Understanding Growth & Development Check Point Questions

Understanding Growth & Development
Check Point Questions
Name:______________________________________________________________ Period:_____
1. Which body system ensures the survival of the species?_______________
14. Describe a tetrad.____________________________________________
2. How do single-celled EUKARYOTES reproduce? _____________________
15. Define crossing over as it applies to chromosomes._________________
3. What is the main disadvantage of asexual reproduction?______________
4. What is the main advantage of sexual reproduction?_________________
16. What is the foundation of evolution by natural selection? ___________
5. Define diploid. _______________________________________________
17. What body system influences the reproductive system? What does it
use to do this?__________________________________________________
6. What type of cell is diploid?_____________________________________
18. What specific part of the brain starts puberty?_____________________
7. Define haploid._______________________________________________
19. Define spermatogenesis. How many sperm are made?______________
8. What type of cell is haploid?____________________________________
9. Give three other names for gametes:_____________________________
10. What process forms gametes?__________________________________
11. What most important thing happens in Meiosis I?__________________
12. What most important thing happens in Meiosis II?__________________
13. Define homologous as it applies to chromosomes.__________________
20. Define oogenesis. How many eggs are made?______________________
21. In terms of when and how many total gametes are produced, what is
the difference between males and females?__________________________
22. What three structures form specifically to support the developing