Consultation In-Person Feedback Collection Location: Abbotsford

Consultation In-Person Feedback Collection
Date: February 13, 2014
Group: Community in-person session
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Number of Attendees: 50
Note: all the information and feedback gathered at this session will be inputted into the overall collection of data and feedback for consideration of the
development of the Disability White Paper.
Key Themes
 Providing information/education to the community reducing stigma
 Peer support/network – people with “lived” experience
 ATMs useful to disabled
 Churches need to be accessible
 Expand transit for disabled and working disabled after ours and weekends
 HandiDART unreliable
 Ramps don’t work in buses
 Seating on buses – not enough room to move around
 RDSP – good program – increase knowledge re: banks, etc.
 How do you save on PWD pension?
 Make more accessible (RDSP) – age – no age restriction – disability – how disabled do you have to be? – to lower income
 Put the horse in front of cart, opportunities for having funds, gov’t plans, etc. first, can access program and tech easier
 Ease of access to info on asset accumulation – RDSP, advocacy, training for support/social workers to provide brochures, resources train
bankers to talk about RDSPs like they do RRSPs/RESPs
 Instead of signing privacy releases for every level of government – have one forum that applies to everything – ease of access for
 Timelimits? Increase or take away
RDSP/dos not work for everyone – age restriction
Not many PWD can save $ on limited income
Need more education/information for PWD clients who receives inheritances – PWD clients may not know where/how to get info
More $, rates increase to allow for savings
Advertise, make people aware
Accountants don’t know much about it
Banks need to be aware and provide service
Advise feds to expand awareness
Increase PWD benefits by ie $25/month and automatically contribute to RDSP rather than taking their money
Widen eligibility and age you can contribute to 55?
Accessibility in the public – coffee shops, public places, biomedical labs – doctor offices – lack of space (wheelchair) – more user friendly
access w/building codes
Better structures – sidewalks, ramps (live where they want to live)
Public transit training - cross training
Costly for transit for PWD that cannot take public transit – difficult wait times
Increase housing subsidy, increase IA rates
Safety, respect and dignity important
Housing causes mental health issues for clients with IDD
Transportation lacking, ie. HandiDART
Wheelchair access lacking/not maintained by landlords
Not enough options
Have ownership very difficult for PWDs
Something like an RDSP for housing
Making a home accessible for PWD sons/daughters – government needs to provide a housing allowance to help with accessibility for a
growing child
Find a corporate sponsor ie. London Drugs to support our PWD community ie. cell phones, laptops, iPads
Scattered site housing
Increase in rent amount by Social Development
Transit needs investment – bathroom facilities
Industrial areas need transit for people to go to work
Explanation /training how to use
Greater accessibility – greater distance – specialist, support to attend appts.
211 – publicize – expand service
One stop portal online for requesting – multi service centre – public transit, assisted living
Building tax credit/tax breaks for builders/building accessible environments, ramps (churches)
Families providing services to these client are not skills supportive enough for high needs clients
Integration clients are not being consulted when group homes disbanded - no continuity for clients
Transportation (absolutely!) – remote town – ability to access – relooking at HandiDART – volunteer groups of drivers (like operation red
PWDs hired that can drive, employed as drivers for PWD
More access to funding for housing and equipment
Follow Vancouver’s lead in setting standards for making homes built for all ie. counters and light switch
Companies that are certified to handle modifications
Make city bylaws make sense ie. more parking for scooters rather than vehicles
Low income housing into areas that are safer, secure and have access to neighbourhood shopping, etc.
