Consultation Bulletin – week ending 24 January 2014 1 Newly received this week Source Title/link Summary Issue date Deadline for Response Welsh Affairs Committee International Representation and Promotion of Wales by UK bodies Wales is a relatively small nation on the periphery of Europe and faces keen economic competition to attract skilled workers, tourists and inward investment, not only within the United Kingdom, but from Europe and further afield. Both the UK Government and the Welsh Government, and their associated bodies such as the British Council, Visit Britain, Visit Wales and UKTI, have responsibility for promoting and representing Wales abroad. 17/01/2014 19/02/2014 Welsh Government Phase 1 - Draft Report: Review of Audit, Inspection and Regulation Consultation to establish by consensus the purpose of audit, inspection and regulation. 20/01/2014 14/03/2014 23/01/2014 28/03/2014 WCVA will be submitting a response to this consultation If you have any comments that you would like us to include in our response please email them to The Programme for Government contains a commitment to "review the framework for the external scrutiny of public services and the work of our auditors, inspectors and regulators". In early 2013, Welsh Government officials proposed a three phase review of Audit, Inspection and Regulation (AIR) in Wales in response to the Programme for Government commitment: Phase 1 - to establish by consensus the purpose of audit, inspection and regulation Phase 2 - to consider how far/to what extent the present system fulfils the principles of Phase 1; and establish a programme for reform Phase 3 - Implementation - comprising one-off reforms or longerterm changes of emphasis. This report sets out the findings from phase 1 of the review of Audit, Inspection and Regulation. Welsh Government Proposals for the Glastir scheme, part of the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2014-2020 The Welsh Government now wishes to consult on the decisions it proposes to take for Glastir under the next RDP programming period, 2014 to 2020. These proposals outline a future for agri-environment in Wales. They are the result of widespread discussions with the: industry farming communities charities and other organisations across Wales and sets out a vision for a more sustainable use of our natural resources. 2 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consultation on the future of civil partnership in England and Wales The Government has published a consultation paper on the future of civil partnership in England and Wales. This is the full public consultation required by section 15 the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. 23/01/2014 17/04/2014 24/01/2014 28/02/2014 The Government will consider responses to the consultation alongside evidence about marriage of same sex couples, civil partnership and possible options for the future. National Assembly for Wales Inquiry into Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services The Children, Young People and Education Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The Committee has agreed to focus on some key issues around CAMHS in the context of the Welsh Government’s reforms as set out inBreaking the Barriers; the implementation of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010; and the Welsh Government’s 2012 mental health strategy Together for Mental Health. ********** Welsh Government Designating settlements the Active Travel (Wales) Act will apply to The Welsh Government is consulting on which places in Wales requirements to map and make year on year improvements to active travel routes and facilities should apply to. 06/11/2013 28/01/2014 Welsh Government Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan We are seeking comments and views on this draft neurological conditions delivery plan. 30/10/2013 31/01/2014 14/11/2013 31/01/2014 03/12/2013 31/01/2014 The plan sets out our vision for the population of Wales and what this means for services for people with neurological conditions. We are asking for views from: the public people with neurological conditions the third sector, the NHS and its partner organisations Wales Audit Office Consultation on Code of Audit Practice and Statement of Practice This consultation invites views and comments on two separate but related documents: • • a draft Code of Audit Practice of the Auditor General for Wales; and a draft Statement of Practice which describes how the Auditor General intends to exercise local government improvement audit, assessment and inspection functions. Following consultation, a final version of the Code will be issued and published by the Auditor General. A final version of the Statement will be prepared and provided to the Welsh Ministers for their approval, before being published. National Assembly for 3 Inquiry into EU funding The Enterprise and Business Committee is launching a new inquiry into the Wales – Enterprise and Business Committee opportunities 2014-2020 EU funding opportunities that will be available to organisations in Wales for the next seven years (2014-2020). The terms of reference for the inquiry are to: Understand the main opportunities for organisations in Wales from EU funding programmes for 2014-2020 falling within the remit of the Enterprise and Business Committee. Consider the extent to which Wales takes an effective approach to maximising the opportunities available from such funding, including the Welsh Government’s EU Strategy, the extent to which EU funding is planned into the budgetary cycle of the Welsh Government and other public authorities in Wales. Identify individuals and organisations with a track record of success in participating in EU projects/programmes/initiatives, and explore how their experiences and abilities could be used effectively during 2014-2020. Welsh Government New guidance for the Risk Assessment of Walked Routes to School The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 sets out that local authorities have a duty to risk assess routes to school, including walked routes. To do this, local authorities refer to various guidance documents. 