Civil Rights movement both inspired women to demand gender ( M,F)

Section 1 Students and the Counterculture
1960’s –
What were people in
U.S. protesting ?
What was changing
in the U.S. ?
Civil Rights
Role of women
 Music
 Involvement in
New Left - Young
Americans concerned
about the injustices in
the country’s
political/social system.
Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) - Comprised of
members of baby boom
generation, focused on
protesting Vietnam War, and
wanted to change the control in
politics from a few wealthy elites
to the common man.
Free Speech Movement– Advocated
free speech by college students,
protesting unfair practices by college
administrators. Protested by occupying
campus buildings and leaving classes.
* Read pgs. 682 – 684 (1
* Focus on 1 of the 3 youth movements
appealed to you the most.
* Write a 6 sentence paragraph detailing why you
choose the particular youth movement.
* Typed
or hand written ( neat ,please !) Name,
date,period .
 Based on Rock n’ Roll of
Beatles, Bob Dylan
What was Woodstock ?
Expression of “counterculture” in 1960’s.
Young people went “counter”(against)
mainstream culture Rejection of old systems of
Section 1 The Counterculture -HIPPIES
Generation Gap
Lack of understanding between
older & younger generation
Members of counterculture who valued
 Freedom of
 Spontaneity
 Promoted peace,
love, freedom
Experimented with :
 new styles of dress,
 music,
 freer attitudes towards sex
 recreational use of drugs
Sexual Revolution
 Separation of sex from traditional family life,
advocated new living patterns – pre marital sex
 Communes - small living communities
in which people have common interests,
share food, chores, child raising.
 “Turn on” to drugs, “drop out” of
mainstream society.
 “Haight-Ashbury( San Francisco)–
many drug related problems
Section 1 The Counterculture
Section 1 The Counterculture
Counterculture Ends – end of 60’s
 Becoming shallow, self-centered.
 Drug related deaths  Rolling Stones – Altamont
Murders- contradicted the values
of peace & love that many hippies
Section 2 The Feminist Movement
The theory of political, social,
economic equality of men & women
Is that possible ?
 1st. Wave of Feminism – Late 1800’s –
1920 , ended with Women’s right to vote. –
19th Amendment
 2nd Wave of Feminism –  Read pg 686 , pg 687
1960’s – 1970’s
 Civil Rights movement both
inspired women to demand
gender ( M,F) equality & taught
them ways to get it.
• President’s Commission on the
Status of Women – established by
JFK, highlighted the problems
faced by women in the workplace
and helped create a network of
feminist activists who lobbied
Congress for women’s legislation.
Equal Pay Act –
outlawed paying
men more money
than women for
the same job. –
 Women wanted to redefine
how they were viewed.
Objected to “housewife
stereotype”, some needed to
work, others wanted more
 Women looking for better
work, dead end jobs,
demanded equal
treatment in workplace.
 Betty Friedan – wrote Feminine
Mystique ( 1963)
 Women wanted to redefine how
they were viewed.
Section 2 Feminism
NOW – (National Organization for Women) dedicated to
 winning true equality for all,
 attain full & equal partnership of sexes.
 Get ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)
passed – guarantee gender
equality under the law.
 Protect reproductive rights
esp. right to abortion
Radical Feminists
– Miss America
Pageant protests
NOW worked w/n
political system
Gloria Steinem
– change thru
mass media –
Section 2 Feminism
Opposition - Phyllis Schlafly –
Conservative political activist , worked successfully
to defeat ERA, never passed, needed 3 states approval.
• Some say not enough gains
• Some say it has harmed society
 Feminization of
 Women cannot be
denied credit based on
 Women still earn less
“Pink Collar Ghetto “,
“Glass Ceiling”
 Workplace
slowly changes
 Ban job
based on
Section 2 Feminism
Opposition - Phyllis Schlafly –
Conservative political activist , worked successfully
to defeat ERA, never passed, needed 3 states approval.
–Title IX – federal law
that prohibited federally
funded schools from
discriminating against
women in nearly all
aspects of its operations,
from admissions to
Sports, equal opportunity
 Roe v.Wade – 1973
Supreme Court decision which
stated that state governments
could not regulate abortion
during the first 3 months of
pregnancy, at time that was
said to be within a woman’s
constitutional right to privacy.
* Turn to page 688.
* Assignment counts as a QUIZ grade ( 100 pts)
* Answer DBQ (1,2) in full sentences(3 sentences each) . (worth
25 pts. each)
* Complete #3 – at least 6 sentences
- (worth 50 pts. )