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Olla (1983): Feeding Behavior, Prey Consumption, and Growth of Juvenile Red Hake, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 112:5, 629-637 To link to this article:<629:FBPCAG>2.0.CO;2 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Tra.•octio•ts o] theAmer•cau Fl•heriesSoviet 3' 112:629 637, 1983 Copyrightby the American FisheriesSociety1983 Feeding Behavior, Prey Consumption,and Growth of Juvenile Red Hake • J. j. LUCZKOV1CH 2 ANDB. L. OLLA3 National Marine FisheriesSe•'ice, .VorlheastFisheriesCenter SandyHookLaboratory, Highlands, .VewJersey 07732 Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 Abstract Juvenilered hake Urophycis chuss were collectedwhile they were inhabitingseascallopsPlacopecten magellanicus, and the effectsof appetiteand food availabilityon prey consumptionand growth were examinedunder laboratoryconditions.Fish took increasingamountsof live amphipodsGammarus annulatuswith increasingperiodsof food deprivationup to 40-50 hours. The largestportionof a mealwasconsumed withinthe first3 minutesfollowingprey introduction. With longerperiodsof fooddeprivation,red hakeincreased the timetheir chemosensitive pelvic fins were extended,indicativeof a rise in feedingmotivation,The averageamountof sand shrimpCrangonseptemspinosa consumedby fish was7.4% of bodyweight/day. Under conditions of high prey abundance,fish grewat ratesequalto field growthrates,but underconditionsof low prey abundance,growthrate wasinhibited.Prey availabilitycan influencethe growth rate, which might lead to sizedifferentialswithin a cohort, ReceivedNovember 1, 1982 AcceptedMay 29, 1983 The growthof fishesdependsin large mea- sick 1969; Wilk and Morse 1979). The larvae sure on the amount of food consumed. The amountconsumed,in turn, dependson a variety of factorsincludingfoodavailability(Ivlev 1961; Elliott 1970)and appetite(Beukema1968;Brett hatch in the plankton, spend 1-2 months as pelagicjuveniles, and, after reachinga sizeof 23-49 mm total length (TL), descendto the bottomwheretheycommonlylive symbiotically 1971; Elliott 1975). In order to estimate accu- in themantlecavityof theseascallopPlacopecten rately the potentialamount of food that may magellanicus (Goode 1884; Musick 1969). This be consumed, it is essential to understand the association persistsfor 2-3 monthsuntil the fish preciserole that food availabilityand appetite outgrowthe scallops(Steineret al. 1982). The playin feedingbehavior.Consideringthesetwo sizeof fish found in scallopsrangesfrom 23 to factorsin thispresentwork, we haveexamined 136 mm TL (Musick 1969; Steiner et al. 1982). the food consumptionand growth of juvenile Juvenilered hake apparentlygain only shelter red hake Urophycis chussfed live natural prey from this relationshipand laboratory studies itemsunder controlledlaboratQryconditions. haveshownthat the fishwill useother typesof The red hake is a marine gadid that occurs shelter, such as clam shells,the perimeter of on the continental shelf of the northwest Atlive scallops, and sections of pipe (Steineret al. lanticOcean,rangingfrom NovaScotiato North 1982). Laboratory observationsand field colCarolina(Musick1974). The specieshasan ex- lectionsmade throughout the day and night tendedspawningperiod lastingfrom April until haveshownthatjuvenilered hakeemergemost October 'Hildebrand and Schroeder 1928; Muoften from shelterat night whenthey are most active (Steiner et al. 1982). • Based•n part on a Master'sthesis(J. J. L.) submitted to RutgersUniversity,New Brunswick,New Jersey. =Current address:Departmentof BiologicalSciences,Florida State University,Tallahassee,Florida 32306. • Current address:Schoolof Oceanography, Oregon State University, Marine ScienceCenter, Newport, Oregon 97365. 629 In this studywe determined,from field collections,the typesof preyconsumed by red hake while they were associatedwith sea scallops. Then, under controlled laboratory conditions and usinglive prey, we describedthe method of prey captureand measuredthe amountconsumeddaily. In addition, we examinedthe effectsof food deprivationon the rate of prey consumedin a mealand the effectof prey abundanceon growth rates. 