More access to funds for down payments for own housing
Pay attention to other countries how they make things more accessible
Better sidewalk access in neighbourhoods and city centre
More inclusive housing – low income housing that still accessible both financially and physically
Adaptive independent living in the community vs. facility
More creative funding/support for families – mentors, workers, support persons, monitoring network
Affordability to stay in their home and adapt it to their needs (new injury or inherited disability)
Location, quality of BC Housing
Disbursement of the type of building such as an apartment building that would have to have minimum percentage for adaptive/accessible
Rental subsidy for disability
Speed bumps too high
Example “hockey arena” was built without considerate of PWD (steep stairs)
PWD/homelessness/more safe affordable housing – rates not adequate for housing
More standards of quality for affordable housing – landlord charging high rates with poor living conditions – more monitoring for quality
Supportive house, teaching semi-independent housing – more places like “First Ave” run by communities – more people on site to
support/each independent living
More opportunity for indep. Living for PWD that are more independent
Socialization/support – teaching people to make meals, take care of own living spaces
Reducing rental rates/standardize for PWD – SIL – allowing funding has reduced – should not be temporary
People are limited to where to live due to costs – not easily accessible/transit – safe areas
Universal design and expanded accessibility standards
More accessible, safer low income housing for all types of families – single, single parent, 2 parent w/children, couples, (not a ‘project’)
Work w/ developers (must have handicapped incorporated)
On BC Benefits dietary supplement, $40 does not cut it when you have gluten problems – should be same rate as supplement for water
vitamins (sic)
Accessible (wheelchair) venues (especially government venues)
Enforcing the building code – not happening
Aging in place design
DVDs – need captioning standard of using captioning
Broaden standardization for visual devise, hearing touch pads
BC Benefit – married, cut at $200, and incentive $100 one does not benefit
Buildings/housing to be built to accessible codes – visitable – increase $ hospital release (until home is accessible)
Standardize sidewalks to accommodate – beepers, curb cuts, pork chops, hydro poles, curved sidewalks, wide enough – 2 chairs side by
side, pavement, potholes, etc.
HandiDART for all hours
More accessible taxies
Bus stop – ramp on bus can’t go flat
Elevators at SkyTrain stations
Affordable, accessible housing
Wider variety of options housing ie. 2nd any suite eligibility (sic)
Cost of living – IA as to what community costs are for housing
Disconnection b/t employers and clients
Rec Centre – struggle to access – lack of support by City – may reduce barriers – sense of connection – accessibility – structural
Educate the community – engage the community, employers – make part of training – promote
Expand the ‘outings’ do not designate specific locations
Awareness – assumptions that PWD cannot understand, make decisions
Lack of funding to engage clients in social setting educational settings
Life skills workshops
Language for disability, emphasize physical disability and not intellectual disability
Labelling disability
Passions of individuals are not emphasized
Language in disability
No cookie cutter approach to individual, it does not fit everybody
Barriers to employment
Educate employers
Provide multimedia interface to showcase a person’s abilities
Provide volunteer opportunities
Circle of support – wrap around care for people to assist with getting thru system
Take funds from various ministries to assist to cut funds
Closer partnerships with Social Development
Circle of support and accountability
NOLA program (M2/W2 Association )
No one leaves alone
Ministries working together for seamless transitions for disabled children aging out and entering adulthood eg. MCFD and CLBC moving
into one ministry
Consultation – needs to be inclusive – what assists one disability group may hinder another ex. computer forms
Include churches in process
Use of technology needs to include training to all users (extended family, supports)
Tutorial or button that says if you can’t use this click here for alternate process
‘access transit’
Canada in comparison to other countries
Not successfully accessing and developing systems
Need to be more people centered Alberta shows strength in their area
Even different communities in BC vary – need to be more consistent
Streamline resources to make more accessible and mainstream ie. like 211 make info line
Make first contact more info available
Practical services covered under MSP/government funding
Access to technology – help with expression
EATI – what will replace it? Carry forward after school
Funding, assessments, devices should follow person rather/or both with program
One place where access to tech/resources easier for families/persons
Funding for one-on-one support
Better division of funding for needs- based (disability) rather than categorization
Person-centred planning/care
Assessments to help to create
Targeted funding
Training day support works to provide job coaching – using existing resources more efficiently
Customized employment specialist
Whether you have a disability everyone has potential – we all need opportunities – people need to feel wanted and needed, bring people
More professionals in the community to attend local support groups – going to PWD as they might not be able to come out to the
community due to lack of access – be more aware of/more awareness of PWD – a lived experience come and speak with people in the
community/at MSDSI – more awareness to treat PWD clients better
Not everyone can afford line lines (sic) more free benefits for PWD – more accessible information as not everyone has computers,
landline, TVs.
