Teacher Responsibilities - lead21-ssms

Seminole County Public Schools
Discovery Education
Getting Started
Administration Dates
 Test A: August 27 – October 5
 Test B: November 12 – December 14
 Test C: February 4 – March 8
– Reading (replacing FAIR AP1, AP2, and AP3)
 Grades K-10 (Only K and 1 will take Common Core PMA)
 Grades 11-12 students that have not passed the FCAT/FCAT 2.0
– Math and Science (non-EOC courses and replacing DA)
 Grades K-8
– Algebra 1, Biology 1, and Geometry
 All students enrolled in the course/class (Grades 6-12)
 Students in Grade 9 taking AP Biology 1 to meet the Biology credit for
high school must participate.
 Students that participate in the FAA, do not participate in PMA
Materials Needed for Testing
 Computer
 Access Code for students’ to log in
 Reference Sheets (located on A&A Blackboard)
– Grades 5-8 Math
– Grade 8 Science/Biology 1 Periodic Table
– Algebra 1 & Geometry
 Scrap Paper for Math and Science to work the problems
 4-function calculator for Math (Grades 7-12), Algebra, and
 Scientific calculator for Geometry (students may use their own)
 Headsets for grades K-1
 Pencil
 Resources available on A&A Blackboard_Teachers
 How to Log In to Discovery Education’s site
 Teacher Responsibilities
– Manage Your Classes
– View Benchmark Reports (training in September/October)
– Start a Benchmark Assessment
– Manage Assessments
 Reports
 The following documents are posted to the A&A
Blackboard_Teachers site under Testing > Discovery Education:
– Math Reference Sheets (Grades 5-8)
– Algebra 1/Geometry Reference Sheet
– Grade 8/Biology Periodic Table
– Training Videos
 How to Start a Benchmark Assessment
 Manage Your Classes
 How to Add or Populate a Class
 How to Search for Students
 How to Edit Student Information
 Print Class Rosters
– Discovery Education Administration Guide for Teachers
– Student PowerPoint
A&A Blackboard for Teachers
 If you do not have access to the A&A Blackboard_Teachers
– Go to https://bb.scps.k12.fl.us
– Log in with your SCPS network login
– Click on the “Classes” and under Class Search type
– Select the ESC_AA_Teachers and Enroll from the drop-down
– Access Code is “teachers”
– Click Submit and you now have access
Discovery Education’s Site
 Log in to Discovery Education’s site
– Go to http://seminole.discoveryeducation.com
– Select “Employees”
– Enter your SCPS network username and password
Discovery Education’s Site
 Once logged in, click Assessment from the My DE Services
drop down menu
Teacher Responsibilities
 Access the following from the Assessment Home Page
– Manage Your Classes
– View Benchmark Reports (training in September/October)
– Start a Benchmark Assessment
– Manage Assessments
Assessment Overview
Teachers are able to access the following components from their Assessment
Home Page:
 Benchmarks: Administer benchmark tests online: select a class, subject,
grade, and testing period to generate student login codes. **Site Admins will
need to login as a teacher in order to start a Benchmark Assessment. **
 Progress Zone: Create curricular probes that can be taken by your classes and
students; share probes with other teachers in your school or district.
 RTI: Curriculum based measures provide frequent progress monitoring
towards state proficiency expectations and a student's response to
 Indicator: Assess students to determine if actual achievement level is
significantly above or below grade level.
 Instructional Resources: View skill descriptions for your state standards,
access digital/video resources aligned to state skills. (Formula Sheets are
located under the Instructional Resources section)
Teacher Responsibilities
Manage Your Classes
 Click on Manage Your Classes
– You will be directed to the Classroom Manager where you can
create, modify, view, and delete classes and students.
– You can Print and Export ALL Class Rosters.
– View Classes
 Click on the plus sign (+) to view the list of students assigned to that
 Actions
– Edit a Class (allows you to change class information and add/delete
– Duplicate a Class would be used to assign the students in that class
to another test; however, you would need to EDIT the duplicated
test by changing the SUBJECT to the correct test.