630 LUCZKOVICH AND OLLA Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 Methods contentsidentified to the lowesttaxon possible under a binoculardissectingmicroscope.The Animal Collection and Maintenance results are expressedas percent occurrence Sea scallops were collected at 40ø13'N, (number of stomachscontaining a particular 73ø48'W with a 1.2*m scallopdredge, then food item divided by the number of stomachs transported immediately to the Sandy Hook containingfood). Laboratory in aerated seawaterheld in temFeedb•gDeprivationStudies perature-insulatedcontainers.Seawaterbottom Four red hake of similar size (86-100 mm temperatures,at the time of collection,ranged from 4.0 to 4.9 C and the depth ranged from TL; 3.3-5.9 g wet weight) were selectedfrom 27 to 35 m. In the transportcontainersand holding aquaria and placed into four 15-liter subsequently in laboratoryaquaria,juvenilered glasstestingaquaria (38 cm X 25 cm X 15 cm) hake graduallyemergedfrom the mantlecav- with 3 cm of clean sandand a sectionof polyitiesof the scallops.Fish and scallopswere held vinylchloridepipe(2 cm diameterX 5 cm long) together in 800- and 1,000-liter aquariaprovided with running seawater,aeration, and a that afforded shelter. A continuous flow of sea water wassuppliedto each tank at an average sand-gravelbottom. Fish were fed, three times flow rate of 0.8 liter/minute and a mean temeachweek,live amphipodsGammarus a•nulatus, perature (_+SD)of 10.2 _+0.65 C. Above each sandshrimpCrangonseptemspi,wsa, or chopped aquariumwassuspended a 2,000-ml separatory surfclamSpisula solidissima. Amphipods andsand funnel containingseawater and 50 live amphishrimp were usedas prey in experimentsbe- pods G. a**nulatus.To initiate a feeding bout, causestomachanalysisshowedthem to occur the stopcock of the separatoryfunnelwasopened naturally in the diet. Temperature (_+SD)and and waterandamphipodswereintroducedover salinity(_+SD)were held at 10.7 _+0.76 C and a 2-minuteperiod (Fig. 1). Blindswith viewing 23.5 _+ 1.55%o,respectively.Temperature was slits isolatedthe experimenter from the fish, comparable to field water temperature at the and blindsalsowere placedbetweenaquaria so scallopcollectionsiteduringthe monthsof peak that fishwerevisuallyisolatedfrom oneanother. red hake occupation(Steineret al. 1982). The Light intensitywas42 lux during the day and photoperiodsimulatednaturalseasonal changes; 1.4 lux during the night, and all feedingswere timers that controlled fluorescent lights were conductedduring the night whenred hakeare adjustedweekly.Daytime light intensityaver- normallymostactive. aged400 lux and night intensity0.5 lux. Fishwereacclimatedto testaquaria3-12 days For studiesof feedingdeprivationand daily food consumption,experimentalfishwere held and testedunder a light regime in which the dailylight cyclewasreversed;that is,night light intensitiesoccurredduring the normaldaylight period, and vice versa.This changewasmade approximately5 weeksbefore testing.The fish adaptedto thisnew cycleasevidencedby their greateractivityduringthe subjectivenight;red hake are normally mostactive at night (Steiner tical but food-free aquarium. The deprivation intervalbeganat the time of transferand ended with a subsequentintroduction of 50 amphipods. Again, after 15 minutes, each fish was transferredto another food-freeaquarium.The numberof amphipodstaken wasrecordeddur- et al. 1982). ing each 15-minutefeeding, as was the time Stomach Analysis One hundred thirty juvenile red hake (2393 mm TL) werecollectedfrom seascallopsfor stomachanalysisand were immediatelypre- before they were tested,and fed G. am•ulatus during this period. An experimentbeganwith the introductionof 50 amphipods.After 15 minutes, each fish was transferred to an iden- sinceintroductionfor eachingestion.The num- ber of amphipodseatenwasmultipliedby the meanwet weight of an amphipod(either 21 or 45 rag)to