Organizing Troop Paperwork/ G

Organizing Troop Paperwork/
Girl Scouts of the
Huron Valley Council
Winter Training Fair
January 28, 2006
Haran C. Rashes
Organizing Troop Paperwork/G-Scoutmate
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Confessions of a Troop Leader
• Haran C. Rashes
– Leader
Brownie Girl Scout Troop 205
– Trainer GSHVC
– Wife Laurie is Leader of Junior
Troop 860 and Junior TSD in
Ann Arbor-C (she bought and
also uses the software).
“Until my wife found
G-Scoutmate for me, my
Girl Scout paper work was a
mess and all over the house”
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Paperwork Progression
• First Grade
– Mostly on Paper
– Created lots of forms
• Second Grade
– All forms created and
kept on computer
– Excel and Word
• Third Grade
– G-Scoutmate
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What is G-Scoutmate
• Girl Scout Record
Keeping Software;
• Released in 1992;
• Latest version is 6.0;
• Requires Windows 95 or higher;
• Requires 70 MB of hard
drive space;
• Tracks every type of troop/group
from Daisies through 11-17, including Studio2B;
• Includes financial, money-earning activity,
inventory, library and other sections; and,
• The only GSUSA licensed vendor that sells recordkeeping software for Girl Scouts!
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Objectives of this Course
This course features an overview of G-Scoutmate.
While we will learn some of its features,
this is not a hands-on workshop. The best way
to learn to use G-Scoutmate is to use it!
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Installation of G-Scoutmate
Installs just like any other Windows Program
When installing G-Scoutmate, remember to choose
G-Scoutmate from the list of KSC Group Products.
If installing for the first time, just follow the prompts.
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Getting Started
The first time you launch G-Scoutmate, you will
be asked to identify your troop and type.
You will then be ready to enter information.
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The G-Scoutmate Screen
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Menus and Toolbar
• Almost every command you will need to use
is located on the Toolbar.
Girl Scout Information – Enter and update a girl’s record.
Adult Information – Enter and update an adult’s record.
Ask G-Scoutmate – Query your records.
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Menus and Toolbar - Continued
Event Central – Manage field trips and events.
Reports – Generate reports and rosters.
Calendar Central – Maintain a calendar for your troop(s).
Finances – The troop checkbook.
E-mail – Send e-mail to your scouts or adults.
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Menus and Toolbar - Continued
Money Earning Activities – Track your troop’s fundraisers.
Inventory – Track your troop’s equipment.
Library – Track the books your troop owns.
Notepad – Edit notes to yourself.
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Menus and Toolbar - Continued
Troop Information – Setup information about your troop(s).
Backup/Restore – Backup your database often!
HELP – This one is hopefully self-explanatory.
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Modules we will Cover
• In this course we will examine the following:
Girl Scout Information entry;
Adult Information entry;
Girl Scout Advancements and tracking;
Event Central;
Using G-Scoutmate with multiple troops; and,
Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate.
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Let’s Get Started
• First enter your Girl Scouts!
– Either Click on the
Girl Scout Information Icon;
– Or, Select “Quick Entry” from
the Girl Scout Records Menu.
Using the full record information allows you to
enter everything at once.
Using the Quick Entry gets the girls in the
system fast, but you usually have to go back
and complete the record.
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Quick Entry
• Select Quick Entry
from the Girl
Scouts Record
menu to begin
entering scout
• Click Save when
information for that
girl is completed to
move onto the next
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TIP – Before Entering Information
• The Manage Lists
– If you have information
that is the same for
every girl, check out the
Manage Lists feature on
the Utilities Menu. This
way you will not have to
repeatedly type the
same information.
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Girl Scout Information Entry
Click on the
Girl Scout
The first
will show up.
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Girl Scout Information Entry
Click on
Add to add
a new
When you
complete the
form, make
sure you hit
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Girl Scout Information Entry
After you
have entered
a girl’s
you can
modify other
attributes of
her record
from the tabs
at the top of
the screen.
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Girl Scout Information Entry
You can enter
all of her
This will link
the records to
each other.
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Girl Scout Information Entry
You can enter
all other
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Girl Scout Information Entry
You can
modify any
girls’ record
by selecting
her from the
pull down
menu on the
right side of
the screen
and then
clicking on
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Adult Information Entry
information is
added the
same way as
Girl Scout
You can
select any
adult from the
pull down
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Adult Information Entry
Just as the
Girl Scouts
have specific
fields such as
there are also
some specific
fields for
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Scout Information Tool Bar
From both a Girl Scout or an Adult’s Information Screen you
can access various sections of their record from the Tool Bar.
Advancements – Brownie Try-it, Junior Interest, etc., badges
and records for Girl Scouts.
