Florida Benchmarks

What’s the Atmosphere?
• The atmosphere is a combination of mostly
invisible gases that surrounds Earth.
• About 78 % of the atmosphere is nitrogen.
Oxygen makes up 21 % of the
What’s the Atmosphere?
• Weather, climate, and air pollution are all
features or phenomena of the atmosphere.
• Features associated with the atmosphere
can be studied using radar, satellite
imagery, and surface tools like
thermometers and barometers.
• The biosphere is made up of all living
• Organisms usually need oxygen or carbon
dioxide to carry out life processes.
• Liquid water, moderate temperatures, and
a stable source of energy are also required
for most living things.
• The biosphere is divided into large regions
with similar mean annual temperature and
rainfall called biomes.
• Biomes can be terrestrial (on land), marine
(oceans and other salt water bodies), or
• A feature of a living organism that makes it
better suited to live in a certain
environment is an adaptation.
What is the GEOSPHERE?
• The geosphere is the mostly solid, rocky
part of Earth. It extends from the center
of Earth to the surface of Earth.
• The crust is the thin, outermost layer of
the geosphere.
• The mantle is the large partially molten
middle layer of the Earth.
• The core is the nickel and iron center of
the Earth.
What is the GEOSPHERE?
• The geosphere also includes surface
landforms and the constructive and
destructive processes that shape them.
• The crust and upper mantle make up the
lithosphere, which is broken up into large
slab called tectonic plates.
• Tectonic plates move around slowly on
top of the mantle forming mountains and
trenches and causing volcanic and
earthquake activity.
What is the
• The hydrosphere is the part of Earth that is
associated with water in solid and liquid
• Glaciers, oceans, lakes, rivers, marshes, and
groundwater are part of the hydrosphere.
• Over 71% of our planet is covered in water.
• Over 95% of that water is salt water.
What is the
• Water vapor is connected to the
hydrosphere by the hydrologic cycle, but is
best considered a feature of the
• Water is moving through Earth and even
into and out of living things at all times!
How do Earth’s spheres
All of the five spheres of Earth interact as
matter and energy change and cycle through the
• Matter moves between Earth’s spheres via
biogeochemical cycles.
• Sometimes, matter moves through many spheres
before returning to a sphere.
• Energy moves between spheres. Energy also
moves back and forth between spheres.
• Matter and energy are ALWAYS conserved—never
created or destroyed
Which of Earth’s spheres are
Interacting? Explain how.
Which of Earth’s spheres are
Interacting? Explain how.
Which of Earth’s spheres are
interacting? Explain how.
Which of Earth’s spheres are
interacting? Explain how.