obtainthe wet weightof a meal. Each subsequent deprivationintervalbeganand end- served in 5% formalin. All fish were collected between 1000 and 1400 hours eastern standard ed in the same manner. time at approximatelymonthly intervalsfor 1 an event recorder was used to measure, for 180 Immediatelybefore eachprey introduction, year(November1979to November1980).Sub- seconds,the duration of pelvic fin extensions sequently,the stomachs weredissected and the past a 90ø angle with the fish'sbody (Pearson FEEDING BEHAVIOR 2000ml of AND GRO%'TH OF YOUNG RED HAKE 631 of eachtest.After 82 hours(four night periods and three day periods),the numberremaining seawater was counted. The number eaten was calculated Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 50 Amphipods by difference.Testswere first performedwith 10 sandshrimp(combinedweight,4.9-5.9 g), and then repeatedwith 25 sandshrimp(13.2continuous seawater 15.5g) per tank. The foodintakewasestimated addition asthe numberof sandshrimpeatenmultiplied by the meanweight of a shrimp,which wasdeterminedseparatelyfor eachgroupof preythat wasadded.When weightsof shrimpwere unavailable,but lengthswere, wet weightswere estimatedfrom a regressionof wet weight on length (Luczkovich1982). The wet-weightestimate of food consumptionwasconvertedto a percentageof bodyweightfor eachfish,which was divided by 3.42 (the number of 24-hour periodsin 82 hours)to gain a daily value. In order to compareconsumption whenprey were continuouslyavailablewith consumption when prey were available only during nightApparatus used in deprivation study time, we performed a secondset of 82-hour F]Ou•tE1.--The aquariumandapparatus usedtodeliver tests.Sandshrimpwere introducedat the onset •15 liter ,• glass tank ,.•shelter ! 50 liveamphipods tojuvenileredhakeduringthefood- of darkness and removed and counted at the deprivation and satiationstud)'.After each15-minute end of eachnight. These testswere first done feeding, fish weretransferred to an adjacent food-free with 10 shrimp (4.9-5.9 g) per introduction, aquarium for theprescribed deprivation period. then repeatedwith 15 shrimp(7.4-8.7 g). The difference between initial and final counts was usedto calculatefood consumptionas a peret al. 1980). The pelvicfinsof thisspecies have centageof body weight per day, as described chemoreceptorsand function behaviorallyin above. foodgathering(Herrick 1904;BardachandCase Growth 1965). Daily FoodConsumption Red hake (93-139 mm TL; 5.7-27.3 g wet weight)were chosenrandomlyfrom holding aquariaand placed,one per tank, into eachof six 116-literfiberglassaquaria(95 cm X 35 cm X 35 cm)with3 cmof sandcoveringthebottom. A seascallop(125-135 mm valveheight)was placed in each tank to serve as shelter. The tanks were arranged so that the fish were visuallyisolatedfrom one another.Seawater was kept at a flow rate of 2 liters/minute; mean temperaturewas10.7 + 0.79 C. Photoperiod averaged14 hourslight and 10 hoursdark during the testingperiod,andlight intensitieswere the sameas for holding aquaria. In order to estimatedailypreyconsumption, a knownnumber of sandshrimp(meanweightper shrimp= 0.56 g; range0.49-0.62 g) were introducedin a batch into the test aquariaat the beginning To determinethe effectsof food availability on the growth of red hake, growth wasmeasuredunder two differentlevelsof prey abundance,high and low. Similarly-sized red hake were placed, two per tank, in six 290-liter fiberglasstanks(120 cm X 45 cm • 53 cm) with a viewingwindow,sandbottom,and two large seascallops (115-147 mmvalveheights)for use as shelter.The tankswere suppliedwith running seawater from the samesourceand the temperatureaveraged11.1 _+0.48 C. Ten sand shrimp (mean= 0.46 g/shrimp) were placed daily at 1530 hoursinto each of three tanks. This numberwasequivalentto an averageratio of 17.8%(9.3-32.1%) of body weightper day. Because the amountof preyavailablewasgreater than the amount eaten in our daily-consumptionstudies,thesedensitieswere considered high prey abundance.Into the remaining three tanks, 10 sand shrimp (mean= 0.49 632 LUCZKOV1CH AND OLLA g/shrimp)wereplacedeveryfourth dayat 1530 tocheirus pinguis,Monoculodes edwardsi,Ericthohours.Thisdensitywasequivalentto anaverage niusrubricornis, and Phoxocephalus holbolliand ratio of 4.3% (1.7-8.2%) of body weightper copepodsCentropages sp., amphipodsand co- Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 day.Because the amountof preyavailablewas pepodsoccurringwithequalfrequency. Mysids lessthan the amount eaten in our daily-con- and cumaceans contributed little to the diet. sumption studies,these densitieswere consid- Unidentifiable eredlowpreyabundance.Every8 daysoverthe 24-dayexperiment,the fishwereremovedfrom the tanks, weighedto the nearest0.01 g, and curredfrequently,but neverin largequantities. measured soluteincreasesin length and weight were the Typically,before prey were introducedto aquaria,somefishwereswimmingslowlyover difference the substrate while others were inactive, shel- to the nearest between initial millimeter. The ab- and final values for noncrustacean material oc- FeedingBehavior any interval. The specificgrowth rate (G) was tered either within or under scallops,or next calculatedfor any intervalby to tankwalls.Whenfishsearched for food,they swamjust abovethe substratewith pelvic fins extended in front and to the side of the head, lightly touchingthe substrate(Herrick 1904; X/is the final lengthor weight,Xi is the initial Bardachand Case1965; Pearsonet al. 1980). lengthor weight,and d is the numberof days Uponintroductionof livesandshrimpor amin the interval (Ricker 1975). In addition, the condition factor (K) wascalculated on each mea- phipods,someof the red hake immediately chasedand attemptedto captureprey still in surementday by the water column. K = 100W/L" W is the weightin grams,andL is the lengthin centimeters(Weatherly1972). Analysisof covariancewasusedin the dailyconsumptionand growth experimentsin order to comparetreatment groupscomprisedof fish Inactive fish became active andexhibitedcharacteristic food-searching behavior.Fishoften did not appearto detectan inactivesandshrimpor amphipod,even when close to or swimmingover one. However, if contactwere made (usuallywith the extended pelvicfins)and the prey moved,the red hake attempteda capture.Some prey were small of different initial sizes. enoughto be ingestedwhole.Others,too large to beingested whole,wereheldin the fish'sjaws Results and eventuallyswallowedheador tail first, this StomachAnalysis takingaslongas 15 minutesto complete. Attackswerenotalwayssuccessful. The sand Juvenilered hakeassociated with seascallops shrimp were able to spring from the substrate fed predominantlyon crustaceans(Table 1). Decapods(sand shrimp) were the most fre- into the water columnwith a rapid flexure of quently occurring crustaceans,followed by the abdomen, then swim to another location gammarideanamphipodsUnciolairrorata,Lep- and resettle.Amphipodsswamawayrapidly, changingthe directionof their escapecontinually. Somecapturesoccurredafter little or no pursuit,but othersfollowedmanyrepeatedes- T^BI.W1.--Stomachcontents' ofjuvenileredhakecollected capesand pursuits. in association withseascallops. Valuesarepercentages of the83 stomachs withfood that contained eachitem. t•ffectsofFoodDeprivation Meanfish totallengthwas48 mm(range23-93 ram). Foodcategory Total Crustacea Unidentifiable Occurrence(cA) 79.6 28.9 Decapoda Amphipoda Copepoda Mysidacea 26.7 ! 0.8 10.8 6.0 Cumacea Unidentifiable 1.2 noncrustacean material 20.5 The meanweightof amphipodsconsumedin each15-minutefeedingbout increasedwith the duratim• of food deprivation,and reachedan apparentasymptoteat 7-9% of body weight after 40-50 hoursof deprivation(Fig. 2). The largestpercentageof each 15-minutemeal was alwaysi•gestedin the first3 minutesregardless of the lengthof deprivation,althoughthe number of amphipods eatenduringthisintervalin- FEEDING BEHAVIOR AND GROWTH OF YOUNG RED HAKE 15 T ^m.E2. Meannumbers ofamphipods eatenbyjuvenile redhakeduring3-minuteintervalsofa 15-minute bout, relatedtothetimeo]priorfooddeprivation, basedonat