Buddy systems – assist PWD with going out not be alone/shut in – friendship/peer support/mentoring – volunteer drivers
PWD may not have skills/education to find resources – funding cut for assisted programs – speakers had gone out to talk to MSDSI, police,
e. response workers to give education about PWD
Less paperwork
Not used right language – same language
PWD – app. way too long
Plain language on paperwork, communication – clear instructions
Selection info – criteria
Rejected because not worded “correctly” – not good
Ex. Dir didn’t say was related to the condition so denied (family needs to have the info of what’s needed)
Assumptions – assume form is right form
Greater family centred – ind. w/disability in a family unit
IDP – early intervention 0-3 yrs) (infant develop) – really works good “in the beginning” once out of that program it breaks down
3 – 5 ok, not as good
School system – breaks down
Family centred approach for SDSI – (0 to end years)
Eliminate the transition between child and family services (from child to adult)
Family – shouldn’t be approached from a SW child protection point of view – disrespectful to the family
Takes village to raise a child
19 year old – disability fair (info hasn’t been circulated well)
Information getting to “right” people – 1 fixed point to getting information (all info related to disability)
Could be a website or catalogue – info for any PWD issues
Awareness of PWDs in the workplace
Models of success are shored w/appropriate people
Equal opportunities for all
More gov’t funding for rehab for special disability groups – ie. people who are blind – funding by charity – CNIB
Hard to get PWD – red tape when IA goes to other who are able
PWD very stressful for those who obviously are disabled
Fair application system
Recognize illness/disability
Recognize own abilities, encourage others
Bartering system
The person must take responsibility and attitude can alleviate barriers
Support that there is a job for everyone
Costly, not readily available – software
Lack of awareness for support workers where technology awareness can assist them in supporting their clients
Use technology to highlight ability, skills enhance enjoyment of life
Accessibility to technology should be readily available/or provided to everyone
Corporate partnership with corporations ie. Apples for iPads, laptops, etc.
Provide recreational facilities/support to increase self esteem
Government media blitz to hire PWDs
Involve 3rd party multimedia to enhance people’s skills, both academic and work
Provide medical equipment and supports
Items to make life more accessible – glasses every year if has an eye condition – access to braces if necessary – easier access to (sic) –
some have lack of confidence, unable to follow thru on own
One on one help (coach) to assist those with low self-esteem etc. and to disability challenge (sic)
Assist with budget
Supports for self-employed who become a disabled
Education re: resources
People need people
Continue EATI
Training – disability awareness training like SuperHost/Serve It Right for businesses/retail/etc. Contractors to government services – also
human resources
Car adaptations – funding?
HandiDART is too restrictive for more dumping/rural areas/time issues
Cuts to funding is really impacting adults for personal support – respite – not equitable or coordinated
Access to technology is expensive and limited
Cost of equipment
Social development – disability assistance – MSP – provide for hard of hearing not visual
Supports – more involved in employment (carers)
When budget gets cut, people w/different abilities let go, not supported in staying employed
Earn more while on disability
Run more programs for adaptive equipment
Equalize people that have different abilities ie. people w/autism qualify more than people with vision impairment
Definition of disabilities needs to be broadened to encompass all people
Training for equipment and technology provided
Cost of prosthesis etc. after health care and extended health runs out
Transportation limitations – barriers to employment, accessing resources centres, etc.
