Download Lab. Handouts Download Lab. #3 and Print out 3 files: Quiz #2 Marks posted on Webpage Mendelian Genetics Topics: -Transmission of DNA during cell division Mitosis and Meiosis - Segregation - Sex linkage (problem: how to get a white-eyed female) - Inheritance and probability - Mendelian genetics in humans - Independent Assortment - Linkage - Gene mapping - 3 point test cross - Tetrad Analysis (mapping in fungi) - Extensions to Mendelian Genetics - Gene mutation - Chromosome mutation - Quantitative and population genetics Linkage Chapter 6 - recombination - linkage maps Ch. 6 p. 148 – 165 Prob: 1-5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 Linkage of Genes - Many more genes than chromosomes - Some genes must be linked on the same chromosome; therefore not independent Independent Assortment Fig 6-6 Interchromosomal Linkage Fig 6-11 Intrachromosomal Two ways to produce dihybrid A B a b X A B a b cis A B a b Gametes: AB ab Ab aB P AaBb (dihybrid ) P P R R A b A b a B X a B A b trans a B Ab aB AB ab Example Test Cross How to distinguish: Parental high freq. Recombinant low freq. AaBb AB Ab aB ab X ab AaBb Aabb aaBb aabb aabb Exp. 25 25 25 25 100 Obs. 10 R 40 P 40 P 10 R 100 Example (cont.) Gametes: AB R Ab P aB P ab R Therefore dihybrid: A a b (trans) B Linkage Maps Genes close together on same chromosome: - smaller chance of crossovers between them - fewer recombinants Therefore: percentage recombination can be used to generate a linkage map Linkage maps A a C c B b D d large # of recomb. small number of recombinants Linkage maps example Testcross progeny: P AaBb 2146 R Aabb 43 65 R aaBb 22 4513 = 1.4 % RF P aabb 2302 Total 4513 1.4 map units A 1.4 mu B Additivity of map distances separate maps A B A 7 combine maps C 2 A 2 B 7 or A C 2 C B 5 Locus (pl. loci) Linkage Deviations from independent assortment Dihybrid gametes 2 parent (noncrossover) common 2 recombinant (crossover) rare % recombinants a function of distance between genes % RF = map distance Gametes Number of Genes Number of Different Gametes monohybrid 1 (Aa) 2 dihybrid 2 (AaBb) 4 trihybrid 3 (AaBbCc) 8 Three Point Test Cross Trihybrid AaBbCc ABC ABc AbC Abc aBC aBc abC abc X aabbcc abc 8 gamete types Three Point Test Cross Trihybrid Gametes C ABC c ABc C AbC c Abc B A b a Three Point Test Cross Trihybrid AaBbCc 3 genes: Possibilities: 1. All unlinked 2. Two linked; one unlinked 3. Three linked - order ? A---B---C B---C---A B---A---C Three Point Test Cross Three recessive mutants of Drosophila: P +/+ cv/cv ct/ct +, v vermilion eyes +, cv crossveinless +, ct cut wing X v/v +/+ +/+ Three Point Test Cross P +/+ cv/cv ct/ct Gametes F1 trihybrid + cv ct x v/v +/+ +/+ v + + v/+ cv/+ ct/+ Three Point Test Cross F1 v/+ cv/+ ct/+ 8 gamete types x v/v cv/cv ct/ct v cv ct one gamete type 8 gamete types F1 v/+ cv/+ ct/+ v + + cv v cv + + v cv + + v + + cv + 580 Parental (most frequent) ct 592 + 45 ct 40 ct 89 Recombinant + 94 ct 3 + 5 1448 8 gamete types F1 v/+ cv/+ ct/+ v + + cv v cv + + v cv + + v + + cv + 580 ct 592 + 45 ct 40 ct 89 + 94 ct 3 + 5 1448 Parental Recombinant 268 Recombinant Parental 268 1448 = 18.5 % 8 gamete types F1 v/+ cv/+ ct/+ v + + cv v cv + + v cv + + v + + cv + 580 ct 592 + 45 ct 40 ct 89 + 94 ct 3 + 5 1448 Parental Parental Recombinant 191 Recombinant 191 1448 = 13.2 % 8 gamete types