leastthreereplicates ofjburfish.Withinthecolumn with a significant F value(analysisof variance),meanswith a letterin common are not significantly different(least significant differences; P < 0.05). :I:13 • 12 11 m 9 • 7 ,,, 6 633 Hours of food depri- Intervals inafeeding bout (minutes) vation or statistic 0-3 9-12 12-15 0.1 3-6 0.5 6-9 0.2 0.3 2.6b 3.6b 5.2c 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.6 2.265 1.311 1.954 2.185 NS NS v 6 z 4 18 24 >40 Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 t-, 3 0 2 u. I 0 F(3,57d 0 P 0 20.897 <0.01 NS NS 10 20 30 40 50 6'0 70 HOURS OF FOOD DEPRIVATION Fmt•RE2.--Fifteen-minute foodintake(% ofbodyweight) or the amountof time the predatorandthe prey ofjuvenileredhakeversusthehoursofpriorfoodde- were held together. privation.Pointsare means(+ 1 SE)for fourfish, and PreyAbundance and Growth valuesat 6, 18, 24, and 30 hoursoffooddeprivation werepooled from morethan onefeedingaftersimilar Over 24 days,red hakefed 10 sandshrimp deprivation periods. daily (high prey abundance)grew significantly creasedwith deprivation(Table 2). In each30minute interval that followed, the mean num- faster than thosefed 10 sandshrimpevery 4 days(lowpreyabundance) whetherthemeasure wasabsoluteor specificdailyincreasein length or weight (Table 3). Conditionfactors(K), not ber consumedwasnot significantlyaffectedby deprivation. •80 Extensionof pelvicfin raysduringthe 3 minutes before prey introduction,a measureof feeding motivation, was ofshort duration after • •s0 z 6 and 18 hoursof food deprivation(Fig. 3). Fin extension became mostpronounced after24- o • •a0 40 hours, and again after 72 hours of depri- - vation,butoccurredfor shorterperiodsof time o after 40-50 hoursof deprivation. • DailyFood Consumption Red hake ate 1-7 sand shrimp during 82 "- 90 • 60 z hours; theiraverage dailyconsumption was7.4% ou. 30 (1.4-16.3•)of bodyweight. Thispercentage• decreased asthe weightof the fishincreased •. (Fig.4). Therewereno significant differences amongthe meanamountsof shrimpconsumed 0 4'0' .ou.s ' .;o ' sb '4o' io ooo dailyunder any of the four conditionsof prey red hake exavailability:10 or 25 sandshrimpavailablecon- F1GUR•3.--Mean time(seconds)juvenile tended their modified peh,ic fins in a 3-mmute pre-feeding tinuously;10or 15sandshrimpavailableduring observation period,versus thehoursofpriorfooddeprithenightonly(analysis ofcovariance,fishweight vation.Means(_+1 SE)arebased onfourfish,aadvalues used as a covariate: F = 1.45; df= 3.18; ? > 0.25). Thus, the mean daily consumptionwas not affectedby eitherthe shrimpdensities used at 6, 18, 24, and 30 hoursoffooddeprivation were pooled from morethan onefeedingaftersimilardeprivationperiods. 634 LUCZKOV1CH AND OLLA PREY PER and off the coast of Maine (Garman 1983) AQUARIUM: • 12•continuously available showeda diet dominatedby sandshrimp and A10 • 151 available only during night amphipods. Chemoreception playsan importantrole in food detection and localizationby red hake (Herrick 1904; Bardach and Case 1965; Pear- Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 WET WEIGHT OF FISH (grams) F]CVRE4.--Dail)' consumption (% offish bod)'weight/ da)')of sandshrimpby individualjuvenilered hake versus thewetweightof each fish underdifferent conditionsofpreyavailabilit)'. significantly differentbetweenthe two groups on day 1, were greaterfor the groupwith high prey abundanceby day 24. Discussion sonet al. 1980). In our experiments,however, fishingestedprey in the watercolumn,but were stimulatedto pursuepreyalongthe bottomonly when the prey were active, which often occurred after the prey had been contactedby a fish searchingfor food. This suggeststhat vision, at leastunder certain conditions,playsa role in mediatingfeedingbehavior. The amountof food taken by red hake in a mealincreasedwith the lengthof time theywere deprivedof food, until an apparentasymptote was reached. Similar patterns have been observedin other species: for example,sockeye salmonOncorh3'ncus nerka(Brett 1971); brown trout Salmotrutta(Elliott 1975);sweetlipParapristipoma trilineatum, jack Trachurus japonicus, puffer Fugu vermicularis porphyreus, filefishStephanolepiscirrhifer,and rainbow trout Salmo The predominance of crustaceans in the diet ofjuvenilered hakegenerallyagreeswithwhat hasbeenreportedby others.For example,red gairdneri (Ishiwata 1968a). If the maximum hake collected on the continental shelf between amountof foodeatenvoluntarilyby a fishin a Nova Scotiaand North Carolina (Bowman1981) singlemeal is a measureof stomachcapacity T^BLE3.