Cutbacks to taxi-saver hurts this initiative
WorkBC needs to follow-up with PWD clients that want to work
Better transition supports in place between post-secondary - high school and work
Better case management between teenage to adulthood – financial, emotional, social, medical
MCFD support system to help with transition at 19 – for better flow through
One stop shop for finding resources, employment, funding, mental health, etc., devices, aids for adults
BC Works with more follow through and funding
A number like 811 for PWDs for info
Handrails in hallways, houses – direct lines, face to face contact
Supportive housing/workers to check in on PWD – clients need to feel comfortable to reach out
Elevated toilets (hotels, public restaurant, etc.) – standardize
In office, sit down and talk about issues (financial, etc.) early diagnosis – club houses (standardized) – staff would go out get entry level
jobs – break down jobs and staff trains PWD for the employer – once PWD completed job, employer gives a reference for the resume –
companies to have a % to hire PWD – handle chore in the shower for safety (sic)
Physical devices, therapeutic, dogs, equipment, etc.
Some diagnosis get approved quicker than others (and we don’t know why the difference)
Approval for devices taking really long (up to 2 months)
Fast track – equipment for those who have employment
With a tax credit for disability equipment
Some at home program supplies are not financially paid for – need to cover all necessary supplies eg. diabetic strips/syringes
Increase of independent of gov’t advocates
If can’t afford supplies ie. diabetic strips – are at health risk
Ie. supplies that fall outside of payment structure ex. sterile wipes for hard of hearing
Inequity of funding (supports available) eg. autism vs. Down Syndrome (children) (needs to be equal regardless of diagnosis – needs based
how function) (sic)
Hearing loss – cost of hearing aids are extremely expensive – seniors are on a low income and pay no income tax
Be included based rather than excluded from society
Funding needs to be based on individual need rather than “labels” or IQ based
Gov’t be on board with ‘state of art’ therapies – be up to date on what’s available in all areas and communities
Adult home support needs to be totally revamped and “individual friendly”
Family centred approach for personal supports
Not enough counselling for PWD
Bring back EATI with a wider eligibility criteria, ie. community/leisure accessible to all ie. lifts/tables/changeroom for ppl who cannot
Provide successful people with disabilities to show success to others/encourage
Increase accessibility to hotels, etc. – knowledge of what criteria is in communities
Accessibility experts or more aware in building codes
Inter comm. connection w/all programs – mentoring/socialization /networking
Agreement w/community laces to use spaces for meetings/socialization when spaces aren’t being used instead of the same designated
places (at same program places)
Education for family member to help with indiv. Support/involvement
More support for families for clients prior to adulthood as well as after – isolation/barriers/social activities
Needs to be a com. effort at an earlier age
Schools – PWD – inclusion – Wolf Pack – Choir – School Dances – extracurricular activities
Create a Facebook page
Open communication, dialogue onoing
Organizations networking together ie. Fraser Health, Bands on Rescue, government, CLBC, etc.
‘Special Olympics’ is a good organization and other organizations can model after it to increase social networks for PWDs
Family network
Circle of support – present in a person’s life
Faith community
Harning Place – owners rent bsmt suite to PWD
Continue/increase funding for community day programs, community inclusion/outreach
Cost/transportation are barriers
Encourage/support ‘meet and greet’ social programs
Regular community resource meeting to exchange info/services/gaps
Community network initiative – bring in funding/education/resources
Friendship circles – planning session every six months to assist PWD in expanding support/move forward – building on paid support
If I am a person with a disability and feel I have been treated unfairly - who is it safe to complain to?
Have separate networks w/PWD join forces, rely on each other’s strengths
Online, create forums that are safe secure, moderators w/background checks
Education in community for awareness ie. child’s behaviour may differ, be understanding
Advocacy – ‘why’ this is something we need to kick at
Using advertising/campaign to show different abilities and integration and acceptance
Latter Day Saints commercials – showing how a child w/autism might have a tantrum and parent helping to resolve
Spread community inclusion to ethnic/cultural groups
Rec. programs made for inclusivity with special supports
Club teams having mentorship (buddy programs) to include PWDs
School – mandate to include differences such as ethnicity, disability, etc. and learn ‘inclusiveness’
Social setting, atmosphere to include persons with and w/o disabilities to encourage inclusion
Social outlets for PWDs
Teaching education about disability and ability at a ‘young’ age – so there is less ignorance and change how society views disability
TV shows showing more PWDs to tech people not to be ashamed to have a disability/barrier
Self-esteem workshops
More funding for counselling
Focus on ability and awareness
Employment peer support (people with lived experience) – helping socializing with PWD – support from someone who has lived the
One stop health centre ‘like in Chilliwack’ – medical, health, mental health, etc.