F1 v/+ cv/+ ct/+ v + + cv v cv + + v cv + + v + + cv + 580 ct 592 + 45 ct 40 ct 89 + 94 ct 3 + 5 1448 Parental Recombinant 93 Parental Recombinant 93 1448 = 6.4 % Calculate Recombination Fraction 1. v - cv 2. v - ct 3. ct - cv R v cv R + + R + + R v ct R ct + R + cv 45 + 89 40 + 94 268 / 1448 = 18.5 % 94 + 5 89 + 3 191/1448 = 13.2 % 40 + 3 45 + 5 93/1448 = 6.4 % Three point test cross Observations: all 3 RF < 50 % 3 genes on same chromosome v-----cv largest distance ct in middle map v-------ct-------cv = cv-------ct-------v 13.2 + 6.4 = 19.6 > 18.5 !! Why ? Three Point Test Cross P +/+ ct/ct cv/cv gametes F1 trihybrid + ct x v/v +/+ +/+ cv v + v + + ct + cv + Three Point Test Cross Double crossover class rarest: v---cv P v P + R R v + X + ct ct + X + cv v + + cv v + X + X cv + cv Three Point test cross 1. Double crossovers not counted in v--cv RF 2. Double crossovers generate P types (with respect to v--cv) 3. Double crossovers not detected as recombinants Consequence: underestimate of v----cv map distance Greater distance of genes greater error Double recombinant class: (3 + 5) x 2 = 16 268 + 16 = 284 284/1448 = 19.6 NOTE: double crossovers detected because of middle gene (ct) Mapping Function Genes close together on chromosome -RF good estimate of map distance Genes far apart on chromosome - RF underestimates true map distance due to undetected multiple crossovers Mapping Function m = avg. # crossovers per meiosis (linear with true map distance) if m = 1 (1 cross over for every meiosis) then 50 % recombinants produced Therefore: Gamete Types map units (mu) = m x 50 F1 gametes A B a b AaBb A a A a B b b B AB ab Ab aB Parental Parental Recomb. Recomb. Recomb. Recomb. Mapping Function Mapping function: - relates RF to true map distance (better estimate for genes separated by large distances) m = -ln (1 - 2RF) mu = m x 50 Mapping function Mapping Function Observed RF (%) 60 50 40 30 m = -ln(1 - 2RF) 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 True Map Distance (m x 50) 200 Mapping Function example 1. RF = 18.5 % m = 0.46 mu = 23.1 2. RF = 6.4 % m = 0.137 mu = 6.8 Summary: - short distances: use RF - long distances: use mapping function Linkage Other Points: 1. No crossing over in male Drosophila male: AaBb A B gametes AB, ab a b use female dihybrid: AaBb x aabb O O Linkage 2. Linkage of genes on the X chromosome: AaBb x --Y O O Male progeny: AB Y Ab Y male progeny direct aB Y measure of female meiotic ab Y products Fungal Genetics Fungi: important organisms in the ecosystem - decomposers - pathogens important for humans - food - pathogens (Biology 4040 – Mycology) Fun Facts About Fungi Fungi Neurospora crassa (bread mold) Morphological mutants Biochemical mutants (one gene, one enzyme) Linkage Map Neurospora crassa Linkage group I Fungus Life Cycle vegetative stage haploid +, - mating types brief diploid stage meiosis n n + spores + meiosis n - 2n n Gamete Pool Gametes: Products of many meioses all pooled together A B a b AB AB ab ab AB ab P AB ab ab AB ab Ab AB Gamete P ab AB aB ab ab AB AB pool R aB ab AB AB ab R Ab Tetrad Analysis Some Fungi and algae: 4 products of a single meiosis can be recovered Advantages: 1. haploid organism - no dominance 2. examine a single meiosis - test cross not needed 3. small, easy to culture 4. Tetrad Analysis - map gene to centromere