18/11/2013 07/02/2014 18/12/2014 07/02/2014 Concerns have been raised about the limited scope of the safety factors considered in the current guidance. The safety of children and young people of compulsory school age (i.e. 5-16) on the walked route to school should be of paramount importance and there is a case for extending the criteria by which routes are assessed before being considered safe. This consultation applies to Wales only. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Assisted Areas Map 2014 to 2020: stage 2 On 31 July 2013, the government launched a first stage consultation on updating the Assisted Areas Map for 2014 to 2020, in response to new European Commission guidelines on regional aid. Assisted Areas are those areas where regional aid can be offered to undertakings, typically businesses, under state aid rules. The second stage consultation document on the draft proposal for a new assisted areas map for the period 2014 to 2020 also sets out the government’s response to the first stage consultation. The purpose of the second stage consultation is to seek views on the draft Assisted Areas Map, taking into consideration the government’s response to the first stage consultation, and the need to comply with the Commission’s regional aid guidelines. 4 Welsh Government Welsh Government Firefighters’ Pension (Wales Scheme (1992) and New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (Wales) (2007) Consultation on the proposed increases to employee contribution Rates; to be effective from 1 April 2014. Community Polls Consultation on the proposed amendment of the 1987 rules on community polls. 13/01/2014 10/02/2014 20/11/2013 12/02/2014 04/12/2013 12/02/2014 11/12/2013 12/02/2014 The consultation seeks views on the proposed increase in employee contribution rates from 1 April 2014 for members of the Firefighters’ Pension (Wales) Scheme (1992) and New Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (Wales) (2007). The Welsh Minsters wish to consult on the 1987 Rules with a view to amendment. The 1987 Rules have received only minor amendment since they came into force in 1987. The consultation focuses on the requirements within the rules in relation to polling station facilities and opening times, poll notice periods and posting voting. Cabinet Office Extending Charity Commission’s powers to tackle abuse in charities WCVA will be submitting a response to this consultation. If you would like to contribute to WCVA’s response, please send your comments to Anna Lewis by email at by Friday 31 January 2014. Welsh Government Local authority environmental permitting fees and charges 20142015 This consultation is about strengthening the Charity Commission’s powers to act where there is abuse of a charity and/or non-compliance with charity law, in particular where there is misconduct or mismanagement or risk to charity property, and considering whether the criteria for disqualification from acting as a charity trustee should be extended. The aim is to ensure more effective regulation of charities by tackling malpractice and to support public trust and confidence in charities, the regulator and the regulation of the charity sector. Local authorities recover their costs for regulating industry to prevent or reduce pollution to acceptable levels through fees and charges for Environmental Permits. The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 allow for fees and charges to be set for Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC) and Local Air – Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC) at levels that will recover costs of local authorities of implementing the system. This consultation relates to the LAPPC and LA-IPPC fees and charges in Wales. It will be of interest to Welsh businesses who hold LAPPC and LAIPPC permits. These businesses include: chipboard and glass manufacture foundries animal renderers crematoria paint manufacture larger furniture works 5 Welsh Government Public consultation on legislative changes affecting ambulance services in Wales petrol stations high street dry cleaners. Following the McClelland strategic review of Welsh Ambulance Services a number of recommendations were made. 19/12/2013 13/02/2014 12/11/2013 14/02/2014 20/12/2013 14/02/2014 Principal recommendations include: transforming the way the ambulance service provides care, with greater focus on the most appropriate health care professional treating patients in the right place, and at the right time; and achievement of clear lines of funding and accountability. This consultation invites views on the proposed legislative changes. It is designed to secure the provision of a clinically-led ambulance service that is funded appropriately and has clear governance arrangements. BBC Trust BBC Trust service review: BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three and BBC Four The BBC Trust works on behalf of licence fee payers to ensure that the BBC provides high quality services and good value for everyone in the UK. One of the ways we do this is by carrying out an in-depth review of each of the BBC's services at least once every five years. This consultation is part of our review of BBC