Each group (of 4 students) will be assigned one topic, or will choose one topic subject to the instructor's approval, which is related to current economic issues in the real world. Students need to apply all comprehensive knowledge of macroeconomics to explain and analyze those issues. First come first serve, once the topic is chosen by a group, it will not be the topic for others in the same tut.class. This group presentation will test critical thinking and skills of applying macroeconomic theory to explain and predict the economic phenomena in the real world. Summited package of each group consisting of a 1000 word report and a powerpoint file prepared for a 15 minute presentation must be sent to the tutor before the day of presentation. Below are some suggested topics that can be chosen: 1 GDP, production and growth o How economic growth changing the world order, and what are driving forces? o How Vietnam economy grew since “doi moi”? Identify source of growth. o What is middle-income trap, how we (Vietnam) can avoid them? o Role of FDI to Vietnam economy o ICOR in Vietnam o How to promote sustainable economic growth in Vietnam o Status of world economic growth 2 Unemployment o Status of Vietnam labor market. o Unemployment in Vietnam – problems and solutions 3 Saving, investment and o Status of Vietnam commercial bank system. o Financial markets in Vietnam. o Vietnam securities markets & current problems. financial system 4 Money o o Visit SBV website and find our information on Vietnam monetary system. o History of Vietnam currency o Virtual/digital currency, pros and cons. o 5 Inflation o Inflation in Vietnam in the past 20 years. o How should monetary policy be formulated to deal with inflation o 6 Economy in the o The Great Depression – lessons learnt short run (AD o Global 2008 Financial Crises – causes and effects. AS model, o How Vietnam government used monetary and fiscal policy government policies) to deal with the 2008 financial crises? o 7fxd Open economy o Exchange rate regimes. o Relation between exchange and monetary policies. Other o Vietnam Balance of Payment in the recent 10 years o The Foreign exchange control in Vietnam in recent 10 years o