Communities need to be more supportive with PWD – have more advocates to educate communities to be more supportive
Subsidize costs for socializing – community centres
Have/hire people to take PWD /groups on outing (camping, day trips)
Value family and their input
Individual input
Welcome families
Accessible services for First Nations on reserve
211 – now was redbook (sic)
Websites –
Navigate through services tough
Education – lack of grants for an education trade – can’t necessarily get a job once you have the training so to take out a loan and then
pay it back with no guarantee of work is ridiculous
Accessible transportation
Open doors ie. Work BC to ppl to meet and interact
Community club
Should have access to community centres/all schools, etc. to use for mtgs/groups, etc.
We all pay school taxes so they should be open to public
Combine community and resources ie. WorkBC in local library
“jumpstart” program for ppl who want to take a course, learn guitar, etc.
“meetup” website
Can’t define to ppl what their community should or shouldn’t be
Transitioning programs like KPU – access program
Start training in the high school, include basic raining like FoodSafe, Serving It Right, etc. for PWDs
Employer – participation, incentives for ‘career’ based companies to hire PWDs
Flexibility, accommodation , inclusivity, training – 1 HR person w/training to help support PWD
BC Works – expand to job training – jobs to cater to abilities of different levels of disability
Work experience programs
Mentorship programs between university, work-seasoned persons w/disabilities and high school students
Paid work for PWD
Employment standards clarification re: hours worked with exemption ex. one person works 5 hrs - $275.00 a week – some people – 2 hrs
to get much less $ -
How do we attract employment for PWD? Demonstrate visually (success stories) on PWD that have been a good fit eg. apprenticeship
programs (slippery slope – so be really cautious)
Be available for PWDs with timely support to provide a proper work environment w/the disabled
Gov’t and union understanding awareness of disability (acceptance/belief/value/honour that the person has a right in a meaningful way –
fully contributing)
All community members demonstrating respectful attitude, interactions, language used, regarding disabled individuals
Fear of retribution families don’t ask for more
Community awareness – expand emp. Opportunities
Educate – abilities vs. disabilities
More finances
Mentorship program/training for PWD
More emp. Opp. As a whole – general/PWD
Financial incentive to bring more employment in to hire PWD – communication/trust – advocacy
Harder for more PD to obtain employment – integrate into the community
Employment needs to be longer in duration – long term
More mentoring opportunities
Move opportunities to showcase PWD abilities
Creating opportunities for PWDs to show their abilities transitioning from school to employment
Start a dialogue in school about disabilities so people are more inclusive to diverse (sic) isolation
More emphasis on ‘capability’ of a person start from school
Increase understanding in our community and employers re: disability
Increase support workers and social workers
In school, more interaction between students
Increase education re: disability
In remote communities, disability infrastructure is lacking
More assistance for those with barriers
Client focus groups
More one to one
Transportation is biggest issue (HandiDART, poor transit service)
More opportunities for mainstream training with adaptations (don’t wait until enough PWD to run education)
Gap exists between to access (sic) funding/training between high school/higher education/funding (lack of awareness of opportunities)
Bring back ‘sheltered workshop’ ie. cooperative social work settings
Bridging to employment
People need to be more sensitive towards disability needs ie. a personal support person viewed like other assistive devices
‘selling’ employers on benefits of people w/different abilities
Get the stories out of the success
Communities come together ie. Powell River – lower barriers to integration and funding by government
Provide employers with awards of recognition for hiring PWD
Get information out
Approaching corporations for funding of programs (proud sponsors of….)