Dues – What dues has the Girl Scout or Adult Paid to the
Events – What events or field trips has the Girl Scout or Adult
participated in.
Groups and Projects – What groups or projects has the Girl
Scout or Adult participated in.
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Scout Information Tool Bar (continued)
Medical Information – Data from the Scout’s Health History
Record (Remember you may still need a paper copy to take on field trips).
Non Dues Money – Record anything besides dues that
someone has paid to the troop.
Paperwork – Record what forms or other paperwork has been
turned in by the girl or adult.
Positions – Record leadership positions: i.e., Leader, CoLeader for adults; Patrol Leader, Troop Officer for girls.
Relatives – Quick entry of relatives.
Registration – Record GSUSA registration information.
Service – Record community service activities and hours.
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Scout Information Tool Bar (continued)
Troop History – What other troops or councils has this person
been associated with.
Vehicles – Information from the Council’s Driver and Privately
Owned Vehicle Statements (adults only).
These and additional
information screens are
available from the
Sections pull down menu
on the right side of the
Information Entry Screen.
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Information Entry
Using the Icons at
the Top of an
Information Record,
you can add
information such as
health records.
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Adult Information Entry
(for both
Scouts and
Adults) may
be added
through the
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Select a girl’s
Click on
Click the
button to bring
up the
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Highlight the
you want to
work with and
“<<Add ” it to
the list for that
Girl Scout.
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Highlight the
you want to
work with for
that girl in the
list on the
right and click
on See
to work with the
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Fill in the
dates as
elements of
the badge are
A calendar can
be called up to
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Close the list of
badge elements
to save.
When the Scout
has earned the
badge, change
the status to
You can leave
the badge as
until actually
presented to the
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Bridging and
work the same
way as Badges.
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Hold your cursor
over a badge
element to get
the full
description of
what to do to
complete that
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From the Main
Screen, you can
get reports on
Girl Scouts’
Select the Report
Button to go to
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Select either
one, multiple, or
all of the Girl
Click Next
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Select the
Category of the
Report you want
A submenu will
open up
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Here I selected:
Progress Reports
Try-its 
By Award Name
This brought up an
additional portion of
the screen to
complete to select
my report format
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When you print
report, you will
get a screen copy
of your report,
which you may
then send to a
All Reports work
in a very similar
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Numerous Reports are available
by age
by person
by date
bar chart
pie chart
Labels/Envelopes (cont’d)
Nametags-Avery 5383
Postcards-Avery 5389
Envelopes-Stand. Short
Inactive Records
by person
by reason
bar chart
pie chart
Other Reports
G-Scoutmate 5.xx Info
Dues (by date)
Dues (by person)
E-Mail and Websites
Emergency contacts
Girl Scout Info (Full)
Non-Dues $$ (by date)
Non-Dues $$ (by pers)
Years in Girl Scouts
Address-Avery 5260
Address-Avery 5163
File Folders-Avery 5266
Name Only-Avery 5260
Organizing Troop Paperwork/G-Scoutmate
Phone/Address Lists
Phone/Address List
by Patrol
by Troop
Phone List
by Patrol
by Troop
Progress Reports
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
Slide 42
Reports (Cont’d)
Numerous Reports are available
Progress Reports (Cont’d)
Interest Project Awards
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
Studio 2B Charms
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
Other Awards
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
by Award Name
by Girl Scout Name
Organizing Troop Paperwork/G-Scoutmate
by Effective Date
by school
by Troop
by Date Registered
by school
by Troop
Unawarded Awards
by Award type
by award
by Girl Scout Name
by Award
by Girl Scout Name
Vehicle Information
by Patrol
by Troop
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Event Central
• GS Scoutmate can help you plan your next
Troop Event or Trip.
– Generate Council
Permission Slips;
– Track permission slips;
– Track money turned in;
– Track attendance.
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Event Central
• Select the Event
Central menu or
click on the Event
Central button to
bring up the
Event Central
• Select the type of
event you wish to
add from the pull
down menu.
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Event Central
• Click on Add
New Event to
add the event and
allow you to work
with it.
• Fill in the
information about
your event and
click Save
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Event Central
• You can now
track which
girls are
attending the
event and have
paid their
money by
moving them to
the attendees
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Event Central
Council Permission Slips
• Event Central can
permission slips
designed for our
• Permission Slip
Data file must be
downloaded from
KSC Group.
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Event Central
Council Permission Slips
• Download the
permission slip
for our Council.
• Save the file to
your GScoutmate
folder, which is
C:/Program Files/Gscoutmate60
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Event Central
Council Permission Slips
Go into GScoutmate and
select (from the
main menu) File
and Preferences.
