GLCE Verbs Know – What will students know upon learning this? Understand that – What will students understand? Do – What will students do to show they understand? Vocabulary 1-C1.0.1 Identify Students will know how to explain some rules they have in their classroom and to keep all the students safe. Students will know some common rules and what happens if they are broken. One common rule is provide order in the classroom which includes being quiet when the teachers asks, raise hand to answer questions, and be quiet in the hallways. Predictability is in place so the students have a routine and a set amount of rules. Students like to feel safe predictability provides that for them. Students will know how to converse about what responsibilities are, and explain what they mean. Students will also learn when responsibilities should and should not be used. Students should be able to Students will understand that rules are not enforced to get someone in trouble, but to keep a classroom functioning. Create as a class a set of classroom rules. Have the students write/ discuss/draw why we have each rule and what would happen if we didn’t have the rules. Rules Order Predictability Safety I can tell why rules are important in school. Students will understand that we all have responsibilitie s and will be able to describe why. Students will also understand why responsibilitie s are so Students will get a worksheet with a list of common/ basic responsibilities discussed in class and students will have to describe/ explain each one such as where and Responsibilit y Rights of others I can talk about responsibilitie s I have at home and at school. Identify some reasons for rules in school (e.g., provide order, predictability, and safety) 1-C5.0.1 Describe some responsibilitie s people have at home and at school (e.g., taking care of oneself, respect for the rights of others, following rules, getting along with Describ e I Can others) . 1-C1.0.2 Give examples of the use of power with authority in school (e.g., principal, teacher, or bus driver, enforcing school rules) Give 1-C1.0.3 Give hear a responsibility and talk about what it means. important. when they can be used. Ask students what would happen if no one did the dishes? Have them respond and explain why we need responsibilities . Students will know why people have certain powers or authorities. Students will know how to list people who have authority in our school. Students will be able to list teachers, principal, volunteers, bus drivers, and teacher aids in the classroom as people with authority at school. Students will know they are allowed to teach them and tell them what to do because they are trained and have the knowledge to teach us what is right. They can tell students to obey the rules and they can teach them new things. Students will Students will understand that there are people in school with authority to set and enforce rules for them. Students will discuss as a class first who we think authority figures are, then students will be asked to write down examples of authority figures in the school system. After we can discuss and ask if anyone thought of a new figure. Authority Enforcing I can give examples of who has authority in my school. Students will Students will Authority I can tell Give examples of the use of power without authority in school (e.g., types of bullying, taking cuts in line) 1-C2.0.1 Explain how decisions can be made or how conflicts might be resolved in fair and just ways (e.g.,majority rules) Explain know that sometimes power is used by students who are not authority figures. Students will learn about bullying and taking cuts in line and how it is not the right thing to do. Students will know that there are other ways to fellow classmates might take the role of an authority figure like by trying to tell others what to do. Students will know how to describe/ discuss how decisions can be made. Students will know that we cannot always decide on something that we like, we have to compromise. Students will know that majority rules is used in making a decision, and it means we choose the side that most people agree with. Majority understand that some students take the power and authority in the wrong way. get into groups of three or four and each will give an example of using power without authority. Students will share with another group after this. We will create a classroom list and talk about how we will not use power without authority in our classroom. Students will understand that conflicts can happen and the result might not always go in our favor, but that is okay. Students will engage in a small class debate. I will assign groups to take a certain side. This will demonstrate that not everyone can win in a debate and if that happens we still need to be nice to each other. After the debate we will have a class discussion to talk about majority rules and conflicts. examples students using power they shouldn’t. Decisions Majority Rules Conflicts Resolved Compromise I can explain how we can make decisions in a group. 1-C5.0.2 Identify situations in which people act as good rules is used when the class is spilt on two or more choices, the teacher might say who wants to read out loud, those students who want to read would raise their hand and the teacher will count. Next, the teacher might ask who wants to do math first? Students will raise their hand and she will count. Whatever choice has the most votes, wins, that activity would be first. Students will know that voting is an act of placing their idea or choice out for others to see. If a teacher asks what activity the class should do first, journal or read, students have the chance to vote, they can choose which one they want. Identify Students will know how to pick out good deeds and good citizens when We will discuss the importance of getting along with one another, and how we should be friends with everyone. Students will understand that people act as good citizens Students will get into groups and act out a certain role, Effective Participation I can pick out ways how people act as a good citizen. citizens in the school community (e.g., thoughtful and effective participation in the school decisions, respect for the rights of others, respect for the rule of law, voting, volunteering, compassion, courage, honestly) they see them. Students will know what a good deed is, and hopefully be able to carry out good deeds. Students will know that effective participation is helping the school community or classroom in a good way. Example: we see trash on the ground we pick it up instead of leaving it on the floor. If we see a friend in need we can help them. Participation in school decision is putting in an opinion on important topics like, classroom rules and responsibilities . Students will know how to respect the rights of others. They will know that rights of others are respecting their personal space and treating them nicely. Students will know what voting looks like. We ask a when they do good deeds for others and follow the rules. the rest of the class will have to decide if the act is people acting like good citizens in the school. question and depending on your knowledge, you decide which way you would choose to vote. Then you raise your hand to be counted. Sometimes, you write your vote on a ballot. Students will know how to use compassion, courage, and honestly in all they do in the classroom, that might be voting, respecting others, or participating in a good way.