--Twent).-four-da) •growthand condition of redhakeJ•d sandshrimpat tworates. Absolute Total length (mm) Fish Day 1 Day 24 24-dayincrease b Weight (g) Day 1 Day 24 Condition(K)• Day I Day 24 Length (mm) Specificgrowth rate (%/day)' Weight (g) Length (mm) Weight (g) High prey availability (10 sandshrimp/day) I 2 3 4 5 6 92 107 116 125 127 133 I25 143 142 153 152 157 5.79 8.45 9.56 12.18 11.33 15.00 I3.71 22.00 20.67 28.04 26.49 27.02 Mean 0.74 0.69 0.61 0.62 0.55 0.64 0.70 0.76 0.72 0.78 0.75 0.70 33 36 26 28 25 24 7.92 13.64 11.11 15.86 15,16 12.02 1.28 1.21 0.84 0.84 0.75 0.69 3.59 4.00 3.21 3.47 3.54 2.45 0.642 0.735 28.7 12.62 0.935 3.38 4.74 4.15 9.44 7.91 7.71 11.24 0.73 0.64 0.92 0.70 0.44 0.36 2.11 1.78 2.84 2.08 1.17 1.09 7.53 0.632 1.85 Lowprey availability (10 sandshrimpevery4th day) I 2 3 4 5 6 Mean 104 108 114 121 152 178 124 126 142 143 169 194 7.18 7,76 9.68 12.20 23.72 37.72 11.92 ll.91 19.12 20.11 31.43 48.96 0.64 0.62 0.65 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.63 0,60 0.67 0.69 0.65 0.67 20 18 28 22 17 16 0.658 0.652 20.2 a(K) = 100(weight)/length)L Day-24meansweresignificantly differentbetweenfi•edinggroups(Student's t-test;P < 0.01). bFeedinggroupsweresignificantly differentby analysis of covariance: length,P < 0.02;weight,P < 0.01. ' Specific growthrate= 100(1og•X•4 - log•X0/24;X - lengthor weight.Feedinggroupsweresignificantly differentby analysis of covariance: length,P < 0.05;weight,P < 0.01. FEEDING BEHAVIOR AND GROWTH OF YOUNG RED HAKE Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 (Fange and Grove 1979), we would conclude that stomachcapacityof juvenile red hake averages7-8% of bodyweight. The tendencyofjuvenile red haketo eat the bulk of a meal early in a feedingbout alsois typical of other speciesstudiedin this regard. Rainbowtrout andjack mackerelate the bulk of a mealin 10 minutes,and puffersand filefish in about 2 minutes(Ishiwata 1968b), sockeye salmon in 8 minutes (Brett 1971), and threespine sticklebacksGasterosteus aculeatusin 9 minutes (Tugendhat 1960). Threespine sticklebacks, like red hake, increased their food-con- sumptionrate with increasingperiodsof food deprivation. The rapidity with which juvenile red hake consumea meal leadsus to concludethat they are time-minimizers(Schoener 1971); that is, theycaptureasmuchfoodaspossiblein a short period of time. In addition, their consumption of food in discretemealswouldclassify' them as discontinuous feeders(Brett 1971; Elliott 1975). Feedingin this way wouldenablethesefishto take advantageof resourcesdistributed transientlyin spaceand time, and would be of selective value since it would shorten the time 635 tensionwith increasedfood deprivation appar- entlywasassociated with an increasein feeding motivation. The decrease in fin extension be- tween 50 and 60 hours of food deprivation probablywasdue to a changein the red hake's foodsearchingstrategyrather than a decrease in the feeding motivation,becausefood consumptionremained high over this range. The resultof thisdecreasein food searchingmaybe a savingin energyexpenditurein environments where food maybe scarce. Differencesin growth rate betweendifferent yearclasses in bothyearlingsandolderfishhave been observedfor red hake by Rikhter (1973), who speculatedthat suchdifferencescould be causedby changesin the foodsupply.Although there wasno evidenceto supportthis, our own laboratorydata suggestthat the availabilityof foodcouldplaya rolein modil•Sng yearlygrowth rate so that fish of the sameage could be