This will bring up
the Preferences
Next to "Permission
Slip Report File",
click on the "SF"
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Event Central
Council Permission Slips
Double-click on the
permission slip
report file for your
council. (The one
you just saved).
Click on Save to
activate that
permission slip
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Event Central
Council Permission Slips
Double-click on the
permission slip
report file for your
council. (The one
you just saved).
Click on Save to
activate that
permission slip
Click on Save again
to save your
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Event Central
Permission Slips
Return to Event
Central (if you
previously setup a
council permission
slip, you are ready
to go).
Select an existing
event and click
Event Permission
Slip to bring up the
permission slip
preferences screen.
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Event Central
Permission Slips
Click Add and then
Fill in the
Permission Slip
If you are using a
Council or Custom
Permission slip,
click on the For
Permission Slips
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Event Central
Permission Slips
The Custom Fields
for GSHVC are:
1. Leader’s Name;
2. Leaders Cell
Phone Number;
3. Return permission
slip and payment
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Event Central
Permission Slips
The continued
Custom Fields for
GSHVC are:
4. If X, then Uniforms
box is checked,
otherwise other will
be checked and text
5. Girls should bring;
6. Drivers/Chaperones
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Event Central
Permission Slips
You can also create
individual Permission
Slips for each Girl.
Return to Event
Central and highlight
or select the girls you
want to generate
Permission Slips for.
Select Reports from
the Event Central
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Event Central
Permission Slips
Click Save and then
select Print from
the menus to
create your
permission slips.
From the menu you
can choose to
print Blank
without the girl’s
name on it.
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Event Central
Permission Slips
Slips” and click
on Print Reports.
If you have setup an
e-mail account with
G-Scoutmate and
have e-mail
addresses for your
girls, you can even
e-mail the
permission slips!
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Event Central
Permission Slips
Print them out
and each girl
will now have
her own
permission slip.
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• To Simplify your
finances, first go to the
Utilities menu and
select List
• Add the financial
categories from our
council’s financial
reports to the Finance
Categories List
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• If you can use Quicken,
you can use G-Scoutmate
• The first time you click on the Finance button
you will be told that there are no accounts
• Clicking OK, will allow you to open a new
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• Once an account is setup, you will be able to
use the Financial Register.
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• Click Add New to add a new transaction.
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• Add data directly into check register.
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• Click Save to update your balance.
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• Financial Reports are available directly from
the Financial Account Window.
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• Filling out year end and interim Financial
Reports will now be a breeze!
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Using G-Scoutmate with Multiple Troops
• G-Scoutmate can be used for multiple troops within
the restrictions of the G-Scoutmate Software
Licensing Policy:
If purchased for use by a troop
The software may be copied for members of the troop. It may not be used on the service unit
level, and it may not be copied for other troops.
If purchased for use by a service unit
The software may be copied for members of the service unit team. Since many service unit team
members also have their own troops, we've come up with the following license policy:
1) One person may use this copy at both the service unit and troop level at NO additional
2) For other members of the service unit team that WILL NOT use G-Scoutmate on the
troop level, there is NO additional charge;
3) For other members of the service unit team that WILL use G-Scoutmate on the troop
level, they will need to purchase a "Service Unit Team Member Personal Troop Usage
(SUTMPTU) License" for $20.00.
4) G-Scoutmate cannot be given to troop leaders that are not part of the Service Unit team.
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Using G-Scoutmate with Multiple Troops
• To Set-up second, third or
up to tenth troop:
– Select Setup Troops
from the Utilities Menu.
– Enter the additional
Troop’s number.
– Enter the additional
Troop’s type
– Click on <<Add to
add the Troop.
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Using G-Scoutmate with Multiple Troops
• To work with a
different troop:
– Select Switch to a Different
Troop from the
Utilities Menu.
– The Troop Selection
Window will come up.
– Double Click the Troop you
want to work with.
– G-Scoutmate now will be
operational for that Troop
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Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate
comes with a
and searchable
The manual is in
Adobe Acrobat
PDF format and
located in the
same directory
in which you
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Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate
A discussion group about
the features and
functionality of GScoutmate is available
on Yahoo Groups.
You can either use Yahoo
Groups or have
messages delivered to
your e-mail.
To Subscribe, or to check
it out, go to:
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Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate
G-Scoutmate has a
series of Help
They can be
accessed by
pressing the “F1”
key on your
keyboard or
clicking on the
Help icon on the
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Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate
KSC Group’s Website
KSC is always putting
helpful tips, upgrades,
and other resources on
their website.
This is also the location
of the G-Scoutmate
Knowledge Base.
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Resources for helping you use G-Scoutmate
The Knowledge Base
contains a
searchable database
of questions that
users have asked as
well as hints and
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Organizing Troop Paperwork/
The best way to learn G-Scoutmate is to use it!
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