December 12 th Town Hall Welcome! We will begin the webinar shortly. Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Please use *# to mute your phone. You can unmute your phone using *#. Support at: Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Data Pipeline and inform LEA’s on any upcoming news and updates. 1 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) If you receive a call and need to pick up please disconnect from the webinar. Enter your Name and your District when logging into the webinar (no password will be needed) For today’s event, we will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: • A presenter will call your name • After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2 Webinar Etiquette Should you receive a call during the webinar, please hang up this call, answer the other call and then call the webinar number back please. When another call is answered while on the webinar all of the participants hear the hold music. Thank you 3 Introductions CDE Staff Introductions 4 Agenda File Transfer Security IdM Clean up of Users Directory Walk Through Finance ELPA Sign-off Sheets Assessment TCAP Data Pull Staff Interchange/HR December/EDIS Special Education December Count Student Interchange/End of Year 5 Securely Handling Data Private, personal, and sensitive data should not be transmitted via email. Subject to eavesdropping and interception during transit, and transmission is unreliable. No control of the data, could be auto-forwarded, archived, and stored insecurely on multiple devices, many individuals have access, and data my never be destroyed. Underlying data is also not secure, metadata such as senders, recipients, time sent, connecting servers, etc. are all included in email. 6 Securely Handling Data CDE has implemented a Secure File Transfer System (SFTS) Data stream is taken out of email. Instead, user receives a link via email to securely download data. Data expires and is destroyed on server side. Guidance and training is forthcoming, expect your CDE data analysts to request the use of this system when exchanging sensitive data going forward. 7 Data Pipeline Statistics Interchanges Name December 12 LEAs with Respondents December 12 Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files STD Student Interchange 194 468 185 STF Staff Interchange 221 452 130 TI1 Title I Interchange 141 267 96 SPE SPED IEP Interchange 77 166 61 TSL Teacher Student Interchange 90 168 5 DIS Discipline Interchange 70 131 0 Collection 9 Snapshot Name December 12 LEAs with Respondents December 12 Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files OCT October Count 200 493 185/185 SEY Student End of Year 14 29 0 DEC SPED December Count 77 176 55/3 SPI SPED Discipline 65 125 0 EOY SPED End of Year 69 151 0 HRD HR December 200 364 39/0 Collection 10 Year Round Collections Name December 12 LEAs with Respondents December 12 Number of Respondents DIR Directory 192 330 RTS RITS Batch File Upload 171 358 45 EDS EDIS Batch File upload 178 330 45 Collection 11 LEAs submitting Files Periodic Collections Name December 12 LEAs with Respondents December 12 Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files ACT ACT SBD Collection 74 127 0 ACC Access SBD Collection 87 153 0 TCP TCAP SBD Collection 72 121 0 RCM Report Card March 143 221 0 FIN Finance December 202 343 183/113 11G 11th Grade Assessment 118 199 0 RED READ Collection 123 211 0 Collection 12 Non-Pipeline Related Collections Name December 12 LEAs with Respondents December 12 Number of Respondents RITS RITS Web 213 924 EDIS EDIS Web 203 514 HQOS HQ Online 159 494 SSCC Statewide Course Codes 194 623 Collection 13 LEAs submitting Files IdM Clean-up of Users 14 IdM Clean-up of Users LAMs should on a regular basis go in and disable users who are no longer with the district. System will not allow the LAM to DELETE users. 15 16 Directory Walk Through – Updating Local School Board Membership 17 Finance December Finance December Submission Status Update GASB 54 Fund Equity Accounts and Accuracy of Reporting How to Properly Reconcile “W” Edit Errors Finance December “Quick Reference Guide”: Approving Data Audits and Pipeline Submissions Due 12-31-2013 Extensions District Specific Questions 19 Finance December Submissions As of Wednesday, December 11: Districts/BOCES that have submitted: 183 Districts/BOCES that have Approved: 171 Districts/BOCES yet to submit: 16 20 GASB 54: Fund Equity Accounts For the past three years School Finance has been actively communicating with Districts on the need to accurately report Fund Equity (ending fund balance) Accounts per GASB Statement 54. Bolded Fund Equity Accounts are shown in detail in the Chart of Accounts Accuracy of reporting the correct Fund Equity accounts is a FY12-13 Pipeline data review item, and if you have not reported correctly, you may be asked to submit revised Pipeline data Please