different sizes.When the possibilityof an overlap existsin the sizesof differentagedfish,the practice of usingan age-length distributionfrom one year to determineage structurein subsequent yearsmay lead to spuriousconclusions about the age compositionof the population (Westrheim and Ricker 1978). spentforagingawayfrom shelter. The mean specificgrowth rate in length The meandailyconsumption byjuvenile red hake(7.4% of bodyweightfor 5-22 g fish)falls (0.94% TL/day) for fishin the high-prey-abunwithin a range of valuesobtainedin laboratory dancegroupswasverycloseto valuesgivenfor studieson other fishesof similarsize:threespine laboratory(1.00% TL/day) and field (0.93% sticklebacks,12.1cAof wet body weight (Beu- TL/day) growth rates at similar temperatures kema 1968); black acarasCichlasoma bimacula- by Steineret al. (1982), whereasfish in the low turn,14%of dry bodyweight(DavisandWarren prey abundancegrew at a much slower rate 1968);sockeyesalmon,6.9% of dry bodyweight (0.63% TL/day). Steineret al. (1982) found a (Brett 1971); and Micropogon opercularis, 3.3- positivecorrelation betweentemperature and 4.6% of wet bodyweight(DeCiechomski1981). specificgrowthin length.However,in the study Dailyconsumption for a 5-g red hake(11-12% reported here, temperature was constantfor of bodyweight)washigherthanthe single-meal fishin both high and low prey abundance,and consumption(8cAof bodyweight)for a similar- could not have caused the observed differences sizedred hake, indicatingthat the fish could in growth rates. Similar studies, conducted on winter flounder take more than one meal per day. The amount of sand shrimp consumedin a Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Tyler and Dunn platessa(Jobling dayrelativeto bodyweightdecreased asthe size 1976) and plaice Pleuronectes of a fish increased, similar to what has been 1982) showedthat when food rationswere lim- shownpreviouslyfor other species(for exam- ited, the growth rate decreased.Our studydifple, Brett 1971). However,becausedensityof fered in that two differentdensitiesof live prey preywasheldconstant,the rationdecreased as were offered as food and thus rations for the the fishsizeincreased.This makesit impossible fishin thesedensitieswere different.Although to separatethe effect of fish size from ration the rations were somewhat size. attempt to regulate prey densities,our results do showa decreasein growth rate due to the The increasein the duration of pelvicfin ex- variable due to our 636 LUCZKOVICH AND OLLA decreased preydensity.Thus,juvenilered hake GODDE,G. B. 1884. Part 3. Fishes.Pages 163-682 in The fisheries andfisheryindustryof theUnited of the sameagecouldbe differentsizesdue to States. Section 1. Natural historyof usefulaquatprey availabilityin the environment. ic animals. United States Commission of Fish and Acknowledgments We thankA. Bejda,F. Farwell,D. McQuillan, W. Menezes, S. Miller, J. Otis, C. Roe, W. Stei- Fisheries, Washington,Districtof Columbia,USA. HF•RRICK, C.J. 1904. The organand senseof taste in fishes. United 22:237-272. States Fish Commission Bulletin HILDEBRAND, S. F., AND W. C. SCHROEDER. 1928. Fishesof Chesapeake Bay.UnitedStatesFishand ner, andA. Studholmeof the SandyHook LabWildlife Service Fishery Bulletin53:159-160. oratory for their assistance during all phasesof IStnWA'I'A, N. 1968a. Ecologicalstudieson the feedthis study.We also extend our thanksto A. ingof fishes--II I. Degreeof hungerandsatiation Framefor her aid in identifyingthe amphipods, amount.Bulletinof theJapaneseSocietyof Sci- Downloaded by [Oregon State University] at 16:51 02 September 2011 M. Cox for her illustrations, and E. Waldhauer entific Fisheries 34:604-607. for her patienttyping.This work wassupport- ISHIWATA,N. 1968b. Ecologicalstudieson the feeding of fishes--IV. Satiationcurve.Bulletinof the ed, in part, by a grant from the United States JapaneseSocietyof ScientificFisheries34:691EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,EPA-80-D694. X0939. IVLEV,V. 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