
Section 1 The Counterculture
1960’s –
What were people in
U.S. protesting ?
What was changing
in the U.S. ?
Civil Rights
Role of women
 Involvement in
Generation Gap
Read pg. 572
Lack of understanding between
older & younger generation
Section 1 The Counterculture
What was Woodstock ?
Expression of “counterculture” in 1960’s.
Young people went “counter”(against) mainstream culture
 Rebelled against custom in :
 How did they rebel against custom in:
 Dress
 Dress
 Music
 Music
 Personal Behavior
 Personal Behavior
Section 1 The Counterculture
Members of counterculture who valued
 Freedom of
 Spontaneity
 Promoted peace,
love, freedom
Experimented with :
 new styles of dress,
 music,
 freer attitudes towards sex
 recreational use of drugs
Section 1 The Counterculture
 Based on Rock n’ Roll of
Beatles, Bob Dylan
 Andy Warhol –
“what was real”
 Tom Wolfe
 Hunter Thompson
Section 1 The Counterculture
Sexual Revolution
 Separation of sex from traditional family life,
advocated new living patterns – pre marital sex
 Communes - small living communities
in which people have common interests,
share food, chores, child raising.
 “Turn on” to drugs, “drop out” of
mainstream society.
 “Haight-Ashbury( San Francisco)–
many drug related problems
Section 1 The Counterculture
Counterculture Ends – end of 60’s
 Becoming shallow, self-centered.
 Drug related deaths  Rolling Stones – Altamont
Murders- contradicted the values
of peace & love that many hippies
Section 2 Feminism Is that possible ?
The theory of political, social,
economic equality of men & women
 1st. Wave of Feminism –
Late 1800’s – 1920 , ended
with Women’s right to vote.
Section 2 Feminism
 2nd Wave of Feminism –
1960’s – 1970’s
 Civil Rights movement both
inspired women to demand
gender ( M,F) equality & taught
them ways to get it.
 Also brought black/white
women together
Section 2 Feminism
 Women wanted to redefine
how they were viewed.
Objected to “housewife
stereotype”, some needed to
work, others wanted more
 Women looking for better
work, dead end jobs,
demanded equal
treatment in workplace.
 Betty Friedan – wrote Feminine
Mystique (read pg. 575)Women
wanted to redefine how they were
Section 2 Feminism
NOW – Organization dedicated to
 winning true equality for all,
 attain full & equal partnership of sexes.
 Protect reproductive rights
 Get ERA Amendment passed
esp. right to abortion
– guarantee gender equality
under the law.
Radical Feminists
– Miss America
Pageant protests
NOW worked w/n
political system
Gloria Steinem –
change thru mass
media –
Read pg. 576
Section 2 Feminism
Opposition - Phyllis Schlafly –
Conservative political activist , worked successfully
to defeat ERA, never passed, needed 3 states approval.
• Some say not enough gains
 Title IX –
Sports, equal
 Workplace
slowly changes
 Feminization of
• Some say it has harmed society
 Women cannot be
denied credit based on
 Ban job
based on gender
 Women still earn
less “Pink Collar
Ghetto “,
 Roe vs. Wade – right
“Glass Ceiling”
to a legal abortion
Section 3 Rights Revolution Expands.
Families originated in Spanish-speaking Latin America,
come from different countries, share the same language.
 Chicanos – Mexican Americans
 BRACERO Program – granted Mexican migrants temporary guest
worker status, in over 25 years, more than 4 million entered.
Helped with farm work during WWII.
 Read pg 581 Emerging Communities.
 Latino’s press for equal treatment
activist who fought for migrant
farm workers, formed UNFW .
Section 3 Rights Revolution Expands.
Native Americans
Demonstrated for change, esp.
self-government securing of land,
legal rights,
 WOUNDED KNEE (South Dakota)
 Site of 1890 massacre of Sioux by U.S. government.
 Native American activists took over Wounded Knee and
demanded better conditions on Indian reservations.
 Became violent, several deaths.
Section 4 The Environmental Movement
Environmental Activists
 Silent Spring –A book written by Rachel Carson which
described the impact of pesticides on birds and other animals,
eventually banned DDT.
 Earth Day – yearly celebrated in April, calls
attention to environmental concerns,
 President creates:
 Endangered Species Act
 Clean Water Act
Ralph Nader – Focused on automobile safety.
As a result of his reports, seat belts became standard.
OSHA– Mandated workplace safety regulations.
Section 4 The Environmental Movement
 Rights of Disabled – Special Olympics,
right to an education
Environmental Crisis
 Love Canal - community in upstate NY,
built on a toxic waste dump,
caused disease, birth defects.
Pg. 589 ( primary source)
Section 4 The Environmental Movement
Environmental Crisis
 3 Mile Island – nuclear reactor
near Harrisburg, PA,
affected new construction of nuclear