50th Anniversary of the Interstate


Federal Lands Highway

Moving Ahead for Progress in the

21 st Century Act (MAP-21)


November 28, 2012

Federal Lands & Tribal

Transportation Programs

Generally followed Administration’s proposed structure:

Federal Lands Transportation


Annual $

$300 million

Federal Lands Access Program* $250 million

Tribal Transportation Program $450 million

*AK Access Program ~ $7 million

Federal Lands Transportation

Program ($300M)

• To improve access within the Federal estate on infrastructure owned and maintained by the

Federal government

• Combines Park Roads & Refuge Roads programs

• Adds 3 new partners—FS, USACE, BLM

• Requires designation of an eligible inventory of roads, trails, and transit systems

Federal Lands Transportation

Program (cont.)

• NPS & FWS funding remains at current levels

• Remaining $30M awarded competitively

• Agencies to submit investment plans indicating how proposed programs will:

• Address state of good repair, reduction of bridge deficiencies, and improvement of safety;

• Support high-use Federal recreation sites or economic generators; and

• Address the resource management goals of the respective land management agencies.

Federal Lands Access

Program ($250M)

 To improve access to Federal Lands on infrastructure that jurisdiction OR maintenance is by State, County, Local Government, or Tribe

Public Highway, Road, Bridge, Trail, Transit


Planning, engineering, construction/reconstruction, maintenance, and other activities (parking, ped/bicycle, env mitigation, etc)

 80% of funds to States with ≥1.5% of total public land

Federal Lands Access

Program ($250M)

 Distributed by formula:

- Recreational visitation (30%)

- Federal land area (5%)

- Federal public road mileage (55%)

- Federal public bridges (10%)

 Programming decisions made by committee (PDC)

 Requirement for Non-Federal match

 No Designated System

Federal Lands Access

Program Match Requirements

• Statute (23 USC 120); FedAid Rules

• Alaska Match is 9.03%

• Match Forms :

– Cash (Non-Federal see below)

– In kind services (labor), r/w, materials (rock, culvert, etc), equipment time valued at fair market value

– Toll Credits (23 USC 120(i))

Federal Lands Access

Program Match Requirements

• Match Limitations:

– Non-Federal Funds unless specific statutory authority otherwise. Exceptions include:

 Federal Lands Transportation Program/Tribal

Transportation Funds

 Federal Land Management Agency funds (Non Title


– Access funds can’t be used as non-Federal match for other programs

– Can’t use Forest Highway Carryover funds (no statutory authority)

– Eligible work after Project Agreement is signed

Federal Lands Access

Program - Programming

• Borrow/Loan

– Between and within the FLTP and the Access

Program partners/States

• Consultation with FLMAs

– PDC shall cooperate with each applicable

Federal Agency before programming decisions are made

• Preference given to:

– High Use Recreation Sites

– Federal Economic Generators

Federal Lands Access

Program – Types of Projects

Transportation planning, research, engineering, preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration, construction, and reconstruction of Federal lands access transportation facilities located on or adjacent to, or that provide access to, Federal land, and--

(i) adjacent vehicular parking areas;

(ii) acquisition of necessary scenic easements and scenic or historic sites;

(iii) provisions for pedestrians and bicycles;

• (iv) environmental mitigation in or adjacent to Federal land to improve public safety and reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity;

(v) construction and reconstruction of roadside rest areas, including sanitary and water facilities; and

• (vi) other appropriate public road facilities, as determined by the Secretary;

(B) operation and maintenance of transit facilities; and (C) any transportation project eligible for assistance under this title that is within or adjacent to, or that provides access to, Federal land.

Federal Lands Access

Program – Contacts

Federal Highway Administration Pete Field (360) 619-7619

Alaska Department of Transportation Mike Vigue

Alaska Municipal League

(907) 465-2065

Kathie Wasserman (907) 586-1325

US Forest Service

National Park Service

Bureau of Land Management

US Fish & Wildlife Service

US Army Corp of Engineers

Amy Thomas

Paul Schrooten

Randy Goodwin

Troy Civitillo

Tim Feavel

(503) 808-2473

(907) 644-3388

(907) 474-2369

(907) 786-3579

(907) 488-2748