take a moment to review the Fund Equity accounts in your data: Balance Sheet Codes 6000-6999 21 GASB 54: Balance Sheet Codes 6000-6999 Below are the approved Fund Equity Accounts. If you and/or your auditor believe you have miscoded data, please contact Adam Williams, Yolanda Lucero or Kirk Weber to discuss. FUND EQUITY 6710 Non-spendable Fund Balance 6720 Restricted Fund Balance 6721 Tabor 3% Emergency Reserve 6722 TABOR Multi Year Obligations 6723 District Emergency Reserve (Letter of Credit or Real Estate) 6724 22 Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) Reserve GASB 54: Balance Sheet Codes 6000-6999 6725 6726 6727 6750 6760 6770 6790 Full Day Kindergarten Reserve Risk-Related / Restricted Capital Reserve BEST Capital Renewal Reserve Committed Fund Balance Assigned Fund Balance Unassigned Fund Balance Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt: used only with Proprietary Funds 6791 Restricted Net Assets: used only with Proprietary Funds 6792 Unrestricted Net Assets: used only with Proprietary Funds 6880 Prior-Period Adjustment 23 GASB 54: Balance Sheet Codes 6000-6999 6770 Unassigned Fund Balance 6792 Unrestricted Net Assets: used only with Proprietary Funds When you have a deficit (negative) amount coded to one of the two accounts above, it’s critical that you have chosen to use the correct code. Do not assume your software system will automatically create the proper fund equity accounts for your Pipeline file. You may have to make adjusting journal entries to reflect the proper fund equity accounts shown in your audit. 24 Reconciling “W” Edit Errors The following are examples of how to properly reconcile common “W” edit errors: FD 094: GRANT (WARNING: Provide documentation justifying this variance) The amount the district has recorded for Grants Receipts should equal the amount of CDE payments, making adjustments for accounts receivable and deferred revenue changes from prior year to current year. CDE payments to your district exclude flow through (Source 3951 and 4951). District Grant 3164 Receipts = $60.00 CDE Payment = $72.60 District Grant 3169 Receipts = $48.80 CDE Payment = $557.60 Grant 3164: Difference of $12.60 represents a payment by CDE dated 6/26/13 that District received after year-end and reported as a receivable Grant 3169: Difference of $508.80 represents two payments by CDE dated 6/26/13 that District received after year-end and reported as a receivable 25 Reconciling “W” Edit Errors The following is an examples of an unacceptable edit error reconciliation: common FD 094: GRANT (WARNING: Provide documentation justifying this variance) The amount the district has recorded for Grants Receipts should equal the amount of CDE payments, making adjustments for accounts receivable and deferred revenue changes from prior year to current year. CDE payments to your district exclude flow through (Source 3951 and 4951). District Grant 3164 Receipts = $60.00 CDE Payment = $72.60 District Grant 3169 Receipts = $48.80 CDE Payment = $557.60 Timing issue 26 Reconciling “W” Edit Errors FD049: BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (BFB) (WARNING: you must provide documentation to CDE justifying this variance) for the current year must equal the previous year's Ending Fund Balance (EFB). To allow for rounding, the BFB may be within $1 of the EFB. BFB is calculated as the EFB (includes prior period adjustment) plus expenditures minus revenues. Fund 10: Reported Ending Fund Balance: $4,037,196.35 Reported Expenditures: $8,574,071.12 Reported Revenues: $8,799,312.73 Formula Driven Beg. Fund Balance: $3,811,954.74 Previous Year's Ending Fund Balance: $2,694,790.86 Fund 20: Reported Ending Fund Balance: $81,171.26 Reported Expenditures: $507,308.61 Reported Revenues: $497,720.54 Formula Driven Beg. Fund Balance: $90,759.33 Previous Year's Ending Fund Balance: $1,207,922.21 FD049 – With a change in which funds have been designated at “major” the property tax shortfall fund was determined to not meet the test of a special revenue fund any longer and was merged with the general fund. This is why fund 10 and fund 20’s have the same variance: 1,117,163 27 Reconciling “W” Edit Errors FD017: [Please Verify] ACCRUED SALARIES AND BENEFITS - Balance Sheet 7461. The district reported the following amounts in the following funds. Do these amounts match the district audit? FD018: [Please Verify] AMOUNT AUTHORIZED FROM MOST RECENT BOND - Fund 90, Balance Sheet 7513. Please verify that the information being reported in Fund 90, the District Debt Fund, is correct and matches your audit. FD027: [Please Verify] SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES - Source Code 1120. The district reported the following amounts in the following funds. Do these amounts match the district audit? FD029: [Please Verify] TOTAL ISSUED FROM LAST SUCCESSFUL BOND - Fund 90, Balance Sheet 7515. Please verify that the information being reported in Fund 90, the District Debt Fund, is correct and matches your audit. FD030: [Please Verify] YEAR OF LAST SUCCESSFUL BOND ELECTION - Fund 90, Balance Sheet 7514. Please verify that the information being reported in Fund 90, the District Debt Fund, is correct and matches your audit. 