FAQ: General Recruitment Inquiries 1. What is Room to Grow? RoomtoGrowBC.ca is an online application system where applicants are provided with the tools to apply to any of Interior Health’s job vacancies themselves. Creating a profile can be done in four easy steps – follow the instructions on the site on how to do this. Once you have created a profile the system will send you an email asking you to activate your profile within 7 days. Please check your spa, or junk folders if you do not see this email. 2. How do I activate my account once I have created a profile on Room to Grow? Once you have created your account on Room to Grow it may take up to 24 hours to receive an authentication email. Your computer may identify it as junk mail, so be sure to check this folder. Your pop-up blocker may also deter it from getting to you. If you are having trouble, you can request for the email activation to be sent to you again. Go to the sign-In screen and attempt to login (you must know your email address and password). Once you click the Sign-In button you will see the option “Click Here” to resend an authentication email message to your profile’s email address. After you have activated your profile, you can Sign-In, upload Attachments (go to Manage Profile link) and use your profile to apply to a posting or multiple postings. When you apply on our system, it will enable our Recruiters to forward your application very quickly and easily to hiring manager(s) and you will be able to track all your applications in your profile. 3. Now that I have created myself a profile, how do I apply for Career Opportunities. After you have activated your profile, you can Sign-In, upload Attachments ( Go to Manage Profile Link) and use your profile to Apply to multiple postings. From time to time our external recruiters will search career preferences on profiles when opportunities come up. Please ensure you have completed this section in your profile so the recruiter’s are able to find you. 4. Does Interior Health still accept hard copy resumes as an acceptable application method? No. External Recruitment does not accept emailed/mailed resumes. External applicants are required to utilize the self-directed, online application system to apply for positions within Interior Health. Creating a profile and applying to external vacancies counts as keeping your resume “on file.” 5. Why are there no Jobs advertised? Interior Health’s job vacancies are initiated by personnel who are authorized to recruit (i.e. Mangers, Directors, Coordinators). If you do not see a particular job advertised, it means there are no positions available and we are not actively seeking applicants. 6. How Can I keep my resume “on file” through the online application system. Once you have created an online applicant profile, the RoomtoGrowBC.ca system will act as keeping your resume on file. From time to time our external recruiters will search career preferences on profiles when opportunities come up. Please ensure you have completed this section in your profile or the recruiters are able to find you. 7. Why have I not received a phone call from Interior Health regarding my application? The hiring process is governed by collective agreements, which means that we must review Internal candidates before External candidates. Many of the positions will be filled internally and the managers will not need to look at external candidates. You are considered an external candidate. Interior Health does not contact every applicant for an interview. It can take anywhere from two to four weeks for External Recruitment to process applications and contact short-listed applicants. 8. How can I find out the status of my application? Once you have logged onto your profile, there is an option on the main page titled “My Applications.” Click on the link “View my applications now…” and this will allow you to see the status of your application and the status of the posting. 9. I noticed the posting status is “Open until filled” and I applied a few weeks ago and never got a phone call. Does this mean I am not being considered for the position? No, it means the manager is still reviewing the applicants. If the posting status changes to “Complete”, then the manager is no longer considering the applicants. 10. I am looking to complete my practicum with Interior Health. Is this something External Recruitment will set into place for me? External Recruitment does not have any information on placements. You will need to speak to the clinical placement coordinator at your college/university. We will work with them to put an Affiliation Agreement in place if necessary otherwise External Recruitment does not handle practicum placements.