– Class Details (provides class name and description)
– Print Roster for that Class
– Delete the Class
Teacher Responsibilities
Classroom Manager Screen Shot
Teacher Responsibilities
Manage Your Classes
 You can click on the plus sign (+) for a Class and it will
display the students within that class, then you can edit,
login as student, or remove student from class
Teacher Responsibilities
Manage Your Classes
 EDIT a Class
– You may need to edit a class on the day of testing because
the upload from Skyward to DiscoveryEd did not import
 For example: Grade 4 Math PRIMES has the same course code as
Grade 5 Math with the exception of a “P” (5012070P); if the correct
course code is not entered into Skyward then you may receive the
wrong “GRADE” test.
This section needs to be correct because it
aligns the grade /subject TEST to the
students within the class!!!
Class Name: Teacher Course/Class
Grade: Must be the correct Grade Level
Subject: Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics,
Science Algebra, Geometry, or Biology
Semester: Full, Semester 1 or 2
Teacher Responsibilities
Create a Class
 Click on Create a Class
– Enter Class Name (e.g., Csonka_Grade 5 Math) and
Class Description is optional
–Ensure the check box “Use this class for Interim
Benchmarks” is checked
(this assigns a benchmark test to a class)
– Select Grade being tested, Subject (Reading, Math, Science,
Algebra, Biology, & Geometry, and Semester Block
Teacher Responsibilities
Create a Class
 Add Students to a Class from the School Roster
– Select students by Searching by student’s last name, first name,
username, or student ID. You can also filter by grade level.
– You can search by the GRADE and then click go. (This will give you all
students in that grade level from your school roster.)
 Click the box next to the student’s name and it adds the student to the
Class Roster. Click the X to remove student from roster. Click the “Save”
button when finished adding all the students to the Class Roster. You
have successfully created a class and can “Start an Assessment.”
Teacher Responsibilities
Add a Students to a Class
 Add Students to a Class by selecting them from the School Roster
 Check the box next to the student’s name and the student is
added to the Class Roster
 Review the Class Roster and the click Save
– If you need to remove a student from roster, click on the orange X
Teacher Responsibilities
Add a New Student
 You should not have to add a student(s) to a class because data is
uploaded from Skyward to Discovery Education every night;
therefore, the student should be in the system the next business
Teacher Responsibilities
Start a Benchmark Assessment
 Click on Assessment from the My DE Services drop down menu
 Select Start a Benchmark Assessment
Teacher Responsibilities
Start a Benchmark Assessment
 Students will be uploaded by Teachers’ Classes/Periods
(updates will be done on a daily basis beginning Thursday, August 23)
– For example: Csonka_Gr5 Math, Risner_Gr8 Math_Period 4
 After you have selected Start a Benchmark Assessment, you will
need to click the bubble next to the Class Name/Grade/Subject
that you want to start testing
 Click “Proceed to next step”
Teacher Responsibilities
Start a Benchmark Assessment
 Select the test (Test A, Test B, or Test C)
– Only the test that is available for that testing period will be
 Test A (8/27-10/5); Test B (11/12-12/14); Test C (2/4-3/8)
 Generate Access Code
– Click on “Generate Access Code” to receive Access Code for
administering the test
 Access Codes are only good for 10 hours from the time you
generate the code
 DO NOT generate codes unless you plan to administer within the
10 hour timeframe
 A separate access code must be generated for each class
 If a new code is generated for a class before the current code
expires, the new code will override the old code and the old code
will no longer be accepted
– See next slide for example of starting a benchmark assessment
• Grades K-1 will select
Common Core Test A
• Grades 2-12 will select FL
Test A
To Print the Access
Code sheet, select
File and Print
Teacher Responsibilities
Start a Benchmark Assessment
 Only click on “Start Assessment” for…
– a student who took a paper test and the teacher needs to
enter the student’s responses into the system
– a student was absent on the day of testing and you want to
administer a make-up
Teacher Responsibilities
Student Access
 Make sure the icon/link for the student login page for Discovery Education
is on each computer
– http://assignments.discoveryeducation.com
 Provide the Access Code to students (e.g. write it on the board)
– An access code will need to be generated for each of your classes
 Students will click on the link or icon
– Type the Access Code
– Type their FIRST and LAST Name
 DISREGARD the statement that reads “If you are 13 years old or younger do not use
your actual name. Ask your teacher for a screen name to use.”