Tax breaks – make more attractive, purposeful, incentive for companies to hire
Companies/businesses to employ PWD – incentives to employers
Social enterprise/making a product that PWD gets paid for
Encourage employment with employers to hire PWD
Some PWD lack training/support they need even after they get a job – ongoing support, some people have never had a job
Help PWD recognize and help the feel valuable – work with bio-medical people to assist in adaptation
PWD working at human resources
Cashiers that sit instead of stand
Better ergonomics for workplaces
MSDSI has improved with work exemptions
Employers need to be aware of PWD ie. rise and fall, endurance – education
Let people/PWD know the job, joy of work
Not enough trades/apprenticeships
CEO of CLBC quoted 70% disabilities out of work (2014)
Individual choice on what work is a ‘contribution’ for the handicapped/marginalized
Employment opportunities need to be meaningful
WorkBC is the only choice variance of expertise needed to PWDs
Underfunded for what the WorkBC can provide
Ppl better served when there where a variety of suppliers
Employment equity act (diverse workforce) in the Province of BC – like feds have
Support/act for ppl disabled after hired on the job – incentives for workers
Apprenticeship or mentor ships
Wage subsidy
Make employers aware of PWDs’ capabilities
Should have advertised to community/employers who should be a part of the White Paper/awareness
Solution Wall Posts:
Mandated inclusion in schools so it becomes “the norm”
Education for employers/community/families/police/health care workers/to break down barriers
Widening of the definition of PWDs
Planning should be person centered
Education community reducing stigma – everyone has knowledge of physical or mental health disability with extended family
The special process is unnecessarily complex for people with mental illness or developmental issues
Housing needs are not being met – either additional subsidies are increased PWD is required to ensure that people have safe and affordable
housing options
Access to mentor-support person to assist PWD after they turn 19 – to help them transition into community
Housing – accessibility to benefits – encourage peer support
Educator in school systems to bring down the stigmas associated with disabilities - a new generation would emerge where the stigma isn’t there
More funding for various support – recreational ‘buddy’ system – life mentors – job skills searching/training – more transportation options
Separate assistance office for PWD status from general “welfare” office
If they won’t come to you, go to them – every person is a different situation – satisfaction in life fulfillment in work, leisure and life – break down
barriers in participation
Find corporate partner(s) to access technology innovations of reduced cost ie. London Drugs providing recycles cell phones/laptops, etc.
More $ for those on PWD/families supporting – agencies providing services (so they can have better, well trained workers)
Simplify communications with Social Services – the PIN # people need when they call makes access difficult
Spend a day in a wheelchair – spend a day blindfolded – different levels of disability – everybody’s situation is different – no two people are the
No on reserve services – need for development of service providers on reserve – education and aware ness – groups of children and adults talk in
schools and Chamber of Commerce
Increased access to technology
Make adaptive equipment readily available
Inclusive mentored support – more accessible, affordable housing
Database for diagnoses and permanent disability – designation to be shared between gov’t services
Create broader opportunities for education and information sharing about the abilities of individuals with disabilities with respect to employment
and academic interests
Individual funding instead of a funding pool for disabilities in schools
More access to programs like EATI or CAYA for problems with speech
Better access to open an RDSP – train all loans officers at banks
Websites – access to information for PWDs
Accessible buildings – wheelchair ramps – automatic doors – working elevators – safe parking spots
Mentorship in the community
Have respite/supports for families and also provide education tips and strategies for families – this may ensure less burnout and stress
Mindfulness (ongoing) to bring in all community
Make it easier for self-employed people who become disabled to get assistance
Helping families w/extra legal costs of special wills needed for our disabled children
Expanding EATI and keeping it
Models of success are shared with stakeholders
Families want meaningful opportunities for contribution in community
The Minister of Transportation should have to use only public transit for one month – transportation barriers affect all six areas
Building codes need to be upheld to a higher standard
Create a barter system between PWD (I’ll babysit – you fix my car)
