheology
d. Food evaluation
43. A food that can be stored at room temperature for a prolonged or indefinite time period with
minimal quality deterioration is said to be:
a. room stable
b. like a twinkie
c. room superior
d. shelf stable
44. Fragments of lipids and other components that are formed in lipid-containing foods that undergo
irradiation are called
a. nuclear waste.
b. radioactive waste
c. radiolytic products
d. None of these
45. Carbonation in soft drinks is commonly achieved by adding
a. sodium bicarbonate
b. calcium carbonate
c. carbon dioxide
d. hydrogen peroxide
46. Removing all visible dirt, grime, grease, and food particles in a food processing facility is called:
a. cleaning
b. sanitizing
c. cleaning and sanitizing
d. dry pick-up
47. An example of a food attribute would be the
a. texture of a tomato
b. color of meat
c. flavor of a chocolate bar
d. all of the above
is the number of degrees Fahrenheit required for a specific thermal death time curve
to pass through one log cycle, or achieve 90% destruction.
a. Y-value
b. Z-value
c. L-value
d. Q-value
49. To produce sauerkraut, cabbage undergoes a
a. drying
b. freezing
c. fermentation
d. sterilization
50. When marketing a new food product nationally to the public, major food companies will launch a
a. market channel
b. product extension
c. regional promotion
d. product rollout
1. A
8. A
15. D
22. A
29. D
36. C
43. D
50. D
2. C
9. C
16. B
23. B
30. B
37. A
44. C
3. B
10. A
17. B
24. A
31. C
38. C
45. C
4. B
11. A
18. D
25. C
32. D
39. A
46. A
5. D
12. D
19. C
26. D
33. A
40. B
47. D
6. C
13. C
20. B
27. C
34. A
41. D
48. B
7. D
14. A
21. D
28. A
35. D
42. B
49. C