– Click the “Login” button
Teacher Responsibilities
 Students will be required to Click on THEIR NAME from an
alphabetical list (by teacher’s class)
Teacher Responsibilities
 If a student clicks on the wrong
name, starts the test, and answers
a few items under another
– Click on Exit Test in the upper
left corner
– Assist the student by clicking on
his/her name and begin test
– You log in as the other student
and RESET ANSWERS (this will
clear all answers on the screen –
make sure to clear all answers on
each screen)
– Click on Question List to verify
that you cleared all the answers
– Click on Exit Test
Teacher Responsibilities
 After the student clicks on his/her name, the test will appear
 Reading begins with Question 1 and Math typically begins with
Question 41
 Teacher will need to walk around the room and ensure that the
student has logged in to their own test.
– Student’s Name is
very small and is
– Located in the
upper left corner
Sample Test Item
& Test Name
Test Item
Make sure to click
on the bubble next
to the answer you
want to choose
Question List – list will
show “Answered” next
to questions that
student answered
Reset Answers –
this will reset ALL
answers on a page
Seminole County Public Schools
Discovery Education
Discovery Education’s Site
 Log in to Discovery Education’s site
– Go to http://seminole.discoveryeducation.com
Enter your username and password under Subscriber Login
 Your name and password are your SCPS network
Discovery Education’s Site
 Once logged in, click Assessment from the My DE Services
drop down menu
Accessing Benchmark Reports
 Access the following from the Assessment Home Page
 Choose:
View Benchmark Reports
Benchmark Reports for Teachers
 Drilldown Report
 Interactive Item Summary
 PDF Individual Student
 Comparative Growth
 PDF Teacher
 Detail Export
 Item Analysis
Accessing Benchmark Reports (teacher view)
 Under Benchmark Reports you may select a report from the following menu:
Drilldown Report
Used to drill down reports by grade, teacher, or
student, and sort by proficiency prediction.
Sample –
Drilldown Report
Interactive Item Summary Report (teacher view)
 This report allows you to sort by multiple criteria and instant
access to test items, reporting categories, and associated
Sample – Interactive Item Summary Report
 Presents information on every question in the assessment.
Sample - Interactive Item Summary Report
 You can click on any
column heading to sort
ascending to
 If you click on the
Question Number it will
display the test
 If you click on the plus
sign (+) next to the right
wrong and answer
choices, it will display
the students under
each category
Sample - Interactive Item Summary Report
 If you click on the
reporting category
and/or subcategory,
it will display a
description and
related resources
PDF Individual Student Report
(teacher view)
 Display individual student reports.
 Selection options by class or by student.
Select Class
Sample – Individual Student Report
 Summarizes scores
on all interim
assessments for an
individual student.
Comparative Growth Report (teacher view)
 This report will not be available until you participate in two
PMAs. Report allows you compare growth between the two
PMAs for Reading and Math.
Sample –
Comparative Growth
PDF Teacher Report s (teacher view)
Display teacher reports for the selected period and grade. Includes
summary, item summary, student skill, student subskill, and answers
reports option for each subject and class.
Sample – PDF Teacher
Answers Report
 This report is a great way to see how the student is performing during testing
(how many questions he/she answered, how many they have left blank) and
also to see who completed and not completed the test.
Make sure you ONLY check the “Answers” and the Class box.
Sample – PDF Teacher
Summary Report
 Identifies performance by skill for entire class or grade.
Sample – PDF Teacher
Item Summary Report
 Presents information on every question in an interim
Sample – PDF Teacher
Student Skill Report
 Provides individual student performance and proficiency
by skill.
Sample – PDF Teacher
Student Subskill Report
Detail Export (teacher view)
 This report is an Excel spreadsheet containing individual
scores for each student.
Item Analysis (teacher view)
 Displays item level information at the class and exportable to
 You can select multiple classes to compare.
Sample - Item Analysis Report (teacher view)
Additional information
will be provided at a
later date.
Stay Tuned….