28 FD017 – Accrued Salaries have been verified and confirmed with the audit. FD018 – Bond information has been confirmed. FD027 – Specific ownership taxes have been confirmed. FD029 & FD030 - Bond information has been confirmed. Reconciling “W” Edit Errors 29 Please submit any edit error reconciliations with your audit. The following was attached to a District’s 2nd Tier Edit Error Report and is an example of an excellent was to submit the reconciliations. Telluride School District Error and Warning Report Explanations: Audit Year 2013 FD017 – Accrued Salaries have been confirmed with the audit. FD018 – Bond information has been confirmed. FD027 – Specific ownership taxes have been confirmed. FD029 & FD030 - Bond information has been confirmed. FD049 – With a change in which funds have been designated at “major” the property tax shortfall fund was determined to not meet the test of a special revenue fund any longer and was merged with the general fund. This is why fund 10 and fund 20’s have the same variance. FD207 – Verified….unused. FD208 – Payment has been confirmed. Finance December Quick Reference Guide There is a helpful Data Pipeline Quick Reference Guide on the School Finance website (under Financial Reporting), and it has been emailed to all business officials via the list serve. Item #6 on the Reference Guide gives the steps on how to approve/officially submit your Financial December Pipeline Data to CDE Once you officially submit your data to CDE, your Audit Integrity Report will say “FINAL” at the bottom, and this is what your auditor needs for audit completion 30 Finance December Quick Reference Guide: Official Submission of Data Item #6: Officially Submitting Data to CDE Log into Pipeline with your passwords Select “Finance December” then select “Status Dashboard” Status Dashboard Selections File Type Finance December School Year 2012-13 Organization/LEA Select your District/BOCES Select “Submit”, then select district name, then select “Submit to CDE” 31 Finance December Quick Reference Guide: Official Submission of Data Item #6: Officially Submitting Data to CDE Once you complete the “Offical Submission to CDE” your Audit Integrity Report will say “FINAL” at the bottom. The “FINAL” report is what your auditor needs to complete the audit 32 FY 12-13 Audit and Related Material Due Date Audits which contain a “FINAL” version of the Audit Integrity Report are due, postmarked or emailed to CDE and the Office of the State Auditor on or before December 31st, 2013 CDE requires: Audit Completed Accreditation Report, signed by Business Manager, Superintendent and BOE President Reconciliations for Please Verify and “W” warning edits Office of State Auditor requires: Audit only 33 FY 12-13 Audit and Related Material Due Date Colorado Department of Education Public School Finance Unit, Room 206 201 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203-1799 34 FY 12-13 Audit and Related Material Due Date After December 18th Office of the State Auditor Local Government Division 1525 Sherman St., 7th Floor Denver, CO 80203 303-869-3000 Phone 303-869-3000 Fax 35 Audit Extensions If your FY12-13 audit and December Financial Pipeline submissions are not completed by December 31st, 2013, you need to file for an extension with the Office of the State Auditor (OSA). CDE does NOT grant or process extensions – we honor the extensions granted by OSA Form for filing an extension is found on the OSA website: No. 03a- Audit Due Dates Timeline School Districts (pdf) Audit Due Dates Timeline - School Districts 36 Audit Extensions If you need to talk to a person at OSA about filing and extension, please contact Justin Smith: 303-869-3000 Phone 303-869-3000 Fax 37 District Questions Adam Williams: 303-866-6843 Yolanda Lucero: 303-866-6847 Kirk Weber: 303-866-6610 38 Student October Count 2013-2014 39 What next? Signed ELPA verification form needs to be sent to Morgan Cox in the Office of Federal Programs as soon as possible Her fax number is 303-866-6637 The form is under Cognos Reports -> Student October -> ELPA Reports -> ELPA Summary of Evaluation. Continue to enter Student Interchange data within the Pipeline. The benefits of this: You will not forget the process You can correct your district’s data before the next collections You will not have as much work to do for the next collections You will not need to spend as much time on those collections 40 January Pre-Coded Label/ Pre-ID Extracts At the end of the day January 15 districts must have data updated for the following Pre-Coded Label/Pre-ID