CSE 245: Computer Networks and Data Communications http://vista.uconn.edu Jun-Hong Cui 08/29/2006 Outline Course information What is a network protocol? A brief introduction to the Internet: past and present Summary 2 Course Information Personnel Instructor • Jun-Hong Cui, jcui@cse.uconn.edu, ITEB 267 • Office hours – Tu/Th 10:30am-11:30am or by appointments – Feel free to stop by if you see my door open – e-mail is the best way to communicate with me Teaching assistant • James Zheng Peng, zheng.peng@uconn.edu • Office hours – Time: TBA – Location: ITEB 230 3 Course Information Textbook Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 3/e by Kurose and Ross -Buy through Co-Op or On-line -Make good use of On-line materials Reference books Computer Networks, 4/e by Andrew Tanenbaum Unix Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens And more (see handout) Resource On-line resources (using NetID) • http://vista.uconn.edu Class discussion forum • Check WebCT (class discussions) 4 What Are the Goals of This Course? Understand how Internet works Its philosophy Its protocols and mechanisms Learn network programming And have fun! 5 What Will We Cover? Introduction (3 lectures) Internet architecture and design philosophy Applications (5 lectures) HTTP, Email, DNS + socket programming (+ C programming) transport services (5 lectures) reliability; congestion control; transport protocols: TCP/UDP network services (5 lectures) routing; network protocols: IP/IPv6 link and physical layers (5 lectures) multiple access; ARP; Ethernet, hubs and bridges wireless & mobile networks, multimedia networking network security (if time permits) 6 What Do You Need To Do? Your prerequisites basic concepts of operating systems programming: C/C++ (tested by proj0) Unix/Linux system experience probabilities, and basic algorithms Your workload textbook reading for every lecture (*****) assignments • 5 homework assignments • 3 programming projects two mid-term exams, and one final exam 7 What Do You Need To Do? Homework: Do on your own Programming projects: Proj. 0--- C/C++ Programming (not graded) Proj. 1--- HTTP Client (group work) Proj. 2--- HTTP Server (group work) Proj. 3--- Routing Simulation Can do advanced part for extra credits Proj. 1 and Proj. 2 can be done in a small group (up to 2 people), and others are individual work Late policy: 20% deduction (1 day), 40% (2 days), 80% (3 days), … 8 Grading Homework 15% (3% each) Projects 30% (10% each) Mid-term exam 1 10% Mid-term exam 2 20% Final exam 25% More important is what you learn than the grades 9 Academic Policy Homework and projects should be done on your own unless specified as group work In any homework or project, copying from other students (or groups) or solution books are prohibited. Refer to handout for details. We follow the University Policy on Academic Integrity!!! 10 Class Attendance and Computers Attendance in class … Is Responsibility of each Student Absence may Result in Missing Hint/Clarification/Error on Homework or Projects May Announce Change in Due Date or Exam Date I Might NOT Make ALL information to WebCT Computers for projects … Use Unix/Linux machines in ECS (TA grading) Unix/Linux labs in ITEB and Engineering II Apply for an ECS Unix/Linux account on-line Use SSH to remotely login those Unix/Linux boxes Test on these machines before you hand in your projects More info: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/ecs/linux/ 11 Class Survey Please take the class survey help me to determine your background help me to determine depth and topics any suggestions on topics and schedule Hand in at the end of the class 12 Questions? Outline Course information What is a network protocol? A brief introduction to the Internet: past and present Summary 14 What is a Network Protocol? A network protocol defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event. 15 An Example: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Messages from a client to a mail server HELO MAIL FROM: <address> RCPT TO: <address> DATA <This is the text end with a line with a single .> QUIT Messages from a mail server to a client status code • The first digit of the response broadly indicates the success, failure, or progress of the previous command. – 1xx - Informative message – 2xx - Command ok – 3xx - Command ok so far, send the rest of it. – 4xx - Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for some reason. – 5xx - Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious program error occurred. content outgoing message queue user mailbox mail server user agent SMTP SMTP mail server user agent SMTP POP3, IMAP SMTP user agent mail server user agent user agent user agent 16 Internet Standardization Process All standards of the Internet are published as RFC (Request for Comments) but not all RFCs are Internet Standards ! available: http://www.ietf.org A typical (but not the only) way of standardization: Internet draft RFC Proposed standard Draft standard (requires 2 working implementations) Internet standard (declared by Internet Architecture Board) 17 Outline Course information What is a network protocol? A brief introduction to the Internet past present Summary 18 A Brief History of the Internet 1961 Kleinrock - queueing theory shows effectiveness of packetswitching (telephone network: circuit switching) 1968 Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) was awarded Packet Switch contract to build Interface Message Processors (IMPs) for ARPANET 19 A Brief History of the Internet 1969 ARPANET commissioned: 4 nodes, 50kbps 20 Initial Expansion of the ARPANET Dec. 1969 July 1970 Apr. 1972 March 1971 Sep. 1972 21 Multiple Networks 1974: Initial design of TCP to connect multiple networks 1986: NSF builds NSFNET as backbone, links 6 supercomputing centers, 56 kbps; this allows an explosion of connections, especially from universities 1987: 10,000 hosts 1988: NSFNET backbone upgrades to 1.5Mbps 1989: 100,000 hosts WELCOME by Leonard Kleinrock … 22 Web and Commercialization of the Internet 1990: ARPANET ceases to exist 1991: NSF lifts restrictions on the commercial use of the Net; Berners-Lee of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) released World Wide Web 1992: 1 million hosts 1994: NSF reverts back to research network (vBNS); the backbone of the Internet consists of multiple private backbones Today: backbones run at 10Gbps, 100s millions computers in 150 countries 23 Growth of the Internet in Terms of Number of Hosts Number of Hosts on the 1,000,000,000 Internet: 100,000,000 Aug. 1981 213 10,000,000 Oct. 1984 1,024 1,000,000 Dec. 1987 28,174 100,000 10,000 Oct. 1990 313,000 1,000 Jul. 1993 1,776,000 100 Jul. 1996 19,540,000 10 Jul. 2000 93,047,000 1 Jul. 2002 162,128,493 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 24 Outline Course information What is a network protocol? A brief introduction to the Internet past present Summary 25 Internet Physical Infrastructure Local/Regional ISP Residential Access Modem DSL Cable modem Campus network access Ethernet FDDI Wireless Access to ISP, Backbone transmission Local/Regional ISP Backbone: National ISP Internet Service T1/T3, OC-3, OC-12 ATM, SONET, WDM Providers Local/Regional/ National They exchange packets at Point of Presence (POP) 26 ATT Global Backbone IP Network From http://www.business.att.com 27 From AT&T web site. 28 Summary Course information Concept of network protocol The past: The Internet started as ARPANET in late 1960s The initial link bandwidth was 50 kbps The number of hosts at the end of 1969 was 4 Current: The number of hosts connected to the Internet grows at an exponential speed The backbone speed of the current Internet is about 10 Gbps The number of hosts attached to the Internet in July 2002 was about 162 millions 29 Hands-on Exercises Read the manual of ping and traceroute (or tracert), and try them on an ECS machine 1. 2. % /bin/ping <machine_name> % /usr/sbin/traceroute <machine_name> Look at the web sites of the routers you see through traceroute Have fun … Check WebCT Vista for Proj. 0 Buy your textbook on-line (cheaper & faster) Dot not forget to find your group members! 30