The Java Persistence API Edel Sherratt Contents • Revisit applications programming • Using Java Persistence API Applications Programming Alternatives • Extend a high level language by embedding SQL statements in it • Extend SQL with programming language constructs • Provide a call level interface (CLI) from a programming language Applications Programming with a Call Level Interface • Obtain a handle on the database • Send SQL queries to the database management system using query functions • Process the results of those queries – Results are tables and must be transformed into types that the application program can use – Use a cursor to access rows of the result set – Fetch each row in turn; represent as an array or associative array or other suitable structure PHP connection to a database • Obtain a database handle: e.g., pg_connect, mysql_connect, sqlite_open • Execute queries: e.g. pg_query, sqlite_query, mysql_query • Process results of the query: e.g. mysql_fetch_array, pg_fetch_array, sqlite_fetch_array, and many others Java JDBC • Driver manager provides implementations of Connection, Statement and ResultSet • Connection acts as database handle • Statement enables creation and execution of SQL queries • ResultSet maintains a cursor, enabling access to current row of data returned by query Example from the Java Dungeon • this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:"+dbn ame); • statement.executeUpdate( "create table character (" + "name varchar(20) primary key," + "description text," + "kind varchar(20)," + "location varchar(20) references location(name));"); Processing the result set • ResultSet things = whats_at(my_location); if ( { System.out.println ("\nYou consider taking:"); do { System.out.println( things.getString("name") ); } while (; } Java Persistence • With a CLI, there is a clear and explicit translation between database tables and programming language constructs • The database and the application program are designed separately and made to work together. • The Java Persistence API allows us to design with objects, and have the library functions deal with the translation to and from tables. From CS12220 – • ng/CourseNotes/current/CS12230/code/1week1-in-lab/0-simple-examples/ • A simple example, but wouldn’t it be good to have contacts persist in a database Java Persistence API – main elements • Entity – like Contact; instances are represented as rows in a table • And an EntityManager – to interact with the database • And a Persistence Unit – to group related entities together Files, Directories and Jars • – a class definition with some extra annotations • – includes an EntityManager that allows me to place contacts in the database • META-INF – a directory containing MANIFEST.MF and persistence.xml • lib – a directory containing necessary jar files • Original example by Lynda, with annotations: @blah • @Entity(name= "Contact") public class Contact { @Id // the primary key @Column (name = "name", nullable = false) private String name; //name of contact public String getName() { return; } @Column (name="phone") private String phone; //phone of contact … etc. • The annotations are defined in javax.persistence • EntityManagerFactory – creates an entity manager factory for the persistence unit – must match the persistence unit named in META-INF/persistence.xml • EntityManager – interacts with the database • A loop that reads in names and numbers and stores them in the database • Notice how transactions are defined and used META-INF/persistence.xml • • • • Names the persistence unit And the persistence provider And the class to be persisted And various properties like those we saw in connection strings previously META-INF/MANIFEST.MF • The class path • The main class Compiling, Packaging and Running the Application • java <source files> -cp <classpath to javax.persistence> <destination for classes> • jar cvmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF <jar to be created> <classes to be packaged> META-INF • java –jar <the jar that was created> • NB: you can run the jar anywhere, but do make sure the library jars are where MANIFEST/META-INF says they will be! Changing to another database • The java sources stay the same • The Class Path entry in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF changes to reflect the new database connection jar • Some properties in META-INF/persistence.xml are changed to reflect the new database Using an IDE • Normally, you would use an IDE like Netbeans or Eclipse to build your JPA application • Netbeans will create a directory called dist containing your executable jar and a lib directory • You can zip the jar and the lib into a single file that can be run anywhere Annotating relationships • • • • • @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ManyToMany None of these is bidirectional Bidirectional Relationships • Every relationship has an owning side • and an inverse side that maps to the owning side • Annotate both sides to form a bidirectional relationship • Design options like those for object-oriented database systems A more complete example with relationships • • • • Neil Taylor Department-Employee Run as a Netbeans project Or zip the distribution to run standalone Online tutorials • • • In Summary • There are many ways to construct database applications • The Java Persistence API allows us to focus on object oriented design • Modern IDE’s automate much of the process of creating database applications