television. It will help us to get the views of licence fee payers on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three and BBC Four. What do you think are the strength of the channels and what should the BBC do to make these television services better? HM Revenue & Customs Assistance with electronic filing of VAT returns All VAT registered businesses (apart from those excepted on religious grounds and those subject to insolvency procedures) must file their VAT returns using an approved means of electronic communication. This mandatory requirement was introduced in law on 1 April 2012. Prior to this, following a consultation exercise, HMRC established procedures to help businesses that required assistance to file online. However, following a Tribunal decision, the government is carrying out this review to ensure that: the law provides a means by which all VAT registered businesses that are required to do so can file using an approved means of electronic communications HMRC’s guidance to businesses who have difficulty in filing online is clear and appropriate options are available to businesses 6 Welsh Government Social services complaints and representations We are seeking your views on our proposals to improve the way we deal with complaints and concerns about social services in Wales. 28/11/2013 20/02/2014 28/11/2013 21/02/2014 25/11/2013 24/02/2014 13/01/2014 24/02/2014 We ask you to consider the draft regulations: The Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2013; The Representations Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2013; and draft guidance. Both the regulations and guidance provide a basis for how local authorities deal with social services complaints. Welsh Government Supporting our public service workforce through collective leadership and legislation This consultation seeks views on a draft Public Services (Workforce) (Wales) Bill, which would give Welsh Ministers powers to issue specific statutory guidance on certain public service workforce matters. Views are also sought on approaches for reinforcing the role of the Workforce Partnership Council. Welsh Government Welsh Government Proposed amendments to the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006 This consultation seeks views on proposed amendments to the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006. Mental health services for prisoners in Wales We wish to consult about how mental health services are delivered in prisons across Wales. It relates to independent investigation of allegations against teachers and members of school staff. The proposed amendments to the regulations aim to ensure that referrals for independent investigation are appropriate. This is necessary to inform the school’s disciplinary and dismissal process and in line with the original intention behind the Welsh Government’s response to the recommendations of the Children’s Commissioner’s Inquiry into allegations of child sexual abuse in a school setting in 2004. Your views are sought on proposals to amend the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006, specifically Regulation 7 which deals with the Conduct, discipline and capability of staff. This was a commitment we made in our ‘Together for Mental Health’ strategy’ document. Your views are sought in particular to the importance placed on delivering our requirements contained within the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010. 7 Welsh Government Draft Planning (Wales) Bill and Positive planning: proposals to reform the planning system in Wales We want your views on the draft Planning Bill and our proposals to modernise the Planning system in Wales. 04/12/2013 26/02/2014 Welsh Government Proposed indicators for the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2014 The purpose of this consultation is to seek user views on proposals for WIMD 2014 indicators. 28/11/2013 27/02/2014 Welsh Government Delivering Growth: An Action Plan for the Food and Drinks Industry 20142020 The aim of the Action Plan is to grow the food and drink sector in Wales. 02/12/2013 03/03/2014 09/12/2013 03/03/2014 07/01/2014 03/03/2014 12/12/2013 05/03/2014 The draft Planning (Wales) Bill and consultation paper contain our proposals to modernise the planning system in Wales through changes to primary legislation, secondary legislation, policy and guidance. The consultation paper identifies the need for culture change, a change in attitude away from regulating development towards encouraging and supporting development. The Welsh Government is seeking your views on a proposed action plan for Wales. The plan sets out actions for both Government and the industry. Economic, environmental and community sustainability is a central consideration throughout the Plan. Welsh Government Proposals concerning the publication of official statistics This consultation document highlights our priorities for the years ahead, building on the Evidence Plan published in May 2013. It highlights areas where we will make changes in response to the changing environment by making more use of electronic dissemination, avoiding duplication, working collaboratively across organisational boundaries and reducing work that is of lower value. Welsh Government Draft Children’s Rights Scheme 2014 The 'Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure' 2011, received unanimous cross party support when it was passed at the National Assembly for Wales on the 18 of January 2011. The Measure strengthened and built on the rights based approach of the Welsh Government to making policy for children and young people in Wales. It placed a duty on Welsh Ministers to have due regard to the substantive rights and obligations within the UNCRC and its optional protocols Welsh Government Council Tax Reduction Scheme Review The Welsh Government is reviewing the options for the future of council tax support in Wales. Our aim is to develop a scheme which is equitable and sustainable, and delivers the maximum protection for low income and vulnerable households within the financial constraints. This consultation seeks your views on the decisions which will need to be 8 made as part of the review. Welsh Government Proposed Welsh Declaration of the Rights of Older People Wales has led the way in ageing policy by establishing the Strategy for Older People in Wales, the Older People’s Well-being Monitor and the world’s first Older People’s Commissioner, all of which reflect the UN Principles for Older Persons. 