Extracts TCAP/CoAlt: Reading, Writing and Mathematics CO ACT CMAS/CoAlt: Science and Social Studies Data will be extracted from the untagged Student Demographic and Student School Association files. District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) received an email on 12/9 with detailed instructions and the pull criteria for each assessment. Contact Jessica Allen in the Assessment Unit for more information Phone: (303) 866-6281 email: 41 Staff Interchange 42 Staff Interchange: Known Defects ST198: “Base Salary out of Min/Max Range” WARNING ST092: “Years of Teaching Experience Instate must be less than or equal to Years of Education Experience Instate” ST152: "Teachers teaching grades 6th and above and not K-5 must list a teaching subject area other than General Elem” ERROR ST186 "Years Principal at this School must = prior year Years Principal at this School + 1 where Staff Classification = 101, 105 AND Program Assignment = 2410 will become a WARNING FIXED: Status Dashboard showing Data not Uploaded when the files have been processed 43 Human Resources 44 Human Resources Snapshot: Known Defects and in process HR033 – “If Subject Area of Degree is valid then Highest Level of Education must be 16 or higher” showing as error when subject area of degree = 2100 (no degree) Hr034 – “Institution or State Code must <> 0000 where Job Class Code = 100-299 “ being modified for only staff with BA or higher HR050 – Principal Overall Performance Rating is showing even when employee was not principal in prior year HR048- Teacher Overall Performance Rating is showing even when employee was not teacher in prior year Snapshots performance issues- taking long to process FTE by Size Report- is inaccurate at this time 45 Human Resources Timeline Final due March 14th 2014 Please ensure you will have adequate time to complete the full process: 1. Submit both Staff files into Staff Interchange 2. Clear all Staff Interchange business rules (errors) 3. Create the Human Resources Snapshot 4. Clear all Human Resources Snapshot business rules (errors)-This includes having ALL Title I teachers and paras meet HQ req. 5. Review Data Reports and Finalize Data 46 Contact Information – New method for us to better meet and record LEA needs Annette Severson – 47 Special Education December Count SPECIAL EDUCATION IEP BUSINESS RULE BUGS SE118 with the programmer SE121 in Production (being tested) SE261 with the programmer SE272 Deactivated in Data Pipeline – needs to be deactivated in the ESSU IEP Interchange 9.2.2 SE273 with the programmer SE347 with the programmer If you get one of these errors and you think your data is right don’t change your data just let us know. 49 Thank you for your patience. SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS ST045 EDID in Staff Assignment Association file must match a EDID from the staff file, EDID must be in both files. This would require loading the demographic file first. I would like to get some feedback on this proposal. (Bug 2270) ST092 Years of Teaching Experience Instate must be < = to Years of Education Experience Instate – triggering when both fields are zero-filled ST161 ST198 Base Salary is out of min/max range Warning. Doesn’t appear to be working properly ST289 Number of Classes Taught in Subject should be greater than zero and less than 16 – FIXED ST293 Should be working correctly and in production now ST300 Teaching Subject Area – should be fixed ST304 Getting moved to production relative to SOPs and Grant Codes ST307 All Special Education Staff must have at least one grade level selected. District Code of Residence – Out of State need to provide 2 digit state Code. Waiting on programmer to see if two spaces before or after the code (Bug 1700) 50 SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS State Operated Program Issues in the Data Pipeline – High Priority for resolution – fix created issues with Student. New fix going in on Friday Instances where an Administrative Unit is able to see district data in their drop downs for staff under upload (AU 03030 sees 3030 and AU 01010 sees 1010) If there are other instances PLEASE let me know. 51 SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF BUSINESS RULE BUGS Enhancement – Respondents with DEC roles will be able to verify by looking at the Status Dashboard under Staff to see if their corresponding district staff files have been uploaded 52 SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS DC006 Years Teaching In State – zero fill was not being allowed currently being tested in QA DC007 Years Teaching Experience Out of State was not allowing zero-filled currently being tested in QA DC008 Years Education Experience In State was not allowing zero-filled currently being tested in QA 53 SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS DC026 If School is Schoolwide Title 1 and JCC is 416 then Ed level must be >= 54 to 10 Tested in QA – moving to production DC027 – Paras in schoolwide Title 1 must either have passed the test or Ed Level must be higher than 16 – rule not working testing in QA DC032 Teacher Overall Performance Rating DC105 If PAI =19,23,28,31 then School Code must be zero-filled Not working correctly DC123 change got reverted – programmers updated last night DC132 Grades reported at a school not working correctly DC136 Ed Setting for 301-308 not triggering correctly SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS DC137 If PPPS =01 or 02 Grade cannot be 002, 004, 006 or 00 – currently being tested in QA DC139 ELL cannot be zero-filled unless PPPPS=02 – currently being tested in QA 55 SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS DC140 If School is Not Schoolwide Title I and JCC is 201 or 202 and teaching level is E, S or E/S and they do not have valid license. DC141 This teacher needs to demonstrate content knowledge at the elementary level. DC142 Warning HQ not met. DC143 Warning Teacher needs to demonstrate content knowledge in the assigned content area. DC144 Warning Teacher needs to demonstrate knowledge at the elementary level. Warnings being Moved to Production. If you receive the warning and don’t think you should let us know. If you think you should receive the warning and aren’t let us know. 56 SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS DC145 Warning for non schoolwide Title I schools - To be considered HQ PARA must hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent currently being tested in QA DC146 Warning PARA in non schoolwide Title 1 Ed Level must be greater than 15 OR Pass Para Test currently being tested in QA DC147 Warning PARA in non schoolwide Title 1 does not meet the NCLB HQ Requirements currently being tested in QA DC154 New Warning Another AU is claiming funding DC155 New Warning relative to Detention Centers DC157 this should be working correctly now Exceptions are working now! 57 SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT BUSINESS RULE BUGS New Warning – There is a Detention Center within the boundaries of your AU and you have not reported any students there. Please check with the Detention Center for a list of DETAINED students and notify the resident AUs that their student was Detained on the count date and that they are reporting the student correctly. Please refer to your Data Elements and Definitions for guidance on which AU receives funding. Currently being tested in QA 58 SPECIAL EDUCATION REPORTS Staff Error Report Added FTE Calculation System should take value from the data submitted on the Special Education Staff records and not to data of the same staff person submitted as a regular ed staff. Included and Excluded Record Reports Mode Contract Blank for some folks Not populating the correct values for others Mode Contract Blank for some folks Not populating the correct values for others 59 Next Milestone Tuesday, December 17, 2013 melineupdated.pdf Date by which you must generate your 50% December Snapshot in Data Pipeline 50% December Snapshot means: 50% of Student and Staff records that will be submitted for December Count must pasts Interchange validations and meet the Snapshot criteria to be included in the Snapshot data set and reports. (timeliness points will be determined at the close of the collection). Any records not included in the Snapshot that should be will need to be corrected at the source and resubmitted at the Interchange, then the Snapshot re-generated. 60 Special Education “Huddle” New Adobe Connect URL URL Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Next Huddle: December 17th, 2013 at 11:00 am Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Special Education Data Reporting. Special Education Technical Assistance Helpful Hints If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the Data Pipeline Support Team Email: Additionally please email the data team.;;; ; In the subject line please provide the Administrative Unit Number and the District Code if applicable as well as the subject of your email. Please do not leave the same voice mail to more than one person or separate emails. We will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. Thank you 62 Contact Information – New method for us to better meet and record LEA needs Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620 – Lindsey Heitman 303-866-5759 – Orla Bolger 303-866-6296 – Kathy Baca 303-866-6989 - Sonia Vargas 303-866-6649 – 63 Student Interchange and Student End of Year Student Interchange Please keep loading data into the Student Interchange Load at least once a month 11th grade alternate assessment requires data in January Pre-coded labels requires data End of Year snapshot will be available in February 65 Student End of Year done 66 December 12 th Town Hall Thanks for joining us! Next Town Hall: December 19th 67