Ascus with ascospores Tetrad Analysis Types of Tetrads: 1. Unordered - 4 products mixed together 2. Ordered (linear) - 4 products lined up, each haploid nucleus can be traced back through meiosis 3. Octads - mitotic division after meiosis 8 products (2 x 4) Linear Tetrad Analysis Life Cycle: + = a+ a a a + + a + a Meiosis + Diploid Haploid Mating: a n + x + a /+ n 2n 4 haploid products Linear Tetrad Analysis a a a a + + + + 8 haploid spores mitosis a a + + 4 haploid products (Octad) Linear Tetrad Analysis Two types of asci: 1. no crossover----> first division segregation (MI) 2. crossover between gene and centromere-----> second division segregation (MII) Mapping gene to centromere First Division a a + + No Crossover a a a a + + + + First division segregation meiosis A A A A a a a a Mapping gene to centromere Second division a a a + a + + a + a + + crossover Second division segregation A A a** a** A** A** a a ** recombinant st 1 and nd 2 Division segregation First Division a a + + No Crossover a a a a + + + + Second division a a a + a + + a + a + + Crossover Mapping gene to centromere I a a a a + + + + 43 + + + + a a a a 43 II a a + + a a + + 3 + + a a + + a a 4 + + a a a a + + 3 a a MI = 86 + + MII = 14 + + a a 4 Total = 100 Mapping gene to centromere MI = 86 MII = 14 14/100 = 14 % of meioses showed a crossover ½ of the crossover products recombinant RF = ½ x 14 % = 7 % a 7 m.u. Unordered Tetrad Analysis 1. still products of a single meiosis 2. can not map gene to centromere 3. linear tetrads can be analyzed as unordered 4. map distance between linked genes a b n X a+ b+ a b a + b+ n 2n meiosis Unordered Tetrads Three kinds of unordered tetrads: a a+ b b+ meiosis 1. Parental Ditype 2. Nonparental Ditype 3. Tetratype ab ab a+b+ a+b+ a b+ a b+ a+b a+b PD NPD ab a b+ a+b a+b+ T PD ab ab a + b+ a + b+ T NPD ab a b+ a b+ a b+ a + b+ a+ b a+ b a+ b Unlinked genes PD = NPD a b X + + ab ab a b + + a/+, b/+ meiosis a + + b PD a+ b+ a+ b+ a b+ a b+ a+ b a+ b NPD Unordered Tetrads Unlinked Genes: PD = NPD Linked Genes: PD >> NPD NPD----> all products recombinant T--------> ½ products recombinant PD-----> all parental type PD = 58 RF = ½ T + NPD T = 40 T + NPD + PD NPD = 2 RF = 0.22 22 m.u. Tetrad Analysis Types of Tetrads: 1. Ordered (linear): map gene to centromere 2. Unordered: map genes Linkage: Summary • Recombination: generates variation (inter and intrachromosomal) • Genetic maps: - genes linked on the same chromosome - location of new genes relative to genes already mapped Linkage: Summary • Hunting for genes (Human Diseases) - genetic markers: DNA variation - co-inheritance with diseases using pedigree information - recombinants used to estimate linkage - MUN Medical Genetics Linkage vs. Association • Association - test if a disease and a marker allele show correlated occurrence in a population • Linkage – test if disease and a marker allele show correlated transmission within a pedigree Linkage Association 3,4 1,3 3,3 1,3 2,2 1,4 3,4 2,3 2,4 4,4 4,4 1,1 1,4 2,4 1,2 3,4 1,2 3,3 1,3 1,4 3,4 3,4 1,4 1,4 Genetic linkage in humans Nail- patella syndrome Rare disease inherited as a dominant Genetic linkage in humans ABO Blood group marker: Alleles: A, B, O Genotypes: OO, AO, BO, AB Two Genes: N-P syndrome; Blood Group Evidence for linkage Genetic linkage in humans age/linkage5.htm