13/12/2013 05/03/2014 13/12/2013 13/03/2014 The number of older people in Wales is growing and there is no dedicated set of rights for older people in the UK. Age discrimination and ageism are widely tolerated across the world and it would seem fitting that Wales should again lead the way by publishing a Declaration of the Rights of Older People in Wales. Welsh Government Revising the national framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare (CHC) We are seeking views on arrangements we should put in place to support the effective delivery of (CHC) by the NHS. CHC is a package of care provided by the NHS for those individuals with a complex and primarily health-based, need. Health Boards have a duty to set in place suitable governance arrangements to ensure the correct provision of CHC to individuals. Welsh Ministers are responsible for the production of guidance and advice for Health Boards. The 2010 National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare provides these details. Health Boards work with local authority partners, to assess health needs, decide on eligibility for CHC and provide appropriate care for adults. Welsh Ministers have been reviewing the effectiveness of the Framework following the findings of a separate Wales Audit Office’s review. The arrangements will be set out in the 2014 'National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare'. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Zero hours employment contracts This is an online consultation that seeks views from as many participants as possible. It seeks further evidence on the problems identified around the use of zero hours contracts and invites responses to a number of potential actions government can take to address them and promote a better outcome. At this stage, the government has no preferred options. Views are sought in particular on maintaining a fair balance between the flexibility provided by zero hours contracts and ensuring adequate protection for individuals. 19/12/2013 13/03/2014 Welsh Government Statutory Guidance to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in relation to the salaries of Local Authority Chief Executives The Panel will have new powers to make recommendations to Local Authorities and Fire and Rescue Authorities on their Pay Policy Statement relevant to the salary of their Head of Paid Service. 20/12/2013 14/03/2014 9 The Panel will have to have regard to Statutory Guidance made by Welsh Ministers when making recommendations Welsh Government Making the most of every drop - A consultation on reforming the water abstraction management system We are consulting jointly on proposals to reform the system used to manage water removal from rivers and ground water across Wales and England. 17/12/2013 28/03/2014 Welsh Government Marine Strategy Framework Directive consultation – UK Marine Monitoring Programmes This is a joint consultation by: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) the Northern Ireland Executive the Scottish Government the Welsh Government. The Marine Strategy Part One (external link) is the UK’s response to the first phase of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The directive requires that Member States put in place measures to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) in their seas by 2020. 08/01/2014 02/04/2014 Welsh Government Service user involvement framework We are seeking views on our revised substance misuse service user involvement framework. 13/01/2014 07/04/2014 13/01/2014 13/04/2014 We want to ensure the sustainable management of our water in Wales. This includes considering if the water abstraction (removing water from rivers etc) management system in Wales needs to change. This consultation explores options for reforming the current system. We welcome your views on these. We are asking for views from people of all backgrounds but would particularly welcome comments from: substance misuse service commissioners; providers of services; people who use substance misuse services and their friends and families. The framework offers guidance on engaging with service users in the design, commissioning, operation and evaluation of substance misuse services. It is intended to encourage service user involvement and share examples of best practice. Welsh Government Revising the Learner Travel Operational Guidance and evaluating the Travel Code The Learner Travel Operational Guidance provides local authorities with statutory guidance on all aspects of the Welsh Government's home to school/college transport policy. Concerns have been raised regarding the extent to which certain aspects of the Operational Guidance are clear, consistent and easy to understand for users, such as parents and local authorities. The guidance also needs to reflect wider policy reforms in other policy areas. 10