Highlighting value, contribution of individuals
Take a ‘family-centred’ approach to respite
Family centred approach in all areas
Family centred phil. And approach
New developments have at least one accessible suite
Awareness of the benefits of hiring PWD
Expand HandiDART hours
More support for form applications
Eliminate the ‘rich’ labels of autism re: funding and value children w/Down Syndrome etc. w/appropriate supports as well
First job or new job – apprenticeship program
If on IA – shelter amount is based on the community you live in
Community needs to demonstrate and celebrate the success stories which hopefully promotes awareness and removes myths associated with
Supports to complete forms and to refer to supports agencies
Support the group home concept for adult living- more continuity than home share model
Reinvent the ‘sheltered workshop’ concept…doing meaningful work in a social setting
Transportation is a great problem for PWD – people need people
Communities that collaborate and share information and resources – the residents are better supported
Better define label of PWD – not have it (sic)
People need people – need help with technology eg. online job applications ) or to by-pass technology eg. a real person vs. an automated voice or
System for adult hoes where clients stay and workers change
Disability awareness training mandatory for retail/business/etc. similar to Super Host seeing it right
Wider variety of options for affordable housing, access
We all pay school taxes – they should be open for public use – neighbourhood hub
Increase PWD by $25 and put it into RDSP
PWD union awareness for employer with disability
Community development for inclusion projects
Funding across the board for necessary medical device or medical supplies
Standardize store/bank touch pads to make accessible – now very difficult
Equal funding for all designations not just for diagnosis for autism
Future housing developments should include at least 4% of the units accessible
Federal transfer payments can use for employment projects and support health
Language disabilities ie. immigrants re: work (sic)
Consistency of value of child – look PLEASE at funding and supports for children w/Down Syndrome compared to those with the “high functioning
autism” – mindbogglingly (sic) inequitable
Circle of support
Value family around and supporting child not just child ie. see respite example of Cold Water Ranch Lodge
Honour our child with disabilities by demonstrating and highlighting their value and seeing their meaningful contributions
Look at individual needs – eliminate ‘autism’ funding unit and show some social equity and value – gov’t $ now shows children w/Down Syndrome
– lower value and social class – unjust
Increasing the capacity for people with ‘lived’ experience/disabilities to provide peer support and education/information to landlords, employers
and community
Prevent situations like the George Pearson situation w/potential of institutionalizing individuals w/disabilities
Cutting Red Tape:
“Jordan’s Principle” – on-reserve First Nations people living with disabilities falling through the gaps – CLBC says AANDC responsibility is up to First
Nations Health Authority, or Dept. of Indian Affairs – but no specific funding (except PWD disability) for on-reserve special needs community
members – break down jurisdictional barriers for the sake of the individual
Having to constantly prove income/disability
Getting the run around of First Nation people PWD – they keep being passed around and no one wants to take the responsibility that PWD need
support and services on reservation, to live more quality lives
Access to ongoing assessments as needs/abilities change – not SLP/OTs/PTs being capped – rehab funds
Less lead time for okays for AFOs, etc.
Current applications (PWD, RDSP) process is too long and complicated – creates stress – becomes a barrier – most cannot complete without
assistance which cannot locate
Being categorized (mental health vs. acquired brain injury vs. having both) – different funding/access depending on where you are
Train day support staff to be job coaches
Work with municipalities to build more access housing units that are inclusive
Expand, publicize and utilize 211 so PWD can access all resources; 1-800 contact
Get rid of POWD applications; social workers at CYSN have a file that can be sent to CLBC
Have someone who will help families with paperwork and forms
Reduce amount of government forms
Stop political pastoring – hold ups, not a business, non-profit, help those in need
Cut (out) the PWD application
Reduce PWD application – more public awareness around issues facing people – we need to invite PWDs
Eliminate transition between kids and adults
Equal funding across the board for all those with disabilities
Community network meetings not attached to any ministry – agency to plan for community need
Eliminate the PWD from child to adult (paperwork)
Have one application form for parking passes, park passes, etc. (sic)