Practice Exam II - Iowa State University

Leader: John
Course: A ECL 365
Instructor: Dr. Adams
Supplemental Instruction
Date: 10/24/12
Iowa State University
1. In order to move efficiently through a medium such as water, two forces need to be
generated. __________ counteracts the effects of gravity while _________ creates a
forward/backward motion.
Practice Exam II
Week 9.2
2. In aquatic vertebrates _________ ____________ is provided by quickly opening their
mouths under water. This helps to “pull” a prey item into their mouths.
3. _________ ___________ depends on the location of hairs that are stimulated, while
__________depends on the number of hairs stimulated.
4. In flight, ____________ __________ states that an increase in in airspeed causes a
decrease in pressure above the wing, thus resulting in more lift.
5. __________ is one of two hormones produced by the posterior pituitary and has primary
functions in uterine contraction, release of milk, and can stimulate labor.
6. _____________ are cells that hold pigments and can be rearranged allowing the
individual to change color.
7. A __________________, or FAP, is a sequence of behavioral acts that is unchangeable.
8. The act of waves of successive constrictions that pushes the bolus down the esophagus is
known as ____________.
9. The _______________ is where most chemical digestion occurs and is a major site in
food material absorption.
10. Behavioral attachments between sexes that are important to the reproductive process are
known as _____________.
11. The functional unit of a kidney is known as a ____________.
12. Cursorial locomotion requires a _________ Lo/Li ratio, whereas diggers require a
_______ Lo/Li ratio.
13. Most internal organs are innervated with two antagonistic components of the autonomic
nervous system. For instance, with respect to heart rate, the ___________ system
increases heart rate, while the _____________ slows heart rate.
14. The main site in the kidney system for water reabsorption is the _____________. Desert
animals’ are ________ than are non-desert species.
15. A bird’s wing is said to have ___________, meaning it is thicker at the leading edge,
and thin at the trailing edge. This helps to provide the lift.
16. Motor neurons can be part of two subdivisions, the _________ nervous system (skeletal
muscles) or the ___________ nervous system (other muscles and glands).
17. Birds lack teeth, but beaks are often __________ or ________ in order for seizing or
tearing apart prey.
18. The divergence of morphology and ecological similarity due to competition is known as
___________ ___________.
19. Epidermis in amphibians contains __________ and _________ (poison) glands.
20. In swimming, there are at least two factors that need to be reduced/counteracted in order
to perform optimally – these are _______ and ___________.
21. __________ is the most ancestral and most universal of all the senses.
22. The basic cellular units of the nervous system are _________. These cells possess
________ on one end in order to receive information, and a long ________ on the other
that carries information away from the cell body.
23. Behavior that reduces the fitness of the individual performing the behavior but increases
the fitness of other individuals is known as _________ behavior.
24. An enlarged middle ear, often found in desert animals, helps to _______ ___________.
This may help in evading predators.
25. __________ are good for achromatic vision and lower light levels, but have a lower
visual acuity. _______ are the exact opposite, and are very good at color discrimination.
26. An owl’s ears are __________ in size and position so that sound will arrive separately to
each ear. This helps to triangulate the position of a prey item.
27. Most vertebrates have ______ _________ ________ (GSD), where sex chromosomes
determine sex of the offspring (e.g. XX vs. XY). However, ________ ________
_____________ (TSD) is common in alligators, turtles and some fish, where the sex of
the offspring is determined by environmental influences.
28. __________ is more sensitive than _______, and it helps to augment basic tastes
detectable by taste buds.
29. ___________ is a type of pair-bonding that consists of one male and one female, at least
through the breeding season. __________ is when multiple bonds are formed either at
one time, or sequentially. ___________ consists of multiple partners and no real bond;
this also happens to be the most common form amongst vertebrates.
30. Climbing is also known as__________ locomotion. This type of movement makes use
of many different types of specialized structures to increase grip.
31. The large intestine in mammals and most fish terminates in a ________ and an _______,
while in chondrichthyes, reptiles, amphibians and birds it terminates in a ________.
32. The ____________ in ruminants is considered to be the true stomach because it contains
all four types of stomach epithelial tissue.
33. This type of conditioning comes about from associating arbitrary stimulus with a reward
or punishment – ___________.
34. A force that counteracts thrust is known as _________. It is caused by friction between
the body and water (____________) or turbulence as fish moves and displaces water
35. The ________ is the transparent front of the eye which bends light entering the eye. The
_______ regulates the light opening (pupil) and the _______ helps to focus the image.
36. A fish that hatches in freshwater, spends most of its life in marine conditions, and
returns to freshwater to breed is known as _____________.
Short Answer/Essay Questions
37. Neurons communicate via nerve impulses. Describe the characteristics of these
impulses below:
38. Describe the types of instability that must be overcome by vertebrates who swim. Be
sure to include how they are corrected for.
39. One problem with osmoregulation in marine fish is the tendency to lose water and gain
salts due to high osmolality of the environment. Name three solutions to this problem.
40. Cursorial locomotion is also known as running. It involves three different foot postures
– list and describe them below:
41. Name at least two ways of minimizing evaporative water loss
42. A synapse is a site where signals are transmitted from one cell to another (junction
sites). There are two kinds of these – name them and describe their function.
43. Mammalian ears have three subdivisions – name them and how they function below.
44. Describe the differences between binocular and monocular vision below - also, why
might this be important in a predator/prey relationship?
45. There are two types of hermaphroditism – name and describe them below.
46. In the vertebrate world, we recognize two different reproductive strategies – R-selected
and K-selected – describe these below.
47. List and define the types of symbiotic relationships described in lecture. Be sure to
include an example of each. (No need to include predation, we all know that it benefits
one while being the ultimate cost of another)